Double Your Pleasure Bundle (69 page)

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Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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Chapter 2


After the show, my bodyguards whisked me out the back door while a body double lip synched to an encore performance. It was normal procedure for me to make my escape that way. It provided the best security to make my getaway before the fans, and as far as they knew I was still on stage.

As soon as I got to the hotel, I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top before I flopped down on the bed.
Why is there never anything good on TV?
I thought as I flipped through the channels.

“What the hell was that?” Caleb said as he slammed the door to the room. I’d hoped for a few minutes of peace and quite so I could wind down, but I should have known his car would be following close behind mine.

“I know, right? I can’t believe that guy slipped past security. We need to get some better protocols in place.” I just kept flipping through the channels as I spoke.

Caleb marched over and grabbed the remote out of my hand, flinging it across the room. “You know what the hell I’m talking about. That kiss on the stage.”

“Oh, that,” I said as I tried to come up with an answer. “Well, I knew it would drive the fans crazy.” I wanted him to think it was premeditated because if he knew I got caught up in the moment I knew he’d be furious.

“You might be able to prance around and get your own way with everyone else, but this is me you’re talking to. I won’t put up with your bullshit, Sasha.”

“Just calm down and listen. You know how sometimes I have to kiss other people in videos because I’m acting. Tonight I was acting for the fans. Relax. It’s you I love, darling.” I grabbed his tie and pulled him down on the bed for a kiss.

He pulled back and glared at me. “Um, no. I’m sorry, but I’m not sticking my tongue in your mouth after that rotweiller. There’s mouthwash in the bathroom. Go use it.”

He rarely put up with my antics, but really that kiss was nothing more than a show for the people who paid to watch me perform. I may have gotten a bit carried away, but he didn’t know that. I sulked as I got up to go brush my teeth.

After I came back from the bathroom, he was under the covers waiting for me. “I don’t think so, darling,” I said as I made my way over to the bed. “I have a headache. Besides, I think your room is down the hall.”

He rolled over and got out of bed. “Remember one thing Sasha, piss me off too much and I’ll take half of everything you own.” I started laughing as he closed the door. He’d never leave me. We loved each other too much. Even though we fought like cats and dogs we were soul mates from the start.


I awoke to the most horrendous sound. I covered my head with my pillows but it would not go away. Every time it stopped it started again within a few seconds. It felt like someone were burrowing a nail through the center of my forehead.

God damned phone
, I thought as I grabbed it and prepared myself to hurl it across the room. At the last possible second I stopped myself. That would be the fifth phone I’d gone through this week, and I was tired of constantly inputting all of my new contacts.

“Hello,” I said in my least enthusiastic voice.

“Sasha, you’re up. Perfect.”

Perfect, my fucking manager at nine a.m. on a Sunday morning. My only half day off. We weren’t due to fly out again until three p.m. and I was looking forward to getting some much-needed rest. So much for that.

“Yeah, what do you want?”

“Prince Jonathon’s people just called. He wants to meet you for lunch in two hours.”

“What? No. Tell him unfortunately I can’t make it.”

“I can’t tell him that.”

“Um, yes you can. Tell him I have herpes or something.”

“Okay, smart ass people don’t usually get herpes at lunch unless they’re having a quickie instead of food.”

“Whatever, tell him we have to fly out later, and I just don’t have time. You have to remember something Erica, I do have a husband.”

“I know that and you know that, but your fans don’t know that. I was just thinking that being seen around with the prince after that kiss could be good for your image.”

“You created my image, so back the hell off. I’m going back to sleep. You tell the Prince of Satanisburg whatever the hell you want.”

“Sasha, I’ve told you and told you. It’s Sitanisburg.

“Whatever,” I said as I hung up the phone.

I rolled my eyes and stared at the ceiling.
Why is she doing this to me?
I thought as I pulled my hair. Back when I met Caleb the studio was all about my bad girl image. They were insistent that the fans never found out I had a boyfriend.

They kept our entire relationship a closely guarded secret. When we fell in love and got married, they still managed to keep everything completely under wraps right down to our secret wedding on a remote island.

Amazingly nothing ever got leaked to the press, probably due in part to the strict NDA that all of our staff were forced to sign before starting work. We always flew on separate planes, rode in separate cars, and booked separate hotel rooms although we usually slept in the same one.

