DisobediencebyDesign (24 page)

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Authors: Regina Kammer

BOOK: DisobediencebyDesign
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The bed loomed large against the wall, seemingly occupying
most of the room. She indicated a chair by the fireplace and he sat, staring at
his feet as he stretched out his legs along the floor. She paced the rag rug by
the hearth, trying hard not to look at the bed.

“Darling,” he began, “Joseph will be staying in London for
Sophia’s sake. Arthur doesn’t want her to travel. Wants her under his care.” He
looked at her. “They need someone to go to New York to set up the American
segment of the business. We discussed the matter and the task falls to me.”

The air was sucked out of her lungs, dizzying her. “When?”

“End of September.”

“So soon?”

“I need to be settled before winter.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Anna,” he said quietly, staring at his feet, “I won’t take
a lover in New York.”

She hardly knew what he meant. “Oh?”

“No. I intend for my wife to be at my side.”

The dizziness spun into a dream. She stood still, trying to
feel her feet on the floor.

He rose and went to her, taking both her hands in his. “As
Sophie said, I would have preferred a longer courtship but time is of the

. “Scotland was the farthest I’ve ever been
from home.”

“It will just be until Joseph is able to leave here, after
the baby is born. Maybe until next spring or early summer. I’m to negotiate the
legal aspects of setting up a company in America, find a house for the
Phillipses, that sort of thing.”

“You won’t remain there then.”

“No.” His gaze was intense. “Unless you feel otherwise.
You’ll be Mrs. Peel. No one will know you were a servant.” He placed his hands
on her shoulders. “He can’t touch you overseas. Royston has neither the funds
nor the social connections to do any damage in America.”

. With Geoffrey she was safe. She squeezed her
eyes shut to dam the tears but they spilled through her lashes.


His arms went about her, hugging her closely, the steady,
strong rhythm of his heart filling her ear.

She looped her hands around his neck, drawing him down to
her, kissing him, he kissing her back tentatively, her whimper releasing his
passions, his mouth and tongue distracting her as he tugged at the buttons of
her dress. She started on his waistcoat, his shirt, the waistband of his

“No. Not yet.”

He led her to the chair before the hearth. “Sit,” he said.
He removed his jacket and knelt before her.

He bunched up her skirts over her knees then took her right
foot in his hand. He untied and loosened the lacing of her short boot and eased
it off, then repeated the action with the other shoe. He cupped one unshod foot
in a palm and drew his other hand up her calf, over her knee, his light caress
thrilling, shooting shivers up her spine. He untied her garter, slowly stripped
off her stocking, stroking gently along the way.

Anna flinched. “It tickles.” She giggled.

He smiled and proceeded to undress her other leg. He urged
her thighs open, grabbed underneath and drew her to him. She slumped in the
chair, pushing down her skirts for a view of him. He licked his lips as he
untied the string of her drawers to loosen the garment and slip it off.

And then he pressed his mouth to her sex.

Anna yelped in surprise then gasped at the new sensation.
His tongue slid through her nether lips as it had with her mouth, opening her
to his invasion. She bucked up, grabbing the arms of the chair for purchase,
but he held her steady, his hands cupping her butt, tilting her to him. He
sucked on her clit, swirling his tongue over the nub until her gasp became
moans, became cries, her head lolling, her mind spinning, reaching the familiar
peak in a new and glorious fashion.


He hummed his pleasure against her sensitive flesh. He once
again drew his tongue through her, delving into her quim, pressing into her
more fully to mimic a lover’s thrusts.

She had never wanted a man so much.

“Geoffrey, please. Please,” she moaned, hoping he
understood, hoping he felt the same.

He chuckled, the reverberations resounding in her core. He
sat back on his heels, his mouth wet and smiling. She could do nothing but
stare in incredulity, panting from the sensual exertions.

He held out his hand and she took it. He easily lifted her
from the chair then proceeded to unbutton, untie and unhook her garments. She
watched, fascinated.

“I’ve never been undressed before.”

“There appear to be many firsts this afternoon.”

