Double Take (31 page)

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Authors: Brenda Joyce

BOOK: Double Take
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Kait could no longer breathe. The stairwell had become boiling hot. She felt faint, and as if she was suffocating. But her decision had been made, and there was no turning back. Especially not with the stolen ring burning a hole in her handbag. Her eyes locked with her sister’s.

Lana smiled.

Kait could not.

“Good-bye,” Lana said.

Kait nodded. “Lana?”

Lana paused at the door.

“I love you,” Kait said through stiff lips.

Kait looked into the hospital room where Gabe Jenkins lay unconscious. The tableau hadn’t changed since she had left. Sam and his mother remained at his side, Trev and Rafe remained at the foot of the bed, talking quietly. Trev immediately sensed her presence, because he turned.

Kait couldn’t move. Their eyes met and locked.

Kait licked her lips. “Rafe?”

Rafe also turned.

She cleared her throat. “May I speak with you—privately?” And she was dizzy, reeling. But she had made her decision five minutes ago on that cold iron gray stairwell with her sister offering Kait her marriage, her husband, her life.

Rafe and Trev exchanged a glance and Rafe left the room. “Let’s go somewhere quiet,” Kait said, her heart beating with alarming force now. She did not want Trev to overhear the conversation she intended to have.

Rafe followed her into a small and empty waiting area. “What is this about?”

Kait looked him in the eye. “My name is Kait London. I’m Lana Coleman’s twin.”

For one moment he did not even blink, and then he said, calmly, “Really.”

“Yes, really,” Kait said, not able to detach herself from all feeling. She hugged herself and felt the tears come to her eyes. “My sister is a criminal, but I think you already know that. Ten minutes ago she dragged me into a stairwell to tell me that I could have her life and that she was going on the run. She said she’s on her way to Paris tonight, but I know that’s bullshit. She’s too smart to tell me the truth.”

Rafe said, “Don’t fucking move.” And he took off.

Kait sank down in a chair, cradling her head on her arms, and she wept. She cried because the sister she had admired and loved her entire life had been an illusion and the more she recalled the past, the more certain she was that Lana had always lied to and cheated everyone. Her sister had had all the charisma, all the sex appeal, all the charm, but she had always done whatever she felt like, no matter whom she hurt, no matter the consequences.

Kait felt as if she had loved a lie her entire life, and maybe she had.

But it was over now. Lana was far more than an adultress, a con woman, and a professional thief; even she herself had admitted that she was a sociopath.

Kait wiped her eyes and leaned back in her chair, staring blindly at the ceiling. A sociopath was, apparently, someone who broke every rule and law known to mankind and didn’t have one iota of remorse, one bit of guilt. Well, that was Lana, wasn’t it?

Had she really thought Kait such a pushover that she would accept Lana’s life, and live a lie for the rest of her own life? In the end, there had been no temptation at all.

Had she really thought Kait so weak that she would let her sister get away unpunished for all of her crimes? Turning her own sister in had required all the strength and moral fiber Kait had.

Oddly, Kait thought the biggest crime of all was the way Lana had emotionally betrayed her own family—Kait, Trev, Marni, and Sam. But that was a crime she would never pay for, and her family would be the ones to pay the price instead.

Kait was glad their parents weren’t alive to see how Lana had turned out in the end.

And now, there would be some justice—because Kait had turned her own sister in.

Suddenly Rafe strode into the room, speaking into a walkie-talkie. “She can’t have gotten far. Seal off the hospital, put up a roadblock at the exit. Check every car and every passenger, damn!” He clicked off just as someone said, “Ten-four,” and stared at Kait.

Kait didn’t like the way he was looking at her. She slowly stood up.

“Maybe you should put up some more roadblocks, in case she’s already off hospital grounds. I’d also get someone over to Farrell’s—and have him followed.”

“Impossible. Too many intersecting streets.” But he lifted the walkie-talkie to his mouth. “Send someone over to Farrell’s. Two-oh-one Park Lane. Surveillance. If he leaves, tail him, and whatever you do, don’t lose him,” he snapped. Then he turned his unwavering stare on her again.

She shifted uneasily. “I’ve hated every moment of this charade.”

“Right.” He was grim.

