Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga) (33 page)

BOOK: Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)
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XXXVIII: Starling


espite the good news that Cam gave about the Hall and then delivering it to the others, who were also relieved and ecstatic, I was still worried. We were all worried sick.

Spencer was still missing and Lira was still unconscious. It shouldn’t have taken her this long to return to her body. Deep down, I wanted to stay positive but I was already grieving inside. Even shopping didn’t’ help us girls when we went to the local mall to stock up on winter clothes.

Her absence from her body and her missing soul was painstakingly hard to take because we all had to face the possible truth that she could truly be gone forever, especially with numerous dark beings stalking every corner of the spirit realm. Why did she have to go have a look at anything? There was nothing to see or report. We all knew who was responsible for it. The whole thing had me wondering though, is their current location where Sean and Diana were all this time? Did they know this was going to happen when I had met with them for orientation? I wondered.

Well, at least they were all safe. I wanted to be mad at Lira but she was too much like me in that regard. I could understand now why Cam and his friends, as well as mine, all had to be stern with me.

The others did their car shopping without me since I already had one, apparently. A black Honda Civic was sitting out on the snow covered lawn, just like Cam said it would be. The first thing I had done was to go through it for any key items of interest that could possibly both fill me in on the blank pieces of my mortal life or trigger more memories.

The next
thing we did was to acquire and exchange cell phone and cell numbers, so that we could all keep in touch with each other. Cam’s friends could find us in a heartbeat, especially knowing where we were now. They had their own built in cellphone like communication and of course, no one knew that both Cam and I were also connected.

I was a bit nervous at first. People didn’t seem to notice that we were different. Though our arms were covered, our hands were still marked with brandings. Thank goodness it was winter now but we couldn’t wear gloves forever. However, I already knew that unless one was chosen or of the spirit realm, they wouldn’t be able to see them anyway.

I then thought of Joel. When and if I saw him, how would I explain them? How would I even talk to him? Cam didn’t mention anything about a history with him even though he was obviously a close friend of mine. I was afraid of the reunion, more so being clueless and seeming weird.

The only other worry I had was giving ourselves away. I mean, young adults paying cash for brand new cars, clothes, and cellphones? I prayed that we wouldn’t be mistaken for an organized criminal gang or something.


wondered how I ever managed to drive through the falling snow before. Had I done it before? I must have. There wasn’t a lot of traffic on the road until I got closer to the city. I was fine with the slow moving traffic because it stalled me, giving me time to think. Apprehension gripped my insides. None of the sights were familiar…however, many normal things now looked strange to me.

I passed many pretty twinkling holiday lights, decorated trees, cars, storefronts, and a lot of festive holiday cheer spread all over the place. Every sound was clarified and every living thing had an aura. I was more aware of everything, which meant that I could instantly tell
if they were friend or foe too.

It was all incredibly fascinating, being able to see and switch back and forth beyond the veil of reality and into parts of the spirit realm that could be seen in hidden places. I don’t know if that was a good or bad thing but it made me wonder if I’d end up having to confront a dark being at any given moment. If I could see them, they were most definitely seeing me
, so it was a possibility.

“Not wise to be by yourself.” I heard from the backseat.

I gasped, jerking the steering wheel to the right and almost wrecking. I slammed on the brakes, slightly skidding and fish-tailing towards the guardrail.

Someone honked angrily.

I pulled alongside the guardrail into the shoulder and stopped.

Looking in the rearview mirror, A
on was sitting in the backseat.

“You scared the crap out of me.
I can’t drive in snow as it is! I assume that there’s going to be a lot of people around that University, so I’ll be alright.” I hissed and then scowled.

She smiled innocently. “Driving in snow? There’s nothing to it. Besides, I was referring to you leaving your friends vulnerable too. Your power is far deadlier, effective, and long reaching. Without you, they stand the most danger.”

“That’s why most of Cam’s friends are with them now.”

Aon raised a brow. “I see. Do you even know where you’re going?”

“Yes…at least with the help of the GPS app on my cell phone and the address on my drivers’ license.” I said glancing over at my phone, which was inserted into a hands free holder that suctioned to my windshield.

She nodded.

“Reuniting with your friend? Did you bother to call her ahead of time to tell her that you’d be coming?”

“Should I have?”

“She’s still at the home of her family, approximately four hours away. Many of the students are away for the holiday season.”

“Good. That will give me some time to get settled and try to remember some things before she gets back. I’ll tell her that I’m back a little later on then.”

“Just remember, play it cool and be careful. You’re protected by universal laws in a sense but that doesn’t mean anything. They will take the attack and destruction of the hall as full reign and permission.”

“I know. Have you heard from Cam?”

She shook her head. “Cam has been around a long, long time and he’s very powerful, not just physically. He knows what he’s doing…most of the time, and he’ll be alright, especially now that you’ve given him a reason to fight and exist.”

Her unexpected sentiment surprised me and I was touched.

“I still worry about him.”

“I know. You’re female and you’re pregnant.” She smirked. “You may want to familiarize yourself with the Universal laws soon. After all, you are subject to the rules too. No display of weapons, essences, or physical abilities in front of mortal eyes.”

“And if I’m attacked first?”

“That is why you should not venture alone.”

“What does that matter? So darkness can attack us but we can’t defend?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Then what should I do?”


I pursed my lips and looked back at her wryly.

“Not my style.”

