Don’t Know Much About® Mythology (77 page)

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Jormungand (Norse), 303, 304, 306

Joseph (Judeo-Christian), 110

Josephus, 70

Judeo-Christian religion

Judeo-Christian religion.
See also

African myths and, 394, 406, 417–18, 427–30

American myths and, 10, 443–48

Aztec holidays and, 469–70

Babylon and, 31, 116, 129

Robes, 495–96

Celtic myths and, 271, 274, 278, 282–83, 291, 292

Christmas (

Eastern mythologies vs. Western mythologies and, 309

Egyptian myths and, 13–14, 58–59, 112–13

allegory and, 35

of pagan myths with, 5–6

of, to Rome, 257–61

Isis and, 88–90

Jesus Christ, 5–6, 29, 42, 113, 169, 216–17, 278, 304 (
see also
resurrection theme)

Mayan myths and, 454–56

Moses and monotheism, 107–11

world myths and, 396

Norse myths and, 298

and, 14, 35

St. Barbara, 429

St. Brigid, 30, 282–83

St. George, 29–30

St. Mark, 58

St. Patrick, 271, 278, 290

Jung, Carl Gustav, 16, 19, 47–49

Juno (Roman), 211–12, 253

Jupiter (Roman), 214–16, 219–20, 252–53


Kali (Indian), 7–8, 338, 341

Kali-Yuga, 338–39, 344

Kalki (Indian), 345

kalpa (Indian), 338

Kalumba (African), 420

kami concept (Japanese), 386–87

kamikaze pilots, Japanese, 9

Karl (Norse), 303

karma (Indian), 327, 351

Kauket (Egyptian), 77

Kennewick man, 440, 500

Ket (Egyptian), 77

khipu (Incan), 478

Khnum (Egyptian), 77

Khufu, 99–102

Ki (Mesopotamian), 144

King Arthur legend, 28–29, 235

Kingu (Mesopotamian), 139

Kinich-Ahau (Mayan), 463

Kintu (African), 421–22

Kish, 132

Kitchi Manitou (North American), 449, 489

Kivati (North American), 489

kleptocracy, 12, 329

, 387

Kokopelli (North American), 451

Kong Fu Zi.
Confucius and Confucianism

Koran, 46, 109

Krishna (Indian), 321, 323, 341–42, 345

Kronos (Greek), 191

Kshatriyas, 328

Kuan Yu or Kuan Kung (Chinese), 375

Kukulkán (Aztec), 472

Kurma (Indian), 344

Kusanada-hime (Japanese), 391

Kwanzaa holiday, 396, 410

Kwatee (North American), 489


labors of Heracles, 222–26

Labyrinth (Greek), 234–37

Lahmu and Lahamu (Mesopotamian), 138, 149

Lakshmi (Indian), 341, 342


Greek, 184–85

Indian Sanskirt, 318, 321

and English, 6–7

Rosetta Stone and Egyptian, 36, 66–67

Tower of Babel and, 160–63

Lao-tzu or Laozi, 353, 382–84


Code of Hammurabi as, 142–44

Solon and, 186, 236

Leabhar Gabhala
, 275

Leda (Greek), 27, 215–16

Legba (African), 425, 429

legends, myths vs., 26, 28–31, 95, 164

leprechauns, 14, 275, 283–84, 506

Lernean Hydra, 223

Leviathan (Mesopotamian), 31, 149–50

Leza (African), 420–21

Liber (Roman), 253

Lif and Lithrasir (Norse), 308

Lilith (Judeo-Christian), 167–68

Lilitu (Mesopotamian), 167–68

Lindow Man, 277–78, 291

Linear A and B languages, 184–85

lion, Nemean, 222–23

little people, 14, 275, 283–84, 506

Liza (African), 421

Loa (Vodun), 428

Loki (Norse), 1, 301, 303–4, 307

London, name of, 284

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 495

Longshan culture, 365

Lotan dragon (Mesopotamian), 31

Lugh (Celtic), 283–84, 286

Lung (Chinese), 376–77


Maat (Egyptian), 62, 92

maat concept, Egyptian, 62, 65, 92

, 29, 275–76, 292–95

MacCool, Finn, 276, 288–92

Macha (Celtic), 284

Machu Picchu, 475–78

maenads (Greek), 208

Maeve (Celtic), 276, 286–88

magi, Christmas story and Persian, 169–70

, 323, 345–47

Mahadevi, 339

Mahavira, 348, 351–52

Malsum (North American), 487–88

Mama Cocha (Incan), 481

Mama Huaco (Incan), 478

Mama Kilya (Incan), 480

Mama Ocllo (Incan), 479, 480

Mama Pacha (Inca), 480

Manco Capac (Incan), 479, 480

mandate of heaven (Chinese), 368–69

Manu (Indian), 332–33, 338

Marduk (Mesopotamian), 125, 129, 137–42, 145, 148, 166

Mars (Roman), 203, 252, 254

marshes, Mesopotamian creation myths and, 131–33

martyrs, 9, 385

mastaba tombs, Egyptian, 100–101

masturbation, Egyptian creation myths and, 74–78

Matsya (Indian), 344

Maui (Pacific Islands), 503–4

Mawu (African), 417, 421

Maya (Indian), 349

