Double Heat [Twin Ties: 3] (7 page)

Read Double Heat [Twin Ties: 3] Online

Authors: Lynn Kelling

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Double Heat [Twin Ties: 3]
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“Yeah,” Evan replied gratefully, knowing Luka was leaving just to give him an out.

The bathroom adjoined the bedroom. They slipped inside, turning on the light. Luka closed the door over behind them, not shutting it all the way but leaving it cracked open.

“You all right?” he asked in a hushed voice, looking Evan over as he reached for the knob to turn on the water in the shower. Water sprayed from the shower head and they let it run hot as they got undressed.

“Yeah, I just had a bad feeling there for a second. Guess I’m a pessimist at heart,” Evan answered. He pulled his shirt over his head and worked at opening his fly. Luka finished undressing first and moved back into Evan’s personal space until he was also naked, caressing anywhere he could reach while Evan bent and shed his pants.

“Luckily for you, I’m an optimist,” Luka smiled. “You know what that means, right? We fit together perfectly. I help you feel good when you start to feel bad.”

When Evan straightened, ready to step into the shower but with Luka right at his back, he sighed, feeling Luka instantly press the length of his tall body to Evan’s back. Luka felt soft and hard, warm and wonderful. There seemed to be such few moments to enjoy Luka all on his own, so Evan’s instinct was to cherish the ones he got, and push all other concerns aside. Evan’s eyelids slipped shut. Luka’s restless fingers, still wet with lube, rubbed over Evan’s hip, then down to wrap his cock. Head tilting back with a soundless groan, Evan felt Luka lift his flesh, taking firm hold of it inside his fist. Blood rushed there, quickly swelling his cock, while Luka’s fingers slid and stroked and squeezed.

“Missed this,” Luka whispered by Evan’s ear. “Haven’t had you all to myself in a while. Is this okay? Or would you rather just wash off and talk? I’d be fine with that too.”

Evan could only gasp at first. It shocked him, how badly he wanted Luka to make love to him. The urge to present his ass and yield to whatever Luka wanted to take only heightened Evan’s panic. Once again, he couldn’t tell the good from the bad, or concern apart from desire. It was all screwed up inside him. Of course, Luka could feel how he was turning Evan on. There was no hiding his arousal when it was clutched in Luka’s fist.

One thing was certain, though. There was no part of Evan that wanted to talk about his bad feelings. It wasn’t even a consideration, really. Some things had to stay private.

“You kidding?” Evan replied. “I’ve wanted to be with you like this for so long. The best way to stop worrying about things I can’t change is to hold on to the good.”

“So I’m good?” Luka teased gently.

“Really good,” Evan moaned.

Evan leaned back into Luka’s solid form. Soon, he was beyond the ability to speak, and could only make soft, needy sounds. The hand wrapping his cock tugged until he was fully hard, then let go. The flesh jutted stiffly upward between Evan’s thighs, making him self-conscious as he stepped forward into the shower. The water sprayed over his face and into his mouth briefly before he bowed his head, swishing the liquid around before spitting it out, trying to get his mouth as clean as possible with limited means. He shifted over when Luka stepped in behind him.

“Give me a sec to wash off first,” Evan asked.

“You’re not gonna let me do it?” When Evan glanced back at Luka, he already had a sponge and the soap in his hands, as well as an intent look on his face. Chewing his lip bashfully, Evan fought a threatening smile of pure happiness. “It
one of the many services I provide to all of my boyfriends. You’re blushing, by the way.”

“Great,” Evan groaned as once more, Luka fit himself to Evan’s back, this time while the water sprayed down on Evan’s chest, coursing over both of them. Luka lathered up the sponge and got to work, running it all over Evan’s body. He shifted the direction of the water’s spray, angling it toward the wall and nibbled at Evan’s ear, growling like a dog to make him laugh, which worked, of course. Soon, Evan couldn’t stop smiling, savoring the slippery, hot feel of Luka’s body against his own.

Luka kept nipping at Evan’s earlobe and the shell of his ear while he scrubbed, covering Evan with suds. Not realizing Luka had dropped the sponge, Evan’s first clue was when Luka’s fingertips, which had so recently violated Brennan, probed at Evan’s hole. The tips of two pushed through his rim, making Evan sigh. He spread his legs and leaned slightly forward, bracing his hand on the wall in front of them. Luka held him with a hand flattened on Evan’s stomach while his fingers burrowed further, slick enough to cause Evan to suspect Luka was using waterproof lube. When he felt teeth tugging on his ear again, Evan shivered and relaxed a little more. Right away, the fingers pushed deeper still, making him moan.

