Divided (7 page)

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Authors: Livia Jamerlan

BOOK: Divided
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 I made it back to the hotel in no time. I was extremely proud of myself. I hadn’t jogged that much in a quit a while. When I got back to my room I popped open my laptop and checked my email seeing that there was one from Katie: 



Hello from Jamakin me crazy! Hope ND isn't too cold. Miss you. Call me when you get this, I wanted to call but you know me and time zones, I never know what's what!


 I beamed at the screen and closed out of the email. Looking at my inbox I saw one from my boss, Elaine, as well. The email I sent Elaine earlier explained that the wedding was off and I needed to leave town for a bit. I had hoped she understood and clicked open her reply.


Hope all is well. I’m so sorry about Marco. Excuse my French but what an asshole! Take as much time off as you need. You can always work remote :) talk to you soon. 


I closed my laptop and took my cell phone off the charger. I had a full mailbox filled with calls from Marco and over twenty text messages. I didn’t read or listen to any of them, just deleted them all. I quickly called downstairs and ordered room service. After a run like that I needed some carbs. I ordered chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and eggs. Knowing that should hold me over until lunch. With room services ordered, I texted Katie from my cell.

Me: Hey. Got your email. All is good in ND. Hope you and the girls are having fun <3

After I finished eating my delicious breakfast I showered and got ready for some retail therapy. Columbia mall was like any other mall, big department stores at the end and a bunch of smaller stores in the middle. I decided to walk the whole mall and make my last stop at Macy's. I’d buy myself a couple of cute sweaters since they still had them out here. I found a few different stores that we didn’t have back east so I indulged in cute tops and a few accessories. 

 I looked down at my watch and realized it was already two in the afternoon. My stomach was already asking for more food and I knew that the challenge with my trip was going to be eating. Breakfast and lunch I didn’t mind sitting alone, but I didn’t want to be the girl sitting by herself in a restaurant having dinner

 When I finally arrived at Macy's I was in shoe heaven. Shoes were my therapy. Whenever I was stressed or upset nothing made me feel better than a perfect pair of shoes. Instead of eating my way through a chocolate box I shopped my way through shoes. I could always calm myself down from a stressful situation or lift my spirits with a perfect shoe. I picked out four pairs that were a must have and asked them to be delivered to my mother’s house.

 When I got back to the hotel room I started the Jacuzzi tub, pulled out my e-reader, and let myself get lost in a book for a few hours. When the water was cold and I looked like a prune I decided to shower and get ready for bed. Lying on the bed, I got myself caught up on all my T.V. shows and ordered room service again. I knew that I eventually had to go out to dinner, just maybe not tonight. I would go out though, I told myself, maybe a bar,


Chapter 4
Ya Sure You Betcha


few days later I realized that my heart was hurting a little less and I only dreamt about Marco with Trish once. Rolling over in bed, I turned on the news and saw that it was still freezing outside. Quickly getting dressed, I headed into the lobby as I grabbed my daily banana and then made my way out. Tossing my banana peel in the garbage outside, I began my routine stretches.

I decided to jog left as oppose to the right and see where that path took me. On my way, I passed a few mom and pop shops with cute art décor and antique furniture. I spotted a couple more
stores as well and smiled as I jogged by. The aroma coming from a close by garden center tinkled my nose and I instantly thought of Marco. My mood temporarily ruined I decided to jog a little faster. While I always loved the smell of fresh flowers and had them all around the house back home, that sweet and pungent smell was a like knife through my heart since they reminded me of the dozens of bouquets Marco had gotten for me.

There was a super market called the
Amazing Grains Natural Food Market,
it looked so much like Whole Foods I decided to go in. I walked up to the different food stations, not looking for anything in particular, just looking for something to catch my eye. 

Hi there.” The older gentleman-standing behind the cash register said. “Can I help you with something?”  

Beaming at him I replied. “Yes, may I please have a berry mango smoothie?”

“Ya sure you betcha.”

