Door to Kandalaura (8 page)

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Authors: Louise Klodt

BOOK: Door to Kandalaura
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Quickly I dressed and stepped out onto a large branch,
which lowered me to the ground,
the same branch that had lifted me the night before.

“Thank you,” I said in English.

“My pleasure,” was the thought that returned to me from the tree.

This could take some getting used to, talking to these plants and animals.

My knees still felt a little giddy from worship the night before, but I felt strong
inside. The reality of seeing Jesus had definitely left its mark on me. I would never
be the same.

For my body, I grabbed some fruit from a nearby branch and began eating. No sooner
had I plucked it off, than it reappeared on the branch. I hope Andron and Nicholas
never take this for granted. It amazes me every time I see it happen.

“I see you're up and ready for our new adventure,” said Andron. “Have you ever ridden
a horse before?”

“Not yet,” I replied. “But I've always wanted to.”

“Well, you're about to get your wish,” said Andron. “Close your eyes.” He led me
a few feet away and put my hand on something that felt soft and furry. “Now open.”

I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful white horse ever. It was huge.

“This is Kandaletta. Kandaletta, this is Mikey.”

Kandaletta neighed and nodded her head. Immediately I felt like she was my friend,
but I was still apprehensive about riding her.

“Don't worry,” said Andron. “Even if you were to fall, Kandaletta would catch you.”

I guess he thinks that will make me feel secure, but the thought of falling doesn't
appeal to me.

When Andron helped me up, I noticed there were no reins.

“No need for them,” he said. “The horses know where we want them to go as soon as
we think it.

Andron mounted his horse, Lightning, the blackest horse I have ever seen. I grabbed
Kandaletta's mane with both hands and tightened my legs around her. The horses took
off so fast I didn't have time to be scared. In a moment we were airborne.

Yikes! These horses have wings!

Feeling such immense power beneath me along with the graceful movement of those wings
was thrilling beyond belief. The exhilaration of the wind against my face coupled
with majestic mountains and thick green forests beneath me was indescribable.

This would be a ride I'd always remember. I had had so many adventures in such a
short period of time I felt like I was going to burst.

Andron smiled. He knew I was overtaken by the thrill of the ride. I thought back
to the time he spent convincing my dad to let me come. Boy, am I glad it all worked

“I'm glad too,” said Andron.

Kandaletta neighed and nodded her head.

Below me I noticed an unusual structure. It looked like a tall building of at least
three stories. It appeared to be made of glass. I could see inside anywhere I looked.
A glass elevator was taking people up and down. The entire building was filled with
shelves that held a countless number of books. I thought it was a library.

“No,” said Andron. “It's our university.”

“University? But I thought the people on your planet already knew everything. Why
a university?”

Andron smiled. “Our minds process information
quickly, and we use the greater portion
of our brains because of the atmosphere. We know the concepts of each others' minds
if the other person is willing, but we don't know all the facts of the universe.
There's still a lot to learn. That building is where I went to get help in designing
your space suit. I looked through many books. Our sages helped me.”

“Sages?” I said. “You mean old guys with long hair and white beards who are wise
because they've been around for so long?”

Andron laughed. “Most of them have been around for a long time, and they are very
wise. But it's not about age. It's about wisdom. Do you remember the white haired
lady who danced last night? She had white hair. That's a sign of wisdom. We don't
grow old here on Kandalaura. White hair is like a crown. It speaks of wisdom and
not just knowledge, but knowing how to use knowledge. Our planet is much like your
heaven. Jesus says there are no old people in heaven. Your people become young again.
They are given new bodies that don't decay. There's no disease or death there.”

“You're right,” I said. “I guess I never thought about it that much because it all
seems so far away.”

“It may be closer than you think,” said Andron. “Your Bible has many clues about
God's timing and seasons.”

“Now I know I need to spend more time in my Bible,” I said. “You seem to know a lot
more about it than I do.”

Just then an eagle flew by. Andron must have asked him to lead us because he flew
in front of us. Andron motioned for me to follow.

We had been flying fairly low for a while through a lush, green valley. The trees
were not like any I had ever seen before. Some looked like they had leaves of diamonds.
They shimmered like prisms with rainbow colors in the sun. Other trees had leaves
of all colors. Some trees were extremely tall with enormous trunks. I was about to
ask Andron about the diamond trees when Kandaletta made a sudden turn toward the
mountains, and I felt it necessary to hold on with all my strength. Her wings moved
more swiftly now and took us higher.

“We're almost there,” said Andron.

I had no idea where he was taking us. He simply said it would be a surprise. Then
I saw something that really took me by surprise. There were about a dozen zebras
running down below us. And yes, their stripes were all colors of the rainbow.

“Didn't I tell you,” said Andron.

“Yes, you did,” I admitted. “But at the time I didn't know whether to believe you
or not.”

Now we were closing in on snow-covered peaks. The terrain was much rockier. Sheer
cliffs and steep slopes caused grassy hillsides to look more rugged. I could even
spot a few mountain goats.

The eagle led us to a grassy plateau high on the side of the mountain with enough
room for the horses to graze. That's where we landed. I thanked Kandaletta and got

Andron nodded his thanks to the eagle.

We hiked for a while in rugged but beautiful terrain. Some boulders were gigantic
with coloring similar to our Grand Canyon. Yet they weren't worn by age. They sparkled
like granite.

