Double Threats Forever

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

BOOK: Double Threats Forever
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Double Threats Forever

Published by Julie Prestsater

Copyright 2012 Julie Prestsater


Ebook Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


Table of Contents








Dear Readers


Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19


Chapter 20


Chapter 21


Chapter 22


Chapter 23


Chapter 24


Chapter 25


Chapter 26


Chapter 27


Chapter 28


Chapter 29


Chapter 30


Chapter 31


Chapter 32


Chapter 33



















For my sister, Monica, who I called Caca when I was little, and is still my biggest fan, pimping out my books to anyone who will listen (and some who tried to run away but she wouldn’t let them). Thank you so very much for your outrageous support. Words cannot describe how much I appreciate everything you do. I love you, Soul Sista!












There are a ton of people I’d like to thank for seeing me through my very first young adult series. I can’t believe it’s over.





First, I’d like to thank my family for giving me the gift of time so I could write these books.





To my mom, thank you! Like my sister, you have been one of the best publicists I could ever ask for. You get the MVP award for doing it all. I couldn’t have done it without you.





To Andi and Heather, I swear I was hit with the awesome readers stick when you both read my books. Who would’ve known a friendship would emerge and a working relationship as well. Andi, you are the Queen of Blurbs, and Heather, you are the ultimate editing machine. I’m indebted to you both forever. I will be sure to repay you in books by yours truly. Just what you’ve always wanted, right? ;-)





To my amazing photographer, Matt Ford of The Westgate Studios, I can’t thank you enough for making my characters come to life on my covers. I wish you the best of success with doing what you love.





To Jurnee Mroczek and Gabriel Quesada, I’m sad I won’t be seeing your faces on any more Double Threat books. The day we spent together snapping shots of Meg and Alex will forever be engrained in my memories. Thank you!





To Corporal Quinn Hanley and, my lifetime bestie, Lyndsi Hanley, it was a natural instinct to have one of my characters join the Marines after I lived it with you both. Being there for Quinn’s boot camp graduation and seeing him off at Camp Pendleton will stay with me forever. I’m so proud and honored to have shared these moments with you. Thank you fact checking my shit so I don’t have a bunch of angry Marines wanting to squash me. I love you guys!





To Sergeant David Newland, thank you so very much for answering all my Marine questions. I’m so glad that my character was able to follow in your footsteps. I can remember thinking you were such a bad ass for getting that job. I was like, “Wow, my friend is protecting the President. How freaking cool is that?” You were a stud. Still are. I can only hope I do you proud with my interpretation of everything you shared with me. Thanks, David.





To my dad, it’s been five years since you passed away but I’d like to think you’re kicking back, drinking a beer, and smiling down at me, proud that I have managed to include a piece of you in each of my, books from the last two lines in You Act So White to the Marine Corps graduation in Double Threats Forever. I miss you and love you so much. Your memory will live on forever.


Dear Readers,




First, let me get this out of the way so you can curse at me. Here it goes. If you’ve read
Against The Wall
, you may not want to read
Double Threats Forever
. Not just yet. You know there is a sequel to that one called
Between The Sheets
. Well, it’s not quite ready. I’m pushing for December at the latest. The reason I bring this up is because there are spoilers in
Double Threats Forever
that will give away the ending to
Between the Sheets
. I’m sorry. Yell at me. I know. I screwed up. I could’ve waited to release the finale to the series, but I don’t want to keep my Double Threat readers waiting, especially when many of the readers of my adult books don’t read my YA books. Anyway, just a little tidbit of info there. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.





Moving on …





Thank you! A million times! For coming this far with me. You have stayed with me through the series and I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. I’ve loved every email, comment, review, FB message, tweet, etc. you have sent me. Each and every one motivated me to keep writing. Please continue to spread the word about the Double Threat books. Post a status on FB, tweet links to the books, leave a review on your favorite retailer’s site and on Goodreads, “Like” the books on the retailer sites, give them a rating, blog about them, the possibilities are endless.





I hope you all love the ending. I love it! I hope you laugh. I hope you cry. I hope you squeal in excitement. I can’t wait to hear what you think of Meg, and the crew, and the choices they have made. We’ve come a long way together. The end is near. You’re 33 chapters and an epilogue away from the end of the Double Threat Books. Shall we have a moment of silence? LOL!





Stay in touch with me at
[email protected]
, or at
. I look forward to hearing from you.





Okay now. It’s time. Happy reading!





Thank you again and again,













Chapter 1




“Hey, you,” I say, with an audible exhale of air after running to grab my phone.

“Hey.” The deep tone of Alex’s voice is like a sexy love song being sung just for me. “Just wanted to let you know I finally made it.”


“Me and the guys are gonna order some take out and then
unpack for the rest of the night.”

I flop back on my bed, my hair wrapped in a towel with another circling my damp body. “Finally. Glad you made it safely. But take your time and relax after your long ass drive. You have the whole year to get settled.” The poor guy is probably beat. He left yesterday, but had to make two pit stops to pick up his roommates—Jesse from Fresno, who he’s lived with for the last two years, and Esteban from Salinas. Esteban’s mom stuffed them with a buffet of homemade Mexican food when he and Jesse arrived, so they decided to stay the night there and got a late start this morning. When he called last night, they were all sitting around a fire listening to his roomie’s family sing Spanish tunes. It sounded like a big party and I was happy he was having a good time. I’m grateful he has cool roommates. I know he’s still hurting from saying goodbye to Ben. We all are.

“Maybe next year, you’ll be up here getting settled with me.” My heart speeds up at the thought, and my brain overflows with images of Alex and me living in the same city again. In the same apartment. Could we? “Hey, Megan. Stop over thinking and beating the idea to death in that crazy head of yours.”

“I was
beating it to death.”

“If I heard you think any louder, it would be like I was sitting right next to you.”

My eyes roll back, and I let out a sigh. “Whatever. Didn’t you say you have to unpack?”

A breathy chuckle comes through the phone, making me smile. As always. “Yeah, and you have a party to get ready for.” I look down at my towel. Can’t go in this. I have less than an hour now to pull something together before the crew stops by to get me. “I can’t believe you’re a senior this year. You’re finally gonna graduate. I wish I was a senior again with you.”

“Me too.”

“All right. I’m gonna get going. Have fun tonight. Be safe.”

“Sure thing, Dad.” I love it when Alex gets that concerned tone in his voice.

“Don’t be a smart ass. I’m serious.”

“I know you are,” I say through a little laugh. “Hey, I gotta go. Either that or I’m going to the party with wet hair dressed in my birthday suit.”

“Don’t joke like that, Meggie, or you’re going to have to stay on the phone and talk dirty to me.”

“Easy, boy. We’ll have to save that for when we have more time.”

“You overestimate me. I could be done in two minutes just thinking about you being ‘wet’.”

“Bye, Alex.”

“Bye, Meg. Miss you already.”

“Miss you too.”


I decide on wearing a pair of dark jean shorts, a hot pink tank, and black strappy sandals. Since I’m running low on time, I pump a handful of mousse in my hair, squirt it with some stiffening hair spray, and hit it with the blow dryer for about five minutes. The result is a curly, hard mess. But, who cares? We’re going to Josh’s house. It’s not like I need to get all dolled up for him, or any other guy for that matter. I’m not looking.

I may not be on the prowl this year, but I’m also not going to run if someone finds me. Alex and I had another talk and nothing has changed. We’re still not in a
relationship, technically. I’m free. He’s free. We’ll do as we please. But, most importantly, we’re not going to share the gory details about our love lives with other people, with each other.

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