Dirty: The Complete Series (Secret Baby Romance Love Story) (176 page)

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dining hall was more crowded than I could ever remember seeing it in the early morning;
but it was also, weirdly, quieter. I had agreed to meet with Ty for breakfast
before my first final exam of the semester, and in spite of how groggy I felt
from going to bed earlier than usual, I was glad to see him waiting for me at
the entrance. “You make sleep-deprived look like a fashion choice,” he said,
leaning in and kissing me on the lips as soon as I arrived. I laughed as
quietly as I could.

brain feels weird. I don’t think I’ve gone to bed earlier than midnight in
like, six months. Maybe a year.” In spite of going to bed early, I didn’t feel
like I’d gotten very much sleep; I probably should have followed Ashley’s
advice and tried going to bed a little bit earlier each night for a few nights
leading up to my exams, and waking up earlier each morning.

had very nearly decided to get out of bed at ten when I had wasted maybe thirty
minutes waiting to fall asleep; but after that the Benadryl she’d given me as a
sleep aid finally began to kick in.

the looks on the faces in the dining hall line, most of the people who were off
to exams that morning had taken the opposite tactic; more than a few of them
were slurping down coffee, and some of them had the look in their eyes of
people who were tweaking—I’d seen it a few times in high school.

had probably taken at least one dose of Ritalin or Adderall the day before, or
maybe even the night before, and they would go in, take their exam, and
probably go straight to their rooms after and crash, only to repeat the process
several times over the next few days.

of the upperclassmen repeating American History had told me that her roommate
planned to stay awake for 72 hours—to just keep her system going with Adderall
and caffeine the whole time, knock all of her exams out, and then finally let
herself crash at the end of it, sleep a few days and go home for break.

think I would have been better off going up to your dorm,” I told Ty as I
scooped eggs and grits onto my plate. My stomach churned and twisted and
lurched inside of my body; I had my Psych final first, as if I needed the worst
possible exam to set the tone for everything else I was going to have to go
through that week.

On the other hand, the rest of the tests
can’t possibly be any worse than that one,
I thought, trying for a little
So really you should be glad
you have to get this done first. Everything else will be a cakewalk after it.

don’t know about that,” Ty said, shooting me a wicked grin. “Do you really
think we could have finished up by ten? I’m pretty sure if we’d really gotten
going we’d still be having sex by three in the morning.” I blushed, grinning in
spite of myself.

we’d started at, like, seven or something, I’d at least have gone to sleep by
midnight. And slept really well,” I pointed out. “And so would you. You keep
telling me you sleep best when we screw each other’s brains out and then fall
asleep together.”

is true,” Ty said, nodding. “So the night before your next final, let me know
when you want to come over.”

finished up loading my plate with some whole-wheat toast and some fruit, and Ty
and I went into the dining area to find somewhere to sit. It was eerie as hell,
walking past everyone else; there was a kind of unspoken rule that if someone
had a book in front of them, the seats on either side and across from them
should remain empty.

a nearly overcrowded dining room it was almost as quiet as the grave, and
everyone was either getting in last-minute studying, or they were focused
intently on their plates, barely talking to anyone around them.

and I found a two-person table off to the side in the dining hall, and we sat
down at it together, looking around us; we weren’t as likely to disturb anyone
where we had chosen to sit, which made me feel a little more comfortable—even
if I was still on the verge of a panic attack about the exam I was going to
take in an hour.

looked down at my plate for a moment and wondered if it had really been that
smart to load it up so much; my stomach was already unsteady as it had ever
been in my life—even worse than when I had ridden the most intense and
thrilling rollercoaster that the State Fair boasted on a dare. But every
test-taking guide I had ever looked at had said that a hearty breakfast with
lots of carbs and protein was a great strategy for doing well on a test. Ty had
gone a similar route with his own plate, and he was without a doubt one of the
smartest people I knew, so I had to believe there was some kind of merit in the

nervous are you?” Ty kept his voice low even though the closest table was a few
yards away from us. I shrugged.

on the verge of a panic attack,” I admitted. “But at least after this first
test is done, I have easier ones ahead of me.” Not all of them would be exactly
easy—in fact, I didn’t think any of them would be like the tests I had taken in
high school—but at least they wouldn’t be quite so torturous as the Psych one,
except maybe for my Math class.

best to get your worst subject out of the way right off the bat,” Ty told me
with a nod.

a few moments we ate in silence, and I tried to convince my stomach that what I
was feeding it really was a good idea. It slowly—slowly—began to calm down a
little bit, and by the time I’d had a few bites of everything on my plate, I at
least thought that I wasn’t going to throw it all up right there at the table.
“I have a great idea,” Ty said, his voice cutting through my thoughts.

I looked up from my plate, confused.

best way to settle nerves before a test,” he said, grinning slowly. “Normally
I’d say that it’s getting yourself off…but considering we’re both free for the
next twenty minutes…”

want to have sex with me right before an exam?” I stared at him in shock, not
quite sure of what I was feeling. “You—do we even
twenty minutes?” I checked my phone; I’d gotten up early for
the exam, and Ty was right. If we left the dining hall right away, we’d have
fifteen minutes to have sex before we both absolutely had to leave to be in our
exam classrooms on time.

if you want to,” Ty said, holding up his hands. “But I’m telling you, Nic—it’s
great for the nerves.” I giggled, unable to help myself. In spite of how much
Ty’s idea surprised me, I had to admit that once my shock started to wear off,
I actually felt a little excited at the idea.

