Read Double Trouble Online

Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #romance and drama, #interracial family dynamics, #bwwm contemporary romance, #romance about unrequited love, #romance and happy ending, #bwwm erotic romance, #bwwm romantic suspense, #men of 3x construction, #romance adult contemporary drama erotic, #twins and one woman

Double Trouble (8 page)

BOOK: Double Trouble
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“Thank you.” Donald took a step backwards, intent on punching in the local library into his GPS when her next words stopped him.

“You remind me of somebody, can’t place who right now, but...”

“I do?” he asked in spite of his heart pounding in his chest. Was she talking about his son?

“Yes, your twin too, must be the season…” She threw her hand up in a dismissive gesture as she turned toward the house. “Anyway, if you follow those directions, she’s there.”

Deflated with her inclusion of Blaine, he nodded as he headed for his car. “Thanks again,” he said before she stepped into the house.

“Thought she was talking about the boy?” Blaine asked once they were in the car.

Instead of answering, he nodded.

“That’s good, we look alike so that cancels out someone else being the father.” Blaine settled into his seat drawing the belt across his chest.

“Good point.” Although it left the question open, which one of them was the father? He waited until Blaine looked up points of interest in the GPS. The feminine voice piped from the device with directions.

“Let’s do this,” Blaine said.

Donald started the car and backed out. “Yeah, time to get this settled.” The older woman’s directions were correct to a point and within ten minutes they parked in front of a large, two-story modern-looking building. Blaine stepped out of the car and glanced back at him.

A queasy feeling assaulted Donald. Pissed at his hesitation, he unsnapped his seatbelt and stepped out of the car, closing the door harder than warranted. Blaine’s brow rose but thankfully he refrained from commenting.

Mentally he castigated himself for his momentary loss of control. It rarely happened. Damn it, he was over Lindy and that time in his life. Straightening, he glanced at his brother, who waited for his signal that he was ready.

Nodding, they took a few steps toward the double glass doors. Just as they reached the top landing, the doors opened. Donald’s breath caught as a woman stepped outside holding a phone to her ear. His stiffening shaft and speeding heartbeat should have told him immediately who she was. But his mind went into fight mode, declaring the curvy, brown beauty was not his Lindy. For one thing this woman was darker, wore her hair in a shorter style that made her dark eyes appear much larger than Lindy’s. Regardless, her high breasts and full hips called to him the way only one woman’s ever had. Engrossed in her conversation, she walked passed them. His body vibrated with awareness.


Her head whipped around as she stumbled a bit before stopping at the bottom of the stairs and looked up at him. “Whaaat?...” She looked over his shoulder and then back at him. Blaine moved down a step. Lindy backed up.

“What?” She closed her eyes; those beautiful eyes in the past had mirrored his need and love. “This is a dream…” she murmured and then opened her eyes slowly. He and Blaine now stood directly in front of her.

“No dream,” Blaine said his voice held a bit of humor. And in a way, her reaction to seeing them was funny. Not funny, ha ha… But funny strange. She had left them, had given birth to their child and never told either one of them they were a father. He expected guilt or shame, not the clenched fist at her side, narrowed eyes, or pinched nostrils.

“Nightmare then,” she snapped as she turned to leave.

His hand shot out and caught her upper arm. “Wait…” She stopped but eyed his hand until he removed it. “We just want to talk.” He used the same tone he would use on a skittish client or new submissive.

She released a long sigh as if standing in their presence taxed her strength. “Give me your number, a good one this time,” she said looking at the parking lot. “I’ll call when I have time, right now I have to check on something.”

“We’ve come all this way and you blow us off, you act as if we did something…you disappeared and never contacted me…us.” Her scent tugged at Donald, familiar and yet different. He stepped closer. So close he saw the fire blaze in her eyes at his words, and felt the sting on his cheek a second later.

