Disconnected (23 page)

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Authors: Bethany Daniel

BOOK: Disconnected
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"Yes, we are. I gotta be honest, I didn't think there would ever be a woman that would make you settle down and not want to go to any more of Excite's fun nights. But I'm glad, man."

"Thanks, me too, I can only imagine the trouble I would have wound up finding if Krista didn't come into my life when she did." He shakes his head. "I'm nervous about our parents coming in tomorrow. Mine haven't met her yet; with everything that's happened, we haven't had the chance. My parents can be brutal; I'm hoping they fall in love with Krista as much as I have."

"Krista's a great girl. And your parents probably thought you would never settle down; I bet they have a soft spot for her and they'll see how much you love her. Everyone else sure can tell."

He smiles and nods. "Thanks, man. So, what are the girls doing today?"

"From what Katy's told me, she's in charge of finding a photographer and flower arrangements. Krista's in control, though. There's no telling what she has planned for them to do."

"Think we should go help?"

I shrug, taking a drink of my juice. "Probably wouldn't hurt. But just be prepared to be put to work. Katy says Krista is determined to make it the wedding of her little five-year-old-self's dreams."

Scott shakes his head, standing up and stretching his arms above his head. "Alright, let's go help make that little girl dream come true."

When we walk into the room the girls are using as planning central, there are magazines stacked all around them, notebooks with notes scribbled in them and Katy is just turning off her phone when we walk in the room.

"Happy now?" she asks Krista pointedly.

"Ecstatic!" Krista beams, clapping her hands.

"What are we ecstatic about?" Scott asks as he sits beside her.

"Kate actually used Liam's name to her advantage." She shrugs. "She had to inform the jeweler who he was so the lady would stop being a crab towards her. Once she knew, she was more than happy to make sure that Katy's order was placed and shipped out ASAP."

"Really?" I ask Katy, raising an eyebrow.

She sighs, nodding her head. "Yes. I didn't want to, but Krista didn't give me much of a choice."

              Krista rolls her eyes, waving her comment away. "You'll thank me later, sweetie. That heart necklace was meant for you."

Katy smiles and grabs my hand. "I do really love the necklace. It can be my something new."

I smile and kiss her softly. "I can't wait to see it."

"So, what are you boys up to?" Krista asks, leaning into Scott.

"We thought we'd come help you two with whatever you're doing."

"Oh good! You can call photographers, and Liam, you can help Kate call florists and find out about renting chairs and stuff that are safe to use on the beach."

"Great," I mutter, looking down at Katy. "We just volunteered to be bossed around, didn't we?"

She laughs and pulls me down to kiss me. "M-hm. Get used to it now, she's a slave driver."


              For the next several hours we do all the busy work that needs to be done, contacting every person that's needed to make a wedding go off without a hitch. Finally, after we've all called and scheduled everything to be delivered on certain days, we all go into the living room to relax for awhile.

"Happy now, Kris?" Katy asks, folding her legs under her.

"Very," Krista smiles. "Everything's going to be perfect."

Katy shakes her head as we hear a knock at the door.

"Are we expecting anyone today?" Katy asks.

"You girls stay here. I'll get it.” I tell them, standing up and walking towards the door. Scott is right behind me.

I look in the peep hole and laugh to myself; all of our families are standing outside the door. They must have done some planning of their own--they're early. 

I open the door and smile at the small crowd. "You're all a day early!"

The girls walk into the foyer and grin when they see everyone. Krista's mom walks over and spins Krista around. 

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so excited! Look at you.” She pulls Krista into her arms before grabbing her left hand.  "Ok, let me see the ring. I'm sure pictures don't do it justice."

Krista holds her hand up higher and they both squeal loud enough that I have to cover my ears. Like mother, like daughter. 

"And Kate, I have to see yours, too,” Sarah says as she turns towards Katy, grabbing her left hand and doing the jumping squealing thing again. How do they do that?

"You girls! I'm so happy and proud of you. You've gone through a lot together, and now look, you each have your prince charming," she tells them as she pulls them both into a hug. I smile over at them. I'm glad Katy's had these people in her life these last few years.

As the girls chat with their Moms, I go over to where my dad and younger brother are standing by Scott's parents.

"Hey, son," My dad nods at me. "Sounds like things are going on a much better track."

I smile and nod back, "Yes, sir." I look back at Katy, "Much better."

 He pats my shoulder, "Glad to hear it, son. Your mom has been so worried about the two of you, scared that something will happen to break you up again. It tore her apart seeing you so upset over the years." 