As far as my fan base was concerned I was the same bad girl rock star they fell in love with five years ago. They had no idea that behind the scenes I was a married woman who had settled down.

I was always grateful to the powers that be for helping me maintain my reputation and image while keeping my private life private. But now that Erica thought meeting a Prince for lunch could increase my popularity, she was jumping all over it.

I knew that would never fly with Caleb, and it didn’t fly with me either. I was a one-man woman.


Chapter 3


The rest of the tour was uneventful from most standpoints. We flew from city to city. I never knew where I was half the time. My costumes stunk, the lights blinded me, and sometimes I could barely hear myself over the audience.

When it was finally done I couldn’t wait to hit the ground in the grand ole’ US of A. After the plane landed and I walked down the steps, I finally felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time, happy that I would finally sleep in my own bed again. After a year-long tour, it had been a long time since I’d done that.

My driver whisked around to take me to Casa Storms, my mansion in the Hollywood hills. It was nothing spectacular, six bedrooms, each with its own fireplace and adjoining bathroom. I bought it the day after my first album went platinum, which was exactly six months after it was released.

When I arrived at my little piece of heaven I stepped inside the door and shut it behind me. I closed my eyes and leaned back against it, as if I were shutting the world out with it.

Just when I thought I might have a little bit of alone time, my maid Sherla came running. “Madame Sasha, you’re home. Everything is just the way you left it. Can I get you anything?”

“No, dear. I’m fine. Why don’t you take the rest of the night off?” She looked tired and I needed a break from people. Life on the road was so exhausting.

Just as she was leaving, Caleb’s car pulled up. “Mr. Storms, so glad to see you, sir,” she called out. He smiled and waved, but his facial expression changed, and I wasn’t in the mood for what I knew was coming.

“Sasha, all of this secrecy is going to stop someday, right? I’m getting a little bit sick of being called Mr. Storms and always walking one step behind you.”

“Honey, I know it’s hard, but you just have to bear with me. My career is at stake.”

“You know, I’m also getting a little bit sick of your career. You prance around on a stage in skimpy little outfits that a whore wouldn’t wear on laundry day while men lust after you. Not only that, but no one knows that I’m your husband.”

“I know you’re my husband,” I said, giving him a sly grin. “Aren’t I the only one that matters?”

“Well yes, but I just don’t like how long all of this has carried on. What happens if we have a baby? Are your people going to cover that up too?”

“A baby? Are you crazy? Oh, this is good. Maybe you’re onto something. A love child, or...”

“Sasha, stop it right there,” he said as he walked me over to the table. “You really need to think about me and our marriage because I don’t know how much more of this, of this fake you, I can take. It’s almost like you’re becoming her, and I don’t like it.”

“Oh baby,” I said as I straddled him. “You know I love you with all my heart and I’m still the same scared little girl that you fell in love with. It won’t go on much longer, I promise.”

I knew I couldn’t really promise him that. Major decisions like that were up to my label, my manager, my agent, everybody but me. But I knew it would keep him quiet for a while. I leaned forward, taking his face in my hands and pressed my lips tightly against his.

His soft lips melted in with mine before he pulled back and took my hands in his. “Come with me,” he said as he led me across the marble floor and up the spiral staircase to our bedroom.

As we barreled down the hallway kissing and groping at each other we crashed through our bedroom door. After he closed it behind us, he pinned me up against it before he grabbed my hips and lifted me up.

I held on to him for dear life, wrapping my arms and legs tightly around him. I stared intensely into his eyes, knowing that for once we could make love like a pair of wild oxen knowing there was no one else around for miles. We were finally in our safe haven.

Chills ran up and down my spine as his hardness pressed against my bum. He kissed my neck and I threw my head back while he lowered me down slightly onto his cock. My pussy ached for him, but he only allowed the very tip to enter me before he pulled me back up. I hated it when he teased me so.

My soaking wet hole wanted to take him all in, but he insisted on slithering in and out in shallow strokes. The buildup from the anticipation made me bite my bottom lip. I wanted to lower myself down on him, to swallow him up inside me whole.

Sensing my frustration, he lowered me down and allowed himself to fully enter me. I moaned in ecstasy as I felt him make his way in. I wanted to thrust against him, but I had no leverage. I was a slave to his passion and I loved it.

