Read Double Dare Online

Authors: Saskia Walker

Double Dare (11 page)

BOOK: Double Dare
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Chapter Five

"Open wide," Suzanne instructed as she reached over to the box of chocolates she had propped up on her spare pillow, and pursed her lips as she selected one. "Here you go." She rested the chocolate on his lower lip until he reached and bit into it.

Chewing slowly, Nathan looked at her mouth. It was swollen from hungry, lust-fuelled kissing. Her cheeks were pink. Both suited her. She reminded him of a gangster's moll from some old black and white movie.


He nodded. "Hazelnut."

"Right." She poked about in the box and picked one out for herself.

He watched it disappear into her mouth. He'd never been big on chocolate, but he was learning to love it. So long as she was lying naked on top of him and feeding them to him, he was prepared to eat them forever. He took a deep breath, lifting her with the swell of his ribcage.

She chuckled, rising up on her arms, peeling her breasts from his chest. They were both sticky from hot sex. They'd been at it for hours. The dim light of early dawn was already showing at the one window in her tiny bed-sitting room. She didn't seem to care that it was a weeknight. She even thought she'd be able to convince him he had the stamina to do it all over. Maybe that's what the chocolates were about.

He was only just beginning to think straight again. They'd had a lot of fun. He'd lost count of the number of drinks they'd had. All his Motorhead stories had been told, many of his Iron Maiden too. He hadn't let her buy all the drinks though, and he'd insisted on paying for the fish and chip supper. Arguing over it had been fun. She was a playful, hands-on type. In fact it took him a while to muster a come back when she slapped his arse and told him she was calling the cards. And now she had him pinned down and at her mercy. He couldn't have been happier.

Except the reason why he was here had wriggled to the forefront of his mind, for the first time in hours.
Got to get info
. "What's it like, working in that swish office block?"

"It's OK, mostly." She gave a slightly sad smile. "Not my dream, but such is life. You find yourself places in life you didn't think you would."

"I know what you mean."

She rested her chin on one hand, her elbow on his chest. Her weight was nothing to him, but her presence—now that was a different matter altogether. He kept trying to keep his mind on what he had forgotten during the course of the evening. "What would you want to do, if you had the chance for an ideal career?"

"I don't know, something in PR maybe."

"You'd be good at that."

"Thank you. I agree. What about you, how does being a courier suit?"

"Oh, I don't mind being a gofer. The guy I work for is sound. He's more like a friend."

"What would he think if he knew you were using work time to pick up women?"

He gave a soft laugh. "He wouldn't be surprised, but I'd like to point out that you picked me up."

"So I did, and you were well worth it." She snuggled closer and bit his chin.

That sent a jagged streak of interest down to his groin. She played rough and he loved it. His body was strung out under her, exhausted and yet wanting more. He breathed in the heady scent of sex, and chocolates. His thoughts blurred.
What is it I'm here for
? Struggling, he tried to hold the thread. "So, um, what are the finance people like to be around?"

"Stuffed shirts." She laughed. "That's not entirely fair. There is one woman I get on with, Abby, the one you brought the documents for, and she's a sweetie. She talks to me and stuff, she's a good laugh."

"A rock fan?"

"Nah, not that I know of. Although I suspect she's a bit of a rebel. She's not like the others."

A rebel, was that a bad sign
? "In a good or a bad way?"

"Oh, a good way, definitely good. Like us, I mean. She's the only one who would stop and give you the time of day, to be honest."

She leaned to one side, her breasts bouncing free of his chest. Man, he wanted to suck on them. He wanted to sit her on his cock and mold those gorgeous breasts in his hands.

She ran one finger down the length of the scar on his cheek, then touched his lips. She looked at the smaller scars criss-crossing his forehead. "Where did you get those?"

He should've expected it. She was pretty direct. He tried not to clam up. "In a street fight."

"Did you start it?"


She nodded but didn't press him.

He sensed she was relieved. "Thought you'd brought a bruiser home, did you?"

"Hey buster, you're the one in the manacles." Gesturing up at the headboard where she had him handcuffed, her eyes twinkled.

He laughed aloud, the tension of the moment breaking. "Good point." That wasn't why she'd manacled him, though. She'd told him she liked the sexual power. He'd been surprised, yes, and it had driven him nearly insane with lust, but having her in charge just about shot his head off. What a buzz. He was convinced he'd lost the power of speech when he finally got to come.

"Do the scars bother you?" He was concerned, wanting to know what she thought of him.

She shook her head, her soft curls bouncing. "I think it makes you look sexy."

"That works for me." He rolled his hips from side to side, causing her to grab him and hold on tight.

She gave her trademark naughty giggle and put her hands on his shoulders, lifting up. Moving her hips against his, she let her legs splay to either side of his body then rode her pubic bone up and down the length of his cock.

If he wasn't getting hard before, he sure was now. "Jesus woman."

"Seems like you might be ready to go again." She captured her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyelids lowering as she assessed the hardness of his cock.

"You better believe it." He instinctively moved his hands. The handcuffs rattled and held.

Clambering to her hands and knees, she shuffled down the bed until she could see his cock. She nodded approvingly. Grabbing a condom from the handful she had scattered over the bed at the outset of the session, she quickly unwrapped it. Looking at him, she licked her lips.