“She told me she was in danger; in fact, she made me believe that Marni’s life was in danger, too,” Kait said hoarsely. “She didn’t even give me a chance to object. I hadn’t seen her in years—I didn’t even know she was married. She appeared, told me she was in trouble, gave me a letter, and took off. I mean, it was like a five-minute broadside.”

“You two switch places often?”

“No. Never. Not since we were eight or nine,” Kait said. “You don’t believe me.”

“I don’t know what to believe, but Max found out Lana had a twin a few days ago. Question is, which one are you?”

Kait shivered. “I’m Kait. Kait London. I’ve been working at a Madison Avenue publicity firm. Check it out. Check me out. I’m who I say I am.”

He stared for a long moment. “What do you want... Kait? And why turn your own sister in now?”

Kait opened her purse and gave him the diamond ring. “Farrell stole this the night of Parker’s gala.” He stared at the ring, his expression inscrutable. “It’s Georgina’s,” she added.

“I know.”

Kait was grim. “I didn’t know who Farrell was or that he and my sister have been partners—and lovers—for a decade. They did set up Trev, by the way. She married him for his money and his social connections.”

Rafe lifted his gaze to hers. “So you and Farrell stole this—or was it Farrell and your twin?”

She swallowed uneasily, aware of where he was heading now—that the confusion of which sister was who and who had really done what was more than confusion—it had become a web that might not even be unraveled correctly. “I was with Farrell. But I have never stolen anything in my life, and I watched him steal it—then he tried to give it to me. I gave it back the other day.”

“To him. Not me, not the police.” He was watching her very carefully now.

“I wasn’t ready to turn my own sister in! To betray her—to send her to jail!” Kait cried, losing all of her composure.

“But now you’re ready to do all that.”

“Yes.” She gritted her teeth. “Yes, I am. She just gave me the ring, as a little parting gift. While trying to convince me to stay in her lie forever.” She turned away, closing her eyes tightly. “Don’t tell Trev. Please. I’ll tell him tonight, when we get home.”

There was silence.

She felt his eyes boring into her back.

Slowly, she turned. “I could arrest you on the spot.”

“Good,” Kait whispered. “Because that is what I want you to do.”

And finally, he was surprised. “What?!”

“Arrest me, Rafe. Arrest me and make it headline news. It’s what she wants. You see, Lana’s plan isn’t to give me her life; she wants me to take the fall for her.”

Their gazes locked.

“You think your own sister wants you to go to jail in her place?”

Kait nodded, stabbed with heartache.

“If you are really who you say you are, then I’d be arresting the wrong person—at least as far as grand larceny is concerned.”

Kait shook her head, not liking his implication about arresting her at some other time for fraud. “Don’t you see? Once you arrest me—as Lana—she’ll think she’s free. And then you can bring her to justice,” Kait said.

Somehow, it was almost eleven o’clock at night. Kait hardly knew where the day had gone; spent as it was at the hospital, it had passed in an odd and surreal blur. Had it only been six, seven, or eight hours ago that she had finally come face-to-face with her sister in the stairwell of the hospital? Had it only been hours ago that she had turned her own sister in to the authorities? It felt as if it had been a lifetime ago. Kait had somehow gone through all the right motions, bringing sandwiches, cookies, soda, and water back to Gabe’s room. Holding Sam’s hand, then holding Trev’s. Mitch had come by to oversee Gabe’s care, and to try to sedate Sam and get her home. Sam would have none of it; it was Kait who had finally convinced Sam to go home and take a Valium, and Kait couldn’t remember how she had done it or a single word that she had said.

Now, Trev stood on the threshold of Sam’s room, his arms folded across his chest, not moving. He seemed so tired. Sam was in bed, still in her jeans and a T-shirt, soundly asleep. She’d finally taken the Valium Mitch had prescribed, just a few moments ago, and the moment her head had touched the pillow, she’d gone out like a light. Gabe remained in satisfactory condition in ICU and Ben Abbott had been released on bail.

Kait remained numb, and she supposed it was an effect of shock. She carefully pulled off Sam’s boots and then her socks, concentrating very hard on what she was doing—as if that would block out her memory of her confrontation with Lana and her conversation with Rafe Coleman. She knew he wanted to apprehend her sister and Farrell at Reagan International; she also knew he’d never catch them so easily. If Lana said she was on her way to Paris tonight, she’d probably be heading for Singapore tomorrow instead.