 I glance back to where she's standing around talking with the girls, Mrs. Parker, and Mrs. Quinn, and shake my head. "I know, but there's not going to be anymore heartache, Dad. I'm not that stupid anymore. Hollywood's not going to ruin us again."

"Good. Because I love Katy too, ya know," my younger brother, Braden, says. "I've missed her being a part of our family."

"Just you wait until you meet the right one, little brother. It's hard to make that other person stay happy. And Katy deserves happiness. I promise you, I'm not gonna run her off ever again." 

"You better not. I'm old enough and big enough to beat you up for something like that now." 

I laugh and shove his shoulder just to prove a point and he topples over to the side. "Sure about that, Braden?"

"Boys that is enough," My mom walks over and chastises us. "Sometimes I swear the two of you are still 5 and 10." She shakes her head at us.

"Sorry, Mom," We both mutter. I feel like a 10 year old right now. 

              "Do you want to come dress hunting too, Fiona? I just know it’s going to be so exciting!" Mrs. Parker calls over to my mom.

"Of course! Katy's practically my daughter too, and besides, I only have the boys. I don't get to have much fun with dresses."

"Ok, sounds like we're going to be having a dress-trying-on party! Better start making your phone calls, Kris," I hear Katy say, and I laugh along with her.

 Krista holds her phone up in the air. "Already on it!" she yells before walking into the other room.

Katy walks over and hugs me before pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Looks like I get to try on even more dresses."

"Well, I can't wait to see what you end up in, baby. I want that moment of seeing you in your white dress for the first time."

She laughs, squeezing my middle. "I guess this will be better than getting married in blue jeans and a t-shirt in a Vegas chapel, huh?"

I laugh and nod, "M-hm. I think your mom would have a heart attack if you were to dare to try that this time around."

 Katy nods her head in agreement as Krista bounces back into the room. "All set! Come on, Kate!" she says, grabbing her out of my arms. "Sorry Liam, I need to steal her now."

 I shake my head, watching all the women flood out the door.

Derek, Katy's brother, comes up behind me and Scott, slapping our backs as he does. "Alright boys, time for some real fun!" 

I raise an eyebrow, looking over at him. "What kind of real fun are we talking about?"

He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. "Poker, Men play poker while the women shop. Hollywood hasn't sucked the fun out of you, has it?"

I laugh, shaking my head, "Nope. I can still beat you in poker, no problem."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...we'll just see about that." 


















Chapter 33

A couple hours later, Braden and I have won each round and Derek is sulking.

"Did you really think you could beat us, man? You should know better than that," Braden taunts him, and I have to cover a laugh.

"You two have to be cheating. That's all there is to it." He throws his cards on the table and leans back in his chair, glowering at us.

"I do not cheat," I point out. "You know our dads taught us all to play poker growing up. And Braden and I just happen to be naturals." I stick my fist out for Braden to bump. "No need to be a sore loser there, Derek."

Braden and Derek start going back and forth on each other so loud that I don't even hear anyone come in and jump when I feel slender arms wrap around my neck. "Looks like you boys had fun while we've been gone," Katy says into my ear.

I turn and pull her onto my lap. "It was fun for me, dad, and Braden, anyway. Not so much for Derek or your dad. Scott and his dad didn't want to play. He's had to calm them down about his and Krista's whirlwind romance. They think having this short of an engagement, even despite everything they've gone through, is much too fast." 

Katy frowns and looks around the room. "I hope they don't start anything. Krista loves that man more than anything. It'll crush her if he does something because of his parents."

I hug her to me. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that. He loves her just as much. I think if they try and stop the wedding, he'll have them escorted back onto the plane and flown home."

She sighs, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I hope you're right. Is your game over?"

I look at the now-empty table and nod. "Sure looks like it. Come on, lets go to bed."

I stand up, grabbing her hand as we make our way to our temporary bedroom. Before we reach our room we see Krista and Scott in the hallway with his parents and I hold my breath, waiting to see if there's any fighting going on. Katy squeezes my hand tightly, noticing the same thing and preparing herself to go rescue her best friend. But instead of a yelling match, Scott's mom reaches over and embraces Krista in a tight hug, and there's a smile on both their faces.

"Oh, Kate, Liam, come here!" Krista says when she notices us standing there.

"Liam, so nice to see you again," Mrs. Adams smiles over at me. "And who is this?" She asks, looking over at Katy.

"Mrs. Adams...this is my wife, Katy," I tell her proudly while pulling Katy up closer.

"Very nice to meet you, ma'am," Katy smiles as she shakes her hand.

"Please call me Karen."

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