He groaned, rattling the cuffs again. His cock was throbbing, his back arching off the bed. She made an oval shape with her lips and rested the condom there, before ducking her head down to roll it on with her mouth.

Oh yes, that felt good.

She moved slowly, drawing out the sensation, her head gradually lowering till she had him against her throat. He had to close his eyes and grit his teeth.

Mounting him again, she looked as if she couldn't get enough of it. A feeling of honor belted out inside him, adding fuel to his lust.

"Your pussy is the sweetest place on the planet, Suzanne." It was snug, hot and slick from the time before.

She grinned and squeezed him tight inside her, her head rolling, her mouth opening wide and letting out a pleasured sound. He jutted his hips higher, lifting her, shoving as deep as he could within his restraints. She rode the movement, her expression challenging him, like some demoness from one of his comics—and he was ready to offer her his soul.

With agile hips she pumped up and down, her body angling back and forth as she rode him, squeezing and crushing his cock until his balls were riding high, braced for release. Sweat had gathered in the crease of his neck and between his thighs. He didn't think he could come again, but he did, with spine wrenching finality, the ejaculation emptying his balls of what little fluid he'd managed to muster for the repeat performance.

She was moving fast, grinding onto his cock, one hand rubbing her clit. When she shuddered to finality, he wanted her in his arms.

"Undo me, please," he whispered.

This time, she did. Every other time he'd begged she'd denied the request. That had driven him wild. She rubbed his wrists and shoulders as she freed him. He barely noticed the stiffness and sat up, snatching her into his arms, keeping her on his cock as it shrank, his head going to her neck and breasts, where he kissed her reverently.

Her body was limp, soft and warm as it lolled against him. Holding her was too good, rolling into the bed for sleep this way was the only option. He lifted her and tucked her in against him, disposing of the condom and moving her easily onto the bed beside him.

His gaze traveled round her room, taking in the stacks of CDs, action movie DVDs and magazines, cushions and candles, her crazy collection of teddy bears—all of which has been modified with punk gear and piercings. A massive close-up image of a shark about to bite dominated one wall. Her quirkiness was everywhere. He liked it.

His hands roamed her body, stroking all the places he'd wanted to touch when she'd been in charge.

She sighed sleepily under his touch.

"You feel so good. Can we do this again tomorrow night?"

She snuggled against him. "I can't. I promised I'd baby-sit for my sister, but any other night would be good." She looked up at him, locking her arms around his neck.

"Every other night?" The words were out before he'd even thought about it.

She chuckled, sounding sleepier but just as naughty as before. "I'll give it a go, as long as you can dredge up some more good gig stories for me." She winked.

Dynamite comes in small packages, he reminded himself, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

* * * *

When Abby awoke into the early morning light, Zac was lying next to her, his arm loosely about her waist. He was watching her with a frown on his forehead.

She let her eyes fill with him, while her other senses awoke slowly into his presence. Her mind confirmed what had passed before. She hummed with pleasure. "Good morning."

He smiled and moved his hand to her neck, stroking the surface gently, awakening her further with his touch. After a few moments she looked at the morning light that streamed over his shoulder from the window. It was Tuesday—and she had to be at work first thing to deal with the sale of the shares.

"Damn." She sat up and looked around for a clock. A small elegant silver oval on the bedside table told her it was after six. She was supposed to check for Adrianna's papers and call the broker to notify him to trade on the Exchange, before eight.

"What is it?" Zac pulled her back towards him. He kissed her mouth before he let her reply, and she was momentarily absorbed into his aura again.

"I have to be at work, soon." She drew away reluctantly.

He looked at her while he stroked from her throat down across her breasts, drawing her to him with the lightest touch. She breathed in determinedly and got up. He watched as she dressed, lying on one side, the black sheet draped over his hip.

Abby couldn't take her eyes off him as she fumbled into her dress and found her shoes. He looked like pure sex, spread on the decadent bed, tempting her to come and enjoy his body again. The dusting of black hair across his chest tapered into a line that led the eye down. She looked at the shape of his abdomen, the firm ridges of muscle that went from beneath his rib cage to disappear under the sheet. The black material hid his beautiful cock from her view and she wanted to go over and pull the sheet off him, to take pleasure in looking at his cock too. But she knew that if she did, she wouldn't be able to leave.

When she walked over to collect her earrings from the bedside table, Zac rolled over, put out his hand and grabbed her wrist as she reached out.

"Will you call me later?" Tension emanated from him.

She looked into his eyes, sparkling azure in the morning light. The dark line of his brows failed to shadow their brightness, and their question.

"Yes," she replied, wondering why it was like this, the tension between them when arranging to meet again. Was it because she thought of it as a secret affair? Why didn't he ask to call on her? Did he think she had someone else and he was a bit on the side? He still held her wrist tight in his grasp.

"I'll give you my contacts," she said, wondering if that was it. She hadn't thought. "I haven't got my card on me." He slowly pulled her down to him, to his mouth, and kissed her, one hand resting around the curve of her breast.

"But I will call," she murmured against his mouth, and he released her.

BOOK: Double Dare
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