Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series)

BOOK: Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series)
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Double Plush Velvet


The Velvet Series


Leanore Elliott




This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination, or they are used fictitiously and are definitely fictionalized. Any trademarks or pictures herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks or pictures used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.


Editor: Lea Ellen Borg


Cover Art provided by


Wicked Muse Covers


©September, 2012; Leanore Elliott



Wicked Muse Publishing


For all of us ‘plush’ girls who love a good erotic adventure....


There will be three titles in the Velvet Series:


Double Plush


Hot Blue





latonia, Texas…

A delightful little town that keeps the old spirit of history alive. Despite its size, it is a busy little place with pockets of industry. The railroad is big there with actual tours of the railway stations and such. There are real cattle ranches there as well, which I depicted in this story.

The houses are so charming with green trees and huge yards. When you walk through downtown, the buildings are well painted and preserved, there are some with a vast historical significance, and you will feel like you are walking through history.

The people are good natured and friendly, and the land isn’t as flat as the name implies. There are rolling green fields of purple blue bonnets, trees and some lush scenery.

The heritage of these Flatonians is varied; German, Italian and Czech. There is also a Spanish line mixed in with the flavors of this frontier west.

Why did I choose Flatonia for my Velvet Series? Charm, sassiness and a bit of home cookin’!




“Both Barrels”


Bren watched him walk to the parking lot. Darkness helped to cover her presence and her shameful stalking. Rolling her eyes, she knew this was an awful thing to do in the first place. Pitiful is what it was all right. She could just hear her Momma’s voice tisking in that way she had when she was disgusted.

Watching from the corner, she viewed him getting into his truck. His powerful legs just seemed to launch him up and in through the high door. Yeah, a huge Ford F-150. Mighty as Texas trucks go, and just as mighty as he was.

He started the big engine and pulled out in a cloud of Flatonia dust.

Standing in the dark part of the side building, she stared at the large vehicle until it disappeared down the street.

Looking up, she saw the neon flashing sign… ‘Flatonia Diner’ just as it blipped off. Looking all around to make sure no one had seen her, she hurried over to her Ford. Hers wasn’t the least bit mighty and you could call it meek. It was a Ford Fiesta and it ran all right, but just barely. She tugged at the door handle and it didn’t budge.
Dang-it, I’m gonna have to go around and use the passenger door!

She got in, climbed over to the driver’s seat, and started her little tin can of a junk pile. She pulled out of the parking lot with lurch of the engine and a cloud of smoking oil fumes. She’d bought the car because it was priced right.
She smiled and wiped the dust from her rearview mirror.

It would get to home and back. For four hundred dollars that was a bargain, compared to walking. She dimmed her headlights because she really didn’t want to waste the battery juice as it was like the car itself—on its last cell. The streets were empty, so it didn’t matter anyway.

The car needed all kinds of things that she couldn’t afford, but maybe it needed to be dropped off at the junkyard too. Bren just couldn’t bring herself to do it though; she sort of mixed herself with the beat down car. She sometimes felt like she didn’t match up to the slim modeled woman, but she was loyal and steady as hell. So, she held onto the car out of sympathy.

Night had fallen over the sleepy looking town and the empty streets just added to her somber mood. She needed to stop all this sneaking around and hiding her feelings under a dark, damp rock. Why couldn’t she just be like a modern woman and ask him out?
Because you’re too afraid, that’s why, Plushy butt!

The nickname had been tagged on her in high school and she‘d gotten way past feeling bad about it.
It matched her name and her behind.
I have a great butt and someday, someone else may think that too!
But, someday was kind of like the word tomorrow—it was always looming but never really here. Her thoughts drifted again.
Well, there was a someone; he just wasn’t her someone.

She parked in her spot at the apartment building and tried her car door handle. It gave way and for once, and she was able to get out of her car the respectable way.
She felt like the bucket of bolts was thanking her for the junkyard reprieve.

Looking around, she knew most of her neighbors were already asleep. Ten o’clock and the streets of Flatonia instantly rolled up.
Is this gonna be my life when I’m old?
She made her way up the stairs and tried to think of what she could do differently.
Well, you could ask that someone out and maybe he would be taken off guard enough to actually say yes. But you just keep puttin’ that off till tomorrow, which you know will never be here.

Bren sighed as she took off her apron and dropped it onto her couch. Her feet hurt and her back was strained. The day had been super long and she just wanted a hot bath. Waitressing was more than hard work—it was a total beat down on some days. She kicked off her shoes and winced. Ten hours on your feet while rushing all over and trying to please everyone was rough. The tips bought the groceries but sometimes, you couldn’t pay the bills.

Yep, sometimes you had all chicken, while other times, all you got was the feathers.
Another wise but offbeat proverb her momma was always telling her when the bills couldn’t be paid.
Bren stripped away the rest of her well-worn, food-splattered uniform.
she shuddered.
she would say after a full week at the diner

She headed to the bathroom as was her nightly routine. While running the bath water, she paused and looked in the mirror. Her mom said she had an hourglass figure. Bren turned sideways while gazing at her body and thought, what the hell did that even mean?
Hourglass? Like maybe your ass was full of heavy sand

She unclasped her bra and watched her rosy tipped breasts pop out from the material.
Yeah, I’ve got the big boobs, but my hips could bounce someone across a room.

She added rose scented bubbles to the streaming water, then tugged her panties down and away. Stepping into the warm water she sat down, sinking into the tub. Releasing a relieved sigh, she immediately thought about someone she’d love to bounce all right. He was never far from her thoughts, and one of these days someone was gonna catch her watching him.

He wasn’t even interested.
She released a heavy breath and closed her eyes. Travis came in every day and he was the finest thing on two legs. He was like sex on two legs, she should say. A cowboy, the cook had said about him.
Yeah, I wish he would ride me! Don’t even go there again, Bren.
She fought the temptation off. It was like a bad habit that left her shaking for just one more hit.

His smile flashed in her mind as she slipped her fingers lower and rubbed her clit. Yep, she gave in and allowed her imagination to be full of that hot, sexy cowboy. In her mind, he was doing this very thing to her.

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