Don't Fear The Reaper (34 page)

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Authors: Lex Sinclair

BOOK: Don't Fear The Reaper
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the steering wheel in a knuckle-baring grip. The journey had taken a lot longer
than he first anticipated. The A465 that was normally an incredibly long
stretch of Dual-Carriageway was littered with hazardous vehicles and serpentine

The asteroids must have created an almighty draught, throwing vehicles
around as though they were Matchbox sized. The barrier intersecting the four
lanes from crossing over into the others path had been dented and torn away on
some sections.

The off-road leading to Resolven, Crynant and Seven Sisters was choked
with vehicles barrelling into each other. Some smaller cars had capsized,
spilling carcasses wearing flaky masks. He’d had to slow down, bring the
transit van to a halt and get out. Had Perkins had a full stomach his gorge
would have risen and he’d have puked violently. Instead he leaned against the
transit and watched the bright sparks dancing in his retinas.

Sapphire came around and sat beside him. He never said a word. He simply
took Perkins hand in his own and sighed.

‘Are you okay?’

‘Yeah. Uncle Anthony, I miss Smokey and Natalie and Sue and Jonesy and

‘So do I.’

Sapphire stroked the back of Perkins’ hand. ‘Do you think Smokey will
remember me? Or will he forget as he gets older?’

The questions made Perkins feel like crying more than the sight of seeing
God knew how many dead bodies he’d had the misfortune to see during the
aftermath. ‘Smokey may be a cat, Sapph, but he’s also got a brain just like me
and you. He’s also got a memory. He loved you, and you loved him in a time when
all love was lost. Smokey won’t ever forget you. I’m not just saying that to
make you feel better either. I’m saying it ’cause people think that just ’cause
pets and other animals can’t talk that they’re stupid. They’re not. Love is the
most powerful emotion in the whole world. Where there is love, the impossible
can become possible. Love brings out the best in us.’

Sapphire leaned his head on Perkins’ shoulder and exhaled.

Overhead where dim light had crept through the sky, black clouds roiled
together. Thunder rumbled to the west as though nature itself had grown angry
with the dire events that had befallen the Earth.

‘There’s a storm coming,’ Sapphire said.

Perkins followed the chosen one’s wide-eyed gaze. The blackest of clouds
formed as one vengeful mass, preparing to unleash its fury. Perkins heaved
himself and Sapphire off the roadway still staring at the darkening sky. ‘I




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