Double Her Pleasure

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Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #threesome, #menage, #menage a trois, #mfm, #cowboy romance, #movie star romance, #cowboy menage, #malefemalemale, #double her fantasy, #double seduction series

BOOK: Double Her Pleasure
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Double Her Pleasure
Randi Alexander

Double Seduction Series, Book 2
Copyright © 2013 Randi Alexander


Cover Art by Diana Carlisle


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places and incidents are either the product of the author’s
imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales
is entirely coincidental.

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This is the second book in the Double Seduction
Series. It’s the continuation of the story of Megan, Trey, and
Garret from Book 1, Double Her Fantasy. While this book is a story
that can be read prior to reading the first book, the author
recommends reading Double Her Fantasy first. Please check my
website to find out where
Double Her Fantasy
is available. Thank you!

Chapter One

As the private jet landed on Texas soil,
Megan Shore grasped the butter-soft leather of her seat. Garret
McGatlin’s big warm hand covered hers. “Is it the landing that’s
got you nervous, or is it
you’re landing?” They were
the only two passengers on the ten-seat plane.

“A little of both, I guess.” Arriving to
spend time with
men on their ranch had her anxious, but
mostly it was sexual longing that had her primed and impatient.

Garret’s gorgeous blue eyes flickered as his
grin curved in amusement. She resisted the urge to run her hands
through his wavy dark-blond hair and tug him to her for a kiss. She
could wait, though. Waiting would keep her lust corralled for a few
more minutes, until they could include his brother, Trey, in the

Her gaze ranged over her movie action hero’s
broad chest and big shoulders that stretched his black T-shirt. She
wanted that chest pressing her against his brother, Garret’s cock
sliding into her as Trey’s shaft took her from behind, the fullness
would send her spinning, make her fly...a chill rattled through her
as her eyelids drooped shut and all the air left her lungs.

“Baby, you can’t do that sexy shit in front
of me and still expect me to be able to walk off this plane.”

She opened her eyes with her gaze right on
his jeans, loving the sizable bulge at the zipper. “Sorry. I’m not
a patient woman these days.”

The plane braked and turned, slowly rolling
toward one of the three metal buildings hunkering beside the little
landing strip. Garret gestured out the window. “There he is. He’s
probably been standing there in the hot sun all afternoon. Damn
cowpoke is too dependable.”

On the tarmac, her cowboy, Trey McGatlin,
stood in front of a huge, white pickup truck that sported a
diamond-shaped logo on the door. Thank heaven he was so dependable.
She’d missed him. A bit taller than Garret, his straw cowboy hat
hid his short, blond hair and tanned face. His chest was tense
under his dark t-shirt, his booted feet braced shoulder-width
apart. Was he anxious to see her?

She was just as anxious to see him, the
cowboy who’d won half her heart a week ago in Chicago. She glanced
beside her at the man who owned the other half of it. They’d
changed her life in one short weekend, and given her lonely heart a
new reason to beat. “I still can’t believe I’m here.”

The three of them had shared a fantasy
weekend in a five-star Chicago hotel. When they’d asked her to
extend the hot, wild threesome with a visit to their Texas ranch,
the Silver Spur, she’d been too deliciously satisfied to even think
of saying no.

The plane stopped and for a second, her heart
did too. Her cheeks warmed at the memories and the promise of what
would happen the minute they arrived on the ranch.

Garret lifted a brow. “I know what you’re
thinking, baby.” He glanced out the window where Trey strode toward
the plane. “You can’t wait to get us McGatlin brothers alone.”

As a tingle raced down her spine, she
shrugged. “Can you blame me?”

He leaned forward for a kiss, just a soft
brush of lips, but it stirred a hot need low in her belly. He’d
been kissing her like that since she’d jumped on the plane he’d
rented to pick her up at the little airport near her home in
southwestern Canada.

She’d been so glad to see him, she’d nearly
begged him to take her, right there on the reclining seat of the
plush jet. But she’d resisted, complying with the brothers’ rule of
“no one-on-one.” Damned rule had her wiggling in her jeans as
shimmies of desire tightened her core. She’d have to find a way to
get them to reconsider that rule. Especially for the weeks when
Garret would be on location somewhere, filming.

The pilot stepped out of the cockpit.
“Welcome to Clear River.” He opened the door, letting in a burst of
dry, Texas heat. After lowering the stairway, he stood back quickly
as clomps sounded on the steps.

Trey burst into the airplane and walked
directly toward her.

“Trey.” Her heart thumped as a smile broke
across her face. God, it was good to see him again.

Garret reached over and unbuckled her

Was she so dazed by her two lovers that she
wasn’t able to complete even the simplest of functions?

The pilot retrieved Garret’s and her
suitcases from a small closet and stepped off the plane.

Trey’s gaze locked with hers, and his hands
grasped her wrists, pulling her from her seat and into his

Warm and hard, her cowboy’s body pressed
against hers, heating her blood as it raced through her veins. “You
feel so good.” It sounded ridiculous, but it was all she could
manage with her emotions so close to bubbling over the surface.

This is where she wanted to be. In his arms.
arms. Canting her hips, she pressed her mound
against the hard length of his cock as it rode heavy behind his

“Sweetheart.” Trey ran his fingers through
her long black hair. “Welcome to Texas.”

She breathed deep of his scent; soap and
fresh air and sunshine. Her breath caught. “I missed you.”

