Dog Tags (25 page)

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Authors: David Rosenfelt

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General, #FIC022000

BOOK: Dog Tags
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Willie told him about the deposition, and the idea that M might well have come in by boat if he was there at all. “The cop
is going to show the sketch around. Will it help if someone IDs him?”

“Absolutely,” Andy said. “As long as I can figure out a way to get the judge to admit it.”


“You’re not half bad at this detective work,” Andy said.

“Nah… I still don’t know a lot of legal stuff.”

“Like what?”

“Well, like… what if I throw Hike out of the plane between here and Miami? Which country would I be charged in?”

says Billy. We’re meeting in a courthouse anteroom before the start of today’s trial session. “My job was to watch out for
what I thought might be threats, so I didn’t see him at all.”

I take out the sketched map of the immediate area, and point to specific spots on it. “She was here, and the minister was
here.” There’s a fairly substantial distance between the two locations.

Billy stares at it for a few moments, then closes his eyes. It’s a sign of my sensitivity level that I hadn’t anticipated
he might react emotionally to this; he is revisiting the time and place that cost him his leg. It also led him to his current
incarceration and plight.

Finally, he opens his eyes and nods. “Right. And I was standing here, until I walked away. When the bomb went off I was here.”
He points to the places on the sketch.

“Could she have gotten closer to the minister if she wanted to?” I ask.

“Absolutely. Once she got inside, there was really nothing to stop her.”

“Any idea why she didn’t?”

He shakes his head. “No. Not really.”

“Could she have been nervous, and in a hurry?” I ask.

“She certainly should have been nervous; she was taking her own life. Even if she thought she was doing it for her God, it
was still a big deal. But she was not in a hurry; I can tell you that. She walked and looked around for at least twenty minutes
before she detonated the bomb. The length of time was why I stopped really paying much attention to her.”

“The idea that the minister was the target… was that based on anything other than an assumption?”

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“I mean, did you have any advance warning that there was going to be an effort made to kill him? Did anyone claim credit after
the fact?”

“No, none of that. You think there’s a chance they weren’t after him?”

“I certainly don’t see any proof that they were.”

“So who were they after?” he asks.

“I don’t know. Maybe no one. Maybe they were just out to kill people and capture the attention of the world.”

He nods. “Good old-fashioned terrorists. But let me ask you a question… so what? What’s the difference who they were after
or why they did it?”

“Because I’m operating under the assumption that the explosion is somehow linked to Erskine’s murder,” I say. “If it isn’t,
it isn’t. But I have to follow it as if it is, or we’re nowhere.”

“But even if it’s linked, what does it matter? Even if someone paid Erskine and the other guys off to let it happen, and I’m
sure someone did, how does that help defend me against Erskine’s murder?”

“Because I believe the people who paid him off are the people who killed him. So if we solve that murder, we solve this one.”

Unfortunately, we’re not going to solve it before trial this morning, so we head into the courtroom. Eli’s first witness is
Mooney, a young woman who lives across the street from the Skybar. She and her husband were sitting on their porch, enjoying
the evening summer breeze.

She testifies that they saw Milo sitting slightly down the block, apparently tied to a tree. This upset them, because they
thought he was abandoned.

“So what did you do?” asked Eli.

“I walked over to the dog, just to make sure he was okay,” Ms. Mooney says.

“What happened next?”

“Well, when I got over there, he growled a little, so I backed off. Then a man who was standing about thirty feet away told
me that it was his dog, and that I should leave him alone.”

She identifies the man as Billy, and also mentions that she saw Erskine standing in front of the bar. She has set the scene
perfectly for Eli, and the clear implication of her testimony is that Billy and Milo were stalking and lying in wait for Erskine.

There’s not a hell of a lot I can do with her on cross-examination; everything she is testifying to is true, and she hadn’t
had nine vodka and tonics to cloud her memory.

“Ms. Mooney, you testified that Mr. Zimmerman is the person you saw that night, the man who told you to keep away from Milo.”


“You had no trouble identifying him?” I ask.

“None. Where he was standing, there was a streetlight right nearby.”

“So he wasn’t hiding?” I ask. “He wasn’t lurking in the shadows?”

She shakes her head. “No, he was down the street from the bar, so he was right in front of our house.”

“So when he was standing in the light, talking to you, he didn’t seem concerned that you could see his face?”


The implication is clear: If Billy was planning to murder someone, why would he be willing to be recognized? Of course, the
truth is that Billy’s conduct was overly risky—Milo was going to commit a crime, and Billy’s actions could have tied him to

“And you said that Milo had growled at you?”


“Is it possible that Mr. Zimmerman was trying to protect you from Milo? That he was afraid Milo might bite you?

“I suppose it’s possible.”

There’s nothing left for me to do but reaffirm the testimony she gave to Eli that she and her husband were inside and asleep
by the time the murder took place.

Her testimony has been damaging, but not fatal. She placed Billy and Milo at the scene of the crime, but we had already admitted
they were there to commit a theft. Nothing she has said has disproven that.

