Dom Vs: Domme: The Deluxe Trilogy: A Billionaire Romance (Dom Vs. Domme Book 0) (92 page)

BOOK: Dom Vs: Domme: The Deluxe Trilogy: A Billionaire Romance (Dom Vs. Domme Book 0)
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Ethan would see. She was far from expensive. Jasmine was quite the opposite of expensive. She was one cheap girl giving away everything for free. Surely, Mr. Lost Wallet could afford






“Snazzy,” Jasmine said as she entered the executive suite behind Ethan. “So this is how a megarich businessman stays in town.”


She stepped out of the entryway and surveyed the large room. It wasn’t massive, but it had a separate sitting room and master bedroom in the back. The centerpiece was a fake fireplace with a large flatscreen TV hanging above it, as if rich guys passing through only cared about gas fires and football. Or Bloomberg.
Is it a split screen that can show both?
Not that Jasmine wanted to watch stock prices or football plays. She had other things on her mind.


“Megarich?” Ethan tossed his room key onto a dresser and poured himself a drink from the complimentary bar. More scotch, from the looks of it. “I don’t know about that. I also don’t know how much money you seem to think I have. Either way, you’re probably a gold digger.”


Jasmine pretended she didn’t hear that. She sat on the edge of a plush beige chair and massaged her ankles, which were currently tied up in a pair of strappy red heels. Men liked heels. She had it on good authority.
They’re not super comfy though.
The price a woman paid for style and seduction. “How long you in town for?”


“What difference does it make?” Ethan stood in front of a mirror and watched himself drink his scotch. Or so Jasmine thought until she realized he was looking at her reflection. “I’m only going to see you tonight.”


The chair muffled as Jasmine sat up straight. “I get that this sort of thing is probably old hat for you, but…”


“Old hat?”


She huffed in his direction, exasperated. “Picking up women in random cities and bringing them to your room.”


“You came up to
if I may remind you. My only intentions tonight were to get a drink and then retire for the evening. I also had a long day.”


“Doing billionaire business stuff, I’m sure.”


“I admit, I didn’t give a cat a bath, but I did sit through a three-hour board meeting about things that would terribly bore you.” Ethan poured another drink, handing the stout glass to Jasmine. “That’s my own personal version of hell. But enough about that.” After Jasmine took her drink Ethan poured himself another. He clinked it against Jasmine’s glass before drinking it in one swig. “You came up here for something else. You made that pretty clear.”


Jasmine sniffed the drink and immediately put it down on the coffee table. “I know what I want.” She sank back into the chair, crossing her legs and holding her braceleted hand up. She was sure her rubies twinkled in the soft lights. “Can’t fault me for that.”


“And I know what I want,” the man said a bit too quickly. There was a bite to his voice that Jasmine had not anticipated, and hearing it now made something stir inside her body.
That’s something .
She shivered, fighting back the arousal that had been creeping through her since early that morning when she decided to make a night like this happen. Just so happened Ethan was the lucky guy… or was she the lucky girl? “I’ve got… certain tastes… I suppose you could say.”


Jasmine plucked the glass off the table and took a gulp big enough to burn her throat. The liquor was not kind to her system, but that was the point. No wonder the man was ready to ply her with alcohol. “I know what that’s code for,” she said with a gasp.


“Then I don’t have to explain myself.” Ethan sat aside the empty glasses and removed his jacket.
Hello there.
White shirt and tie? Ethan could say he was into any sort of kinky thing and she’d likewise be into it now too. Especially if it meant getting to put her paws on this man covered in the most intoxicating cologne she ever smelled. Forget the liquor. She’d get drunk off that!


“A little explanation would be nice.” Jasmine always believed in being prepared.


Ethan tossed his jacket onto the couch and turned to her, arms lashing out and hands grabbing either side of Jasmine’s chair.
His lips were mere inches away from hers, hovering with hot, easy breaths that pushed against her cheek while his eyes bore into hers. Jasmine slipped farther into the back of the chair.
This man is going to eat me alive.
God willing! “Any control you thought you had when you came up here is long gone. I’m in charge now. I’m always in charge. Got it?”


Jasmine nodded, eyes locked on that strong jaw looming over her face. If she were brave enough to touch him, she could easily rip open his top two buttons and take a look at what he kept beneath his clothes. Yet from the way he looked at her… Jasmine had a feeling she would be disrobing first.
As long as we’re on the same page – we’re doing it.


“Good.” Smiling – although there was nothing comforting about that smile – Ethan stood back, loosened his tie, and had a seat on the couch. “I’d rather not mince words. Let’s get right to it. Unless you’re not interested anymore.”


Jasmine pushed herself up, smoothed out her dress, and made sure her hair was presentable
What else was she supposed to do? Mr. Rich Guy she picked up in a bar had a power thing. That could definitely be hot. Suddenly Jasmine imagined this man throwing her onto the master bed and going at her like a roaring beast. Her eyes glazed over as she became lost in the fantasy of Ethan ripping her dress, her underwear, and God only knew which body parts she kept tucked away for such situations.


“I’m… interested.”


“You don’t seem so. You’re sitting on that chair as if you’re expecting me to do all the work right now. I told you, I had a long week. I’ve got a pretty long flight coming up soon. Don’t suppose you could help a guy out?”


I have to admit, I’m not sure what he’s getting at.
“You said you had all the power.”


“I do. And I’m
we get on with this. In fact, I’m pretty tired. If you don’t amuse me enough I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave so I can get some rest.”


