Disclosure (8 page)

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Authors: Michael Crichton

BOOK: Disclosure
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And she proceeded to do it al -hypermedia, embedded video, authoring systems, work-group structures, academic sourcing, customer acceptance. She moved on to the cost structures-projected research outlays and revenues, five-year goals, offshore variables. Then to major product chal enges-quality control, user feedback, shorter development cycles.

Meredith Johnson's presentation was flawless, the images blending and flowing across the screen, her voice confident, no hesitation, no pauses. As she continued, the room became quiet, the atmosphere distinctly respectful.

“Although this is not the time to go into technical matters,” she said, “I want to mention that new CD-drive seek times under a hundred mil iseconds, combined with new compression algorithms, should shift the industry standard for CD to ful res digitized video at sixty fields per second. And we are talking about platform independent RISC processors supported by 32-bit color active-matrix displays and portable hard copy at 1200 DPI and wireless networking in both LAN and WAN

configurations. Combine that with an autonomously generated virtual database especial y when ROM-based software agents for object definition and classification are in place and I think we can agree we are looking at prospects for a very exciting future.”

Sanders saw that Don Cherry's mouth was hanging open. Sanders leaned over to Kaplan. “Sounds like she knows her stuff.”

“Yes,” Kaplan said, nodding. “The demo queen. She started out doing demos.

Appearance has always been her strongest point.” Sanders glanced at Kaplan; she looked away.

But then the speech ended. There was applause as the lights came up, and Johnson went back to her seat. The room broke up, people heading back to work. Johnson left Garvin, and went directly to Don Cherry, said a few words to him. Cherry smiled: the charmed geek. Then Meredith went across the room to Mary Anne, spoke briefly to her, and then to Mark Lewyn.

“She's smart,” Kaplan said, watching her, “touching base with al the division heads especial y since she didn't name them in her speech.”

Sanders frowned. “You think that's significant?”

“Only if she's planning to make changes.”

“Phil said she wasn't going to.”

“But you never know, do you?” Kaplan said, standing up, dropping her napkin on the table. “I've got to go-and it looks like you're next on her list.”

Kaplan moved discreetly away as Meredith came up to Sanders. She was smiling. “I wanted to apologize, Tom,” Meredith said, “for not mentioning your name and the names of the other division heads in my presentation. I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea. It's just that Bob asked me to keep it short.”

“Wel ,” Sanders said, “it looks like you won everybody over. The reaction was very favorable.”

“I hope so. Listen,” she said, putting her hand on his arm, “we've got a slew of due diligence sessions tomorrow. I've been asking al the heads to meet with me today, if they can. I wonder if you're free to come to my office at the end of the day for a drink. We can go over things, and maybe catch up on old times, too.”

“Sure,” he said. He felt the warmth of her hand on his arm. She didn't take it away.

“They've given me an office on the fifth floor, and with any luck there should be furniture in by later today. Six o'clock work for you?”

“Fine,” he said.

She smiled. “You stil partial to dry chardonnay?”

Despite himself, he was flattered that she remembered. He smiled, “Yes, I stil am.”

“I'l see if I can get one. And we'l go over some of the immediate problems, like that hundred-mil isecond drive.”

“Okay, fine. About that drive-”

“I know,” she said, her voice lower. “We'l deal with it.” Behind her, the Conley-White executives were coming up. “Let's talk tonight.”


“See you then, Tom.”

“See you then.”

A the meeting broke up, Mark Lewyn drifted over to him. “So, let's hear it: what'd she say to you?”


“No, the Stealthy One. Kaplan was bending your ear al during lunch. What's up?”

Sanders shrugged. “Oh, you know. Just smal talk.”

“Come on. Stephanie doesn't do smal talk. She doesn't know how. And Stephanie talked more to you than I've seen her talk in years.”

Sanders was surprised to see how anxious Lewyn was. “Actual y,” he said, “we talked mostly about her son. He's a freshman at the university.”

But Lewyn wasn't buying it. He frowned and said, “She's up to something, isn't she. She never talks without a reason. Is it about me? I know she's critical of the design team. She thinks we're wasteful. I've told her many times that it's not true-

“Mark,” Sanders said. “Your name didn't even come up. Honest.”

