D.O.A. Extreme Horror Anthology (20 page)

Read D.O.A. Extreme Horror Anthology Online

Authors: David C. Jack; Hayes Burton

BOOK: D.O.A. Extreme Horror Anthology
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“Oh baby,” Lakiesha said as she straddled him. “Don’t be like that. I thought you wanted to have some fun?”

She tried to put Tony’s cock into her pussy, but it was soft as a wet noodle. So she stood up, turned around and said, “I got just the thing for you.”

Tony watched, paralyzed in horror, as Lakiesha guided her ass down to his crotch. Chandra’s mouth-slit opened and took his flaccid cock inside. “Oh, yeeaaaahhh,” Lakiesha moaned. “You like that, baby?”

Tony was too mesmerized to respond; all he could do was watch as the freakish ass cheek slurped on his cock. Amazingly, within minutes, he was fully erect again.

As Quandra watched her sister feast on Tony’s meat, she let out an angry, pig-like squeal, “

Lakiesha rose up and Tony’s cock slipped out of Chandra’s mouth. She let out a shriek of protest and Lakiesha scolded her, “Oh, stop it! You know you have to share.” Then she put her right cheek to Tony’s crotch, and Quandra took over. She sucked him greedily—as if trying to outdo her sister—squeezing her mouth-slit tight around his shaft, pumping her mutant head up and down in a cock-hungry frenzy.

“OOOOHHH SHIIIIIIIIT!” Tony moaned, his cock about to burst.

“My turn!” Lakiesha said as she pulled her ass away, allowing Tony’s dick to slide out of Chandra’s mouth. She took the throbbing member in her hand and guided it into her dripping wet pussy. She brought her ass down hard and fast, over and over, slamming her sister’s faces into his crotch. She fucked him so hard the chair broke, and they collapsed to the floor in a heap. Lakiesha landed on top of him and continued to fuck him, hammering her black hole against his swollen cock. Tony wanted to come—needed to—but he didn’t dare. He wasn’t wearing a condom, and he didn’t even want to think about what might happen if he got this crazy bitch pregnant.

So he warned her. “Get the fuck off me, bitch!”

“Why, baby?” she moaned as she ground her crotch on him. “Don’t you like it?”

“I said, GET OFF!”

But Lakiesha and her sisters continued to gang rape him.

The collision with the floor had loosened the ropes on his wrists, and he managed to get his hand free. He reached behind his back where his pants lay on the floor, dug into the pocket and took out his chrome-plated .38 semi-automatic pistol. He put the gun to Lakiesha’s temple and pulled the trigger. There was a loud
and Lakiesha’s brains sprayed out the other side of her head. Her body relaxed and Tony crawled out from under her.

Chandra and Quandra watched him as he stood, their eyes glued to his raging hard-on. He’d never been so horny in his life! Even the sight of this half-dead monstrosity on the floor could not quell his sex drive. He grabbed his cock and said, “You freaky bitches want some more of this?”

Both sisters groaned, their tongues slithering out of their slimy mouths, the sides of their faces caked with wet shit from where Lakiesha had voided.

Tony dropped to his knees, scooped up Lakiesha’s butt cheeks, and proceeded to feed her mutant siblings. He fucked both mouths, ramming his pelvis into their meaty faces so hard that he broke Quandra’s nose and popped Chandra’s zits. Lakiesha’s pussy was still sopping wet, and he fucked that, too, pounding her ebony slit, as her sisters’ tongues flicked at his balls. When he finished with her cunt, he stuck his dick in her ass and banged away until he was on the verge of orgasm.

Unable to hold it back any longer, he pulled out and jacked himself off, shooting a thick stream of hot, white jizz all over the sisters’ faces. When he was finished, he watched with disgust as the deformed twins licked each other clean. Then he picked up his .32 and put the barrel to Chandra’s forehead. Her tongue slithered out and licked his knuckles, but now that he’d blown his load, what would have turned him on moments ago only made him nauseous.He pulled the trigger and the gun went off with a fire-cracker pop, putting a dime-sized hole in the thing’s skull. Chandra’s lone eye rolled back in her head, her tongue wiggled once, then went limp.

