Dominated By Desire (4 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Dominated By Desire
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She really didn’t want to hurt him, but she knew she needed to subdue him now before matters got out of hand. She stepped to the side as he lunged, making him miss her completely and land on the floor with a thud. She grabbed him by both arms and pulled them hard behind his back. “Don’t move or I’ll dislocate your shoulders.”

Storm took that moment to come charging into the room like an enraged bull.She looked at Storm with fire in her eyes. “What the hell was in that drink?”

Chapter 3

“Did he hurt you?” Storm had sensed something wrong with her and raced to get here. He feared he’d have to tear the man off her but found she had it all under control. She stood over him with one foot on his head, pinning his arms behind him.

“Do I look hurt?” She glared at him, controlling the man at her feet with very little effort.

No. She looked glorious. And very angry.

Several guards came in and secured the young man before leading him out. “What was in that drink?” she asked again.

“Nothing that would cause that.” At least he didn’t think it would.

“You sure? Maybe it’s your wine that causes all the women to go gaga over you, and now that I’ve had some from your planet it’s caused the same effect.” She sat in a chair, clearly upset by the whole affair. “He was fine until he shook my hand.”

“I don’t have to touch anyone to cause that reaction.” He felt for her.

He had been living with it all his life. This was a first for her. One he didn’t think would happen. “I’ll see what I can find about this but I recommend you stay away from people until we can figure out how to counteract it.” She just nodded. Perhaps his gift would lift her spirits. “I have something for you.”

“What?” Her tone flat.

“When you mentioned the ritual of this planet I thought it would be a nice gesture for me to follow it since you went along with ours.” He pulled out a small box. “I’m not sure if it is the right thing, but the man at the store said this was traditionally what all brides wanted.” She took the box, and looked at it before looking at him. He watched as several emotions flitted across her face. “There’s another part to the ritual.

You are to get on one knee and place it on the ring finger on my left hand.” He did as she asked. Pulling the ring from its velvet confines he slipped it onto her finger. It looked good on her hand. His way of marking her as taken. There was an instant gratification in that.

“It’s beautiful.” She flexed her fingers. “Did you get the biggest rock in the place?”

“No. Was I supposed to?” He took her hand in his to see where he could have gone wrong.

The moment he touched her he realized what the man went through. A desire quick and powerful sliced through him. It took him over. All he could think of was having her.

“What?” She looked in his eyes and saw it. Hers widened in fear. “Not you too. All you did was touch me.”

She pulled her hand out of his and dashed from the room.


She wasn’t sure where she was running to, but she knew she needed to put some distance between them. Maybe it would help. Just before he tackled her to the floor she knew he was right behind her. She wasn’t sure what alerted her but she braced for it.

He took the brunt of the fall, cushioning her landing with his body.

Then he rolled her over so he was on top and he knew she couldn’t get away.

She tried to get out of his grasp but he would have none of it. Grabbing both hands he pinned them between them.

“Now. What was the point of that?”

“Putting distance between us so you could think clearly?” She tried to wiggle free but he had her pinned too well. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“Not sure if that would work, but there is something you need to know about my people. It doesn’t look good to see a man’s bondmate running away from him. Speaks badly of the relationship.” He dipped his head, capturing her lips with his.

She felt the deep drugging kiss to her bones. Nerve endings screamed for more. Her brain screamed for her to gain control before it was too late.

But he was in control. His lips covered hers. His tongue filled her mouth, begging hers to dance with it. Heather found herself losing the battle as strong desire seeped into her. He finally broke the kiss and lifted his head enough to look into her eyes.

She could see the raw passion burning there. If she wasn’t careful he would take her right then and there and they had a crowd building. “And how does it look for the man to ravish his bondmate out in public?”

“No one would think twice of it on my planet.” He kissed her again.

This one a little longer and deeper. It had her gasping for air. He must have noticed the fear she fought to keep out of her eyes because his whole demeanor changed. “But we’re not on my planet and those around me seem to forget that.” He got up and offered her a hand.

She took it, waiting for the strange reaction to take him over again.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her toward his chambers. Those who had surrounded them wouldn’t meet her gaze and she was grateful. She wasn’t sure if she could hold her head high after that. Her knees felt weak.

“Before you touched the young man he didn’t seemed to be attracted to you?”

His question brought her back to what had happened before the kiss.

Two kisses and she was putty in his hands. What kind of diplomat was she?

“I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. But I was too busy thinking they sent me someone fresh out of the academy instead of someone seasoned in the field to pay any attention to anything.”

“Then maybe it wasn’t you.” He walked into his room with her and headed to the bathroom. Opening a drawer he pulled out a small machine and ran it over her palm. Through the violet light, residue on her hand could be seen. He had the same residue on his from helping her up earlier and possibly when he slipped the ring on her finger. Another machine took a small sample of the residue and ran it for diagnosis.

“He put something on your hand all right. It’s seems to be a love potion.” The intercom beeped at that moment. “Sir, call coming in for Heather.

It’s her commander.”

They reentered the main room so she could answer the link. It seemed strange that he would be calling her right after this.

Her commander appeared on the screen. “Lieutenant, why did the embassy turn away the man I sent?”

“Because we just had another incident, sir. We thought we let in the man you sent but it turned out to be a decoy.”

“Anyone hurt?”

She wanted to say only her pride but instead she remained professional.

“You want to show me a picture of the man who was supposed to be here?” The image of a middle age man popped up. She turned to look at Storm.

“See? That’s what I expected. I should have figured something was wrong the moment I saw him.”

“Who?” asked her boss.

“Do you still have him here?”

Storm nodded.