Kait was numb with exhaustion and despondency. She had been fighting her terrible memories all day while trying to act normal—whatever that now meant. She was also aware of Trev watching her from the doorway. She had been acutely, painfully, aware of him all day. The moment of truth had come, and there was no more escaping it. If she didn’t tell him, Rafe Coleman would. He’d said he give her until midnight.

It was damn close to midnight now.

Kait covered Sam with the quilt, tucking it up under her chin. Then she fussed with the covers, avoiding what she must say and do. She checked and saw that the glass of water on the bed stand was full, and with stirrings of full-fledged dread, she straightened and ever so slowly turned.

It was the first time she had been able to feel anything at all since seeing Lana and betraying her to Rafe. Her gaze locked with Trev’s.

“Thank you,” he said, staring oddly at her.

She couldn’t speak. He wasn’t going to be thankful or anything else in another moment or so, except, of course, for angry. In another few moments he would, undoubtedly, never look at her with love or affection again.

“Do you want a drink?” he asked, not moving.

The numbness continued to lift. A sick feeling formed in the pit of her stomach. “No.” If she ingested anything, even whiskey, she would vomit.

“Are you okay?” he asked warily.


His jaw flexed. “You’ve been acting odd all day.”

He would never hold her again. They would never make love again. Their eyes would never again meet in silent communication, with a small, shared smile following.
“We have to talk.”

He stared.

“Please.” She hesitated, still frozen by Sam’s bed. “Privately.”

“I don’t like the sound of this,” he said, the mask she hated coming down, first over his eyes and then over the rest of his features until he seemed more like a statue than a flesh and blood man.

“You shouldn’t. I have something to say....You won’t like it.”

He remained still, wariness entering his eyes.

Kait tried to breathe deeply, but it was simply impossible, as her breathing was rapid and shallow. She managed to move, and she walked past him, knowing now how it felt to walk to one’s own execution. She heard and then felt Trev following her. She chose not to go a few steps down the hall to their bedroom, but downstairs, to the living room, territory that felt neutral.

Once there, he walked right past her to pour himself a large scotch.

“I’m not Lana,” she said. And the moment she spoke, words she never intended to utter so abruptly, her heart exploded in a fearful frenzy within her chest.

Trev had just turned to face her, the scotch in hand. He did not lift it, and if he was stunned, he did not show it.

And it was Kait who was stunned. Disbelieving in spite of her earlier suspicions, she thought,
He knew.
“I’m her twin sister. My name is Kait. Kait London.”

He set the scotch down, untouched. She saw that his hand trembled ever so slightly. “I know.”

She stared, his words a nearly fatal blow. “Since when?” It never crossed her mind that Rafe had told him.

His face tightened. “Since we slept together.”

Another blow. It was hard to breathe, to stand up, to think.

His mouth twisted bitterly. “Why? Isn’t that the question I should be asking you?”

She had to speak. “If you knew, why didn’t you say something?”

“Why? I decided to play the game by your rules... Kait,” he said coolly.

She didn’t, couldn’t, understand. Except of course she understood. Every moment they had shared had been a lie on his part as well as hers. Except his lies seemed worse now, because they were lies of the heart. “So this reconciliation of ours...”

“Two can play the same game, Kait.” His nostrils flared. She saw the beginning of dark anger in his eyes. “Just like you, I can act when I have to.”

She didn’t want to feel, but pain joined the medley of impossibly hurtful emotions afflicting her now. “Do you have any real feelings for me?”

And now, he was startled. “No.”

She somehow remained upright. “Everything was an act. Every moment—every caress—every kiss.”

“Yes.” His regard intensified. “So now it’s my turn. Why? Why the charade... Kait?”

She thought she would swoon. He didn’t love her, he never had. She wanted to tell him how she felt. She was terrified of exposing herself. “I had no choice.”

“No choice?” Suddenly he strode toward her. Kait cringed. “Everyone has choices, Kait.”

“I can explain, give me a moment....I can’t breathe,” she gasped, and it was the truth. The room was graying before her very eyes, and she was afraid now that she would faint.

“No, I can explain.” Now the hardness covered his face. And with it, there was disgust and revulsion, bitter and sharp. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree—not ever—now, does it, Kait? You and Lana are two of a kind!”

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