The sound of his testicles slapping my ass as he glided in and out of me with long thrusts drove me wild. The friction between us was insane as my nipples rubbed against his bare chest as he lifted my hips up and down in tune with his natural rhythm.

I hung there suspended by his rigid cock and muscular arms as I clung to him and rocked my hips. He’d been my lover so long, he knew how to make me come in record time, and that day was no exception. Within minutes, my body felt feverish and I started to quiver. I knew that I couldn’t hold on much longer.

My breathing was getting deeper and faster until it came in mere gasps. He started bobbing me up and down faster and faster as I moaned and squealed while I bit his neck. The ripples of orgasm started flowing through my body and I couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Oh God,” I cried out before any sound escaping my lips became mere moans. He stopped thrusting and held me close against him for a few seconds before sliding me all the way down along his shaft until our bodies merged.

“Wow,” I said before I pushed down on the bed. I stared deeply into his eyes while I rubbed my hands over his chest and abs. No matter how many times I’d felt those tight abs I still couldn’t get enough of them.

I leaned forward and kissed him, darting my tongue in and out of his mouth. Lust and passion overtook my body and I needed him again, all of him. I straddled him and eased myself down on his still hard cock.

I wanted to ride that thing like the wind. I rocked back and forth on it slowly at first and then picked up the pace, all the while staring into his eyes. His eyes rolled back in his head and he clenched my ass cheeks with his hands as he started thrusting harder and faster.

My hips bucked against his, as he slid in and out of me. The temperature in my body continued to rise as his shaft kept hitting against my clit. I wanted to come so bad, and I knew I was almost there.

I threw my head back and started moaning when he reached his hands up to my middle back and sat up. Knowing what he was doing, I put my legs straight out behind him and dug my nails into his ass as hard as I could.

We rocked back and forth together like that while we both moaned and cried out. I reached for his balls and he for my clit while we rubbed at each other while we stared into each other’s eyes.

I could feel his body tensing up as the pressure in mine mounted and I knew we were both reaching the point of no return. Just as I was on the brink of an earth-shattering orgasm, he changed our position and put me on all fours.

I bit my lip as he got up behind me and thrust his cock deep into my well-lubricated pussy from behind. I was ready and I wanted to take it. I needed to come so bad. I bucked my hips against him but he stopped me short. His wild side had taken over, and he wasn’t about to let me have any control, at all.

He grabbed my ass and drilled himself into me with such speed and intensity that I nearly lost my balance. With each stroke of his magnificent cock he hit my g-spot, making me gasp.

As he reached forward to massage my clit, I reached behind to rub his nuts. We fondled each other as we thrust against each other harder and faster, while we moaned beautiful music. My body temperature was rising and my heart was almost beating out of my chest.

The warmth in my abdomen started spreading throughout my body as I cried out while the ripples of orgasm overtook me once again. Each touch of his fingers against my clit sent electric shocks soaring through me while I quivered and moaned.

As my pussy clenched his throbbing dick, Caleb’s body tensed and his nuts constricted. He let out a loud yell as he pulled me closer to him, squeezed my ass tighter, and blew load after load of his warm cum deep into my pussy.

“Mmm...” I said as he collapsed on top of me. “Now I remember why I love you so much.”

He kissed the back of my neck and gently whispered into my ear, “Just remember where your dinner hangs.”

I laughed as I grabbed the pillow from the top of the bed and hit him in the side of the head with it.

“You think so,” he said as he grabbed the other pillow and smacked me back. Before long a huge pillow fight ensued that involved many feathers and a lot of work for the maid the next day.

That’s why I loved Caleb so much. He was fun and playful and he made me feel normal. I missed out on so much when I was growing up. My mother died when I was young, and my father couldn’t look after me, so I was sent from foster home to foster home.

Through all of that, I never really had a chance to make friends or attachments, and as such I never really got to be a kid. From the day I met him when I was twenty-one after a concert in New Orleans, he and I always had fun together.

We always had great sex together too. Caleb was actually the first man I ever slept with, despite what I said in interviews and what the tabloids said. Sure, I said a lot of things about fucking around with the roadies.

I may have even done and interview or two where I said the only reason I didn’t like sleeping with women was because afterward I wanted a big dick in me. The truth was, before him, I’d never slept with anybody.

When he came along he rocked my world, and he knew it. I might have been a legend on the stage, but he was a legend in my bed, and I wasn’t about to let him get away. Not now, and not ever.

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