Disclosure (16 page)

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Authors: Michael Crichton

BOOK: Disclosure
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“I need to see him now.”

“Let me check, Tom.” She buzzed the inner office. “Phil? It's Tom Sanders.” She listened a moment. “He says go right in.”

Sanders went into Blackburn's office and closed the door. Blackburn stood up behind his desk and ran his hands down his chest. “Tom. I'm glad you came down.”

They shook hands briefly. “It isn't working out with Meredith,” Sanders said at once. He was stil angry from his encounter with her.

“Yes, I know.”

“I don't think I can work with her.”

Blackburn nodded. “I know. She already told me.”

“Oh? What'd she tel you?”

“She told me about the meeting last night, Tom.”

Sanders frowned. He couldn't imagine that she had discussed that meeting. “Last night?”

“She told me that you sexual y harassed her.”

“I what.”

“Now, Tom, don't get excited. Meredith's assured me she's not going to press charges. We can handle it quietly, in house. That wil be best for everyone. In fact, I've just been going over the organization charts, and-”

“Wait a minute,” Sanders said. “She's saying I harassed her?”

Blackburn stared at him. “Tom. We've been friends a long time. I can assure you, this doesn't have to be a problem. It doesn't have to get around the company.

Your wife doesn't need to know. As I said, we can handle this quietly. To the satisfaction of everyone involved.”

“Wait a minute, it's not true-”

“Tom, just give me a minute here, please. The most important thing now is for us to separate the two of you. So you aren't reporting to her. I think a lateral promotion for you would be ideal.”

“Lateral promotion?”

“Yes. There's an opening for technical vice president in the cel ular division in Austin. I want to transfer you there. You'l go with the same seniority, salary, and benefit package. Everything the same, except you'l be in Austin and you won't have to have any direct contact with her. How does that sound?”



“Cel ular.”

“Yes. Beautiful weather, nice working conditions . . . university town . . . chance to get your family out of this rain . . .”

Sanders said, “But Conley's going to sel off Austin.”

Blackburn sat down behind his desk. “I can't imagine where you heard that, Tom,” he said calmly. “It's completely untrue.”

“You sure about that?”

“Absolutely. Believe me, sel ing Austin is the last thing they'd do. Why, it makes no sense at al .”

“They why are they inventorying the plant?”

“I'm sure they're going over the whole operation with a fine-tooth comb. Look, Tom. Conley's worried about cash flow after the acquisition, and the Austin plant is, as you know, very profitable. We've given them the figures. Now they're verifying them, making sure they're real. But there's no chance they would sel it.

Cel ular is only going to grow, Tom. You know that. And that's why I think a vice presidency there in Austin is an excel ent career opportunity for you to consider.”

“But I'd be leaving the Advanced Products Division?”

“Wel , yes. The whole point would be to move you out of this division.”

“And then I wouldn't be in the new company when it spins off.”

“That's true.”

Sanders paced back and forth. “That's completely unacceptable.”

“Wel , let's not be hasty,” Blackburn said. “Let's consider al the ramifications.”

“Phil,” he said. “I don't know what she told you, but-”

“She told me the whole story-”

“But I think you should know-”

“And I want you to know, Tom,” Blackburn said, “that I don't have any judgment about what may have happened. That's not my concern or my interest. I'm just trying to solve a difficult problem for the company.”

“Phil. Listen. I didn't do it.”

“I understand that's probably how you feel, but-”

“I didn't harass her. She harassed me.”

“I'm sure,” Blackburn said, “it may have seemed like that to you at the time, but-”

“Phil, I'm tel ing you. She did everything but rape me.” He paced angrily. “Phil, she harassed me.”

Blackburn sighed and sat back in his chair. He tapped his pencil on the corner of his desk. “I have to tel you frankly, Tom. I find that difficult to believe.”

“It's what happened.”

“Meredith's a beautiful woman, Tom. A very vital, sexy woman. I think it's natural for a man to, uh, lose control.”

“Phil, you aren't hearing me. She harassed me.”

Blackburn gave a helpless shrug. “I hear you, Tom. I just . . . I find that difficult to picture.”

“Wel , she did. You want to hear what real y happened last night?”