She stood before him naked, unashamed as the expression on
his face was one of awe and admiration not unbridled lust. Her offer to help
him undress was met with a polite rebuff, proving he was not a man who relied
on his valet to do menial tasks. He could take care of himself and he was
asking to take care of her.

The last article of clothing dropped to the floor revealing
the nude man, a fine figure displaying an athleticism belied by his profession.
Muscled shoulders curved to thick arms, a sculpted chest, tapering to his slim
waist and hips. The fine brown hair of his chest narrowed its path down his
abdomen, curling densely at his groin, his desire apparent from his prick erect
with anticipation.

She caught his twinkling eyes observing her observing him.

“You have to want this, Anna.”

“Oh Geoffrey.” She flung herself into his arms. “I want
this, believe me I want this.”

He grasped her hand and led her to the bed, under the covers
taking his place alongside. He stroked gently, exploring, his fingers delving intimately.
He moved on top, spread her legs with his thighs, slid his cock in the folds of
her wetness. She swallowed hard.

He pushed inside, his face twisting in wonderment and joy. “Anna,
my Anna.”

He thrust in and pulled out, bending over to kiss her neck,
she unsure where to touch, as she wanted to touch him everywhere. The hair of
his legs brushed the tender flesh of her inner thighs. She opened for him,
wrapped her legs around his hips, the feel of skin against skin mesmerizing in
its sensuality.

His hair fell over his forehead and a wicked glint shone in
his eye.

“Darling, I fear you have me undone.”

He was at his crisis, the moment two would become one.

“Spend inside me.”

He held her gaze as he pounded toward his culmination then
lifted his face to heaven, his eyes screwed shut in ecstasy, and let out a
growl. The heat of his seed sparked her climax. She clenched around him and he
juddered inside her once more.

He held himself aloft for only a moment before he relaxed on
top of her. She clung to him, tears of joy and relief streaming down the sides
of her face.

He rolled to her side, nuzzled against her neck. “Does this
mean we are engaged, Miss Colney?”

She laughed. “I believe so, Mr. Peel.”

* * * * *

Sophia had spent the last half hour exchanging mumbled
pleasantries with mortified business associates of Harwell & Co.,
maintaining her composure, smiling and laughing at poor attempts at levity. Now
an annoying stiffness twinged all the way from her low back to a point between
her eyes.

At least she had garnered a few more promises of financing
from amongst those who had previously only expressed keen interest in the
business. Apparently insulting the daughter of a marquess was enough to rile
them to economic action.

Joseph remained standing behind her throughout, his hand on
her shoulder while she sat as if she was the queen presiding over a
presentation at court. Now the men had left and Joseph knelt at her side.

“How do you feel, love?”

“Tired.” She sighed. She wanted to stretch out and take a

He rubbed her hands between his. “You did well, Sophie. Too
well. See, they had thought I was the one who had abducted and abused you. They
just needed to hear it wasn’t me. But now they know the true depths of the
villainy of Royston.”

Tears spiked in her eyes. “You mean I said the wrong thing?”

“No, darling, you said the right thing. I admire your
courage to do so. It was very, very brave.” He kissed her palm.

“Now that the others have left, gentlemen, I have a

Lord Thuxton’s voice boomed in the quiet drawing room, the
only other sounds coming from Wittering and a maid gathering teacups and
plates. The earl glanced around.

“Where’s Peel? He needs to be here.”

“He’s—” Joseph started. He thinned his lips. “Wittering,
please tell Mr. Peel to join us when you see him.”

“Very good, Mr. Phillips.” The butler exited, ushering the
maid out.

“Where’s Geoffrey?” Sophia whispered.

. Joseph mouthed her name.

Sophia stifled a grin.

“What’s this about, Thuxton?” Arthur was wary.

“Let’s repair to this cozy corner, Petersham, shall we?”
Thuxton indicated a corner by the window where a day bed was set near a couple
of overstuffed chairs. “Mrs. Phillips.” He held out his hand and helped her up.

The earl led Sophia to the day bed. “We’re practically
family,” he said. “Why don’t you put your feet up?” His eyes flashed with a
knowing twinkle. “How far along, Sophie?” he asked gently.

She flushed. “Around two months, my lord.” She stretched
out, grateful for the opportunity for familiarity.