“It’s just me, you know,” Luka said to him.

In response, wanting Luka to see that he was wanted, Evan shifted again, leaning more sharply forward to brace both hands on the wall. The position had him bent sharply at the waist with his ass out. He smiled when he heard Luka’s moan of approval.

“C’mon,” Evan rasped. “I want it.”

“God, I love you,” Luka gushed.

He made quick work of the prep. Once he’d decided Evan was ready, Luka turned him around, straightened him up and lifted him. Evan wrapped his legs around Luka’s waist, smiling helplessly. He felt the strong grip of Luka’s hands as he was pressed back against the wall. Reaching under himself, Evan guided Luka’s cock to his opening. Luka lowered him onto it and drank down each of Evan’s gasps due to the intense stretch and fullness.

Luka gave him time to breathe and adjust. They kissed briefly, with Luka smiling at Evan’s smile. Once Evan said, “Okay,” Luka started to move, taking him slowly, rolling his hips. Evan stroked his shaft counter to each thrust and his cries of pleasure rang off the walls. It went on and on. As it was when they first made love, Luka drew it out as long as he could, though his arms muscles had to be burning. Evan came first, provoking a deep groan from Luka when his body clamped up around him as he spent. Hissing, Luka rode out the fluttering contractions of Evan’s ass, moving in his tight passage until he was coming, too, with a low cry of pure satisfaction.

The bathroom door opened. Alek and Brennan walked in while Evan and Luka were coming down, their bodies joined. Drawing back the curtain’s edge, Alek looked them over, saying, “Well, well.”

Luka kissed Evan lingeringly, water spraying off of them and the wall in a mist and running everywhere. When Luka broke away, a moment later another mouth was on Evan. It was Alek, and his tongue slid into Evan’s mouth.

“Fuck, I want you,” Alek growled upon pulling back, a little damper than he was before. “Later,” he promised with a meaningful look, then slung an arm around Brennan, who was wearing nothing but a huge, happy grin.

“They’re hogging the shower,” Brennan hummed. “Let’s go get our own. Unless Luka’s gonna pull out sometime soon?”

“Nope,” Luka answered, renewing his grip and keeping Evan trapped between him and the wall. “Well, there ya go.”

Evan glanced over, catching Brennan’s eye and shared a smile. Alek slapped Brennan’s bare ass and sent him toward the door. “Hey, Ev! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Brennan called on his way out.

nothing you wouldn’t do!” Evan called back, laughing.

Chapter 7

Parts of Evan’s life were perfectly normal according to anyone’s standards. For instance, after showering, he sat on his bed and folded laundry while listening to music through his headphones. He was feeling somewhat reclusive, and not in the mood for any more challenging conversations. It was enough to fold t-shirts, lining up the corners of the hem, using the flat of his hand to smooth out wrinkles. There was something meditative about the repetition and motion.

To counterbalance the normalcy, Evan’s life also had its fair share of the abnormal. In fact, it had more than its fair share of it. Probably by most people’s standards, Evan’s life was downright alarming, not that he liked to think about that. It’s what made things like avoiding everyone and folding laundry so appealing. He could get lost in the task at hand, and put off worrying about the rest of the niggling truths about who he was and possibilities regarding the way things were headed which had him craving a cigarette or a beer or an escape.

Without the headphones planted firmly on his ears, he would have been tempted to eavesdrop on the conversation happening in the living room between his brother and his boyfriends. Thankfully, the loud, moody, alternative rock blasting into his ears drowned most of it out. Maybe it was unhealthy to avoid one’s problems, but who the hell cared what was healthy or not? Evan had enough people telling him what to do, or reminding him how poor his choices tended to be, to provoke him to constantly want to rebel against popular suggestion. He was only eighteen, after all. He should have been able to safely get away with some questionable behavior. Maturity was for those older than him. Contributing to his share of the rent and the bills was plenty enough responsibility for the time being.

So, he stayed in the bedroom for the rest of the night. No one bothered him. His stress levels lowered. If he’d been back at his old home, he would have gone for a walk in the fields beyond the house to enjoy some fresh air and open sky. As it was, he made due with cozier comforts. Soon, he was sleepy. Crawling under the covers once his things were all put away and his teeth brushed, he drifted off for a while.

