Dominated By Desire (16 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Dominated By Desire
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“Heather, this is Streya and his wife.”

She bowed to them and was a little surprised when they bowed back.

“My son’s mate can read ancient and I need your help confirming it.” She greeted her friends. “First through we will get to know each other.” Heather was thrilled. Lots of small talk with these people staring at her when she wasn’t looking.

Storm’s uncle walked up to her and handed her a soft leather book.

“Read for me.”

At least he was honest with her. She took the book and looked at the page he had it opened to. Within seconds she closed the book. “That is the mating ceremony.”

It went into graphic detail of what the mates needed to do. More than Storm ever told her. She felt the heat in her cheeks.

He patted her on the shoulder and smiled. “She can read it easily.”

“We were going to wait until after dinner, Hynna.”

“Why? Everyone wants to know.” He picked up a glass near him and drained it. “Waiting will only make her worry.” Streya spoke next. “So there must be a few things you miss from Earth?”

“Some things, but not as much as I thought I would.” She was greeted with a bunch of grins. “You asked me that in ancient, didn’t you.”

“And you answered it in the same language.”

“Great.” She felt her head start to hurt just a little more. “How many people can read it, understand the spoken version and speak it?”



Chapter 10

Heather sat there looking at the people who confirmed that she was more of an oddity than she realized. She had always had a knack for languages but nothing like this. She had never been normal and she sure wished it would happen for at least one day.

“I’d like to try something.” They nodded. She turned her translator off to see if it was the equipment verses or just her. “Okay. Please speak to me.

Let me see if I can understand you.”

Storm’s mother spoke first and although she could catch a few words here and there she didn’t really understand her. But when Streya spoke she understood every single word. “At lease the translator isn’t the reason I understand the language.”

Heather just wished she wasn’t the one who could do something no one else could do. Her life had been filled with too many of those crazy little moments.

She spoke to the couple as nicely as she could even though her head was going in circles. Why her? Why did she have to have this special ability?

They had dinner and then excused themselves. They knew she needed time to absorb what was going on with her.

Storm’s uncle came up to her and touched her chin so she would look at him. His lack of height allowed him to look her in the eye. She wondered why he didn’t hit the seven foot height the rest of the men reached. “Your time to be strong is coming soon.”

“Okay.” What did he mean by that?

He then walked to his sister and kissed her on the cheek before letting himself out.

“So what did my brother say?”

“He was being his cryptic self.” She sat down and dropped her head back. “Wish Storm was here.”

“He will be. Tomorrow.”

Her head snapped up. “And how am I allowed to greet him?”

“Any way you wish.”

“Okay, what is proper protocol?” She could tell Anseri didn’t understand the question so she tried again. “On Earth, when a loved one came home from a mission the families would be at the space dock waiting. They wanted to show their support and most didn’t want to wait until they got home.”

“I see. As his mate you may greet him at the site. As the mate of the next leader of the elders you must be protected.”

“How discrete.” Heather wasn’t happy, but at least he’d be back. Her plans to greet him like a normal person had been trashed by her new station in life.

“You wish for discrete? I can arrange that.”

“Please?” Heather stood. If it didn’t look like she had half the Vespian army around her she would feel one hundred percent better. “If you don’t mind I need to get ready for him. I promised him a surprise and haven’t had a chance to get it ready.”

“Do you need any help?”

“Um, I’ve got it, but thank you.” She went to the room his mother had offered to her when they arrived. It had been Storm’s when he used to live with her.

Being alone on the strange planet hadn’t been as hard as she expected because she was surrounded by his things. The clothing was older and probably didn’t fit him but when she felt a little lonely she had taken out a shirt or two and put them on. She could feel him near when she did that. It brought her a little comfort.

She had brought several data links with her so she could access some of Earth’s files without having to ask permission every time. The links had all been cleared when she first set foot on the Vespian ship. Now she had to find the lingerie she had in mind.


The rays of the two Vespian suns lit up the landscape. She stood off to the side of all the other women and men waiting for their mates to arrive.

Storm’s mother didn’t seem to understand the meaning of discrete with the giant blue and white tent she had erected on the site. All the guards standing between them and the other well-wishers didn’t help either.

“His ship has landed.” She offered Heather a drink.

“I’m sure he’ll be able to find me now.” Heather shook her head. All she wanted to do was meet him at the ship. Not make a spectacle of herself.

“You had hoped your reunion would be a private one.” Storm’s mother stood and walked to the opening of the tent and lifted the flap. “I do understand that, but someone is after you and my son would never forgive me if something happened while you were in my care. This will work out just as well. You’ll see.”

She left Heather inside as the soldiers aboard ship started to debark and head to their homes.


“Why is your mother here?”

Storm looked at his friend. “What are you talking about?”

“The big blue pavilion up there?” He pointed in the direction of the tent.“I’m not sure but I’ll go find out.” Storm grinned. He had an idea and wondered what his mate had said to get his mother to make such a spectacle.

It wasn’t her style at all.

He stopped in front of his mother and gave her the proper bow before he gave her a bright smile. “My soldiers and I are honored by your presence.”

“I wanted to thank them for their hard work and sacrifice.” She looked out at the sea of faces staring back at her. “I wish to honor all by opening the palace to you and your families. I know you just got back and wish to spend time with them before coming to some formal function.” She shooed her son into the tent behind her.

He found his mate standing there waiting for him. In two strides he had her in his arms and his mouth on hers. “I have missed you.”

“I have missed you too.” She looked around the tent at the different servants. She had been working on her courage all day to do what she knew would surprise him. With them in the area she was losing her nerve. “I had hoped to greet you alone. Your mom didn’t think it would be proper without a little spectacle thrown in.”

