Dominion Trust Series - Vol.1 (35 page)

Read Dominion Trust Series - Vol.1 Online

Authors: Trent Evans

Tags: #BDSM erotic romance

BOOK: Dominion Trust Series - Vol.1
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“Jesus Christ, she’s gonna shake apart guys,” Derek said, his hand rubbing circles over her hip, his dripping fingers trailing moisture against the skin of her trembling inner thighs. “All right, Breanna. No more now. It’s all right now.”

Sagging over the trestle, she moaned, Kurt’s grip loosening in her hair, letting her lay her cheek against the leather bench. Her thighs twitched spasmodically as Derek kissed her bottom, the pat of his hand soft validation matching his murmured words. She’d been good, she’d pleased them.

The force of her orgasm had startled her, the different way it came on, the unusual sensation—

Oh shit, did you pee yourself!

Her hips jerked away as far as her position allowed, which was pitifully little. She felt her cheeks flame, feeling as if the entire length of her legs ran with the moisture. Her rational mind knew what had happened, but that sharp sensation, that urge to go — just as Lino had warned — was remarkably similar to needing to pee. Too similar. And the knowledge that they’d forced her through it anyway, took her past her natural reticence, her confusion at the sensation, made her face blush anew.

She’d always wanted men who wouldn’t take her shit, wouldn’t just take no for an answer, but at times like this, the reality of what that really meant hit her with sobering force. Sometimes she’d refuse … and if her men felt she needed it, they’d make her do it anyway.

Straight out of her wildest, darkest dreams. Or was it nightmares?

She felt Kurt move behind her, and fingers tested the moisture still dripping from between the lips of her sex. “Have you ever seen anything like that before, Derek?”

“No way. Maybe in my dreams.” Derek cleared his throat. “I mean,
— I don’t—”

Kurt’s laughter boomed through the room. “Dude, save it. I love it — and she does too. Trust me on that.”

Breanna smiled around the constriction of her gag. How should she feel knowing Derek had been fantasizing about her? She pictured his veined, brawny forearm flexing as he fisted that big cock of his. Her conscience she still struggled with it, with what was right — a concept whose clarity seemed to become more clouded by the minute — and with what she needed, what spoke to her on that most elemental of levels, in a language only that primal female animal understood.

Maybe she knew how she
feel, but what she
feel — imagining his semen spurting high, his head thrown back, the strong cords of his neck rigid — was a pure, feminine satisfaction at the knowledge that such a gorgeous man found her attractive, desirable. To know she inspired such lust in that masculine, beautiful male, filled her with a subtle sense of power.

“Fuck, I loved seeing her squirt though.” Derek paused, his voice even lower. “I want to do it again.”

“I think you might kill her, dude.”

Breanna shook her head frantically, her pulse galloping at the prospect, both wonderful and terrible, of Derek’s fingers working on her once more. She was quite sure it would kill her … and she was equally certain there could be no better way to go.

“We’ll get other chances though,” Kurt continued, stepping back around to the front and squatting before her, his bright gaze meeting hers. “She’s just learned how to do it, and we both want to see her do it again, want to give her … practice. Lots of practice.”

Lino joined Kurt, but remained standing, his dark, corded arms crossed over his chest, his cool gaze heavy upon her.

“But right now—” Kurt reached under her hair to unsnap the straps at her nape, pulling the hated gag from between her benumbed, saliva-slicked lips “—there’s something else she needs to do.” His eyes met hers, his jaw hardening. “Isn’t there?”

She knew this was coming, and on the level of a submissive woman at least, didn’t object to it at all. It felt … right. Still, her heart pounded, the points of heat she knew were growing on her cheeks making her drop her eyes.

“Th—” she swallowed, trying to work feeling back into her tongue and lips. “—thank you for … making me come.” Her voice cracked on the last words, her vocal cords raw from screaming into her gag.

