Read Divine Mortals Online

Authors: J Allison

Divine Mortals (39 page)

BOOK: Divine Mortals
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“My girl I’m going to tell Fred to sell that horse of yours, you really shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a horse, what the hell will happen next time.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” I murmured, wishing this was over, I didn’t know how to lie and I knew from past attempts I wasn’t very good at it.

Claire narrowed her eyes at me and then Robert, before mumbling something about city girls and horses while giving me some more bandages for my ribs and digging in her medical bag.

“I’ll just take your temperature.” She said, brandishing a thermometer.

“She doesn’t need that.”

I jumped at this new voice, turning my head far too swiftly for comfort to find Allison at the door.

“Excuse me.” Claire narrowed her eyes. “And you are?”

“I’m Allison,” She strode forward, her hand outstretched, until Claire shook it.

“I’m a friend of Roberts, I’m a nurse, I took her temp just before you arrived she’s fine.”

“Oh.” Claire flashed a questioning gaze at me, I nodded dumbly, not sure what the big deal was but deciding I was more afraid of Allison then Claire and in that case willing to play along.

“Okay then, well Ava, you know what to do and you just need to call if you need me.” She left again then, still looking doubtful, to see her other, apparently less foolish, patients.

Robert was back as soon as he had seen her out.

“Do you think she bought it?” He asked, sitting next to me.

“Well she’s gone, that’s all that matters.” Allison seemed to be taking in my appearance in a whole new light. Her eyes dancing the length of my body, pausing at my face and ribs.

“What,” I winced, pushing myself to sit, “was that all about?”

“Your temperature.” Allison looked a little flustered.

“It’s the same as mine.” Robert put in quickly, his dark eyes dancing.

I immediately knew what they meant. If I was burning as hot as Robert then it meant I was a……

“Oh yeah.” Robert grinned, the elders filled me in. I know stuff too.”

I looked between Allison and Robert, who wore alternate expressions of doubt and quiet relief.

“Robert.” I ventured, “Exactly what happened on the field after I blacked out.”

Two of the elders, Peter and Edward, had come to the field after Will had died, Robert had learnt then that when a Guardian is killed the elders are instantly aware and travel to collect the body. They had been the other faces, the old men I could remember seeing in fragmented visions from that night.

Peter had spoken to Robert of the elders decision about us, to let us continue as is.

I too was a Guardian. A Guardian without explanation it would seem, an unknown entity, but a mix of divine and mortal.

A Demi God.

He still had no choice, he would have to attend his training.

But now, also, so would I.

I pushed myself against his chest and sobbed.

Who did I belong to?

Who were my parents?


felt myself wake but kept my eyes closed enjoying the comfort of my bed and the warmth of my room. I stretched my body slowly, moving each muscle individually, taking inventory of myself. Slowly wiggling my toes and then tensing the muscles in my legs. I curled and uncurled my fingers mentally tracing the lines of my muscles that ran up the lengths of my arms, down my sides and across my stomach.

My ribs were no real bother now, finally I could breathe deeply without any sharp stabbing pain.

I finished my mental inventory, I felt the same as I had yesterday, which seemed strange, I thought I would have changed somehow.

Today I was eighteen and so much had happened in the last seven weeks I felt as if I were much older, as if I had lived a year for every week since arriving at River Stone.

His hand gently smoothed the hair from my face and I opened my eyes to find myself staring directly into the deep dark brown pools I knew so well. It was still early, the sun barely up, most of his face was still hidden in the shadows.

I smiled up at him feeling a tingle run through me as he smiled back, he leant forward, his lips brushing mine as light as butterfly wings.

“Happy Birthday,” he whispered, his voice like honey, sweet and husky in the early morning. He dipped his head again, kissing me more solidly this time, I felt my body react, would I ever get used to him? My heart raced and my breath came a little more quickly, his mouth pulled up at one side into the cheeky grin I loved.

“I’ve got you something,” he moved back a little, giving me room to sit up.

“You didn’t have to you know.”

“Oh yeah I did,” his smile grew as he pulled a small velvet drawstring bag from his pocket. I could see the anguish in his eyes, this was the first gift he had ever bought me and he was anxious for me to like it.