To change the subject, Sanders asked, “What'd you think of Johnson? Pretty strong presentation, I thought.”

“Yes. She's impressive. There was only one thing that bothered me,” Lewyn said.

He was stil frowning, stil uneasy. “Isn't she supposed to be a late-breaking curve, forced on us by management at Conley?”

“That's what I heard. Why?”

“Her presentation. To put together a graphic presentation like that takes two weeks, at a minimum,” Lewyn said. “In my design group, I get the designers on it a month in advance, then we run it through for timing, then say a week for revisions and re-do's, then another week while they transfer to a drive. And that's my own in-house group, working fast. For an executive, it'd take longer. They pawn it off on some assistant, who tries to make it for them. Then the executive looks at it, wants it al done over again. And it takes more time. So if this was her presentation, I'd say she's known about her new job for a while. Months.”

Sanders frowned.

“As usual,” Lewyn said, “the poor bastards in the trenches are the last to know. I just wonder what else we don't know.”

Sanders was back at his office by 2:15. He cal ed his wife to tel her he would be home late, that he had a meeting at six.

“What's happening over there?” Susan said. “I got a cal from Adele Lewyn. She says Garvin's screwing everybody, and they're changing the organization around.”

“I don't know yet,” he said cautiously. Cindy had just walked in the room.

“Are you stil getting a promotion?”

“Basical y,” he said, “the answer is no.”

“I can't believe it,” Susan said. “Tom, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Are you upset?”

“I would say so, yes.”

“Can't talk?”

“That's right.”

“Okay. I'l leave soup on. I'l see you when you get here.”

Cindy placed a stack of files on his desk. When Sanders hung up, she said, “She already knew?”

“She suspected.”

Cindy nodded. “She cal ed at lunchtime,” she said. “I had the sense. The spouses are talking, I imagine.”

“I'm sure everybody's talking.”

Cindy went to the door, then paused. Cautiously, she said, “And how was the lunch meeting?”

“Meredith was introduced as the new head of al the tech divisions. She gave a presentation. She says she's going to keep al the division heads in place, al reporting to her.”

“Then there's no change for us? Just another layer on top?”

“So far. That's what they're tel ing me. Why? What do you hear?”

“I hear the same.”

He smiled. “Then it must be true.”

“Should I go ahead and buy the condo?” She had been planning this for some time, a condo in Queen Anne's Hil for herself and her young daughter.

Sanders said, “When do you have to decide?”

“I have another fifteen days. End of the month.”

“Then wait. You know, just to be safe.”

She nodded, and went out. A moment later, she came back. “I almost forgot.

Mark Lewyn's office just cal ed. The Twinkle drives have arrived from KL. His designers are looking at them now. Do you want to see them?”

“I'm on my way.”

The Design Group occupied the entire second floor of the Western Building. As always, the atmosphere there was chaotic; al the phones were ringing, but there was no receptionist in the little waiting area by the elevators, which was decorated with faded, taped-up posters for a 1929 Bauhaus Exhibition in Berlin and an old science-fiction movie cal ed The Forbin Project. Two Japanese visitors sat at a corner table, speaking rapidly, beside the battered Coke machine and the junk food dispenser. Sanders nodded to them, used his card to open the locked door, and went inside.

The floor was a large open space, partitioned at unexpected angles by slanted wal s painted to look like pastel-veined stone. Uncomfortable-looking wire chairs and tables were scattered in odd places. Rockand-rol music blared. Everybody was casual y dressed; most of the designers wore shorts and T-shirts. It was clearly A Creative Area.

Sanders went through to Foamland, the little display of the latest product designs the group had made. There were models of tiny CDROM drives and miniature cel ular phones. Lewyn's teams were charged with creating product designs for the future, and many of these seemed absurdly smal : a cel ular phone no larger than a pencil, and another that looked like a postmodern version of Dick Tracy's wrist radio, in pale green and gray; a pager the size of a cigarette lighter; and a micro-CD player with a flip-up screen that could fit easily in the palm of the hand.

