Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1)
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“Get your cock out, Doug. It’s your turn.”

He closes his eyes at my words, taking in a shaky breath. I feel his fingers leave me and he brings them to his lips, licking and sucking my juices off them.

“Ummm. So sweet.”

He grins around his fingers. He slips his hands back under the blanket and then rests them on top, looking at me, waiting. I slip my hand under and find his painfully erect cock, naked and ready. I grasp him firmly, moving my hand up and down. He rests his head back on the chair and closes his eyes, my eyes instantly dart around to make sure no one is coming. Just as I start moving my hand, I see the stewardess coming towards me. I release Doug and remove my hand.

“Someones coming!” I whisper.

“Yes, Me!” Doug whispers back hoarsely.

“Can I get you both anything?” the stewardess asks.

“Some water, please. And maybe a hot face cloth if you have one, I’m feeling a little flushed.” I smile at her.

“Anything for you, Sir?” he asks Doug, who is looking calm as anything at her.

“The same, thank you.” he smiles. She walks off and Doug looks at me.

“Sophie, you have to hurry, I can’t sit here all night with my cock out under here!”

He grins, but I know he feels exposed. Not wasting any time, I reach under the blanket, gripping him once again. I’m not sure if Doug is just really worked up or the thought of getting caught is turning him on, but within a minute I feel him tense, his cock swell and the warm burst of come on my hand. Looking up, I see him biting his lip, eyes squeezed shut.

“Better?” I whisper.

“Much. Now, where is the cloth?” he opens his eyes and grins, “I’m a mess under here.” I can’t help but laugh.

“And that is going to be
blanket now.”

“Thanks.” he leans over kissing my temple.

“Feel better?” he asks.

“Much. I blame you and your male spunkiness.” he raises his eyebrows in amusement.

“Nice choice of words.” he laughs as the stewardess comes back with our water and cloths.

“Would you like me to put your chairs into beds?” she smiles.

“Erm, not right now thank you. In a bit.” Doug replies, knowing full well, he cannot get up right now.

“No worries, just buzz when you are ready.” she turns and leaves, leaving Doug to clean himself up.

After a little snack, we both settle in for the night. I sit, propped up in my little bed, watching
The Vow
on my iPad while Doug is reading. I feel my eye lids begin to droop and then next thing I am aware of is Doug stoking my face and telling me breakfast is here.

“Did I fall asleep?” I yawn groggily.

“Yes, baby. You did. Are you hungry?” his thumb his rubbing up and down my jaw as his hand cups my cheek.

“Not really... I’d love some coffee though.” I sit up and blink. “Did you sleep?”

“A little. Mostly I read or watched you sleep. You are, without doubt the most beautiful thing when you sleep, actually, all the time. But especially when you sleep.” he leans in and kisses me sweetly on the lips.

“You say the nicest things.” I smile goofily at him.

“I’ll get some coffee and breakfast things when the stewardess comes back. Why don’t you go freshen up? We will be there soon.”

I nod and sleepily get up, making my way to the toilets to freshen up. I’m so sleepy still. As I’m brushing my teeth, it dawns on me, we will soon be arriving in The Maldives.
The Maldives!
I’m not sleepy anymore, thinking of changing into my bikini and going for a swim has me excited and desperate to get there. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and step out and into the main cabin.

Doug is sitting in his chair while a stewardess is leaning into him talking. She is clearly flirting shamelessly with him. Doug doesn’t look interested and is just being Doug, being polite and talking to her. Not encouraging. I’ve come to accept this is what happens when your boyfriend looks like he could be a model, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t piss me off. I walk over to where they are and take a seat next to him. The stewardess looks over at me and blushes, I raise an eyebrow at her and shake my head. She smiles at me and places my coffee on the table before leaving.

“Is she joining the
I heart Doug Roberts
fan club?” I ask, sarcasm clear.

“I’m not interested, Sophie, you know that. There is only, and will only, ever be one woman for me. And she is sitting next to me.”

He stands up, coming to kneel in front of me. I raise my hand and cup his cheek, he turns his face into my palm, he kisses it tenderly, before pulling me into his arms

“You’re everything, you know that right?”

