Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1)
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“You’d need a bigger bath,” he said, washing along her arms. It was an excuse but it was also true. He couldn’t see them both fitting in there. Getting wedged into a bath and being unable to move wasn’t really his idea of sexy.

“True,” she said with a wry smile. “If we were both in here, there would be no room for any water. Of course, it wouldn’t have been a problem in the shower.”

“I thought a warm bath might help you to relax.” Ethan shrugged. Finished with her upper body, he moved down to her feet. Lifting one out of the water, he frowned. The soles of her feet were covered in scratches and bruises from running through the woods barefoot. It would heal quickly but he hated the idea of her being hurt. He carefully washed the cuts and placed a gentle kiss to the sole of her foot, making her squirm and giggle. Smiling, he gave her other foot the same treatment before moving on to wash her legs.

“You missed a bit,” Dana said, smirking at him.

Ethan sighed. “You’re not making this easy.” He would never find it easy to resist his little moose. Of course, it didn’t help that he didn’t really want to resist her.

“Not making what easy?” she asked. Her face looked innocent but her eyes sparkled naughtily. She knew exactly what he meant.

“I’m trying,” Ethan said slowly, “to be a gentleman. I’m trying to focus on making you feel better, not seducing you.”

Dana raised her eyebrows. “Who said I want a gentleman? And I know a way you can make me feel really good.”

Ethan groaned. Closed his eyes. Counted to ten. Opened his eyes to find Dana looking at him, a hungry expression on her face. He closed his eyes again and counted to twenty. He heard the water sloshing and then Dana’s hand was on his face.


He opened his eyes and looked at his mate. She was beautiful. She had lost the shocked, wounded look she’d had earlier. Now she just looked like his lovely mate and she wanted him.

“Dana, I can’t,” he said. A look of hurt crossed her features and he hastened to explain. “I want to. You have no idea how much I want to. But my wolf is riding me hard. We almost lost you and my wolf is freaking out… hell, I’m freaking out. It’s been difficult enough to fight the urge to claim you before this happened. I’m not sure I have the control to fight it this time. Not when I’m so edgy.” He couldn't trust himself with her. Couldn't be close to her and not claim her.

She smiled at him, stroking his face. “Who says you have to fight it?”

He froze. Did that mean what he thought it meant? He stared at her, unable to ask, afraid he’d misunderstood her intention.

“Ethan,” she said, looking him right in the eye. “I want us to claim each other.”

He could feel a grin spreading slowly over his face. She wanted to be his mate, his claimed mate. Still, he had to be certain.

“Are you sure?” he asked her, searching her face. “I don’t want you to regret it later once the trauma of today has faded. I can wait for you. However long you need me to.” It would kill him but he would do it.

She leaned forward and kissed him, her lips soft and gentle. “I’m sure. It’s not about today. I knew it was always going to happen. Well, once you accepted it…”

“I’m so sorry, Dana.” Ethan pressed his forehead to hers. “If I could take back that night, I would. I’m a lone wolf and I’m a little battered. I can’t guarantee I won’t screw up again but I can promise that I’ll never run from you.”

“That’s all I need,” she said softly. “We can work the rest out. You’re not a lone wolf anymore. You have me. Always. I want us to be proper mates, Ethan. I want you to claim me. Do you want me to claim you?”

Ethan kissed her, pouring all his emotion into it. He lost himself in her. She was everything. When he broke off, they were both breathing heavily. “Yes, I want you to claim me. You’re sure that you’re well enough?”

“As long as I’m not on my feet, I’m fine,” she assured him.

“Good,” he said. He could feel the grin stretching his face. “I get to carry you a bit longer.”

“I have a feeling that I’m more likely to be on my back for a while anyway,” she added naughtily.

Ethan grinned even wider. “You sure are. Also your knees I’d imagine.” He had a hundred ways he wanted to take her and couldn’t wait to get started.

He kissed her and stood up, grabbing a fluffy towel. He helped Dana out of the bath and rubbed her down with the towel, making her squeal when he reached ticklish places. He paid a little more attention to those places, making her giggle and slap at his hands. Finally, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. As soon as he put her on the bed, he resumed tickling her. He loved the way she wriggled and squealed for him. Before long, she was a writhing, panting mess. Ceasing his assault, he looked down at her. She returned his gaze, her eyes full of passion as she gasped for breath.

