Dissidence (39 page)

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Authors: Jamie Canosa

Tags: #Children's Books, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories, #Dystopian

BOOK: Dissidence
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“The camp wasn’t about to explode when I broke into it. You do know that this whole place is going to blow sky high in about
three minutes
, right?”

“Yes, I do know that. Why do you think I’m here? Connor filled me in on your latest insane plan. If I’d known earlier, I never would have let you come in here
alone in the first place. And, y
ou and I both know that you would have come into that camp either way, just like you would have come in here after me if our positions had been reversed. Don’t
bother to
try and deny it. ”

knows me so well, but still, “T
hat’s a little presumptuous of you, don’t

“Leigh, less bickering, more running for our lives, all right? You can point out my character flaws some other time.”

Peter grabs my hand as he whips out the door on the first level, dragging me along for the ride. There are even more soldiers down here. Shouts tell
ing us to stop or they’ll shoot
rise up all around us. Little do they know that stopping right now is probably the more dangerous
Two minutes.
I refuse to look back, but even though we’re both running as hard as we possibly can, their footsteps still sound like they’re gaining on us.

A shot rings out just as Peter pulls me around another corner, and a sudden intense pain
erupts in my shoulder, and radiates outward along with a warm damp sticky something . . . blood. A sickly sweet copper scent fills my nostrils as the force of the shot sends me reeling into Peter. He grips my arm to steady me, while simultaneously turning to fire off a few shots of his own, all without ever slowing down. I don’t bother checking to see if he hit anything
, but
knowing his aim, he did.

The pain recedes to a dull throb as adrenaline courses through my system. We enter the front corridor, and for one glorious moment our exit stands before us. The glass doors are lit from without by radiant sunlight, looking ever
ounce the salvation they promise to be. And then, the view is lost. Dozens of troops fill the corridor ahead of us, sending us into a skidding halt. Behind us, the troops that were chasing us finally catch up, and block any attempt at retreat. There’s nowhere left to go.

A sharp tug on my arm lurches me sideways into a small room with shiny metal surfaces and a large metal table in the center. Peter lets go
of me just long enough to slide the lock into place on the door.
On the
Locking them out.
Locking us in.
One minute.

“Peter . . .”

“Leigh.” He’s beside me again, so close that I’m pressed against the wall.

We both ignore the blood streaming down my arm and pooling on the ground near our feet, refusing to waste what time we have on a pain that we both know won’t last much longer. His arms feel strong around me, and I need that strength right now. I’ve always needed it, and he’s always been there to lend it to me. Peter tips his head down until his forehead rests on mine, our lips so close we’re breathing the same air.

“I’m sorry, Peter. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m not.” A soft smile touches his lips.
Forty five seconds.
“We’re here fighting for the right to choose. Well, I think we’ve earned that right. So, I choose you, Leigh, and even i
this is all the time we’re ever going to get, then I’ll take it . . . and I’ll be glad for it. I love you,

His eyes are shinning with unshed tears, and it breaks my heart.

“I love you too, Peter. I always have.”

Throwing my good arm around his neck, I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach his lips.
His arms around me, pulling me close.
Twenty five
His lips pressing firmly to mine with a fiery desperation.
An ache in my chest that dwarfs any gunshot wound.
Connor and Lori outside waiting for us.
My mother.
My father.
and how, for just this one moment, everything is finally perfect.
Clinging to each other as tightly as possible.
His eyes, his beautiful, blue eyes staring into mine.
The feel of his soft hair running through my fingers.
A world where everyone will have the right to choose this kind of love.
His lips on mine again.








©Prose by Design, LLC 2012

Cover Design: Paul

Cover © 2012 Jamie

All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic
form without permission. Exceptions are reviewers who may quote short excerpts for review.
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A Prose by Design Book

Distributed by Prose by Design, LLC


All Rights Reserved


To my beautiful daughter,
For adding a bit of spice to my life.
I love you,
. Never let anyone change who you are.


Other books by Jamie


a Love Thing


Screams in the Night: Tales of Terror

Our Own Worst Enemies


About the Author



is a full time author of YA literature, which she absolutely loves. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she can usually be found with her nose in a book. She currently resides in
, NY with her husband, and their three crazy kids . . . plus the dog, the bird, and the rabbit.




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