Read Disciplining Little Abby Online

Authors: Serafine Laveaux

Disciplining Little Abby (13 page)

BOOK: Disciplining Little Abby
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“I’d love to go with you, babygirl, but I wonder if you’re asking me because you want me to be with you, or if you think you can use me to piss your mother off.”

Before she could think of a response, he looked her dead in the eye and continued, “I will not allow you to use me as some sort of pawn in whatever insane game you and your mother and sister play at these get-togethers. If I go with you, you will mind your manners and behave. No snotty comments, no insults, no ugly behavior. Is that understood?”

“But, Daddy—”

“But nothing. You will behave like a little lady no matter how anyone else acts. If you don’t, there will be consequences after we leave. Do I make myself clear?”

Abby lowered her head and nodded slightly. She couldn’t believe he’d figured her out that easily.

“And another thing,” he added, “I will select what you are to wear for the dinner.”

She stared at him in disbelief. “Oh my God, you’re telling me what to wear?”

“Don’t play games with me, young lady,” he admonished her. “You know perfectly well I encourage you to dress any way you like, but when you are an invited guest in someone else’s home, it’s not polite to select your clothing based on what you know will most offend your host. And I know you, Abby,” he continued sternly. “You forget, you told me yourself how you resurrect that black eyeliner just to make your mother cringe.”

Abby struggled to pull away, but he only strengthened his embrace and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

“I know how hard these dinners are for you, Abby. I want to be there with you, but only if you promise me that you’ll behave and do as I say while we’re there. Now, do you still want me to go?”

Part of her wanted to yell no and run away, but she knew she was being irrational. Plus, Chris didn’t really know how things were with her family. It wouldn’t matter if she dressed like Eva and used the correct fork and said everything just right; her mother and sister would still do everything in their power to belittle and humiliate her. And him too. There was no way either of them would be able to resist at least one jab at his hair or tattoos. A small smile played at the corner of her mouth as she imagined how dinner would go, and how afterwards Chris would apologize to her for telling her how to act and what to wear.
After dinner, he’ll understand.

“I want you to go with me, Daddy,” she said softly before leaning over to plant a kiss on his neck, giggling as she did so. “I really, really want you to.” The way she nuzzled his neck was not lost on Chris as the brush of her soft lips against his ear caused an immediate response in his groin.

“I don’t know, Abby,” he sighed sadly. “I don’t think you can be a good girl for that long, at least not around your family.”

“I can, I promise I can!” she insisted.

He looked unconvinced, although Abby knew he was only pretending. Glancing down at his lap, she saw a definite swelling in the front of his jeans and felt her own pulse quicken at the sight.

“I’ll do anything you tell me to,” she promised, licking her lips nervously as she placed her hand on his firm chest.

“Yes. Yes, you will.”

Abby’s heart skipped a beat as she saw his expression subtly shift. This wasn’t playful Chris who let her win at Monopoly anymore. He looked harder, more intense. Hungry. She’d seen that look on their first date, but that time she could tell he kept his passions reined in. It didn’t look like he intended to hold back this time, and the idea both frightened and excited her in ways she never thought possible.

“Stand up,” he said, pushing her off his lap as he cleared the top of his desk. “Get undressed.”

Abby’s breath caught. The shop might be empty at the moment, but the front door was still unlocked. If anyone came in… She opened her mouth to protest, but his raised eyebrow warned her against it. Nervously, she pulled her t-shirt over her head, then unbuttoned her jeans and let them fall to the floor before kicking them off each foot. Standing in only her panties and bra, she glanced at the office door again.

“Take those off as well. And stop looking at the door,” he added. “I want you to watch me.”

With shaking hands, she clumsily undid her bra and then slipped her panties off. Her face grew hot, and she knew she was blushing furiously. What was he going to do to her? Her throat felt tight, whether from nerves or anticipation she wasn’t sure.

“Now, get up on the desk and stand facing me.”

Swallowing hard, she climbed onto the cold steel desk and came to her feet, facing him as commanded. It took all her willpower not to cover herself. Even though he’d seen her naked before, she’d never been on display like this. Being the center of attention always made her uneasy; it felt too much like being scrutinized in preparation for criticism.