Although these devices looked outrageously tiny, Sanders had long since become accustomed to the idea that the designs were at most two years in the future. The hardware was shrinking fast; it was difficult for Sanders to remember that when he began working at DigiCom, a “portable” computer was a thirty-pound box the size of a carry-on suitcase and cel ular telephones didn't exist at al . The first cel ular phones that DigiCom manufactured were fifteen-pound wonders that you lugged around on a shoulder strap. At the time, people thought they were a miracle. Now, customers complained if their phones weighed more than a few ounces.

Sanders walked past the big foam-cutting machine, al twisted tubes and knives behind Plexiglas shields, and found Mark Lewyn and his team bent over three dark blue CD-ROM players from Malaysia. One of the players already lay in pieces on the table; under bright halogen lights, the team was poking at its innards with tiny screwdrivers, glancing up from time to time to the scope screens.

“What've you found?” Sanders said.

“Ah, hel ,” Lewyn said, throwing up his hands in artistic exasperation. “Not good, Tom. Not good.”

“Talk to me.”

Lewyn pointed to the table. “There's a metal rod inside the hinge. These clips maintain contact with the rod as the case is opened; that's how you maintain power to the screen.”


“But power is intermittent. It looks like the rods are too smal . They're supposed to be fifty-four mil imeters. These seem to be fiftytwo, fifty-three mil imeters.”

Lewyn was grim, his entire manner suggesting unspeakable consequences. The bars were a mil imeter off, and the world was coming to an end. Sanders understood that he would have to calm Lewyn down. He'd done it many times before.

He said, “We can fix that, Mark. It'l mean opening al the cases and replacing the bars, but we can do that.”

“Oh sure,” Lewyn said. “But that stil leaves the clips. Our specs cal for 16/10

stainless, which has requisite tension to keep the clips springy and maintain contact with the bar. These clips seem to be something else, maybe 16/4.

They're too stiff: So when you open the cases the clips bend, but they don't spring back.”

“So we have to replace the clips, too. We can do that when we switch the bars.”

“Unfortunately, it's not that easy. The clips are heat-pressed into the cases.”

“Ah, hel .”

“Right. They are integral to the case unit.”

“You're tel ing me we have to build new housings just because we have bad clips?”


Sanders shook his head. “We've run off thousands so far. Something like four thousand.”

“Wel , we've got to do 'em again.”

“And what about the drive itself?”

“It's slow,” Lewyn said. “No doubt about it. But I'm not sure why. It might be power problems. Or it might be the control er chip.”

“If it's the control er chip . . .”

“We're in deep shit. If it's a primary design problem, we have to go back to the drawing board. If it's only a fabrication problem, we have to change the production lines, maybe remake the stencils. But it's months, either way.”

“When wil we know?”

“I've sent a drive and power supply to the Diagnostics guys,” Lewyn said. “They should have a report by five. I'l get it to you. Does Meredith know about this yet?”

“I'm briefing her at six.”

“Okay. Cal me after you talk to her?”


“In a way, this is good,” Lewyn said.

“How do you mean?”

“We're throwing her a big problem right away,” Lewyn said. “We'l see how she handles it.”

Sanders turned to go. Lewyn fol owed him out. “By the way,” Lewyn said. “Are you pissed off that you didn't get the job?”

“Disappointed,” Sanders said. “Not pissed. There's no point being pissed.”

“Because if you ask me, Garvin screwed you. You put in the time, you've demonstrated you can run the division, and he put in someone else instead.”

Sanders shrugged. “It's his company.”

Lewyn threw his arm over Sanders's shoulder, and gave him a rough hug. “You know, Tom, sometimes you're too reasonable for your own good.”

“I didn't know being reasonable was a defect,” Sanders said.

“Being too reasonable is a defect,” Lewyn said. “You end up getting pushed around.”

“I'm just trying to get along,” Sanders said. “I want to be here when the division goes public.”

“Yeah, true. You got to stay.” They came to the elevator. Lewyn said, “You think she got it because she's a woman?”

Sanders shook his head. “Who knows.”

“Pale males eat it again. I tel you. Sometimes I get so sick of the constant pressure to appoint women,” Lewyn said. “I mean, look at this design group.

We've got forty percent women here, better than any other division, but they always say, why don't you have more. More women, more-”

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