Diva 02 _ Diva Takes the Cake, The

Read Diva 02 _ Diva Takes the Cake, The Online

Authors: Krista Davis

Tags: #Winston; Sophie (Fictitious Character), #Mystery & Detective, #Fiction, #Women Sleuths, #General, #Mystery Fiction, #Women Cooks, #Large Type Books, #Cookery, #Mystery, #Divorced Women, #Cooking, #Divorced Women - Crimes Against, #Weddings, #Crimes Against, #Sisters

BOOK: Diva 02 _ Diva Takes the Cake, The
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Table of Contents
The Diva Runs Out of Thyme
“[A] tricky whodunit laced with delectable food . . . [and] stuffed with suspects—and a reminder that nobody’s Thanksgiving is perfect.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch
“[A] fun romp into the world of food, murder, and mayhem.”

Armchair Interviews
“Filled with humor, delicious recipes, and holiday decorating tips,
The Diva Runs Out of Thyme
is . . . a must-read to prepare for the holiday season.”

The Romance Readers Connection
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Krista Davis
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The recipes contained in this book are to be followed exactly as written. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained in this book.
A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / June 2009
Copyright © 2009 by Cristina Ryplansky.
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For Elizabeth NINA Strickland
Susan REID Smith Erba
and Amy NORWOOD Wheeler
As always, I’m grateful to my mom, Marianne; and Janet Bolin, Daryl Wood Gerber, Betsy Strickland, and Susan Strickland, my invaluable first readers who cheerfully and patiently keep me on the right track. Many thanks to my editor, Sandra Harding, who is a constant delight and whose editorial advice is always dead on, and to my agent, the charming Jacky Sach.
Thanks to Captain Scott Ogden of the Alexandria Police Department and Felicia Donovan, fellow author and law enforcement expert, for providing information about police procedures. Any errors are my own.
Special thanks to Rachel Ann Hollis for patiently mixing drinks until she arrived at the delicious Wedded Blitz Martini. Also to Terry and Harry Hoover for their helpful knowledge about the syndication of newspaper columns. Laurie Petty at
was wonderful to share her expertise on ice bars, for which I’m very thankful.
And last, but not least, much gratitude to the unsung heroine, Teresa Fasolino, the artist who always provides such beautiful covers for the Domestic Diva Mysteries.
Paul and Inga Bauer
Sophie Bauer Winston (maid of honor)
and Wolf Fleishman
Jen Bauer (flower girl)
Phoebe Ferguson (bridesmaid)
and Joel Yancey
Mars Winston
and Natasha Smith
Wanda Smith
Bernie Frei
Humphrey Brown
Tucker Hensley V
Mordecai Artemus
Kevin Pointer
Robert Beacham (best man)
Stan Beacham
Darby Beacham
Dear Sophie,
My fiancé’s former girlfriend showed up at our engagement party uninvited and released four dozen white mice. I’m worried sick about what she might do at our wedding. How do we stop her?
—No More Mice in Morristown
Dear No More Mice,
Choose a venue with a security department, like a hotel. Alert your vendors and wedding planner and plant some teenage relatives at strategic entrances to be on the lookout for the big rat.

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