“You abandoned me.” Her last word ended on a hiss as her finger filled his vision. “Don’t play with me, I am not in the mood. Now get the hell out of my way.” She walked around him toward the parking area. From the corner of his eye he saw Blaine move quickly behind her. Donald shook his head to clear the intoxicating fog from his mind. Lindy had always had this effect on him and there was little he could do to change it now after all these years.

Seeing her finger in Blaine’s face, he followed slowly.

“What’s going on that's so important you can’t spend a few minutes talking to us,” Blaine asked. “Is it Adam?”

Twice in the span of five minutes she whipped around, this time she placed her hand on her hips while staring between the two of them. “So you knew about Adam all this time?” Glaring, she stepped closer. “Stupid. That’s what I was, thinking you had no idea about him or Abe. I should have known better. Get the hell away from me.” She spun on her heels as Donald’s mind spun.

“Abe?” Blaine asked before he could.

“We just found out about Adam the other day, my youngest brother lives here and met him at a construction site. He noticed the resemblance and contacted everyone in the family,” Donald explained as he and Blaine lengthened their strides to keep up with her.

Once again she stopped, stared at him and then Blaine. “So why didn’t you return my calls?”

“Calls?” Blaine asked, frowning. “What calls? You left and we never heard from you. Never talked to you until a few minutes ago. When did you call?”

“What number? My office?” Donald asked, ready to make some immediate terminations.

She drew back with a frown of her own. “Office? You have an office?”


Her cell beeped and she read the text in silence. “Look I have to go, we can finish this discussion another time –”

“Is this about Adam?” Blaine asked again.

“None of your business, move out the way,” she said as she pushed through them.

Donald grabbed her arm, pulled her close. Her body met his with a slap, her breasts were pressed against his chest. He muffled a groan at the pleasure having her in his arms again.

He gazed into her wide uncertain eyes and then at her full, sweet lips. It had been years. He was starved for a taste of her sweetness. Without care or thought of her reaction, he bent down and brushed his tongue against her lips. She gasped and he slid home. The warmth, the taste and the feel were old friends that he desperately wanted to spend more time with. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him close. Moaning he moved her a bit so that she felt his hunger for her.

When had her arms left from around his neck, he wondered as she pushed against his chest, breaking their connection.

Her chest heaved as she stared up at him. “No…no, not again.” She turned and moved away as if hell were dogging her footsteps.

They caught up with her. “What’s wrong?” Donald asked.

“Why? After all this time, why are you here now?” she snapped without slowing down.

“I told you, we just found out about him. You never told us you were pregnant…” He stopped at the flash of surprise and then anger that crossed her face. He remembered that look and braced himself.

“I called from Georgia after I left, quite a few times. I talked to your daddy, told him I needed to talk with you and that it was an emergency. Each time he promised to give you the message and the phone number I left with him. I called twice a week for a month. I was desperate. Mom wanted me to have an abortion and disowned me when I refused.” She swallowed hard but continued meeting his gaze. Pain, hurt and disappointment simmered beneath the surface.

“So I was…pregnant and stuck in Backwater USA. Neither of you ever returned my calls, your dad promised to give you the messages, and after a while the number was changed to a private number. I had no way to contact you.” She stepped closer, pointing at him and then Blaine. “So either your father lied and he never gave you the messages, or you’re lying and acting like you didn’t know.”

Heart pounding, Donald swallowed hard. Pop had never told him and he’d bet his next case, Blaine had just been blindsided as well. His dad had been angry over the fight he and his twin had over Lindy, but would he have taken it to this level? Stolen all these years he could have spent with his son?

“We are not lying,” Blaine said into the silence. “We just found out about Adam, and we never received any messages that you’d called. Never! Neither of us would’ve allowed you to go through a pregnancy by yourself.”

Lindy might not have heard the anger in Blaine’s voice but Donald did. His father had crossed a line and he would deal with him later regarding that. Right now he had to switch gears and convince the mother of his son he had not abandoned her.