As Quandra watched her sister die, she let out an ear-splitting shriek. “
!” Then, hoping to avoid the same fate, the panicked ass cheek strained to get away, to tear itself away from Lakeisha’s corpse, to run and hide from the man with the gun. Tony watched, half sickened, half amused as Quandra actually managed to drag the body a few inches across the floor.

“You are one crazy bitch,” he said.

!” she squealed.

Tony put his gun to the side of her head.



Tony looked down at himself, his naked body covered from the waist-down in a gooey froth of blood, cum, brains, and shit. He got into the shower, hoping that his homeboys were still at the liquor store. This time he had a story they wouldn’t believe.   



My Dark Lover


Stacy Bolli





I was the tender age of twelve years when I was forced to do the unthinkable, a task that nearly destroyed me.

I looked at the gleaming silver coffin, adorned with ornately carved silver handles, as six solemn pall-bearers prepared to lower it into the hard, frozen ground. A small intimate audience gathered and wept over the tragic loss of such a young and promising life. A life that just one year ago was at its prime, flawless in personality and pristine in beauty. A life that I watched slowly dissolve before me until that vibrant spark in her wonderful sky blue eyes had become completely extinguished, leaving nothing but a once beautiful shell.

I felt a burning sensation under my eyelids as the tears began to well. I wrenched my hand free of my father’s firm hold and pulled away from the small, somber crowd. I ran to the casket and draped my upper torso over the glossy lid and openly sobbed over the injustice of it all. I offered one more good-bye kiss to the woman who was once my entire world. I felt my father’s arms embrace me and pull me back as they lowered the coffin into the freshly dug grave—the final resting place of my mother. I watched as the Earth absorbed Mom’s remains and all I could do to gather strength was to renounce my God.

The day I rejected God,
found his way into my vulnerable heart and took up residence. It began innocently enough as He initially appeared to me as a dark, featureless child. My father was so overwhelmed with his own grief that I felt utterly alone in the world, and so I eagerly embraced his dark innocuous presence. He never told me his name, I asked him once, shyly, to share it with me but He said it was his most intimate possession and must remain unspoken until the day of my death—to him death marked the sacred union of our souls. He was always present, a reliable force behind me, offering me comfort and companionship as we grew up and faced the harsh world together.

We entered puberty together and explored these newfound sexual sensations with an excitement beyond description. I would lay in bed, naked and trembling, as I felt his cold, hardness snake up and touch the tingling, magical folds between my legs. His ice cold pressure sent squeals of delight into my throat as my legs would wrap tightly around His dark and slender hips; hips meant only for me.

We would often come together in my pink princess bed and the molten flow he released would blazon its paths under my skin with the fury of Pele herself. I would often lie upon Him after the explosive orgasm and our bodies seemed to meld into one; I could feel his touch reach into my heaving chest and cradle my warm, beating heart. We played these games nightly and soon He became the sole reason for my existence.

The only thing he asked of me in return for his devotion was that I excel in school. I agreed; I had no other social life and I dedicated every waking moment to him and my studies. I graduated Valedictorian of my class when I was just sixteen-years-old. My father clapped proudly at the graduation as I accepted my diploma—this was one of those rare times when I gained his approval. I walked down the stage clutching my diploma in one hand and feeling His dark chill enveloping the other.

I was accepted into college and decided to attend Medical School after graduation from the University, all the while He stood beside me whispering answers and words of encouragement into my ears during exams and rotations—with him by my side I never failed.

When it came time to choose what field of medicine I would practice, he made the decision for me. “Vanity is humanity’s most profitable sin; we will leave our mark on this world through vanity!”

After Medical School was completed I opened my own practice as a plastic surgeon. I soon became recognized for my incredible creations in rhinoplasty and breast augmentations. I viewed my surgeries as artwork and took immense pride in my masterpieces. The name Dr. Lindsay Davidson, became world renowned and respected.

While running my very successful practice, in the most superficial state of California, I became pregnant. My heart seized with terror as I came into the realization of my state.

How could he impregnate me
? I desperately argued with myself. I was never with another man so it had to be his child growing within my womb.