She turned back to her commanding officer. “We’ll send a picture of the young man we have in custody in a few minutes. Let me know if he shows up in any of our data bases. For now though, it looks like we’re going to have to cut off visitations, any training done should be done via comlink.

We have some work to do here. I’ll contact you later.” She severed the link and turned back to Storm.

“I have known that man all my life. I trust him.” She sat down in an overstuffed white chair. “But as tight as both sides have been with security, how did anyone know I was staying here? How did they know I needed someone to train me as a dignitary that fast? There has to be a spy somewhere in the ranks.”

Storm walked back to the bathroom and came out with another tool.

This one removed all of the residue from their hands.

“Thanks, was afraid I wouldn’t be able to shake hands with people there for a while.” She stood and started to pace. “When did your people tell you about the marriage?”

“About the same time yours told you.”

“So you always carry around the little guy in the funny clothes?”

“No. He requested to come on this mission.” He smiled at her when he realized what she was thinking. “Very astute but he has visions we never question. He is innocent in all this.”

“You really need to be careful where you aim that thing. No wonder women try to tear off your clothes.” He tilted his head at her, not quite sure what she was talking about. “That smile is deadly.”

“Does it make you want to tear off my clothes?” He brightened the smile just for her.

And so much more, but she wasn’t about to let him know that. He made a move to grab her which she dodged, or so she thought. Instead she found herself pinned under him once again.

“Now, where were we?”

“Discussing who could be after you.”

“You mean you.” He nibbled on her ear.

“Us then.” She felt sensations rocket through her blood. She arched against him, trying to dislodge him but just made matters worse. He settled himself between her legs and continued to nibble on her ear and the side of her neck. Now all she could think of was his hardening length right where she wanted it. When he moved against her, sparks shot through her veins from the contact.

She felt like she was on fire. Focusing on the conversation wasn’t working. At the moment all she could focus on was where his lips where, sucking on a bit of her neck, making her insides clinch.

“You taste so good.” Pulling her hands up above her head he pinned them with one of his while he worked on her uniform with the other. “I want to taste more.”

He made short work of the seals on the top, revealing her skin to the cool air. She arched her back again when she felt the heat of his mouth on her flesh. A sigh escaped her when his lips closed on one of her breasts.

She was so focused on the sensations she didn’t realize his hands hadn’t stopped on her top and had removed the rest of their clothing. There was nothing between them now. She could feel the little hairs on his legs when he shifted them against hers. Could feel his member pulse against her thigh.

His lips made an upward trek to her lips. He captured her mouth with his as he entered her. Her body shuddered as he filled her. Her muscles tightened around him. An orgasm, quick and sure overcame her.

“Good lord, woman.” His breath came out like a pant. He rested his forehead against hers as he fought for control.

“Shh, there’s more where that came from.” Where did that come from?

She should have told him it had been too long and her body was betraying her but her lips wouldn’t move. Her body did. It knew what to do to keep the sensations going and it wasn’t about to stop him from causing the delicious waves of desire crashing through her. She wrapped her legs around him, giving him better access. He moved inside her, causing a delicious friction she wanted more of. He pressed his lips against her throat, nibbling on the spot that got a strong reaction from her earlier.

She felt her muscles tighten again. Her body had a vise grip on him. His intake of breath let her know that grip affected him. He picked up his tempo, sliding in and out of her faster. It pushed them both closer to the edge.

His lips latched onto her neck as he drove deeper into her. She felt teeth scrape against her skin as everything tightened in her. The most powerful orgasm she had ever felt had its hold on her. The vibration started gently and as it built in intensity it took over. From her toes to the tips of her hair her body started to hum. Then everything splintered around her. She lost track of her surroundings, as lights exploded behind her closed eyes. It was an out of body experience for her.

When she finally became aware again she found Storm snuggled against her.

“I see you’re back.” His breath tickled her collarbone.

“Sorry. Never had that happen before.”

“I’ll add that to my list.”

“What list?”

“That you are very quiet when you’re intimate. Mind blowing orgasms are out of body experiences.” He sat up and scooped her up into his arms.

“And quite boneless afterward.”

He carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. In seconds he joined her, pulling her into his embrace before pulling the covers over them.

Her only thought was she was going to be so fired over this.


She arched her back as she opened her eyes. That was some dream.

Focusing on the room she sat up fast. This wasn’t her room.

It hadn’t been a dream. She sat up.

“Where are you going?” She turned to find him lying beside her. Had he been waiting for her to wake up? He had that heart stopping smile on his face. Wrapping the covers in his hand, he started to pull them off her, revealing all of her to his predatory gaze.

What had she done?

“As much as I’d like to spend the rest of the day right here where we can get to know each other better...” His gaze roamed over her, igniting her desire with just a look. “There is a series of medical tests you must go through before we leave for Vespia. I have been told the doctors want to get started on them now.”

She climbed out of bed, trying to keep her dignity and padded over to her clothes. Picking up her pants she held them out to him. “How did you get these off me?”

“Vespian secret.” He watched her with that same predatory smile.

She pulled the pants on, then her top, shaking her head. Vespian secret or not she couldn’t believe she had shown no control with him. Just because she was to marry the man didn’t mean she was supposed to fall into bed with him the first chance she got. Then she realized they never even made it to the bed and felt her cheeks heat up a bit.

Fully dressed and hopefully in better control of her emotions. When she looked at him he was fully clothed too. He escorted her to the doctors before heading off. It figured he’d leave her now. She hated doctors.

“Could you step into this archway?”

She did as they asked, waiting for the thing to turn on.

“Thank you.” The head doctor gestured for her to step out.

“That’s it?” She didn’t see any lights flashing or hear any type of noise.

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