Dipping his head, he kissed her, revelling in the feel of her body as she arched into his. Clothes. He was wearing too many damn clothes. He needed to feel her skin pressed against his own. He lifted off her to remove his t-shirt, swearing as he got stuck in it in his haste.

He heard Dana giggle and then her hands were there, helping to remove the offending garment and toss it away. Straightening up, he moved back from the bed to finish undressing. He ripped at his jeans, pulling them down and taking his boxers with them. He stalked towards the bed and promptly fell over. Dammit. He was still wearing his boots which meant that his jeans were around his ankles, tripping him. This was so not how he’d imagined his claiming night.

Dana was trying to stifle her laugh but she was failing miserably. Looking up, he saw her about to get off the bed to help and he held up a hand to stop her.

“I’m fine,” he said. “Stay off your feet, sweetheart.” He savagely pulled at his boots and freed himself from the last of his clothes. Standing, he prowled to the bed. Dana was watching him, no longer laughing. Her gaze travelled up and down his body, lingering at his cock and making him swell even more. When he reached her, he gently pushed her backwards and came down on top of her. This time, he could feel her skin, warm against his and so silky soft. As he kissed her, he could feel her hard little nipples rubbing his chest. He slid a hand up to cup one breast, enjoying the weight of it in his hand. He pinched a nipple and Dana bucked against him with a moan. He could feel the heat of her against his cock and he nearly lost it right then.

Continuing to kiss her, he slid a hand down to her heat, cupping her and then slipping a finger inside. She was already wet for him.

“Ethan, please,” Dana moaned as she rode his hand. “You teased me enough with the bath and the tickling. I need you. Now.” He would never be able to refuse her.

Groaning, he removed his hand and pressed his cock to her warm entrance. He rubbed himself there for a moment, coating himself in her juices and torturing them both a little. Dana bit gently at his shoulder, a reminder of the claiming to come. With that, he pushed forwards, sliding into her welcoming heat. Dana bucked her hips upwards, helping him to push in deeper. Before long he was fully seated within her. Nothing had ever felt as good as Dana wrapped snugly around him. She nipped him again and he started to move within her. He wasn’t going to last. Not this time. Everything was just so fucking perfect.

He built up a rhythm, thrusting firmly within her. Her legs wrapped around his waist and every thrust rubbed her silky thighs against him. She raised her chest a little and her nipples dragged along his chest. It was all just too much. Her soft thighs at his waist. Her hot, wet channel pulling at his cock. Her nipples against his chest. Her fingers clutching at his back and shoulders. The scent of his mate combined with the scent of their lovemaking, and the sound of her gasps and groans. Too damn much. He was going to come but he’d be damned if she didn’t join him. He angled his hips more to hit her clit with every thrust and was rewarded with a wail as her channel fluttered around him. A few more thrusts and she was coming, dragging him with her. He felt his fangs drop down and he struck, biting her firmly where her shoulder met her neck. His teeth broke the skin and he tasted her blood. He felt a bite at his own neck and knew that he had also been marked and claimed. His orgasm went on and on, the mating bond snapping into place and prolonging their pleasure.

Finally, he was spent. With the last of his energy, he grabbed his mate and rolled them before he collapsed and squashed her. They panted together for a moment, too exhausted to move. Then he said the only thing that came to mind.

“Bloody hell.”

Dana snickered and cuddled closer. Limbs entwined, they drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 32



Dana awoke curled into her mate. One leg was thrown over the top of him and one of Ethan’s hands was clasping her butt. She smiled as she pressed little kisses to his chest. They were finally mated and she couldn’t be happier. True, she still had a psycho killer after her and her mate wasn’t used to letting people close to him. No doubt they’d have a few ups and downs but she was steadily growing to love him and she was optimistic that they’d work it out. He wasn’t going anywhere, not with the mating bond, and she could be patient with him.

Ethan’s hand squeezed her butt cheek and she looked up to find him watching her.

“Mornin’, little moose,” he said, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

“Mornin’, big bad wolf,” she said with a smile.