The night I told Him of my condition and He appeared to be overjoyed. I felt his cool arms wrap around my belly that night as I drifted to sleep. I heard him singing words of a strange tongue to the dark embryo nested in my uterus.

Two days later my body rejected the embryo.

I was standing naked in my bathroom after a long, hot shower toweling my hair and looking into the mirror. I wiped the steam off the surface of the mirror and stared at my withered features in dismay. I looked positively spent and exhausted. As I pulled down the hair dryer from the closet a sharp pain sliced through my abdomen. I dropped the hair dryer and grabbed my tender stomach in panic. The vicious pain continued to pummel through me like the lethal waves of a tsunami. I cried out to Him for help as I felt a searing, hot fluid begin to trickle down the inside of my legs. I screamed against the fresh wave of pain and fell naked to the floor. I spread my legs wide so they would not come into contact with the molten fluid that poured from me. I watched in horror as the steaming clear liquid pooled around me and then I felt an enormous urge to vacate my bowels. I pushed against the pressure and three black capsules escaped from between my legs. The capsules were shiny and hard; covered in an intricate cobweb of thin red vessels that pulsated with flowing life. I cried out in fear and pain as the skin inside my legs burned with an invisible fire caused by the splash of acidic amniotic fluid.

As I lay weeping on the cold tile he emerged from my linen closet. He did not say a word as he crouched down to gather the results of his unsuccessful attempt of procreation. He held the rejected embryos to his chest and I watched a single tear drop from his eye. He bent his head to kiss his failed spawn and retreated out of the bathroom without uttering a single word to me. My heart was heavy with his disappointment as I mopped up the acidic amniotic fluid.


Three months later I learned I was pregnant again and one week later that pregnancy ended in a natural abortion. Again, He was there to gather his progeny and silently walk back to whatever lair He called home.

A couple of hours later he appeared to me; his form was slumped and he had a defeated tone to his voice.

“The only way I can bring my children into this world is through a willing female. It is obvious the usual method of carrying a pregnancy will not work in our case. We will not try it the normal way again, for I can’t bear the disappointing results one more time. I have another plan.”

“Oh, does it involve my body?” I silently pleaded that it would not; it was immense torture on my mental and physical being as well.

“No, but I do need your help,” and he recited a list of his demands to me.

I frowned, “I can get this for you, but why?”

“You will find out when the time comes; trust my love,” he gave me a small nod with his dark head.

That week I gathered his required supplies and assembled them neatly into a box. He accepted the box from me and left me to start on his project.

Days passed before I heard from Him again. I was beginning to worry if he would never return to me; he never stayed away for such a long length of time. My world would crumble if He should never return; I desperately needed Him to live. Much to my relief he appeared to me late that night cradling a box lined with an electric blanket.

He handed me the warm box and instructed me on what he needed next. “I need you to lure in the women. We need at least ten willing females; they must be certain and eager for the procedure. Announce an irresistible special on breast implants; bring these eager women to us and under your knife.”

I nodded to him and walked into my bedroom to plug in the makeshift incubator.

That week I announced a ‘Bogo’ special for boobs. The deal was tempting, and many fish took the bait. My office was jam packed by the end of the week and my first procedure was scheduled for the following Monday. He seemed very pleased with my efforts and he rewarded me with a sweet and spicy kiss that left my lips burning.

When the day of the first surgery arrived and my patient was safely under anesthesia I took my first look at the impregnated saline breast implants. They seemed quite innocuous at first, only the saline seemed slightly cloudy. Upon further scrutiny I could catch flashes of darkness slithering through the cloudy, warm liquid. With a deep breath and a minuscule pang of guilt I placed the implant into the woman’s open chest cavity and performed my magic. When she was all stitched up I stepped back to admire my work—her boobs jiggled slightly with the new life growing within them.

At the end of the very busy surgical week I reluctantly prepped my last patient, my next door neighbor. She was a very sweet woman and wanted these new breasts to please her husband.

“Are you sure you want to do this for him? It has to be for you, I suggest you put more thought into your decision, Laurie,” I desperately tried to change her mind in my office before the procedure.

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