The rest of the day is a succession of witnesses who also place Erskine in front of the bar, with Billy and Milo nearby. Some
of them also saw Billy with the gun in his hand, or leaning over Erskine’s body.

No one will admit to seeing the man Billy claims is the actual shooter, or to seeing him drive off. It’s understandable, since
the shooting happened down the block, in relative darkness, and they weren’t drawn to walk down and look until after hearing
the shots.

I get each witness to admit that it’s possible that there was someone else there, but that will not be close to compelling
for the jury.

The case being constructed against Billy will be very hard to tear down.

He’s not helping actively or intentionally; Milo clearly believes in stepping back and letting the justice system run its
course. But his mere presence is having a positive effect.

The media always seems to bombard and depress the public with statistics chronicling all the bad things that happen to Americans.
They dutifully report that there is a violent crime committed every twenty-two seconds, a cancer diagnosis every twenty-six
seconds, an auto accident every five seconds, and an auto accident injury every ten seconds. It’s the reason I no longer buy
watches or clocks with second hands.

The point of this is that, with all the terrible things constantly happening, it’s very difficult to break through the clutter.
Certain crimes, for instance those involving JonBenét Ramsey, Natalee Holloway, Chandra Levy, and Laci Peterson, attract tremendous
media attention; other, similar ones do not.

Milo is our clutter breaker. His notoriety as a canine thief has given this case a public forum. The fact that it all has
roots in Iraq, and that the victim is a high-ranking military officer, would have
attracted interest anyway, but nothing like that which Milo’s involvement brings.

Dogs seem to have that effect on people. Rescue a person from a raging river, and you’re on page four. Rescue a helpless dog
from the same river, and you’re on the

I’m taking advantage of this national canine fascination by appearing on Larry King tonight. It’s not my favorite thing to
do; the conversations always feel strained and stilted to me, and I feel like I need to rein in my normal obnoxious sarcasm.

I also dislike when Larry opens it up to phone-in questions; they have a tendency to be direct and on point, and thus more
difficult to evade. All in all, the thirty minutes I have been allotted will feel like a month.

But we need to shake things up, and we simply don’t have the resources to do so on our own. We need the public to know about
our situation, and we need their help in dealing with it. And if the jurors are watching, despite the judge’s admonition to
avoid media coverage of the trial, so much the better.

I’ve handled a number of very high-profile cases in recent years, and I’ve made the media rounds on most of them. This is
my third time doing the Larry King show, so Larry mercifully doesn’t spend too much time introducing me to his audience.

We get right to the case at hand, and within five minutes I’m holding up the sketch of M. “There’s no sense mincing words
on this, Larry. This is the man that we think is the real killer, and this is not the only murder he is guilty of. I don’t
know his name, but he goes by the initial ‘M.’”

“That’s a pretty strong statement to make,” Larry says, probably surprised, since strong, controversial statements are not
exactly a staple of the show.

“Yes, it is. And if I held your picture up on national television and called you a murderer, you’d be suing me within the
hour. If this
man wants to come forward and take me to court, I would welcome it, but he won’t.”

“So what do you expect him to do?”

“To stay in the shadows and continue killing. That’s why I am asking your viewers, if they have seen this man or know anything
about him, to contact me or law enforcement. But please be careful: He is armed and very, very dangerous.”

Larry then proceeds to ask me some semi-specific questions about Billy’s trial, most of which I deflect, citing some vague
confidentiality concerns. Finally I feign exasperation, and say what I’ve planned to say all along. “Larry, this case is about
far more than a murder on an Edgewater street. It began when a young girl was sent in to blow up herself and a lot of innocent
people, one of whom was my client.”

“So what is your theory of the case?” he asks.

“That will all come out where it should, in front of the jury. But this is much bigger than one murder; it has huge national
security implications. And my client has been an unfortunate, innocent bystander through all of it.”

Before I leave, I show pictures of Jeremy Iverson, Jason Greer, and Raymond Santiago, the three soldiers we have been unable
to locate at all. I realize that they may already be murder victims, though I don’t mention this. Instead I call on the public
to contact me if they have any knowledge about their whereabouts.

“I am not accusing them of anything. In fact, it’s possible that they may already be victims. But if they are alive and well,
I have reason to believe that they have information crucial to our case.” My expectation is that the media, including CNN’s
own reporters, will pick this up and run with it. All of America will learn that the people I’ve mentioned are soldiers who
were there that day in Iraq, and that were subsequently discharged.

Larry thanks me for coming, and obligingly gives me a chance
to show the sketch of M again. I’ve accomplished my goals, which were to get these pictures out to the public, and also to
reveal that we have an intriguing theory of the case. It’s been worth half an hour of my time, even if it felt like a month.

When I get home, I have to delay getting into bed with Laurie in order to have a trust session with Milo. Suffice it to say
that I’m not pleased.

After he and Tara chomp down a few treats, I ask Milo, “You starting to trust me yet?”

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