Djinn (28 page)

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Authors: Laura Catherine

BOOK: Djinn
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"I have to get home!" Millie squealed.

"Why?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"Why?" She looked at me like I was a crazy person. "To pick out an outfit, of course."

"The ball is still a week away," I said, double-checking the date.

"A week? That's nothing. I have to go." Millie was out the door faster than I could reply.

I didn't understand how she could be so eager. I hated wearing formal clothes and I just knew Isabelle would use this as excuse to dress me up like a doll. I sighed at the thought, dreading the whole experience.

I walked with Nate and Seth to the palace front doors. Seth was back to his usual quiet self and I didn't feel much like talking either, so Nate rambled away to fill the silence.

"The ball should be really good, Kyra," he said. "You'll love it. The ballroom always looks stunning. It will be quite the occasion."

I nodded, not really paying attention. "Mm-hm."

Nate was acting strange, almost nervous about something. I guessed it was just the ball. It would be a lot of work organising the whole thing, not to mention he would be king, eventually. He would have to put his best foot forward so his people both liked and respected him.

As we arrived at the door it was suddenly pushed from the other side. Will appeared in the foyer and my heart hammered in my chest. What was he doing here? Was he looking for me?

I stepped forward to say something, but Nate got in first.

"Hello, Will," he greeted.

"Sorry for the interruption, Prince Nathaniel." Will bowed his head.

"No problem," Nate said. "My mother is waiting for you down the hall."

Will nodded, glancing at me like I was a stranger. "Mr Hallow," he said, bowing to Seth. "Miss Greenwood."

"Will …" I began, but he turned away and walked through the foyer without looking back.

I watched him leave and whirled around to Nate. "What's he seeing the queen about?" I asked, worried Ivan had a punishment arranged for Will.

"He's applying for the Palace Guard," Nate replied. "Mother asked him in for an interview, but he's already got the job. He's a great Guardjinn."

I let out an uneasy breath. Of course; he would need work, after being fired by Ivan. Ivan would have made it hard for Will to find work elsewhere in the Djinn community. Celeste was his best chance for a good and fair job. She cared about the Guardjinn.

But why would he ignore me like that? I knew things were strained, but I needed to talk to him. I had to find out why.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I called, and ran down the corridor after Will.

I dashed off before they could even respond. I turned into the corridor, trying to work out which way Will went. I heard his footsteps ahead of me and to the right, so I ran after him. I spotted him halfway down the second corridor.

"Will!" I called.

He turned and sighed. "You shouldn't be here, Kyra."

I slowed my jog to a walk. "What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't be seen with you."

I glanced from side to side to make sure we were alone. "Will, it's okay," I said. "I know last night was intense, but we're alone here; we can talk."

"No we can't." He was short with me, abrupt.

"Will … I don't understand."

"What don't you get? You and I can't be together."

It was like being slapped all over again.

"If it's because of Ivan—"

"It's because it was a mistake. I led you on and that was wrong."

"Led me on?" I said, confused.

"Yes. I'm sorry I made you think I had feelings for you, but I don't."

Now he was being cruel.

"Will. Stop pretending what we have isn't real. I know you have feelings for me."

I moved forward to kiss him, but he backed away.

"What are you doing?" he said. "I told you. There is nothing going on between us, and I don't want to see you again. So go away!"

His voice and eyes were pushing me. They were so full of anger that it hurt to look at him.

"Will …" I begged, near tears again.

"Leave, Kyra!" he yelled.

I flinched and clenched my fists. "No!" I shouted. "You don't get to say those awful things to me. I know you don't mean them." I was poking him in the chest with my finger. "I know you feel something for me."

Will rubbed his brow. "Kyra. I don't have feelings for you. This is what I do, okay? I used you because I thought you would sleep with me, and that's it."

Anger exploded from my mind like a shock wave.

Only, it literally was a shock wave.

Will went flying down the corridor, like someone with super-strength had punched him in the stomach. He slammed into a painting on the back wall, falling to the ground in a heap.

"What?" I blinked a few times rapidly, as the anger faded and confusion took its place. "What the hell did I just do?"












Chapter Twenty-Seven


I was dumbstruck, staring down the hall at Will, who was still trying to get up after he had somehow been thrown across the room. All my anger toward him had faded and a dizzy, sick feeling replaced it.

"What's going on here?" Queen Celeste and two Guardjinn came running around the corner behind me.

"Kyra?" she asked, glancing between me and Will.

"I don't know … I think it was me, but I didn't mean …" I rambled, trying to explain and focus as the room shifted sporadically.

Celeste glided until she was level with me. I looked to her for answers, for an explanation, anything. She grabbed my arm to steady me. I was swaying all over the place, or maybe it was the room swaying.

"William?" she called down the hall.

Will moaned as he got to his feet. "I'm fine." He bent over, catching his breath. It must have been a hard blow if it had knocked the wind out of Will. He stepped on the fallen painting, cracking the frame under his feet.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Celeste looked down at me with a wide smile. "You, my dear, have just developed your ability," she said. "Congratulations."

I looked to Will. "So I did just do that. I … what did I do?"

"Telekinesis. Strong telekinesis, I might add. Duke, can you help William up and make sure he is alright?"

One of the Guardjinn moved from Celeste's side to do as she asked. I watched Will disappear from sight, with mixed feelings about what had just transpired between us.

