Donnel's Promise (28 page)

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Authors: Anna Mackenzie

BOOK: Donnel's Promise
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With grateful thanks to Hamish and Madeleine, without whose staunch support this book wouldn’t have reached completion. Thanks also to my first readers Jan Clothier, Madeleine Ross and Jessie MacKenzie; and to the meticulous Rebecca Lal, ever-supportive Barbara Larson and dedicated team at Random House.

I would also like to acknowledge the support of Passa Porta International House of Literature in Belgium, who in 2013 awarded me a writing residency, and Creative NZ, who got me there. Though I was in Belgium to work on another novel (watch this space), a small portion of that precious time went into
Donnel’s Promise
. More significant than time was the renewed clarity of purpose the residency provided. For that I offer my heartfelt thanks to all at Passa Porta, and to Alexandra, Paul and Ann at Vollezele.

Anna Mackenzie lives on a farm in New Zealand. She has two children, nineteen nieces and nephews, and nowhere near enough time.
Donnel’s Promise
, the sequel to
Cattra’s Legacy
, is her eighth novel. She wrote it in planes, trains, sun porches and offices, and beyond the windows of each she found the places in this story.


You can follow Anna on facebook at


Or visit her website:

High Tide
, 2003

Out on the Edge
, 2005

Shadow of the Mountain
, 2008


The Sea-wreck Stranger Trilogy:

The Sea-wreck Stranger
, 2007

Ebony Hill
, 2010

Finder’s Shore
, 2011


Cattra’s Legacy
, 2013

The assistance of Creative New Zealand is gratefully acknowledged by the publisher.

A LONGACRE BOOK published by Random House New Zealand 18 Poland Road, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand

For more information about our titles go to

A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand

Random House New Zealand is part of the Random House Group New York London Sydney Auckland Delhi Johannesburg

First published 2014

© 2014 Anna Mackenzie

The moral rights of the author have been asserted

ISBN 978 1 77553 546 1
eISBN 978 1 77553 547 8

This book is copyright. Except for the purposes of fair reviewing no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Design: Carla Sy
Cover image: Ilina Simeonova / Trevillion Images ISA33361
Map on p7: Anna Mackenzie
Printed in Australia by Griffin Press


If you  haven’t yet read
Cattra’s Legacy
, prequel to
Donnel’s Promise

Cast from the only home she remembers, Risha embarks on a journey to discover her father’s past.

In her quest she finds allies — and enemies. Barc the trader, war-weary Cantrel, enigmatic Muir: all prove adept at playing more than one game. Caught up in the turbulent politics of a fractured kingdom, Risha forms unlikely allegiances — with river-runner Fenn, mute Clik and the swamp-dwelling Nan-Irem.

In risking all for the sake of a girl she’s never met, Risha learns the hard way how to trust, when to run, when to stand and fight.

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