“You know or, knew, us, Lindy. You know we’d never leave our kid, we’re not like that.” Donald hoped she would give them the benefit of past shared memories and allow them to make it up to her and the boy.

Blaine stepped forward, took her hand and placed her palm against his chest while staring down at her. “I swear baby, we never knew you called until just now. He never gave us those messages.” He inhaled and then released the air slowly. “I am sorrier for that than you can ever imagine and ashamed that my father would treat us that way. He stole years from us, years we could’ve been together.” He shook his head as pain threaded through his voice. “I didn’t know,” he whispered over and over again as he pulled her into his arms holding her close. He leaned back, grazed her chin with his thumb as he looked into her eyes.

Donald knew what was coming and forced himself to remain still as his brother kissed the only woman he would ever love. He waited for the green monster to ride him hard, as it had when they were younger.

It didn’t happen.

Seeing the gentle way Blaine handled Lindy and her response settled him. And if the way she responded in his arms before, and now Blaine’s, was any indication, she could never chose between them anyway. They were back to the same challenge they had as teens, only this time he and Blaine were older, wiser, and more determined than ever to keep the woman of their dreams with them.

Belinda still could not believe the twins, her twins, stood in front of her. Time had been damn good to them. Tall, dark hair, and those bodies, lord have mercy they were fine. Staring at them, she forgot the call from Robert asking her to meet him for dinner or the call from Abe informing her that another letter had arrived from that P.O. Box in Florida. Somehow Trinity had gotten her mailing address and started sending condolence cards every week. Even if the cards were for her dad, which they weren’t. It would have been inappropriate since he was still alive. The cards were condolences on Belinda’s walking dead condition because she had left the church in Miami.

She was on her way home to put the card away in a box that held the collection of hate mail from Trinity, and then change for dinner with Robert. Until she bumped into her past.

“Your dad never told you?” she whispered, unable to believe the charming man she had met once for a few minutes would lie to her. Now that she thought about back, it was uncanny how he was the only one who answered the phone whenever she called. “Was that his personal phone or something?”

Blaine shrugged. “Back then we only had one phone, and it was in the house. He never told us you called. Never.”

Gut punched, she watched his cheeks redden and recognized the signs of his mounting rage. Damn. All this time... she thought they knew and didn’t care. “Why did he lie?” She glanced at Donnie, and saw the same signs of anger in him.

“I don’t know, but I will be sure to ask him that later today,” Donald said through a clenched jaw.

“Can we talk? Just for a few minutes? There is so much I want to know,” Blaine said, his eyes imploring as his large palms stroked her arm.

Her body literally hummed, vibrated with excitement. God it had been so long since she had been this turned on. Those kisses lit a fire in her core that Robert, with all his expertise, couldn’t match. These men had trained her body to respond to them, and after such a long hiatus, her nipples ached. Her pussy wept.

She licked her lips as she looked at her watch. “I have a date I need to get ready for. Tomorrow?”

Donald’s jaw tightened further while Blaine removed his hand from her arm. She missed the comforting motion but refused to ask him to continue. Neither man spoke.

“Well, if that’s not going to work for you, give me a working number and I’ll call you when I have time. Right now I have some things to do.” Pleased with the confident sound of her voice, she moved toward her car, praying they couldn’t smell her arousal or see her hardened nipples. “Just let me make it to the car,” she prayed even though her hungry body fought to return to the men who had mastered it all those years ago.

By the time she reached her car, her panties were thoroughly wet as memories of making love with Donnie and Blaine played on a loop in her mind. She exhaled and then pulled the keys from her jacket.

One hand slapped the top of the car door, causing her to jump. Blaine eased in between her and the door. The hard feel of his thigh against her sent her heart crashing against her chest. The effect he had on her after all these years wasn’t fair. They'd abandoned her… well, not if what they said was true, and they had never been liars. She tried to muster the feelings of regret and disappointment that dogged her for years.

BOOK: Double Trouble
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