Mayan myths, 453–63.
See also
American myths 462–63

gods, 462–63

Mayan history and, 453–54, 457–59

Olmec ball game, 459–62

Popul Vuh, 454–57

May Day celebration, 291–92

Mbombo (African), 419

me concept (Mesopotamian), 125–26, 146

Medb (Celtic), 276, 286–88

Medea (Greek), 227–28, 235

medicine men, 451.
See also

Medusa (Greek), 221

Mehet-Weret or Mehturt (Egyptian), 95

Mencius, 381, 382

Mercury (Roman), 212–13

Merodach (Mesopotamian), 148.
See also
Marduk (Mesopotamian)

Mesoamerican myths.
Aztec myths; Mayan myths

Mesopotamian myths, 115–70

Abraham, 163–64

flood story vs., 157–60

Code of Hammurabi, 142–44

and, 129–31

myths, 131–36

Egyptian myths and, 89

El, Baal, and Canaanites, 31, 165–67

Enuma Elish
, 136–40

Gilgamesh, 153–57

gods, 41–42, 126–29, 144–50

Inanna, Dumuzi, and creation of seasons, 150–51

Inanna and sexuality, 151–53

Lilitu or Lilith, 167–68

and Christmas story, 169–70

Marduk-Tiamat conflict and Goddess movement, 140–42

Mesopotamian history and, 13, 117–18, 122–26, 129–31, 133–34, 156–57

milestones, 119–21

Tower of Babel and, 160–63

, 199, 201, 219–20

Metis (Greek), 215

Mexico, 7, 464.
See also
Aztec myths

Mictlantecuhtli (Aztec), 469, 471–72

Midgard (Norse), 296

See also

African myths, 400–403

American myths, 435–39

Celtic and Norse myths, 266–68

Chinese and Japanese myths, 356–60

Egyptian myths, 54–59, 68

Greek and Roman myths, 175–78

Indian myths, 315–16

Mesopotamian myths, 119–21

Pacific Island myths, 502–3

militaristic traditions

Aztec, 466–67

Japanese, 385, 388

Milky Way, 222, 300, 471

Minerva (Roman), 204–5, 253

Minotaur, Theseus and the, 234–37

mistletoe, 278–79, 301–2, 304

Mithra (Persian), 170, 260, 336

Mitra (Indian), 336

Mnemosyne (Greek), 195

Moctezuma or Montezuma (Aztec), 465–69

moksha, 323, 327

monarchy, 132

monotheism, 13, 45, 107–11


Chinese myths and, 374

and, 31

Greek ethics, 190

Japanese myths and, 386–87

Morrigan (Celtic), 284, 294–95

Moses (Judeo-Christian), 108–11, 254

Mot (Mesopotamian), 166

Mother Earth Goddess, 11, 140–42, 449–50, 484, 491.
See also
Great Mother

mummification, Egyptian, 87, 93

Muses, Greek, 215


mystery, myths and, 49

mythology, myths vs., 3.
See also
myths myths

author’s interest in, 1–3, 17

Celtic (
Celtic myths) Chinese (
Chinese myths)

impact of, 3–10

Eastern vs. Western, 309–11

Egyptian (
Egyptian myths) explanatory, 10–12, 23–27, 33–34, 40–41, 49 (
see also
creation myths; explanatory myths)

see also
Greek myths) as historical allegories, 34–37 (
see also

Indian (
Indian myths)

Japanese, 384–91

Judeo-Christian religion and, 38–42 (
see also
Judeo-Christian religion)

fables, folktales, and fairy tales vs., 27–32

Mesopotamian (
Mesopotamian myths) mythology vs., 3

world, 393–95 (
African myths; American myths; Aztec myths; Incan myths; Mayan myths; North American myths; Pacific Island myths)

Norse, 295–308

and, 43–46 (
see also

Roman, 251–61

Schliemann’s discovery of Troy and, 37–38

this book about, 12–17


Nabopolassar, 161–62

Nambi (African), 421–22

Nana-Buluku (African), 417, 421

Nanna (Mesopotamian), 147–50

Nanna (Norse), 301

Nantosuelta (Celtic), 281–82

Narasimha (Indian), 344

Narcissus (Greek), 241

National Museum of the American Indian, 447–48

Native American myths.
American myths; North American myths

natural world.
See also

African myths and, 408–12

Celtic myths and, 271–72, 276–79

myths and, 10–12, 33, 40–41

North American myths and, 483–84

Naunet (Egyptian), 76

navel concept, 136, 189, 237, 476

Nayenezgani (North American), 489–90

Nazi Germany, 8, 318–19

Negative Confession (Egyptian), 90–91

Neith (Egyptian), 95–96

Nemean lion, 222–23

Nemhain (Celtic), 284

Nephthys (Egyptian), 82, 85–86, 93

Neptune (Roman), 214

Nessus (Greek), 223, 226

new world myths, 14–15, 393–96.
See also
African myths; American myths; Pacific Island myths;

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