“I do now.” I lean in and kiss him.

Chapter Twenty-Three


As we step off the plane, the heat hits me in the face.

!” I stumble a little before I put my sunglasses on.

“Easy.” Doug laughs, wrapping his hand around my waist.

hot is it!?” I wave my hand in front of my face.

“Hot enough for you to spend the whole time naked.” Doug whispers close to my ear.

“I might have to.” I smile, leaning in to his touch.

We make our way into the building and to passport control. We are waiting for our bags at the carousel when I hear Doug’s name being called.

“Doug?” I look up and see a stunning brunette walking towards us. Doug looks up and his smile fades and his body tenses.

“Suzanna.” I don’t know who Suzanna is, but by Doug’s reaction, I know she isn’t someone he wants to see right now.

“How have you been?” she leans in, gripping the tops of his arms and kissing his cheek, he pushes her away and scowls at her.

“I’ve been fine.” he steps away from her and closer to me.

“Who is this beautiful lady, flavour of the month?” I stiffen at her words and Doug runs his hand soothingly over my lower back.

“Sophie, Suzanna, Suzanna, Sophie.” he waves his hand between us then returns it to my waist.

“Lovely to meet you, Sophie.” I just smile, not sure about her at all.

“What island are you visiting?” she asks, looking me up and down.

“What does it matter?” Doug sighs, “I don’t plan on spending any time near you.”

I turn to look at the luggage and spot ours.

“Doug, our luggage is coming round. Nice to meet you Suzanna, if you’ll excuse us.” I turn my back on her and walk to collect our bags.

“Don’t be like that Doug, you hold a grudge worse than an elephant.”

“After what you did? Leave me alone Suzanna. I have nothing to say to you.” I feel him behind me as I reach for one of our bags.

“I’ll get it baby.” Doug says, picking the suitcase up with ease.

“Are you okay?” I ask tentatively.

“I will be once we get to the island and get in the water, I am so hot.”

“Who was that?” I know he doesn’t want to talk about it, but it is clearly an issue with him, therefore it is an issue with me.

“Someone I dated a few years ago. She isn’t someone I want to waste my time talking about.” he looks at me, eyes pleading with me to leave it.

“Okay. I don’t want anything to spoil this holiday. Forget her and focus on me.” I smile, kissing him softly. “And my red bikini….”




The feeling of sand between my toes and the warm water washing over my feet is the most fabulous thing in the world right now. I lean my head back, lifting my face to the sun and smile.

m actually here.
Doug is floating in front of me. Life, right now is pretty perfect. I flip over on to my front and swim towards him. He opens his eyes and smiles.

“I’m in heaven.” he says, focusing on my body. I look around us and smile.

“Me too.”

I swim a little further out and sense him behind me. I dive under the water and continue swimming. Coming up for air, I see him standing where I left him. I dive back under and swim till I reach him. Reaching inside his trunks, I pull them down and take his cock in my mouth. He swells instantly. I lick the tip then place him back in his trunks. I come up for air and meet a very aroused looking Doug.

“You’re planning on finishing that, right?” he groans.

“Not in the sea no. Anyone could catch us.”

“No one is anywhere near us... I will stop you if I see anyone. I promise.” he looks around. Taking a big breath of air, I drop into the water once more, finishing what I started.

“That was amazing. The water made your mouth seem hotter.” I smile, wrapping my legs and arms around Doug, kissing him.

“Glad you enjoyed it, I look forward to the same experience one day.”

We stay like that for ages, clinging to each other in the warm water. It is so beautiful. The turquoise water, the soft sand. It really is heaven on earth.

“Shall we go shower and get ready for dinner?” I trail my tongue down his neck, tasting the saltiness of the sea and my favourite taste in the world.

“Yes, I am starving and exhausted, in equal measures. We eat first. then we come back to bed.”


He doesn’t bother to put me down, just carries me as if I weigh nothing up the sand and into our room. I head for a shower while Doug lays down on the bed, flicking through a magazine. When I come out of the bathroom, ready, just needing to get dressed, Doug is fast asleep on the bed. I walk over quietly, not wanting to wake him. I just stand there, drinking him in for a few minutes. His muscular body, his narrow waist. His wet hair falling over his forehead, I ask myself the question I have asked myself so many times.
How did I get so lucky?
Looking at the clock and knowing we had to go now or we would miss dinner, I stoke his face, trying to wake his up gently.