Jasmine stared at him, her hackles raised but her interest also piqued.
How dare he!
And here she thought she had this in the bag! She needed some, he wanted some… it seemed pretty simple. Jasmine wasn’t asking for something outrageous. Ethan could pin her down on the couch and take her for a mere five minutes and she’d be pretty pleased. Now he was making her do the grunt work? To
him all over again? Why, Jasmine was really starting to feel like a paid service after all!
Those types of women get to be ordered around.
Then again… proving her worth, seducing him for a second time that night… there was a point of pride in that.
It’s also kind of hot.
Wasn’t that the second time she thought that? If Ethan kept this game up, Jasmine would be so hot and bothered they would have to call the fire department to put out her fire.
I can see the papers now.
She hoped Ethan’s cause of death could be so glamorous.




On the other hand, if he kept acting like a petulant child, Jasmine may quickly lose patience and leave. “You seem like a hard man to please,” she said, standing up and sauntering toward him, sure to sway her hips back and forth. “So demanding and always changing his mind.”


“I’m easy to please. Assuming you’re easy to please me. Then we’ll get along fine.”


“And what does a man like you need to be pleased?” Jasmine put her hands on her hips and cocked a sure grin. “I’m dying to know.”


Ethan looked both intrigued and disenchanted, as if a movie he always wanted to see played on TV but he was too distracted to pay attention. “Let’s start with what you keep underneath that dress. Maybe that will be enough in and of itself.”


Doubt it.
It also screwed with Jasmine’s plans. She was going to get him to rip this dress off, damnit, but right now Ethan seemed interested in only lounging on the couch and staring at her figure.
Fine. We’ll play your game.
Jasmine plucked the thin strap of her dress between her fingers and lowered it over her shoulder. She had never worked as a stripper before, but it didn’t seem too hard.


Neither did Ethan, who sat like a total guy with his legs spread and arms reaching across the back of the couch. With such a great view of what he packed in his pants, Jasmine had hoped for a show of her own. “How much you want?”


He shrugged. “How much you gonna let me see?”


Jasmine reached behind her torso and searched for her damned zipper. She kept a fabulous poker face as she struggled to get that zipper down and toward her hips. “Let’s keep it simple to start with.” The top of her dress slipped off her arms and gathered around her waist, revealing the red, lacy bra she wore that night. The whole thing was transparent save for the front of the cups.
Ethan could see quite a bit of skin – it helped that Jasmine sprung for a push-up for her adventures in seduction – but not what he probably cared about most. “If this doesn’t do it for you, then I don’t know what will.” She dramatically moved her arms up and clutched her fingers behind her head. Ethan’s eyes went straight to the bounce in her bra, as planned.
Even men like this are easy.
She only hoped that the return would be as good.


Ethan studied her figure, but neither smiled nor frowned. “Lovely. Let me see them.”


He probably thought she was going to unsnap her bra and rip it off. That was so passé
Besides, the longer it took Jasmine to take off her bra and show him the goods, the more time she had to think about what she was doing.
No big deal, just flashing my boobs at some random guy I met tonight!
She had to suppress a nervous giggle as she grabbed her own chest and yanked down the front of her bra. Damn the air felt cold against her nipples!


Maybe that was in her favor, though. Especially with Ethan’s brows going up – and hopefully those weren’t the
things going up! “Very nice,” he said, voice cracking. “I can now see where you get your confidence from.”


Jasmine stepped forward, pleased that Ethan struggled to make eye contact with her.
When you’ve got it, use it.
Her goal was to get this man in bed. The more he stared at her chest, the more the odds were in her favor. “Now tell me more about these tastes of yours.”


“Might be better if we start with tasting something else.” Ethan snatched her wrist and brought her down to his level. Knees buckling, Jasmine tripped on one of her heels and sank to the carpet. She thought she would embarrass herself by hitting the floor in one motion, but Ethan sat up and kept her propped against his legs. Before she knew it, he had kissed her lips with no hesitation.


That cologne filled her nostrils before his tongue filled her mouth. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but the sheer power within his kiss sent her reeling, falling backward into his encompassing arms as they awkwardly sat, Ethan’s hands clutching her bare shoulders as his lips entangled with hers.


Shit, shit!
Alarms sounded in Jasmine’s head. Alarms that begged her to throw herself in Ethan’s arms and take what she could get. Right there on the couch? Perfect. Falling to the floor, his hips sliding between hers? Exquisite. The man could throw her against the arm of the couch and take her from behind for all she cared! Especially when his lips finally meandered from hers and searched her throat for something. Maybe nirvana. Either way, her skin would be bruised in the morning from how wickedly he taunted her flesh.


His breath trailed from throat to ear, a devilish grin on that chiseled face. “Your nipples are harder now than before I kissed you. Something you want to share?”


Jasmine couldn’t find her voice. It was stuck somewhere in the pit of her stomach, pushed there by Ethan’s ravenous tongue only moments before. “Yes.” She braced herself against his knees, fingers digging into the expensive material of his trousers. “Fuck me. For the love of…”


“Any woman can ask me to fuck her.” He still whispered in her ear, and for a second Jasmine thought his tongue would play with it until she came in excitement right there. “It takes a special woman to entice more than the man out of me. Can you do that?”


His hands squeezed her, and Jasmine shivered at this delightful,
I bet he initiates his secretaries on the first day.
She could see it now: a beautiful blond, or maybe a brunette like her, called into his office to take notes.
Yeah, notes on his cock.
What did Jasmine have to do to get a job like that? Her hands pushed forward against his legs, the rest of her quivering as she came dangerously close to his groin.

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