Trey’s hands slid to her shoulders and set
her back a step. His deep blue eyes darkened in his handsome tanned
face as they locked with hers. “I didn’t realize how hard it’d be
alone. Without you.” A wrinkle formed between his brows.

Her heart fluttered again. “I know. I could
barely sleep at night. My bed was so lonely.”

Garret placed a hand on her back. “We’re
together now, and we’re gonna make the most of every minute.” His
palm drew circles across her spine.

“I brought my laptop, you know. I do need to
work some of the time.”

“You’re world-famous for your own line of
action comics.” Garret wiggled his brow. “And you still can’t take
a week off?”

“I can probably take today off.” She kissed
Trey’s strong, smooth jaw. Turning to Garret, she wiggled her own
brow. “And maybe tomorrow too, if things go well today.”

Trey laughed and glanced over her head.
“Let’s get her back to the ranch, brother. Show her some...” He
winked at her. “Texas hospitality.”

Garret laughed and got them walking, off the
plane and to the truck where the pilot had loaded the two suitcases
in the back seat. They thanked the captain and as Trey opened the
passenger door, Garret looked the length of the truck. “Why’d you
bring this old thing?”

Megan took her own glance at it, but the
truck looked to be in perfect shape.

Her cowboy gestured into the cab. “Bench
seat.” He took her hand and helped her up into the high rig. “Our
woman can sit between us.”

She slid to the middle, right where she

Garret chuckled. “Sometimes I underestimate
your genius, big brother.” He smacked Trey’s shoulder then slid in
next to Megan.

Trey rounded the hood of the truck and jumped
into the driver’s seat. Garret moved closer and on each side, one
of her men’s legs pressed full-length along hers. She thanked her
forethought in wearing a thin pair of blue linen pants and packing
her jeans. When the men’s shoulders and arms came in contact with
hers, she knew she’d made a good choice in wearing the sleeveless
white blouse.

Everywhere they touched, heat flowed into
her, cascading along her nerve endings and pooling in her belly.
She drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. She felt two sets of
eyes on her, and turned her head right then left to look into the
intense blue gazes of her men.

“Get us home, Trey.” Garret’s voice rumbled
low, and his eyes darkened.

“Can’t get there fast enough to suit me.”
Trey leaned toward her for a quick kiss. “I need you, Megan.” He
turned the ignition and looked at his brother. “

His words caressed her soul. She hadn’t been
needed in so long, and never needed with the passion and intensity
her two men had for her.

Garret brushed a kiss on her temple. “Wait
‘til we get you alone.”

A shiver started in her breasts and jittered
through her.

Trey shifted into gear and hit the gas. “How
was the flight?”

“Flight?” Her mind was already deep in the
sheets of a big, soft bed on the ranch.

“Damn tempting, brother.” Garret squeezed her

She nudged him with her shoulder. “You guys
made up the rules. No on-on-ones, only two-on-ones.” She looked at
Trey. “Lucky me.” She did feel lucky. How had two handsome,
sexually intense hunks ever chosen her as their woman? Two lovers
who were perfect gentlemen, as well. Lucky was a tame descriptor of
her life right now.

Garret smiled. “It’ll be worth the wait,
baby. I promise.”

Trey groaned and laid his hot hand on her
thigh. “We have plans, sweetheart.”

Her belly quivered with desire. Two days ago,
when Garret had called to tell her to be ready this morning, said
he’d be finishing filming his action flick early, she’d nearly
hyperventilated. When he told her he was coming to get her to bring
her to the Silver Spur, she’d been a mixed mess.

Excited, anxious, unsure, and horny as

Their short time together in Chicago had been
the most fabulous experience of her life, and she’d become addicted
to “the lifestyle,” as they called it.

Three bodies, hers between theirs, allowing
herself to be skillfully seduced into orgasm after orgasm.

Heat raced through her and she let out a huge

“That’s what I like to hear.” Trey turned
right as he exited the airport onto a narrow blacktop road that
stretched forever across the dry landscape and ended at a low
mountain range that seemed a thousand miles away.

Off to the left, a field of wind turbines
spun like daisies in a hurricane.

“You tired, sweetheart?” Garret’s fingers
played through the ends of her hair.

“Mmm hmm.” She grinned at Garret and winked
at Trey. “I could use a nap.”

Garret’s fingers tightened. “Pedal to the
metal, brother.”

Trey sped the truck. “Don’t worry about not
seeing all the ranch right away, Megan.” He squeezed her thigh.
“We’ll show you the important parts first, and all the rest of it

“Important parts? Your bed? Or Garret’s?” She
loved feeling so uninhibited, so bold. These guys brought out the
naughty in her. It gave her confidence, knowing they were as hot
for her as she was for them.

“Yee-haw.” Garret massaged her scalp. “Mine
first. It’s bigger.”

“They’re both the same size, hotshot.” Trey’s
voice held a touch of laughter. “Don’t be bragging up your

Megan’s cheeks warmed. Again. Their “junk”
impressed her beyond all expectations, and she couldn’t wait to
have them sliding into her. Wherever they liked would be fine with
her. Her pussy contracted and her mouth watered, needing them soon.
“Let me be the judge of that.”

The guys laughed.

Trey looked around her at his brother. “Since
my bedroom’s twice the size of yours, I cleared out part of my
closet and a couple drawers. Thought Megan would be comfortable in

Garret’s jaw tightened. “How can I compete
with that?”

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