That phrase had been stuck with me since I met Michael, Ryan's friend. In Las Vegas he’d said that very phrase several times throughout the night. ‘
Hey Michael do you want a drink?’
his immediate response
was ‘ya sure you betcha’
. It wasn't until later I realized that it was more of a Minnesota thing. 

He handed me my berry smoothie and I headed back out on my way, passing a Kraft Ice Cream Parlor, and again I thought of Ryan, could he possibly own all of these places? Maybe his family did. I quickly made my way back to my hotel. I didn’t want to be late for my day of relaxation at the Spa.

On the way up I grabbed cereal from the continental breakfast and quickly ate my raisin bran and before hopping in the shower. I was at KF Salon and Spa within 30 minutes. When I arrived, the aroma of jasmine tickled my nose and the soothing music that played throughout the spa was relaxing, instantly making me feel at peace.

“Hello, how may I assist you?” the receptionist asked and I noted her nametag said Molly on her right breast pocket. She was tall, close to six feet. Her auburn hair was cut short against her fair skin and if I was being honest, she was breath taking, her skin flawless without an ounce of makeup. I smiled politely admiring her beauty.

“Hi I have a day of beauty booked. My name is Alani.”

“Oh yes, I see that here. Please fill out this for me, your massage therapist Martha will be right out to find you.” She said as she hands me a release form to sign.

       I sat, quickly filling out all of my information.

“Ms. LaBelle?” I heard. I looked up to see an older woman; she appeared to be in her early fifties, her blond hair cut short up to her ear.

“Yes?” I asked, rising from my seat.

“Please follow me this way.” She escorted me into the spa area. She then handed me a robe and a locker key. “We also ask if you could please silence your cell phone.”

“Sure, no problem.” I quickly took my phone out of my bag and turned it completely off. 
This is my day. No interruptions.

After I had undressed and secured my belongings, I waited in the waiting room. Martha quickly appeared again, “This way please,” I followed her to the esthetic room. My facial was extremely relaxing. Martha was not much for conversation, which I didn’t mind. I didn’t want to talk right now anyway; I laid back and relaxed as Martha extracted the dead skin and dirt from my face. After she placed the cool mud mask over my face she excused herself from the room giving me a few minutes to relax alone. Breathing in deeply I let the soft music and dark room bring my body into complete relaxation.

With all that had been going on, I was finally able to clear my mind free from thoughts of Marco. Right after my ninety-minute facial, a new therapist Tess greeted me when Martha was done. My body was aching for a massage, my shoulders tense and tight from all the stress.

  I fell asleep half way through my ninety-minute massage. Tess slowly woke me using peppermint oil, while massaging my scalp. “Hello ma’am, I’m so sorry to wake you, but your lunch is ready.” She said before she walked out of the room.

I stretched my limbs and got up; putting my robe on, Tess was waiting for me outside of the room when I was finished. Handing me a glass of cucumber water she then led me out and I followed her into an indoor garden where my chicken salad and iced tea awaited. The garden was warm and bright with orchids along the wall. My whole day had been perfect. I was able to clear my head and just enjoy the seconds that passed. I took a fitness magazine from the corner table and read a few articles while I enjoyed my lunch.

After finishing my meal I changed back into my clothes. I got a polish change on my nails. With my new nails drying, I walked over to the salon part of the spa. I was getting my hair washed and blown out for the final part of my day of pampering. The lady doing my hair was a bit of a chatterbox but I tried my best to be polite while still tuning her out.

“Ohmigod, you’re from New York,” she said. She was a tiny little woman with a cute accent. Very young, in her early twenties if I had to guess.

“Yes.” I reply.

“I can only image how beautiful it is, big city, millions of people. The city that never sleeps.” She managed to say it all in one breath.

“It’s wonderful, but it is very beautiful here too.” I wasn’t trying to hold a conversation but she seemed insistent. She continued talking while I again tuned her out. I tried to enjoy how relaxed my body felt after the facial and massage and though she talked almost the entire time, my hair looked beautiful. She blew my hair out into big loose curls cascading over my shoulders.