“Who are you thanking, girl?” Kurt glanced up at Lino, with a curve of his lips. “Gag is making her forget how to talk, apparently.”

The heat in her cheeks grew hotter. “Derek, Sir.”

“That’s right. Derek made you come didn’t he?”

“Yes, Sir.”

This was one of her husband’s favorites: making her recount what had been done to her, what she’d done at his orders.

He looked over her at Derek, giving a slight nod, then locked his gaze with hers again. “But he did more than make you come didn’t he? You’ll need to be specific. So let’s try that again, girl. Thank him properly.”

She swallowed twice, closing her eyes, trying to calm the pounding of her heart. “Thank you for making me … squirt, Derek.”

“You’re … welcome,” Derek said, a strained tone in his voice.

Kurt grinned, shaking his head a little. “And did you like squirting for Derek, girl? Tell us.”

“Yes—” Derek’s hands grasped her hips firmly, his cock plunging into her sex, filling her, stretching the over-sensitized flesh. “—oh Jesus God, yes!”

Kurt and Lino both laughed. Kurt reached forward, catching up both of her breasts in his palms, locking his gaze with hers. “Now, you’ll let him fuck you. You’ll open that cunt for him. Hollow your back. Take him in. Thank him in the way that matters most.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, every hard inch of Derek’s cock now ensconced in her pussy, the fit full to bursting.

Oh Jesus, two of them?

He was just as big as her husband — in other words, hard to handle all at once. The thought of either of them trying to thrust those heavy cocks into her ass made her shudder in fear … and dark, masochistic anticipation.

What in God’s name is happening to you?

Another part of her though, exulted in this. Like the night he’d made her suck his cock, this was a turning point with Derek, a new chapter in the story of the three of them, the ending yet to be written. How many months ago had she and Kurt talked about this day, this minute, this

When another fantasy could be brought to life … and when a broken heart might start to mend.

The first hard plunge into her washed those thoughts away, Derek taking up hard, punishing strokes, his balls slapping against her as he steadily increased the force of his thrusts.

“He’s waited too long for this, girl.” Kurt leaned closer, whispering into her ear, his hands squeezing her breasts harshly, her nipples protesting, the oil still working on her sensitive flesh. “Squeeze his cock, slut. Work that cunt. Make him come. Be a good girl, and give him what he deserves.”

She whimpered at the heat of his words, at the way Derek’s hard thrusts shook her body over the trestle. “Yes … Sir.”

Heat blossomed on her ass as Derek smacked her twice. “Fuck yes,” he ground out, his hips slapping hers now, the sound loud in the enclosed room. Each thrust was so deep it almost took her breath away, the big head ramming against the mouth of her womb, something at once pleasurable, and awkward for her, the sensation one she’d always found difficult to take. The slick sounds of his cock pistoning within the clutch of her sex mortified her even as it drove her own arousal higher.

Kurt nipped her ear, his breath hot on her skin, his fingers pinching her nipples. “No matter what, you’re still mine. Remember that. But now you’ve got two Masters to serve. And you’ll serve us well.”

Derek groaned as he came, the grip of his strong hands biting into her hips, hot seed flooding her pussy. He held himself against her, his hips pounding into her once, twice, a third time, all the while she concentrated on squeezing his cock, on obeying her husband, her Master.

Finally, Derek relaxed, his weight resting on the hands still clasping her hips. His labored breathing hitched as he let his softening cock slip from between her soaked folds.

Kurt pulled back, his hard gaze upon her, his expression neutral, assessing.

She studied her husband’s face as Derek pressed a kiss to the curve of her hip. “You’re fucking incredible, Breanna. Just … incredible.”

Kurt inclined his head. “He’s right, you know.”

Then Breanna closed her eyes, laying her cheek down upon the bench.

And she smiled.