“Ah well, it’s none of my business, really, but I suspected.
I offer my heartfelt congratulations.” He nodded to Joseph. “To you both.”

“Thank you.” Joseph moved a chair alongside her and sat.

The door flew open and Geoffrey came in, flushed and
slightly disheveled. “They’ve all gone?”

“Mr. Peel, please join us.”

Geoffrey sauntered over and took a seat next to Arthur,
glancing at him with raised brows. Arthur shrugged.

Lord Thuxton cleared his throat. “Gentlemen and Sophia.” He
nodded to her. “I’ve had my suspicions about Royston for quite some time.
Rumors of abused servants and shop girls abound. But the peerage has its
privileges, both legal and psychological, making it difficult to defeat a duke.”
He looked at her, sadness in his eyes. “I’ve known you since you were a child,
Sophie. I can’t let this outrage go unpunished this time.” He glanced at the
others. “I have a plan to destroy Royston. It’s rather unconscionable really.”
He met her gaze. “He’s your villain, Sophie, what say you?”

“Not just me, my lord. He’s been a villain to each one of

Arthur stood and walked to the window. Geoffrey shifted in
his chair.

“All right then.” Lord Thuxton thinned his lips. “We have
few options to pursue. Even if Royston were not a duke, an attempt to convict
him of rape would be a harrowing experience for his victims. As a duke, he
would be tried in the House of Lords and the peers would most likely find in
his favor.”

“There’s only ever been one trial for rape in Lords,”
grumbled Geoffrey, “and that was over two hundred years ago.”

Sophia hesitated a moment. “What about murder?”

“Murder?” Lord Thuxton raised his brows. “Is there

Sophia tugged at her skirts and glanced at Arthur.

“No,” Arthur said with annoyance.

Lord Thuxton shook his head. “And we must be careful of what
we say in public so as to avoid any criminal charges of slander.”

Scandalum magnatum
?” Geoffrey snorted. “That law is

“Trust me—Royston knows more about his rights as a peer than
most lawyers. If an ancient law is still valid, he will seek to be shielded by
it.” Lord Thuxton paced pensively. “As I said, we have few recourses to defeat
Royston. Two will be most effective.” He glanced around at his audience.
“Ostracism and financial ruin.”

Arthur narrowed his eyes. “Get him expelled from the
Merchants and Industry Club?”

Lord Thuxton smiled. “A task which will be fairly easy as he
hasn’t paid his dues in years, as I understand. The other is a bit more
complicated.” He drew in a deep breath. “I have a friend from university days.
Viscount Oakham. He’s a cheat and a scoundrel. When one is twenty those
characteristics attract. When one is nearing fifty and has developed scruples,
such antics are considered disgraceful. Until one realizes how useful they can

Lord Thuxton gripped the back of a chair and leaned in. “I
won’t invest in anything he does despite his reputation for garnering vast sums
with his successes. What most don’t know is that the sum of his gains equals
the sum of his losses, rendering one, at best, right where one was to begin
with. Some, however, end up deeply in debt. He seems to thrive on such

“And you still call him ‘friend’?” Arthur asked in

“I do.” He chuckled. “We have a past. Don’t worry—he has no
hold over me. Some friendships are simply based on longevity. You’ll see.” He
winked. “If anything, Oakham is beholden to me. He follows my advice to his
great advantage and has become a very wealthy man. He’ll help us.”

“What do you have in mind?” asked Geoffrey.

“Oakham owns a railway in the States.” He turned to Joseph. “In
your state of Ohio, the Ohio Short Line. He needed a canal for a right-of-way
so he formed another company, the Cleveland Canal Company, and purchased a
canal under this name. He’s owner of record for the canal but the railway is
untraceable to him.”

“Is that illegal?” Sophia asked.

“No,” Geoffrey answered. “We’ll be doing something similar.
It just depends on what one’s goals are with such an arrangement.”

“Precisely,” said Lord Thuxton. “Oakham needs financing to
fill in the canal and build his railway. Cleveland Canal was operating at a
loss when he purchased it. So it would seem he would simply bankrupt the canal
company and use financing via his rail company for his construction. However,
he had a better idea.

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