“So she did all this for you?”

She nodded.

Storm noticed she was a little skittish. Something was up.

Her quick glances to the help and a slight nibble on her bottom lip made him wonder what she would do if he got rid of them. So he did. “Out.” In seconds the room cleared. “Now, what has you acting like you did something wrong.”

She looked at him. “How do you know me so well so fast?”

“I’m a good study.”

Her bright eyes held a promise in them. What was she up to?

“Well, I promised you something when you left.”

“I remember.” He watched as she reached for the tie that held her gown together. The garment was pretty simple, wrapping around her waist and keeping it snug. She had his undivided attention as she slowly pulled the belt free and held the gown open.

He became instantly hard. Her body was encased in another bit of lace.

Red in color and it fit her perfectly, but what had his total focus were little straps going from her waist to the tops of her thighs. They attached to more material covering her legs. “Woman, you can greet me like that every time we’re separated.”

He traced the edged of the lace that surrounded her breasts. Her nipples hardened when he brushed his fingers against the tips. His hands slid down her stomach to the straps holding the material wrapped around her legs. It was soft and sensuous. He felt his body shake, knowing he couldn’t touch her until they made it home. “Why would you do this to me?” She rubbed him along his length. “Because I remember the last time when you saw a bit of lace and you couldn’t touch me. You lost control for just a moment. Knowing I can do that to you the way you do it to me was too much to pass up.”

The flap started to move and he pulled her against him. That was his gift and he didn’t want to share it with anyone.

“Secure your dress. We’re about to have company.” One more flash of red filled his vision before she covered herself.

Her whole demeanor changed then. Knowing she was able to affect him the way she did gave her power she didn’t know she had. She swished her hips at him and held herself proudly.

He took her hand and led her out of the tent. This was the first time the people, especially those who worked with him regularly, saw her. Many were curious, straining to see what she looked like. As a unit they all saluted him and bowed to her. He was very proud when she gave them the proper bow, her modesty keeping her behind him and allowing him to still show dominance.

“So what did you end up deciding to do about this celebration you want to have?” he asked his mother.

“It will be in two days’ time.” She stepped back so her son would have the limelight for a moment. “That way you and your mate can have some time to yourselves.”

“Thank you.”

It didn’t take long for her people to take the tent down and move it toward the main buildings of the elders. Storm followed his mother, keeping an arm around Heather. He couldn’t keep his gaze off her, wishing he could just find a secluded spot and show her how much he missed her. His heart beat faster every time he caught a hint of red. Or heard the soft swish of her legs rubbing together.

“What is that?” he said it softly in her ear.


He squeezed her hand. “You are in trouble when we get alone.”

“I hope so.” She said it softly and it was music to his ears.

“So, what happened while I was gone?” He expected an answer but both women were quiet. Never a good sign. “That bad?” They still remained silent. He saw the look that passed between them.

Then Heather finally sighed.

“You know how I didn’t want to cause any trouble?” She gave him a bright smile but he could hear the sarcasm in her voice. “Well, I was minding my own business and learned I have a new talent. I kinda blew that staying out of trouble right out of the water.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I can speak ancient. Wait, that’s not quite right. I can speak it, read it in any form and I’m the only one on your planet with that particular talent.” Her voice took a sad edge. “Turned the translator off and everything.” He looked at his mother, who nodded.

“I decided I wasn’t enough of an outcast on this planet I had to add something to the list.” She released his hand and wrapped her arms around herself.

“You are not an outcast.” He pulled her body against his so her feet couldn’t hit the ground. He touched her face with his free hand. “You are my mate and I will show you how much you belong here when we get home.” She pressed her face into his neck and wrapped her arms around him.

“This has been bothering you.”

“How would you feel if you were on my planet and suddenly you could speak some language that had been dead for so long no one was sure what it sounds like anymore?” She pulled her face back so she could look at him.

“And you weren’t from the planet.”

“Knowing I had you to come home to every night would make it all right.” She remained silent. He stopped walking and put her back down.

Touching her cheek, he wanted to remove the painful look on her face. “You don’t agree.”

“Then your mom needed to verify my talent.” She took his hand and urged him to start walking again, her grip tight. They caught up with his mother quickly after she spoke.

“You took her to the university?” He wanted to throttle his mother. She could have waited for him to get back before subjecting his mate to all of this.“Is she not the mate of our next leader? Should she be given special treatment because of who she is bonded to?” His mother kept her back straight and her eyes in front of her. Her tone let him know she didn’t like his questioning of her decisions.

She was right. Heather had to stand on her own. “And how did she do?”


He hugged her tight. “I knew she would. Um, why are we walking past my apartment?”

“Because it was easier for me to stay with your mother.” He was sure there was more to it than that but had to agree she was probably better with his mom than by herself in his apartment.

“Is that where you wish to go now?”

She gave him a confused look. “I’ll go wherever you want me to.”

“Then tomorrow we shall move into my apartment, for tonight we can stay at my mother’s.” He looked at his mother, wondering if staying with her was a good idea. “You don’t have some weird agenda to keep us apart do you?”

“Storm, that is your mother.” Heather slapped him on the shoulder. No matter what his mother had done Heather still wanted him to show respect to her. He couldn’t help but grin.

“Yes, and you’ve been at the receiving end of her agendas too.” He watched his mate stand there looking all proper. She didn’t argue with him but gave him a look that begged he show his mother respect. The dress got caught in the wind, giving him another glance at the slip of red underneath.

He knew better. Storm looked at his mother. “If you interrupt us once this evening I will carry my mate out, naked if I have to, to my apartment where you can’t reach us as easily.”

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