“Then make it your style. You’re already being watched and hunted, and quite frankly, I don’t want to have to knock your man out or worse for throwing another tantrum over you if anything were to happen. In this world, I can’t readily assist as I can in the spirit realm.”

“I’ll be alright. The others are here and so are Cam’s friends.”

“They too, are bound by laws.”

“Well, if the darkness can break them then we should be able to too. The field has to be leveled somewhere.”

“Starling, Starling, Starling…”Aon sounded chastising but there was a deviant sparkle in her celestial eyes.


“No wonder you and Cam`ael are so drawn together, like charged ions of opposite polarities. I suppose that is why they call it…chemistry.” She chuckled melodically.

And then, she was gone.




Pulling into the parking lot of the three-story, all gray brick building with the circular placard mounted high beneath the eaves that read:
Wayford Hall Luxury Apartments
, I already began to feel anxious. So far, nothing really rang a bell but I did feel as if I were home. That was a good sign, right?

Ry tapped on the passenger side window, startling me. I should be able to detect other supernatural beings better than this. I sighed, pre
ssing the ‘window down’ button.

Though I could tell it was probably more for show, he was bundled up in a black leather jacket, thick long sleeved thermal shirt, dark jeans, and sunglasses. Spec
kles of falling snow contrasted against his long, ebony mo-hawk that draped down the length of his back.

“Me, Rahab, and Mac are gonna be in the area while you’re here but we’ll be cloaked. I’m pretty sure you can feel some trace of lingering dark activity here
, so be aware of your surroundings. Don’t hesitate to do what you do best and light each and every fucker coming at you up. I mean that, I don’t care what Aon or Aliks said. Got it?” He pointed a finger at me.

He heard her?

I smiled. “Okay.”

Disobeying an angel? At the mercy of taking the advice from a fallen who knew what he was talking about…I still didn’t know if I could do that knowingly and willingly.

Ry gave me a thumbs up before he turned and headed in the opposite direction of my car.

“Hey Ry!” I called out.

He turned and looked at me over his shoulder.

“Be careful!”

Ry shook his head and chuckled with the tips of his fangs showing. “Yes ma`am.” He humored me anyway with a salute, continuing onward towards an empty courtyard, packed with random mounds of snow.


Once alone, I hesitated again, looking around to take note of everything just like Ry had mentioned.

What about seeing snowfall blanketing everything in white beneath a silver, gray sky, makes everything seem so…calm and peac
eful? It was just a ruse and I was getting cold, so it was time to go on and get this over with now.

Hoping to regain the memories of an apartment that barely registered with me, and trying to play off my slight confusion at the same time was difficult. Once inside, after perusing the first floor and realizing that none of the apartment number
s matched the one on my license, I figured that I was gonna have to wander each floor without looking too much like a weirdo. It would have been worse to ask the people who have known me, ‘Hey, I know I’ve been here for almost a year, but…what apartment do I live in again?’

With the two pieces of expensive luggage that Cam left for me in my trunk, I trudged up the stair well to the second floor. Bingo! The numbers were getting close to mine as I made my way down the corridor.

Luckily, I hadn’t run across anyone familiar when I first entered the building, at least…they didn’t seem to care that I had returned. The building actually seemed a little deserted. I chalked that up to the fact that more than likely many of them, China included, were all out of town and visiting family and friends for the holidays. This was definitely in my favor.

It took me about ten minutes to figure out which key on my key ring would open the apartment door. Why the hell did I have so many keys anyway? What did they go to?

When I finally got the door open, the scent of sweet honeysuckle candles, long since burned out, lingered in the air. It instantly hit me with a sense of belonging and a memory suddenly flashed behind my eyes. I remember sitting at that kitchen counter, writing something. China had been doing something to my back and I associated some sort of discomfort and pain with whatever she was doing in that memory.

Then, I remembered sitting on that couch, watching movies and doing homework.

The apartment wasn’t that fancy but it was a nicely decorated and spacious. An immediate brooding, negative energy caught my awareness and that immediately put me on edge. Could it be the darkness that China said was trying to mess with her? I left the suitcases by the door and closed it behind me.

I poked around in the kitchen and the nearly empty refrigerator
, glancing at some of the notes and photos that were held by magnets on the freezer. Some were of me and China, others were of her and some stocky built guy with light brown, spiky hair, and some were of me and Joel. He was really handsome, too. My fingers lingered on the photo, waiting on some kind of a memory of interacting with him but none came.

I sighed and wandered into the living room, looking at all of the décor and sitting down on the couch for a moment, just staring at the blank fif
ty inch flat screen television.


China had already put up a small tree with a few lights, and shiny red garland, surrounded by small Christmas figurines, and stockings along the sofa table next to the tree.

There were several presents
left under the tree. Curiously I walked over and looked at each one. Three were to me from China, two were from both Jenna and Vanessa, one was from Toya—and then there was a small one with a red envelope that was from Joel. I felt tears well up at the thought. She anticipated my return, all of my friends did and that meant a lot for me to see. I picked up the envelope from Joel, turning it over in my hands and debating on whether or not to open it. Should I call him too? Hesitating, I just kept and carried it with me as I continued to inspect my former home.

I took in all of the distinct scents while listening closely to every sound. Someone was playing music in an apartment nearby. Another was having a get together. I was amazed at how clearly I could pick it all up. Spying the room closest to where I stood near the tree, I entered it first.

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