Untying the draw string I tipped the contents into my hand. A silver bracelet fell out, from it dangled four small charms.

A small horse, a diamond studded Superman ‘S’, a silver sears tower and a heart.

I started to speak but he cut in nervously, I had never seen him so unsure before and my heart burned for him.

“I thought it would be nice,” his voice barely a whisper, “to have your memories with you, the tower, for Chicago,” he touched the tower gently as he spoke, “the horse for here on the ranch and for the first time I really knew that I loved you.”

“What? You loved me battered and bruised and bleeding?”

“I thank Beaut for it every day.” he chuckled, “the Superman, well it went against my better judgment I have to say, but I thought you would like it since that’s what you persisted in likening me to.” He grinned briefly,

“And the heart,” he gave me a heart stopping smile, “the heart is mine, and it’s yours now utterly and completely, I want you to keep it safe for me because no matter where you are you need to know that it’s yours.” He smiled a little sheepishly, I felt a tear slide warmly down my cheek, his fingers came up slowly, wiping it away.

“I love it.” I grinned, flinging myself from beneath the covers and into his arms, hugging him as tightly as I could, I felt his lips press down on my hair as he kissed the top of my head. Sitting back he took the bracelet from my hand, fastening it around my wrist, his fingers lingering on my arm, burning where he touched, as he moved away my skin continued to tingle.

What was more amazing was that my touch did the same to him and I hadn’t realised.

“Go back to sleep beautiful, I have to go to work.” Leaning forward he kissed my forehead, then he was gone, the curtains swaying softly from the breeze of his movements.

I lay down and closed my eyes, and for the first time in months fell back to sleep feeling even lighter than when I had woken.

When I opened my eyes again the sun was full up, I moved one hand towards my wrist feeling Roberts bracelet, contentment washed over me as I ran my fingers over each of the four charms.

I noticed then the flowers, Gerberas my favourite, bright and cheerful on my bedside table, a simple note amongst them.

See you tonight,
Love R

There was a tap on my door, no doubt Gran was doing breakfast in bed or some other such thing.

“Come in.” I called, sitting up, I was actually starving so I hoped it really was breakfast in bed.

The door creaked open and a head peaked through, not Gran.

“Oh my god!” I almost screamed, before I could move she had bounded across the room landing in a dive on my bed, I hugged her back just as tightly as she held on to me.

“What are you doing here?”

“What, you thought I’d miss your birthday?” Julia snorted “Fat chance, How many blankets do you have on your roasting! Anyway I had to come out and see how you’re doing didn’t I.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, “How do you do it, I came through town just half an hour ago, its tiny, there aren’t any shops, Geez Ava where do you buy anything around here, it’s like moving back in time by about fifty years!”

I laughed, “It’s not so bad, it grows on you.”

Julia gave me an incredulous look, pushing her raven black hair back from her shoulders as she looked around my room.

“I guess I’ll take your word for it,” her eyes rested on my flowers, “Oh they’re beautiful…” I watched her quickly scan the small card set amongst them.

“Who in hell is R?”


“You have a guy here and you haven’t told me, Geeeez Ava!” her tone was a mixture of excitement and reproach, she stared at me, expectant.


“Well What?”

“My god, have you got dense living in all this fresh air, who is R? Is he hot?” Her eyebrows raised in question, almost touching her hairline, giving her the comical look of some exotic bird.

“His name is Rob,” I started hesitantly, I knew he would be hearing this, he told me he didn’t always listen but I had my doubts, especially when I spoke his name out loud. If he had known Julia was coming to surprise me I was sure he wouldn’t be able to curb his curiosity, he’d be listening.

“He works here on the farm for my grandparents…” I continued, phrasing things carefully.

“Here? Nice.” Julia gave me an impressed look, “Wait how old is he if he works here?”

“He’s nineteen,”

“Nice!” She giggled again, “Okay… how long has this been going on?”

“Ah… six weeks or so I guess.”

“Six weeks! And you never told me, have you got a new best friend as well then?”

I laughed at her stern look.

“No.” It was so good to see her, “I could never replace you.”

