Dominating Anna: A Fantasy Fulfilled Novella (2 page)

Read Dominating Anna: A Fantasy Fulfilled Novella Online

Authors: Rachel Nixx

Tags: #love, #pain, #submission, #bondage, #exhibitionism, #romance, #domination, #public disgrace, #anal play, #fear

BOOK: Dominating Anna: A Fantasy Fulfilled Novella
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. They were going to do something now. Anna
spun and leaned toward the window, putting the flats of her palms against the
cold glass.

“Spread your legs.”

Damn. She should have
buckled the shoes again, but she hadn’t wanted to bend over in front of the
frosty Zee again. His clinical gaze chilled her, and she was glad to have him
behind her now. But as she took a step apart, her ankles wobbled.


She could still leave.
Corinne had made that clear. Anna had chosen a safe word—
was the only thing she’d been able to come up with under pressure—and if
she said it at any point, it was all off. She could say it now as she walked
past Zee to the rear door. She could walk down through the alley out to the
street where she could catch the N to the 3 line home.

But instead, she took
a deliberate step to the left, wider than was comfortable, as wide as her
shirtdress would let her. The hem dug into the tops of her thighs, and she
wanted to hike the skirt up an inch or two, but that would have meant taking
her hands off the glass.

Outside, the afternoon
sky was growing dark again, the black clouds racing in. Anna had never been to
this part of Brooklyn before, a definitively ungentrified spot. An automotive
assembly plant squatted across the street, its smokestack belching black
smoke.That would
have done in Park Slope, not even three miles
away. An old man pushing a shopping cart clattered past, and Anna froze,
willing him not to look to his right, into the window.

And he didn’t—he
just kept walking, his lips moving as he pulled on his beard.

The outsides of her
feet ached already, and she wondered how long she’d be able to keep up this
stance in unbuckled shoes. That had been stupid of her.

Zee must have noticed
the strain in her calves. She hadn’t heard him approaching, but suddenly he was
behind her, the platform bowing with his weight. One large hand went to the
back of her knee, and the other to the loose strap. “Lift your foot.”

She did. He took off
her shoe, letting his thumb graze her sole. A shiver ran all the way up to the
top of her head, prickling her scalp. She hadn’t expected a single tender touch
from the man—that wasn’t what she’d signed up for.

Somehow, it scared her
more than anything else.

His hands moved to her
other leg. “Now the other one.”

The wooden floor felt
rough on Anna’s feet. She liked it. She could feel a small knothole under the
ball of her foot, and she wondered how many other feet had stood right here,
had felt the same thing.

Well, most girls
probably knew to do their damn shoes up and got to keep them on. What else was
she going to screw up? She wondered if Corinne had watched Zee take off her
shoes, and if she was judging her for it.

Corinne was the reason
Anna was actually going through with this. Okay, to begin with, her friend Jess
came back from a Fantasy Fulfilled trip. Not only did Jess come back with hot
stories of being fucked in public, she came back with a man. In love, for
chrissakes. She and Jake hadn’t spent a night apart in the six months since her
Latvian adventure.

“You have to do it,”
Jess had said at their favorite bar.

It had been a
Wednesday, all their friends there for pub quiz. While they waited for the quiz
master to tally votes, their table chatted. Jake was arguing good-naturedly
with Wendy as Tom and Leticia made out. No one was listening to her
conversation with Jess.

“Why?” Anna asked.
Jess couldn’t know about her late-night fantasies, the thoughts that, along
with her trusty Hitachi Magic Wand, regularly got her off.

“Because you need it.”

“Should I be
offended?” Anna asked lightly, her heart rate quickening.

Jess raised an
eyebrow. “When I told you the story of going with Jake on our trip, your cheeks
went scarlet. Did you know that?”

“I was just

“You weren’t. I can
tell the difference. Hey, I know Jake would give you the friend discount.”

“What?” Jake tuned in
and Anna wanted to die.

“You’d let her try
Fantasy Fulfilled. Right?”

Jake acted like it was
nothing. “Of course. Anything you need. Just call the office.” He handed her a
black business card.

Call the office.
So casual. As if it were equivalent to making
an appointment for a haircut.

That week, Anna had
brought it up in therapy. She’d expected her therapist, Kim, to tell her it was
a terrible idea. She
Kim to say that, so she could get it out of
her head.

Instead, though, Kim
had astonished her. “Do it.”

“Excuse me?’ Anna was
so startled she dropped the stress ball she always mangled during their

“What have you been
working on for the last year?’

Anna thought for a
moment. They’d been working on a shitload of things. What was the most
important? “Trust.” And the fact that she had none. Her assholic father had
seen to that.


“You think hiring
someone to inflict pain on me will help that?”

“I do.” Kim’s voice
was gentle, as always.

And as usual, she
waited for Anna to figure it out on her own. It took a few moments of furious
thought but then Anna said, “So I hire someone to hurt me.”


“In order to learn
that I can be hurt and still survive.”

Kim’s smile was her

Now, standing in the
window in Brooklyn, Anna held her breath. It would come at any moment, she
knew. Zee would haul off and smack her ass. Or maybe her legs? Would he use
just his hands? Or—she shivered—a tool of some sort? She’d had a
boyfriend once who wanted to spank her, and the one time he’d tried, she’d
swung around and slapped him, the only time she’d ever hit anyone. She’d been
horrified by her reaction and had broken up with him soon after, knowing that
she was overreacting to what should have been a playful, spontaneous sexual
act. Plus, the mark she’d raised on his jaw with her slap made her feel sick
with guilt.

But it was different
in this cold room. She could feel Zee standing behind her. He was utterly
silent and just beyond her peripheral vision. Anna couldn’t hear his breath
even when she strained to.