“Spread your feet babygirl. That’s it. A little wider,” he instructed. Abby fixed her eyes on the wall behind him, too embarrassed to look at his face as she stood there with her feet spread and her privates practically in his face.

“You look uncomfortable,” he observed, not unkindly.

“I don’t like this, Daddy,” she admitted.

“Would you prefer to face the other way?”

She nodded, turning around quickly when he gave her permission.

“Bend from the waist,” he commanded from behind her. “Legs wide, knees locked. You may brace your hands against your knees. Keep your eyes on the floor.”

Abby closed her eyes as she realized she’d earned herself an even more embarrassing position by complaining. She tried to imagine how she looked from his position, her bottom and pussy completely exposed to his view, and her cheeks burned.

Suddenly, she felt his hand stroking the outside of her thigh, and she glanced sideways from her upside down angle. His eyes caught her and glinted dangerously. “Legs a little wider,” he ordered, tapping the inside of her knee with his other hand.

Abby widened her legs until at last he nodded. From her position she saw him move directly behind her, then felt his hands lightly stroke their way up the inside of her thighs and around the backs to come to a rest on her bare bottom. A pleasant shiver ran up her legs, trailing in the wake of his touch.

“Good girl,” he purred. His breath was hot against her sensitive inner thighs, and she trembled at the sensation. The warmth blooming between her legs, along with a shameful wetness that had appeared the instant he’d ordered her to disrobe, made her wonder how she could really enjoy this humiliation. As she glanced down to see her nipples had drawn down to tight, dark buds, she felt his hands slip down between her legs, probing along her wet slit. Helplessly, she gasped as they pushed through her swollen lips and teased her aching, dripping hole.

“Mmm,” he said. “Wet and ready. You really are being a good girl today, aren’t you.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she gasped, struggling to remain still as his fingers withdrew and were replaced by his tongue. Her world narrowed to the space between her legs, the sensation of his tongue as it probed and twirled its way across every millimeter of her exposed, eager pussy. When he pulled back moments later, she cried out without meaning to, frustrated that he’d stopped so soon.


* * *


“You are a beautiful little thing,” he murmured. “Innocent, eager to please. How badly do you want to please me, babygirl?”

“Please,” she begged, “just tell me what to do, Daddy. I’ll prove I’m a good girl.”

A moist finger trailed up between her cheeks and across her hip as he let out a low chuckle.

Chris took a small step back and admired the view. Her heart-shaped ass was beautifully presented and perfectly accessible, and the glistening red flesh just below it beckoned him eagerly. The taste of her lingered on his tongue, sweet, just as he’d remembered, and her musky scent filled his head. He could have eaten her out for hours, but there’d be time for that later.

“Get down from the desk,” he ordered, taking her hand to help her step down. Guiding her to the chair, he motioned for her to sit. Smiling indulgently, he gestured to the impressive bulge straining against the front of his jeans. “I believe this requires your attention.”


* * *


Abby unzipped his jeans and shyly fished his cock from its restraints. The sight of it sent another flood of warmth between her legs. It was impossibly thick and reached out to her as if confirming Chris’ assessment of its needs. Abby wrapped her hands around the shaft and leaned forward to kiss it, then cautiously licked the head.

“Take just the head in your mouth, now, and bathe it with your tongue.”

As she complied with his instructions, she began to feel lightheaded, the anticipation and arousal making her almost dizzy. At least he was telling her exactly what to do. The ever present embarrassment seemed to lessen when she concentrated on his pleasure.

“Good girl, now take about half of it into your mouth.”

Her entire body was on fire now, wetness coated the inside of her thighs. From somewhere else she heard herself moan as she sucked and licked and tasted his rigid cock.

“Now, take it all.”

Without thinking she plunged his entire length into her mouth and almost immediately found herself gagging and choking. Before she could pull away, strong hands took control of her head and prevented her from escaping.