“Hmm and don’t you forget it.” she giggled, hugging me again before sitting back to give me a serious look.

“So you didn’t answer my question,” she smirked sweetly.

“Which one?”

“The most important one of course,” her smile spread even wider, “Is he hot?”

“Oh” I smiled, well surely he knew anyway, “He’s gorgeous!”

Nan had outdone herself, not only had she managed to sneak Julia down from Chicago she had put on a huge cooked breakfast, made my favourite spag bowl for lunch and now, as I was just finding out, was putting on a barbeque for dinner.

“I’ve invited Sally and Laura and told them to bring a partner if they like, oh and Jed, Shaun and Robert of course.” She finished with a knowing smile, one that was echoed again by Julia, Robert hadn’t been around all day and I knew she was dying to meet him.

“When are they arriving?” I looked at the clock it was just on five.

“In about half an hour.” she smiled

“That means it’s time for your present.” Julia announced, flouncing off quickly towards one of the guest bedrooms, I looked at Nan but she just shrugged and carried on chopping lettuce for the salad. I got up and poured us both a juice, then sat back down at the table, I didn’t know how I would fit dinner in, Nan had fed us so well all day.

Julia danced back into the kitchen, a shopping bag swinging from her fingers, she dropped it daintily on the table in front of me before swinging back into her seat.

“Happy birthday, oh and your welcome by the way.” she said giving me a knowing smile, she didn’t have to tell me again what she thought about the state of the clothes shopping facilities here.

I reached into the bag and pulled out the item inside, it was a bright yellow summer dress, made of light flowing material, casual and pretty. I loved it.

“Perfect for tonight being the birthday girl and all,” Julia echoed my thoughts between sips of juice.

“Thank you so much.” I was touched, Julia and I didn’t normally exchange gifts and the thought behind it made her being here so much more special.

Julia smiled, “You know you’re welcome, maybe you can come visit me for a shopping trip next time.”

“Oh that’s lovely dear,” Nan wiped her hands on her apron and came over to admire it. “A gorgeous colour, yellow suits you too.”

“Doesn’t it.” Julia echoed, she had been with me when I bought my prom dress.

I drained my glass and stood up.

“I guess I’m going to change then.” I gave them both a smile and made my way to my room to try on my gorgeous newly acquired birthday outfit.

It fit perfectly, I guess that was the bonus of Julia and I fitting the same size. I swept my hair back loosely and put on a little makeup. Stepping back I took a moment to admire myself, I had to give it to Julia, she sure knew how to pick a good dress. I had missed my shopping partner.

I found Julia chatting to Sally, Laura, and James on the porch when I came out of my room, Julia could generally chat to anyone and it seemed she was getting on fine with my new friends.

After a round of birthday hugs and congratulations we sat down to some drinks and snacks that Nan was industriously bringing from the kitchen.

“So we haven’t seen you round for a while, where have you been?” I could hear the unspoken question in Sallys tone, she needed to feel loved and I had obviously made her feel more than a little snubbed in my lack of communication.

“Oh, I err, fell off Beaut again and hurt my ribs
, so I’ve been sticking close to home, I’m sorry, I should have called for a catch up.”

“Don’t worry about her,” Julia cut in, “You’ll soon get to know how random she can be.”

Sally laughed, “And accident prone, so you’ve broken your ribs twice now since coming to town, wow you’ll be itching to get out of here, away from the risks of country life.”

“Not at all,” I smiled, “Huntington is definitely growing on me.”

I received three huge smiles and one shocked frown from my audience, I decided the best answer to these looks was just to smile and shrug innocently as if this wasn’t something I could help.

I turned back towards Julia to find her fixated on something behind me, I turned towards the sheds to see what had caught her eye. My own breath caught in my throat. He was in a clean set of jeans and white polo, his bronze skin seemed to shimmer in the afternoon light and the halo that reflected from his blonde hair was glowing stronger than ever, but even better was his smile, I felt my heart skip a beat before speeding up. I could feel his eyes on me even from this distance and I felt everything else disappear until it was just him and I. It took a conscious effort for me to drag my eyes from his and turn back to the table.

BOOK: Divine Mortals
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