Instead, she heard a
burst of laughter from outside the glass. A young couple, no more than
twenty-two or so, walked into Anna’s view. The girl slipped on the icy
sidewalk, her breath visible. As she clutched at her guy, her eyes met Anna’s
in the window.

Anna couldn’t imagine
what she thought. Anna wasn’t indecent, after all. She was still fully clothed,
though her dress rode up her thighs and her cold nipples were tight against the
fabric. She was barefoot with her hands against the glass, that was all.

But this was Brooklyn.
Hipsters were used to coming across shows in all parts of the borough. It was
their job to set them up, to run them, and to play audience. The girl smiled in
anticipation and tugged on her boyfriend’s jacket. They both took a step

Behind Anna, Zee moved
closer. She felt him somehow, even though she still couldn’t hear him. She
jumped as his arms went around her, his hands going to her thighs. He dragged
his huge fingers up her legs, bringing with it the skirt of her dress. Slowly,
so slowly, the dress rose until it was draped around her hips, putting her
purple lace panties on display. Anna cursed her choice of underwear now,
knowing they were practically DayGlo. They were, however, her only pair of
G-string panties, and she’d thought them appropriate that morning as she

Outside, the girl
smiled. They were so close Anna could see she had a bit of lipstick on her teeth.
Anna owned the same blue Pan-Am bag the girl was carrying. They probably had
more than a few acquaintances in common. Only the glass separated them.

Zee reached around
Anna’s waist, unclasping her wide red belt in one practiced move. He dropped it
to the floor next to him. Then he reached up (what must it look like from
outside? Anna’s body, with his arms coming out at her sides) and undid the top
button of her shirtdress. Then the one below it, and the one below that. Little
by little, the dress separated, exposing her matching purple bra and panties.

Instead of taking her
hands from the glass and removing the dress entirely, Zee left it hanging open,
which had the unexpected effect of making Anna feel even more vulnerable.
Clothed, and yet not clothed.

The girl poked her
boyfriend in the arm, and they grinned at each other. They spoke to each other,
and Anna could almost hear their words. The girl lifted her green T-shirt,
flashing her black bra at Anna, who was so startled she almost raised her palms
from the window. On another wave of laughter, the couple moved down the

Zee said, “Now the
dress comes off.”

Anna hesitated. Did he
mean her to remove it? That would take lifting her hands. But he said nothing
more, gave no instruction. He just stood, a broad hulk, behind her and waited.

Fine. She had to, she
supposed. She lowered her arms and shrugged out of the dress, letting in hit
the ground behind her. Putting her palms flat against the glass again, she
quailed inside. Was she doing it right?

In her ear, Zee’s
voice growled, “You dumb slut. Did I tell you to take your hands from the

“But there was no
other way...”

Even closer now. She
could feel his heated breath against her ear. He smelled of salt and creosote,
like a beach after a storm. “You talk back? To me?”

“I’m sorry.” Anna bit
her lip and hunched her shoulders. She waited for the blow.

She was ready.

It didn’t come.

Instead, she heard his
heavy tread leave the platform. She didn’t dare turn her head to see where he was
going. Was he going to tell Corinne he was out? That she wasn’t worth training?
Not worth his time and energy?

Instead, she heard the
back door open and slam closed. She blinked hard but didn’t move. She’d stay
here till dawn tomorrow if she had to.

A long panicked moment
later, Zee was in front of her on the sidewalk, on the other side of the cold

Good lord, the man
really was a giant, wasn’t he? But everything was in proportion. His large ears
matched his enormous gray eyes. The generous mouth, still in that perma-sneer,
matched his rocky jawline. He’d taken off his leather jacket, and the black
t-shirt he wore strained at his pecs. If she’d passed him in a dark alley, she
would have held her breath and clutched her pepper spray. His well-worn black
boots looked like they were used to crushing things under his heel.

He was absolutely not
her type. At all. She usually went for men she met through the architecture
firm, men who fought passive-aggressively with well-worded reports and dirty
looks when necessary. This man, though, knew how to have a real fight, she
could tell. A lover’s quarrel would involve broken dishes, furious tears, and
slammed doors. And white hot make-up sex.


Anna fought herself to
meet his gaze, which he obviously wanted her to do. When she did, she took in
one quick, sharp breath. The intensity in his eyes matched the tension that
radiated from his body. He was a coiled spring, the energy pulsing from him. It
was everything she could do to keep her eyes on his. How could he affect her
like this? From out there?

Taking a deep breath,
Anna willed her racing heart to calm.

Zee reached for his

Holy hell. He wasn’t
going to just—

Yep. He was. Anna’s
blood pressure spiked, her heart thumping uncomfortably in her chest, as Zee
took out his cock.

His cock! Jesus! And
what a cock it was. Anna had never seen anything like it. It scared and aroused
her at the same time. Proportional to his hugeness, it was so thick he could
barely get his own fingers around it.

Right there, on the
street in front of her, Zee started stroking his shaft. He
still—unbelievably—looked unaffected. His storm-colored eyes stayed
steady on hers, and she tried desperately to keep eye contact with him, but her
traitorous gaze kept dropping down to what was in his hand.

How could it not? Anna
felt the slickness at her pussy start to trail down her inner thigh. She was
for him. This was ridiculous.

What would happen if
someone walked by? If they saw him?

A group of young people
did, at that moment, race down the street, all of them half-running. But they
were on the other side of the roadway, and didn’t notice the tableau across
from them.

Zee didn’t seem to
care. He stroked his cock slowly, as if he were in his own house, in his own
bed, as if he had every right to.

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