“This is one of my favorite places,” he shouted. “You won't believe your eyes.”

I had already seen more than I could believe. What could possibly be more wonderful?
I wondered.

Andron found an entrance inside the mountain, but it was so small, we had to duck
to get in. Once inside, he turned on a light similar to our flashlights. This revealed
a narrow passage that led downward for about twenty feet. Then it leveled off, and
we could see some light up ahead. As we got closer, Andron turned off his light.

From here we walked through a small opening into an enormous room. It reminded me
of a cathedral, only it was all natural. It was a virtual paradise. Columns near
the walls looked like our stalagmites and stalactites. They were more ivory in color
and they sparkled and shimmered. A stream flowed through the cavern floor. Stones
in the bottom of the stream shimmered and sparkled also. I walked over and picked
up a handful to get a closer look.

“They're jewels!” I said to Andron in surprise, “All different kinds.”

“Yes,” said Andron. “There are diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and some varieties
that may not be on your earth. Remember when we were swimming with the dolphins,
how it sparkled when we reached the bottom?”

“Yes,” I responded. “But I didn't have time to take it all in because I was so busy
just trying to hang on. That was quite a ride for me, you know.”

“Yeah, I guess I'm just used to it. Take some jewels home for your mom. It'll be
a souvenir of your trip.”

“Oh, I don't know,” I said. “I feel like I'd be taking something that doesn't belong
to me. We call it stealing. Are you sure your people wouldn't be upset with me?”

“Absolutely not, Mikey. You're still hung up on the money thing. Take them. It'll
give my people pleasure. They'll be happy to know that you've taken a little part
of our planet back with you to share. It'll help your people believe you were really

“In fact, take them to one of your jewel experts and see what he says. I doubt he's
ever seen gems as perfect as these. They even have facets cut on the insides. A gemologist
on earth can't accomplish that, even with the best of tools. Our God has fashioned
them. They're unique.”

I gasped as I looked at the jewels in my hands. What I had picked up in one hand
was worth a fortune on Earth.

“Fill both pockets,” said Andron.

So I did what he said. Then I followed him up some steps that took us further into
the large room. It reminded me of a throne room, only it was all natural. Now I could
see a huge waterfall at the far end of the room. Steps led up to a pond. The overflow
of the pond created another waterfall lower which fed into the stream at the bottom.
It became a bubbling brook winding its way through the canyon floor. Where the waterfall
overflowed from the pond, there were columns on either side that looked like angels
praying. There must have been an opening somewhere at the top because shafts of
light illuminated everything, and we could see clearly.

When I reached the top of the steps, I could look down into the pool.

I gasped. “There's light coming up from the bottom of the pool!” I exclaimed. I looked
at Andron for an explanation.

“We don't have an explanation. Scientifically speaking, there seems to be no reason
for the light. That's why we call it the “Glory Pool.”

As I peered into the depths of the pool, it seemed to be purple and royal blue at
the bottom with shafts of light bursting toward the top. The bottom was lined with
jewels. Glancing up at the top of the cavern above the pool, I noticed a heavy mist
of clouds. The mist was filled with
rainbow colors, and every now and then small
streaks of lightning flickered through. A rainbow appeared above the waterfall and
through the mist.

Once again my knees began to feel weak, and I realized that the weighty glory of
God was here also. It permeated the atmosphere around me and filled me up completely

“I've never seen or experienced anything as beautiful as this,” I told Andron after
I could talk again.

He smiled. “I thought you would like it. This is one of my favorite places on Kandalaura.
In your Bible, what you're experiencing is known as the Shekinah glory.”

“I've never seen anything that compares with this,” I remarked. “You must have really
studied my Bible.”

“I've read it through more than once,” he replied. “It shows how much love and patience
God has for your race. That fascinates me.”

“I want to see Him in person like you do,” I said. “I know He's real. I sense His
presence in this room, but I still want to see Him for myself.”

“You will,” said Andron. “I'm sure it's only a matter of time.”

“I could stay here all day,” I said. “His presence is so real and strong.”

“Just a little longer,” said Andron. “Then we must be getting back for your next

“Another surprise? Do you really think I'm up for it?”

“You're up for this one,” he said. Then he winked and smiled.

I wondered if I'd ever be able to describe the beauty and glory of this place. What
words could I find to describe the strong presence of God that was all over me?

Reluctantly we left the cavern. I tried to take some pictures but had no way of
knowing if they would turn out.

Outside Kandaletta greeted me. I pulled myself up, and once again we were airborne.
I wondered if Mom and Dad would believe all this. Then I remembered the proof I was
carrying in my pockets

The breeze on my face was exhilarating. The ride back was refreshing, and I felt
I was truly bonding with Kandaletta. Who would have thought that I'd be galloping
through the sky on a horse with wings? Not in my wildest imagination!

Our horses set us down close to the large field by Andron's village.

“Thank you, Kandaletta,” I said, hugging her around the neck. “I'll never forget
you or the ride.”

In my mind I heard her say, “It was my pleasure. I enjoyed it too.” I patted her
on the neck and followed Andron to the field, grabbing some fruit on the way.

What in the world could Andron be planning next?

Chapter 12


the clearing, I could hear children laughing and singing. Walking
closer, I could see a figure clothed in a white robe. I knew it was Jesus. He dismissed
the children to play and motioned for me to come.

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