When I got back to the room I decided to go out. My hair looked great, I had new clothes, and ever since I met Ryan I had secretly been watching hockey a little more than usual. I wasn’t that big of a hockey fan but I kept up with the game. Since the Devils
were playing tonight I decided to go to a local bar and watch the game for dinner. Finally having the courage to dine alone.

I called for a cab. In the event that I drink too much, I didn’t want to be pulled over for DUI.  I waited at the front desk for the cab to approach.

“Where to ma’am?” The cabbie asked after I had shut the door behind me.

“Hi, I’m visiting here and I want to go to a sports bar to watch some hockey. Do you know of any places?”

“Yea, sure, there is this really nice sports bar not too far from here. It’s called Wild Will’s, and they’re known for their ribs, though I think they have the best wings” He gave me a crooked smile through the mirror. I nodded in agreement.

After a quick five-minute drive, he stopped right in front of Wild Will’s Sports Bar.  It had a bright neon sign that read ‘Best Ribs in the Midwest’. Walking into Wild Will’s, the hostess greeted me at the door.

“Good evening, will you be sitting for dinner?”

“No thanks, I’m actually just going to sit at the bar.” I told her. Walking from the hostess booth to the bar, I found an empty bar stool and took a seat. The bartender walked and stood in front of me. Laying a napkin down he smiled at me.

“What can I get you?”

I debated if I should have a beer or a well drink. “What beers do you have a tap?”

He gave me a quizzical look. “Uh, we have
Blue Moon, Bud, Bud light, Miller, Sam Adams, Stella
.” He looked at me again, studying my face. I squinted my face at him.

“Can I have a
Blue Moon
, tall?” I gestured with my hands the tall glass. He eyed my face once again before he headed for the cups.

He walked back with my beer and placed it in front of me. I slid him my credit card so he could open a tab and he looked at the name on my card “You aren’t from around here are you?”
Duh, he needs ID.
I pulled out my driver license and handed it to him. He matched the name on the card and then slid it back to me. “Do you want me to keep the tab open?”

“Yes please, and can I please ask that you put on the Devils game?”

He picked up the remote and flicked through the channels until he found the right one. “And here I thought you were going to be a Rangers fan.” He put the remote in front of me. “Nope, I like routing for the underdog.” He was a good bartender, attentive and sweet, not at all creepy.

He walked away to attend to a couple different people who were running low on their drinks.  The game had just started, only 3 minutes into the period when the Flyers scored their first goal. “Great.” I mumbled under my breath.

My beer was running low so I looked down the bar to find the bartender. When I saw him, I noticed he was on the phone but looking at me. Strange,
maybe he was a little creepy
. I pointed to my beer and signaled to him that wanted another. He gave me the thumbs up and I went back to watching the game.

By the second period the game was tied. The Devils weren’t doing so well this season, but they had won their last 2 games.  I found myself growing angry with the referees when they clearly missed an offside offense. “That’s bullshit.” I yelled at the TV, quickly realizing that I wasn’t home I was instantly embarrassed. “Sorry” I said to the people around me. Taking a sip of my beer and continuing to watch the game.

Of course going into the third period the game's tied

3-3, I already had a couple beers in me so I was comfortable enough with yelling at the television and not caring what anyone thought anymore. The Devils scored with 3 minutes left and I screamed with my big loud Jersey mouth. “That’s what I’m talking about.” I said loudly at the screen. It was the first time I notice my Yankee accent.

Suddenly I felt my skin tingle, it started at the tip of my fingers and slowly climbed up my arms. Before I could understand what was going on, there was a cold chill down my spine. My heart began to race but I didn’t understand why. I looked down at my beer and watched the bartender pour me another. The butterflies in my stomach flapped their wings as I heard my name called from behind me.

“Alani?” The voice was soft, sexy, and masculine. My eyes shut with a mixture of hope and fear at the thought of who was standing behind me. 

Chapter 5


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