He awoke once he heard movement in the room. The door opened and shut. Footsteps padded over the carpet around the bed. Cracking open his eyes, Evan, lying on his stomach with his arms wrapped around his pillow, lifted his head to peer at the clock on the nightstand. Less than two hours had passed.

“Go back to sleep,” a familiar voice urged quietly. A moment later, the bed shifted as Alek sat down on his side.

“Mm,” Evan hummed, turning to look drowsily at Alek’s darkened form. After pulling off his shirt, Alek caught Evan’s gaze, hesitating. When Evan didn’t shut his eyes again or settle back down onto the pillow, but stayed propped up on his elbows, Alek took the hint, as Evan hoped he would.

Slipping out of his pajama pants, Alek pushed the sheet and blanket back before lying down beside Evan. There was a silent debate happening, which Evan was perfectly aware of. Though his eyes were half-shut with the weight of sleep, he kept watching Alek.

It was better to succumb than to fight it. Evan knew that instinctively. He wouldn’t pretend to be unaware of what Alek wanted, and he’d rather submit than miss out or regret not doing something later. Once opportunity passed you by, there was no getting it back again. Maybe all of that submitting was the reason for his worries, but what was done was done. There was nothing for it but to let it go and take another step forward to better things.

Alek was reclined on his side, facing Evan, who was still on his stomach. Reaching across the mere inches separating them, Alek touched Evan. His hand rested upon Evan’s bare lower back, directly above the waistband of his sleep pants. The fingers brushed the skin there subtly before Alek continued reading Evan’s signs and pushed for more. Sliding his hand under the waistband of Evan’s pants, Alek palmed Evan’s ass and, after another moment, gently kneaded the rounded muscle.

“Should I let you go back to sleep?”

“If I wanted that, I would have just pretended to be sleeping.”

The questing, explorative touches of other, older men were something Evan had been used to experiencing for several years. There was something appealing in passively letting it happen, divorcing himself from what they were doing by thinking of the sexual activity as
choice, not his. It wasn’t only Alek and Luka who had liked to fondle Evan’s body and test his boundaries. The way he had first gotten intimately involved with each of them fit his pattern. With Alek, who’d been a stranger at the time, he’d indulged in some illicit bathroom activity, while with Luka it was a sweaty, dirty tumble in the grass with his brother’s boyfriend, yielding for anything Luka wanted to take. Both times, Evan had consciously played the part of the person being touched, feeding Alek and Luka’s lust for his own pleasures. The submissive nature to Evan’s personality had always yielded to the curiosity of others. In a way, it had made Evan feel like he was doing something wrong or rebellious by letting others touch him like that, which was probably one of the reasons why he was having trouble with guilt over how regularly he had sex with multiple men at once. It spoke of a pattern of behavior that seemed destined to get him in a lot of trouble.

Even with his first sexual encounter with Brennan, it had felt like Evan had been floating above himself, watching major lines get crossed. Why hadn’t he questioned things more? Did it indicate he had unexamined deficiencies? Was there something wrong with him? Did he just not care as much as he should, as Jimmy had always suggested?

When he stepped back to look at the wider picture, he didn’t like what he saw. When he was up close and in it, though, all he wanted was more.

Evan’s reply was all the permission Alek needed. He usually didn’t need much. Freeing his hand of Evan’s pants, Alek grabbed the covers drawn up over him and threw them back. Then, he sat up and drew Evan’s pajama pants down, pulling them off completely, leaving him naked. While Alek tossed the clothing aside, Evan shifted his legs slightly apart, enough so that Alek had room to move to kneel between them. And that’s exactly what he did, hooking his hands around the insides of Evan’s thighs and guiding them widely apart as Evan intentionally pushed his ass up to show he wanted it. As soon as Alek had Evan spread out enough for his liking, his balls hanging heavily between his legs, his ass pulled open, Alek eased himself down atop him and simultaneously fed Evan’s hole two licked-wet fingers. He pushed, parting the muscle and going deep enough to make Evan swallow a moan of pleasure, hiding his face in the pillow.

The lube was in grabbing range. It always was. Alek got the cap open with his teeth while Evan tried to control his breathing, but he was already panting roughly and felt self-conscious about it. Alek nibbled briefly at the spot just beneath Evan’s earlobe. He could feel Alek’s gaze on him, studying Evan’s every reaction and his nude body.

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