“Easy, Abby.” Chris guided her slightly back, just enough to let her catch her breath. “Now look up at me. Show me those eyes.” Abby looked up to see him watching her intently. Desire burned in his eyes, and the knowledge of his approval made her want to take him all in again, even if it hurt. Yielding to his hands, she allowed him to hold her head steady as he gently thrust in and out of her mouth in long, steady strokes.


* * *


“That’s it, babygirl,” he exhaled. “You’re making Daddy very happy.”

The sight of her glistening blue eyes staring up at him as his thick cock worked in and out of her luscious mouth took him to the edge faster than he’d expected. Reluctantly, he pulled completely out and was amused to see a look of frustration and longing on her face as she realized he was taking away her pacifier.

Stepping back, he told her to stand up and bend over the desk. She did so without hesitation this time, and once more he was presented with a perfect view of her outstanding ass. By now the evidence of her arousal was impossible to miss. Her inner thighs were wet almost to her knees, her clit swollen and begging for his touch.

But it was her ass that drew his attention the most. Soft and pale, not a blemish in sight. He explored the silken skin with his fingers, taking his time as she wriggled beneath his touch.

“Be still,” he scolded, delivering a swat to her bare bottom just hard enough to sting. A palm shaped blush appeared where he’d spanked her, and he paused to admire it. An ass like hers practically begged to be spanked, and as Abby wriggled yet again, he realized, so did she.


* * *


Without warning, she felt his fingers move back to her aching pussy. Two of them at first, then a third moved inside, causing her to moan out loud. Through his fingers she could feel how soaked she was, slippery and likely dripping.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, barely able to get the words out.

His fingers withdrew, only to reappear by her face. “Taste,” he commanded.

Obediently she opened her mouth, allowing him to push his fingers inside. The taste of her own juices was unfamiliar to her, but she found the idea of what he was doing intensely erotic, and she eagerly sucked his fingers clean. Behind her she felt his rock hard erection pressed against her bottom, then nudge insistently between her burning lips. Whining, she tried to push back against him, hoping to force him in, but instead earned herself two more sharp slaps on her bottom.

“Ask first,” he ordered. “Good girls always ask for what they want. They do not simply take it.”

Abby didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how much longer she could stand being teased and then denied.

“What do you want?”

“I want you,” she whined, frustrated. When he didn’t move, she buried her face against the desk. She was angry and ashamed that he could make her so desperate for him, that he could make her beg for him to fuck her, but her arousal was too great to allow her pride to get in the way now. “I want you to fuck me now, Daddy,” she begged, and at last he gave her what she needed. She felt his massive cock plunge deeply inside, and her legs shook in response as she grabbed onto the desk for support. Sighing in pleasure, she gave in to his thrusts, clenching him tightly with her inner walls as her hips writhed against him.

His hand twisted tightly in her hair, pulling on it until he pulled her head up from the desk and her body tightly against him. Restrained in this manner, his cock seemed to fill her to capacity, stretching her beyond limits. Crying out, she reached back with one hand to grasp his ass and pull him deeper into her. The powerful thrusting made her knees buckle, and if it weren’t for the desk beneath her, she would have gone to the floor.

“What do you want, Abby?”

Oh God.
Abby moaned and said something but it came out nonsensical. How could he expect her to ask that? Wasn’t it obvious enough what she wanted? Her blood roared in her ears, and her entire body shook with the need for an orgasm she’d been on the edge of for far too long.

“Please,” she gasped. “Please.”

“Please what?”

Abby had never been comfortable with asking for anything, let alone for anything so intimate, so personal, but as she felt his thrusts threaten to ease up, she realized she had no choice. Not if she wanted his torture to end.

“Please let me cum.”

In an instant his fingers had found her clit, and his cock resumed its merciless pounding of her ravenous pussy. Moaning and rocking against him, her nerves on fire as the combination of cock and fingers expertly pulled her over the edge, she clenched her muscles and tried to hold on.

“You may.”

Her body didn’t need to be told twice. Bucking and spasming, her orgasm hit harder than she thought possible. Dimly she realized Chris had stiffened inside of her.

BOOK: Disciplining Little Abby
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