“Wel .” Blackburn shifted in his chair. “Of course I want to hear your version. But the thing is, Tom, Meredith Johnson is very wel connected in this company. She has impressed a lot of extremely important people.”

“You mean Garvin.”

“Not only Garvin. Meredith has built a power base in several areas.”


Blackburn nodded. “Yes. There, too.”

“You don't want to hear what I say happened?”

“Of course I do,” Blackburn said, running his hands through his hair. “Absolutely, I do. And I want to be scrupulously fair. But I'm trying to tel you that no matter what we're going to have to make some transfers here. And Meredith has important al ies.”

“So it doesn't matter what I say.”

Blackburn frowned, watching him pace. “I understand that you are upset. I can see that. And you're a valued person in this company. But what I'm trying to do here Tom is to get you to look at the situation.”

“What situation?” Sanders said.

Blackburn sighed. “Were there any witnesses, last night?” No.

“So it's your word against hers.”

“I guess so.”

“In other words, it's a pissing match.”

“So? That's no reason to assume I'm wrong, and she's right.”

“Of course not,” Blackburn said. “But look at the situation. A man claiming sexual harassment against a woman is, wel , pretty unlikely. I don't think there's ever been a case in this company. It doesn't mean it couldn't happen. But it does means that it'd be very uphil for you even if Meredith wasn't so wel connected.”

He paused. “I just don't want to see you get hurt in this.”

“I've already been hurt.”

“Again, we're talking about feelings here. Conflicting claims. And unfortunately, Tom, no witnesses.” He rubbed his nose, tugged at his lapels.

“You move me out of the APD, and I'm hurt. Because I won't get to be part of the new company. The company I worked on for twelve years.”

“That's an interesting legal position,” Blackburn said.

“I'm not talking about a legal position. I'm talking about-”

“Look. Tom. Let me review this with Garvin. Meanwhile, why don't you go off and think this Austin offer over. Think about it careful y. Because no one wins in a pissing match. You may hurt Meredith, but you'l hurt yourself much more. That's my concern here, as your friend.”

“If you were my friend-” Sanders began.

“I am your friend,” Blackburn said. “Whether you know it at this moment, or not.”

He stood up behind his desk. “You don't need this splashed al over the papers.

Your wife doesn't need to hear about this, or your kids. You don't need to be the gossip of Bainbridge for the rest of the summer. That isn't going to do you any good at al .”

“I understand that, but-”

“But we have to face reality, Tom,” Blackburn said. “The company is faced with conflicting claims. What's happened has happened. We have to go on from here.

And al I'm saying is, I'd like to resolve this quickly. So think it over. Please. And get back to me.”

After Sanders left, Blackburn cal ed Garvin. “I just talked with him,” he told Garvin.


═”He says it was the other way around. That she harassed him.”

═”Christ,” Garvin said. “What a mess.”

═”Yes. But on the other hand, it's what you'd expect him to say,” Blackburn said.

“It's the usual response in these cases. The man always denies it.”

═”Yeah. Wel . This is dangerous, Phil.”

═”I understand.”

═”I don't want this thing to blow up on us.”

═”No, no.”

═”There's nothing more important right now than getting this thing resolved.”

═”I understand, Bob.”

═”You made him the Austin offer?”

“Yes. He's thinking it over.”

═”Wil he take it?”

═”My guess is no.”

═”And did you push it?”

“Wel , I tried to convey to him that we weren't going to back down on Meredith.

That we were going to support her through this.”

“Damn right we are,” Garvin said.

“I think he was clear about that. So let's see what he says when he comes back to us.”

═”He wouldn't go off and file, would he?”

═”He's too smart for that.” “We hope,” Garvin said irritably, and hung up.

Look at the situation.

Sanders stood in Pioneer Park and leaned against a pil ar, staring at the light drizzle. He was replaying the meeting with Blackburn.

Blackburn hadn't even been wil ing to listen to Sanders's version. He hadn't let Sanders tel him. Blackburn already knew what had happened.

She’s a very sexy woman. It's natural for a man to lose control.