“Doug...” I lean in, he opens his eyes, a slow, sexy smile spreading over his face.

“You are breathtaking, Sophie.” he looks me over, “Even when you are just wearing a towel.”

He tugs and my towel drops, leaving me standing there naked. He leans up, taking one nipple in his mouth. The warmth of his mouth, sends a pulse of arousal straight to my core.

“Doug... We... Dinner...” I am panting, dinner almost forgotten. I shake my head clearing the fog, “We have to go or we will miss dinner, come on.”

I step away and walk to the wardrobe where my dresses are. Picking out an all white floaty number I slip on my bra and pull my dress over my head. Doug is watching me and smiles when he notices no knickers.

“Saves time later.” I wink.

He slips out of his shorts and steps into the shower. When he comes out, he puts on some deodorant and runs his hands through his hair and slips on a pair of khaki shorts and a white t-shirt.

“Ready?” he asks as I slip my feet into my flip flops.

“How can it take you five minutes to look so damn perfect?” he shrugs his shoulders.

“Come on, I’m starving.”




“Don’t let me eat
else.” I push my plate away and pat my stomach, “I feel like I have eaten my weight and yours in food tonight.”

“You must have been hungry.” Doug is grinning at me.

I lean forward and take one last forkful of the chocolate delight Doug has in front of him. Lifting it to my lips, I close my lips around the fork, and groan closing my eyes.

“So. Good.” I open them, licking a little stray chocolate off of my bottom lip.

When I look at Doug, his eyes are heated and he is squirming in his seat.

....” he closes his eyes, breathing in, “Was pretty damn sexy.” my mouth drops open.

“Me acting like a pig?”

“You eating the chocolate, your lips closing around the fork, the groan... I could picture what the fork could feel, remember what it is like when your sweet lips are wrapped around my...” leaning forward I place my hand over his mouth.

“I am begging you, do
finish that sentence here.” I look around at all the other couples sitting around us, even a family or two and shudder, “Watch your filthy mouth.”

His response is to dart his tongue out and lick my fingers. I pull my hand away, wiping it on my napkin.

“Shall we head back to our room?” Doug nods and stands, pulling my chair out for me.

“Don’t act the gentleman now, Mr Roberts. Not after what just came out of your mouth.”

He throws his head back, laughing at me Looking so relaxed.

“Come on.”

I take his hand and lead us out of the restaurant. We walk hand in hand, looking at the stars.When we arrive back at our room, he corners me, pinning me to the wall. His hips dig into mine and his hands come up to rest on the wall either side of my head.

“When we get inside Sophie....” his nose trails down my neck making me shiver, despite of the heat. “I’m going to fuck you against the wall.. So. Hard. You will scream my name.”

He moves, unlocking the door and pushing it open, before tugging on my hand and pulling me inside. He doesn’t wait for me to remove my dress, he pulls me up against him, lifting me by the backs of my legs and slamming my back against the wall. His hands pull up my dress and then unzip his shorts, releasing his stiff cock. In one swift movement, he is slamming inside me.

“Fuck! You are so tight.” he groans, pounding in to me.

“Doug... God. Keep going.” I am covered in sweat now, my dress sticking to me, Doug’s shirt sticking to him.

“Eyes Sophie. I. Need. To. See. Your. Eyes.” I look at him as he pounds away.

“I’m coming Doug. FUCK! I’m coming.” I scream out as I convulse around him. My release sets him off.

“Yes, Sophie! YES!” He growls his release, gripping my hips so hard I think I might bruise. Doug lowers my feet to the floor and I grip his shoulders.

“I need a shower... “ I say into the darkness. “Join me?”

I take off my dress and bra and walk to the bathroom, by-passing the inside shower for the one outside. Doug follows me, turning on the water.

“When have you ever had a shower outside, looking up at the stars, Sophie?” Doug smiles, looking up.

“Never. This is magical. I am so glad I am sharing it with you.”

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