* * *


he moonlight was even brighter than the evening of the auction, the sea of stars above muted, but not totally washed out by the pale orb burning in the night sky. Both Kurt and Derek sat on the back deck, warm cups of coffee in hand, gazing over the track at the huge barn looming on the other side. The broad side of the structure faced them, and both man doors on this side had been left open, warm incandescent light spilling out, the two entrances illuminated like the two eyes of a great, dark face.

“I wasn’t sure you’d do it.” Kurt shrugged. “Hoped you would but yeah, wasn’t sure … “

“Wasn’t sure, what?” Derek watched his friend, amazed still at what had transpired just an hour before, how his life might never again be the same.

Kurt’s eyes glanced over at the barn. “Wasn’t sure you’d know that — that it was okay. That all of this is okay.”

“Is it okay? You sound like a man trying to convince himself his own words are true.”

Kurt didn’t reply, his gaze steady, locked on the barn where they’d left her, a chain affixed to her collar, curled up on her blanket like some … animal. Her eyes had followed them as they’d stepped out, her lips swollen, eyes big and bright, the long pink nipples erect in the cooling evening air. Even Lino had seemed reluctant to leave her presence, before finally bidding them good night — with nary a word to the woman who’d been reduced to the level of chattel.

“Don’t like leaving her in there, do you?”

Kurt looked down at his coffee. “I think it’s harder on me than it is on her. She’s still deep into fantasyland out there.”

“And you’re not?”

“Didn’t say that. But it’s definitely not easy.”

“If it’s not too weird to say this … I didn’t like leaving her there either, Kurt. Not one bit.”

I’m fairly certain that fucking the man’s wife is significantly “weirder” than that.

Kurt smiled, drinking from his coffee. “Makes me feel better to hear you say that, actually.”

“Misery loves company?”

“Damn right.”

It was on these nights when Derek really noticed being this far out in the country, so far removed from the city.

It was the silence. Not a fucking sound, not even the sound of the breeze. Just the cool, dark night, illuminated by the ghostly glow of old reliable Luna.

“I hate this part of these trips.”

“What’s that?”

“Knowing that it’s almost over.” Kurt tipped his head. “Need to head back in a couple days.”

Derek hadn’t even thought about work during the last forty-eight hours — and he liked it that way. He’d needed this, a break from the routine, a break from thinking about how his life had gone to shit.

A break from thinking of her.

“Do you think she’s thinking about that? About going back to the real world?” In truth, Derek wondered what she thought about
while laying on the floor of a straw-covered stall, with nothing but her chains, two warm blankets, and a white enamel chamber pot for company.

“She’s thinking about when she’ll see me again.” His eyes met Derek’s, and for a fleeting moment, he saw that darkness, that melancholy, in Kurt’s gaze once again. “And when she’ll see you again.”

Derek looked away, uncomfortable for the first time. There it was again, goddammit! It was easy enough to ignore it, to not even think about it when they were in the midst of bindings, and fuckings and whippings. But when it came time to be alone with his thoughts once more, it all came back to him.

He remained the outsider — and something about this still wasn’t sitting right with his friend.

“Are you even gonna tell me the rest of it?”

Kurt’s eyebrow rose. “The rest of what?”

“Jesus Christ, man. Stop with this shit. I’ve seen it — something’s eating away at you.”

Kurt turned his face up toward the white glow above them. “Let me ask you something, Derek. Was it hard to get up the nerve to go through with it? When it came right down to it, how difficult was it to agree to this?”

“Just about walked away — several times. I think you know that.”

“But it was about more than worrying you’d get a fist in the teeth from me, right?”

Derek set his coffee down on the table between them. He stood, walking to the railing and leaning a hip against it. “I can’t believe I’m gonna say this. I wasn’t sure I could do it — do any of it.” He looked up at the moon too, taking in the spare beauty of it. “Since her.”

“Your ex.”

“Yeah. I haven’t —
, I feel like I’m giving confession here. I haven’t been with anyone since the divorce.”

“Not one girl? Not even a get-her-out-of-your-system meaningless fuck?”

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