"Kyra, come with me," Celeste urged, placing her hand on my back to lead me away.

"I'm really sorry," I said as we walked back down the corridor. I leaned against her shoulder for assistance. It didn't seem like a queenly thing to do, helping someone walk, but Celeste was just the kind of person who did the things no one expected.

"Nothing to be sorry about," she said. "I hated that painting anyway. The artist didn't do my looks justice."

She laughed at her own joke. I turned to see the other Guardjinn walking a few steps behind us.

"Don't worry about him," she assured. "He's only here for my protection."

"So my ability is telekinesis." It was strange, saying it out loud. "I don't understand though. I was tested and I didn't show any signs."

"Nothing brings out an ability quite like heightened emotions," Celeste said, glancing at me slyly.

Nothing got past Celeste. I wasn't sure if it was because of her mind reading ability or because she was a brilliant queen.

The queen led me into a small meeting room. Her Guardjinn waited outside, and she offered me a seat on a beautiful satin fainting couch.

The entire room was stunning, all stained wood and silk. A library of books lined the back wall with a large desk in front. Potted ferns scattered the room, giving it a musky, warm feeling, like a rainforest.

"You heard our fight?" I asked, shrinking back a little.

"It was quite loud, but luckily my Guardjinn and I were the only ones within earshot at the time."

"I don't know what you heard, but it wasn't really—"

Celeste glanced at me, and I stopped my lame attempt at lying. There was no lying to Celeste, mind reader or not.

"Kyra. It's okay. Your secret is safe with me. We've all had times when we've done things we shouldn't."

"You?" I gasped.

"I was younger. Before I was a queen, of course. He was handsome, and I was lovesick and rebellious."

She sighed. I had a hard time picturing her as rebellious. "What happened?" I asked.

"We'd meet in secret, but someone saw us, and they told my parents."

"I bet they were mad."

Celeste slipped in next to me on the couch. "Oh, they were furious. I'd never seen my father so angry before."

My thoughts turned to Ivan's face when he saw me with Will. It was like a volcano erupting. "What happened after they found out?"

Celeste's face fell a little. "I told them they couldn't stop me from seeing him. I loved him, even though he was Guardjinn, and to me it didn't matter. They sent me here the very next day."

"They sent you away to stop seeing a Guardjinn?" I couldn't believe it. How could parents get rid of their child like that? "Wait, so you're not from this compound?"

"No, I was born in a remote desert community. Very different from here but, between you and me, I do love the flowers and greenery much better than the dry sands." She lightly touched a nearby fern and smiled.

"Did you ever see that boy again?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. But some loves aren't meant to be," she said, as if it had all been a fleeting dream. "Besides, I loved the man I married."

"The king?" I'd seen pictures of King Julian in my studies with Will. He had been very handsome. Nate had inherited a lot of his good looks.

"Yes, Julian was an amazing man and I miss him dearly," Celeste continued. "I may have hated my parents for sending me away, but I made the most of what they chose for me."

"Your parents arranged your marriage," I said.

"Most royal marriages are arranged as a way to gain power and keep bloodlines strong." Celeste rolled her eyes at the thought. "Old laws die hard, I'm afraid."

She grabbed my hands in hers, and I noticed how silky and warm they were. Her golden eyes caught mine and held me there, completely entranced.

"The main thing is that you know what your ability is now," she said. "You should focus on mastering it."

"And keep my mind off Will," I sighed.

"Yes, that would probably be best. I understand your feelings, but we live in a time where they are not accepted. One day I hope things will change, but for now you need to think of others and not yourself. Also, your father isn't the most open-minded person."

"That's an underestimation," I replied.

"Nevertheless, you should focus on your ability. Not being able to control it can be dangerous to the people around you."

I nodded in understanding. "Yes, your Majesty."

"You're a bright girl, Kyra. You'll do well here." She reached to stroke my hair, but let her hand fall before she touched me. "I think it's time you went home. Your parents will be wondering where you are, and I have duties that need my attention. Thank you for letting me have a small break."

"Thank you," I said, rising from the couch.

Celeste walked me to the door. All traces of dizziness had passed and, though I still felt weak, at least I could walk on my own.

"Frank will walk you to the driveway," she said, gesturing to the Guardjinn who had been following us.

"Your Majesty. I was wondering. When we were in the council meeting the other day and you were yelling at Ivan."

"A panther," she replied. "You were asking me what animal I shift into. It's a panther."

"Um, yeah," I said and went with Frank to the door.


* * *


The walk home seemed longer than usual, even though I spent most of the time stuck in my head with my own thoughts. My mind was racing. I had finally figured out my ability and, funnily enough, it was the first one I'd been tested on: telekinesis. I was excited about the whole thing, but every time I thought about my new ability I thought about how it came about: Will. He had been so mean to me, said horrible things about using me and not caring.

I didn't know what to believe anymore. What was truth and what was a lie? Did he care, or was he pretending? He'd promised to never lie to me, but honestly, I couldn't tell what was true anymore. It dawned on me that really, I didn't know Will at all. I'd been here at the Djinn compound for three weeks; what did I really know about him?

He'd saved me from the man I thought was my father. He'd sneaked into my room at night, but didn't want to have me around during the day where people might see us. It was all too confusing and seemed to lead to him being a complete ass.

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