I said quickly. “Let’s do it.”

gathered up our plates and cups on our trays, and hurried to the tray return at
the opposite end of the dining hall. Ty’s hand slid along my back, coming to
rest just above my ass, and he steered me out of the dining hall as I blushed
and tried to act natural.

building was closer to the dining hall than mine; without even saying anything,
we both walked toward it, and my heart started beating faster and faster in my
chest in a way that had nothing at all to do with nerves.

swiped his card and opened the door for me, and we made for the stairs at the
same time. I tingled all over, already starting to get turned on at the thought
of a quickie with the guy I loved right before my exam; there was something so
forbidden, so naughty about it, though I couldn’t really think of why.

minutes we were stepping into Ty’s part of the dorm room, and as he closed the
door behind us he pushed me up against the wall, his mouth descending on mine,
his lips pressing against my lips. His hands started moving over my body in
fast, devastating caresses as I began to kiss back, exploring his long, lean
body with my own hands at the same time.

squirmed against him, able to feel the hardening ridge of his erection pressing
against my hip, and all I wanted was to get him naked, to feel him inside of
me. Ty’s hands slipped up underneath my sweater, barely grazing my breasts
through the fabric of my bra, teasing my nipples to firm little nubs. He broke
away from my lips and began kissing along the column of my throat, nipping and
nibbling playfully as I moaned.

tugged his hoodie off, barely taking the time to unzip the zipper before I
pulled it along the length of his body and along his arms. I pressed myself
against his body, writhing, pushing my hips down against his, as I fumbled with
the hem of his
t-shirt. Ty broke away
from my neck and pulled my sweater off, bringing my
t-shirt underneath with it. He buried his
face against the tops of my breasts, nuzzling against me, reaching around to my
back to find the clasp of my bra. “Do me a favor and look at the alarm clock,”
Ty murmured against my skin, his hands dropping down to the fly of my jeans.

looked around the room until I finally spotted the digital alarm clock on Ty’s
desk; it showed the time was nine-thirty. We had another fifteen minutes before
we needed to leave the dorms to get across campus for our exams. “Fifteen
minutes,” I told him, gasping and shivering as Ty slid one hand down the front
of my jeans, underneath my panties.

was shocked but somehow not surprised to discover that I was already soaking
wet, my fluids already gathering along my slick folds. Ty found my clit with
his fingertips in an instant, rubbing against the bead of nerves, and I cried
out, grabbing at his shoulders, at his head.

tugged my jeans and my panties down quickly, pulling them down to my knees.
“This would have been so much easier if you had worn a skirt today,” Ty told
me, his hand slipping between my legs again, his fingers sliding between my
drenched labia.

cold,” I pointed out absently. I reached down and after a moment of struggling,
found the fly of Ty’s jeans. “Y-you could wear a s-skirt, too,” I murmured, as
Ty claimed one of my nipples with his lips and tongue, sucking and licking,
sending jolts of pleasure through my body that seemed to go straight to my

broke away from me with a snicker, looking at me with an amused gleam in his
eyes before he started on my other breast, even as his fingers continued to
work me, turning me on more and more.

struggled with Ty’s zipper, trying to go by feel since I couldn’t see what I
was doing. After a few moments, I finally got his fly open, and tugged his
pants and his boxers down. I found the hot, hard length of his cock and started
to stroke him slowly, rubbing the tip of Ty’s erection with my thumb, feeling
the precum starting to flow.

moaned against my skin, his lips tightening on my nipple. For a moment I lost
all track of time as we teased each other; it felt so good, his fingers
slipping and sliding and rubbing against my pleasure center, the feeling of his
hard cock in my hand, his mouth on my breasts.

on, babe,” Nick said, breaking away from my nipple. He gave me a quick kiss on
the lips and then led me over to his bed. He pushed me gently down onto my
stomach on the bed, kissing the nape of my neck, cupping and squeezing my
breasts in his hands. “We have ten minutes. Think we can make it?”

already—already more than halfway there,” I said, pushing my hips back. I could
feel Ty’s cock brushing against the curve of my ass, against the backs of my
thighs. I wanted him inside of me more than anything in the world at that

babe…you are so fucking hot like this,” Ty murmured. I felt his fingers brush
against me, and then felt the tip of his cock sliding along my slick folds.

spread my legs as wide as my jeans would allow and stood on the balls of my
feet, holding myself up. Ty thrust into me slowly, filling me up from behind,
inch by inch as I moaned out. I pushed my hips back, taking him deeper, and
when I felt Ty’s hips pressed against the curve of my ass, we both stopped—just
for a moment.

I let my forehead fall against the bed. “God, you feel so good, Ty.” He mumbled
something I couldn’t quite make out and started to move inside of me, rocking
his hips, sliding in and out of me by inches.

have…six…minutes,” Ty said, panting slightly as he began to pick up his pace.
“Think you can come that fast?” I laughed, even as tingling jolts of pleasure
crackled through my nerves.

I suggested, breathless, moving in reaction to Ty’s thrusts. I twisted and
writhed, holding myself up on my forearms, pushing my hips back to meet Ty’s,
taking him deeper and deeper.

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