She kissed him back and then slid down his body, kissing her way down. She hadn't really explored him yet. Not properly. No time like the present.

“Dana…” Ethan growled. She felt the rumble from his chest.

She ignored him and continued her journey. He was still fully erect, their newly formed mating bond pushing them to mate over and over. She kissed the tip of his cock and then gently nibbled her way down it. She licked her way back up, swirling her tongue around the tip as she grasped his shaft with her hands.

“Dana,” Ethan growled again but he made no move to stop her.

Smiling, she took him into her mouth and she felt Ethan’s hands grasp her hair. He held her but did not attempt to control her movements. She sucked and licked, teasing him and enjoying her power over him. She wasn’t an expert at this but she wanted to please him and she hoped her enthusiasm would make up for any lack of technique. He certainly seemed to be enjoying her efforts, his fingers tightening on her head.

“Enough,” he groaned, gently but firmly pulling her off him and up his body. He kissed her fiercely, one hand still holding her head, the other dipping between them to slide through her wet folds. Now it was her turn to moan. His fingers pumped inside her, hitting her sweet spot over and over, while his thumb pressed firmly on her clit. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. She needed more than his fingers. A lot more.

He broke their kiss and removed his fingers, smirking at the whimper that escaped her. Sitting up, he span them around and flipped Dana onto her stomach. The air whooshed out of her lungs as she bounced on the bed. She felt him grab her hips and pull them up so that she was now on her knees. She jumped at the first swipe of his tongue against her and then relaxed into the sensations. He lashed her clit with his tongue, driving her higher and higher. She felt his fingers slide into her again and she moaned in appreciation. She was so close. Then he sucked her clit and tipped her over the edge, making her scream as she came.

Ethan didn’t stop. He continued to pump his fingers inside her and sucked her clit, driving her back to the edge in record time. A sharp pain as his fangs pierced her butt had her wailing as she climaxed again.

Coming down this time, she felt Ethan’s cock press into her from behind. He grasped her hips as he thrust into her and she arched back to take him deeper. She loved this position, it felt so primal. Reducing them both to animals. Her breasts swung under her as she rocked with the movements of Ethan’s thrusts. Her arms gave out and her head rested on the bed, her ass still in the air, Ethan holding her up. His hand slid around her to where they were joined and he began to rub at her clit. She couldn't come again. She just couldn't. Yet, she was. She felt the climax building and when she felt Ethan come inside her, she whimpered, “I love you” into the mattress as she exploded in pleasure.

She felt Ethan dropping onto the bed beside her. For a moment, they lay there, silent apart from their heavy breathing. She felt the bed move as Ethan rolled over and she could feel him watching her.

“You love me?” he panted. Oh crap. She’d said it out loud. Quietly and muffled by a mattress but his damn shifter hearing would still have heard it. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him and she wasn’t sure he was ready to deal with declarations of love.

“You weren’t supposed to hear that,” she panted back, risking a peek up at him. He didn’t appear too freaked out, merely curious. Maybe even a little... hopeful?

“Did you mean it?” he asked. His hand stroked down her back.

She sighed. “I meant it but I didn’t mean to actually say it. I don’t want to freak you out.”

“I’m not freaked out,” he said, smiling at her. He brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “I love you too. I know it’s early days and I’m not good with the mushy stuff, but I love you.”

He grinned at her, a big goofy grin and she couldn’t help grinning back. Rolling over, she yelped and flipped onto to her side.

“You bit me on the ass!” she accused him, grabbing her butt and rubbing it.

He snorted. “I couldn’t resist.” He shrugged. “Besides, I didn’t hear you complaining at the time.” No, she certainly hadn't.

She swatted at him, making him laugh as he caught her hand and kissed her fingers.

“So,” Ethan said carefully, kissing her palm. “Since we’ve admitted we love each other and we’re now mated, how would you feel about me moving in?” He watched her, waiting for her answer.

She smiled at him. “I’d love it. Do you want to live here or find a new place?” She liked her home but she didn’t mind moving. She just wanted to be with her mate. Wherever.

“Here is fine,” Ethan said. “My apartment is tiny and I don’t have a lot of stuff. You tend not to accumulate much when you move around a lot.”

BOOK: Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1)
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