That was what everyone at DigiCom would think. Every single person in the company would have that view of what had happened. Blackburn had said he found it difficult to believe that Sanders had been harassed. Others would find it difficult, too.

Blackburn had told him it didn't matter what happened. Blackburn was tel ing him that Johnson was wel connected, and that nobody would believe a man had been harassed by a woman.

Look at the situation.

They were asking him to leave Seattle, leave the APG. No options, no big payoff.

No return for his twelve long years of work. Al that was gone.

Austin. Baking hot, dry, brand-new.

Susan would never accept it. Her practice in Seattle was successful; she had spent many years building it. They had just finished remodeling the house. The kids liked it here. If Sanders even suggested a move, Susan would be suspicious. She'd want to know what was behind it. And sooner or later, she would find out. If he accepted the transfer, he would be confirming his guilt to his wife.

No matter how he thought about it, how he tried to put it together in his mind, Sanders could see no good outcome. He was being screwed.

I'm your friend, Tom. Whether you know it right now or not.

He recal ed the moment at his wedding when Blackburn, his best man, said he wanted to dip Susan's ring in olive oil because there was always a problem about getting it on the finger. Blackburn in a panic, in case some little moment in the ceremony went wrong. That was Phil: always worried about appearances.

Your wife doesn't need to hear about this.

But Phil was screwing him. Phil, and Garvin behind him. They were both screwing him. Sanders had worked hard for the company for many years, but now they didn't give a damn about him. They were taking Meredith's side, without any question. They didn't even want to hear his version of what had happened.

As Sanders stood in the rain, his sense of shock slowly faded. And with it, his sense of loyalty. He started to get angry.

He took out his phone and placed a cal .

“Mr. Perry's office.”

“It's Tom Sanders cal ing.”

“I'm sorry, Mr. Perry is in court. Can I give him a message?”

“Maybe you could help me. The other day he mentioned that you have a woman there who handles sexual harassment cases.”

“We have several attorneys who do that, Mr. Sanders.”

“He mentioned a Hispanic woman.” He was trying to remember what else Perry had said about her. Something about being sweet and demure? He couldn't recal for sure.

“That would be Ms. Fernandez.”

“I wonder if you could connect me,” Sanders said.

Fernandez's office was smal , her desk stacked high with papers and legal briefs in neat piles, a computer terminal in the corner. She stood up as he came in.

“You must be Mr. Sanders.”

She was a tal woman in her thirties, with straight blond hair and a handsome, aquiline face. She was dressed in a pale, cream-colored suit. She had a direct manner and a firm handshake. “I'm Louise Fernandez. How can I help you?”

She wasn't at al what he had expected. She wasn't sweet and demure at al . And certainly not Hispanic. He was so startled that without thinking he said, “You're not what I”

“Expected?” She raised an eyebrow. “My father's from Cuba. We left there when I was a child. Please sit down, Mr. Sanders.” She turned and walked back around her desk.

He sat down, feeling embarrassed. “Anyway, thank you for seeing me so quickly.”

“Not at al . You're John Perry's friend?”

“Yes. He mentioned the other day that you, uh, specialized in these cases.”

“I do labor law, primarily constructive termination and Title VII suits.”

“I see.” He felt foolish that he had come. He was taken aback by her brisk manner and elegant appearance. In fact, she reminded him very much of Meredith. He felt certain that she would not be sympathetic to his case.

She put on horn-rimmed glasses and peered at him across the desk. “Have you eaten? I can get you a sandwich if you like.”

“I'm not hungry, thanks.”

She pushed a half-eaten sandwich to the side of her desk. “I'm afraid I have a court appearance in an hour. Sometimes things get a bit rushed.” She got out a yel ow legal pad and set it before her. Her movements were quick, decisive.

Sanders watched her, sure she was the wrong person. He should never have come here. It was al a mistake. He looked around the office. There was a neat stack of bar charts for a courtroom appearance.

Fernandez looked up from the pad, her pen poised. It was one of those expensive fountain pens. “Would you like to tel me the situation?”

“Uh . . . I'm not sure where to begin.”

═”We could start with your ful name and address, and your age.”

“Thomas Robert Sanders.” He gave his address.

“And your age?” “Forty-one.”

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