Downpour (Alpha Love - A Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Downpour (Alpha Love - A Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance Book 1)
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“Besides, I’m sure Lindsey would rather you weren’t buying strange women drinks in her bar.” Sofie looks down at her drink, hoping that her own emotions aren’t so easy to read.


“What does Linds have to do with it?” Ashton seems genuinely confused until the penny drops. “You think she and I are...” He doesn’t finish the sentence because he’s too busy laughing. He throws his head back and laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s heard in a good long while.


“Glad to be of amusement.” Sofie salutes him with her drink and wishes that the ground would swallow her up.


Ashton manages to collect himself. “Sorry, it’s just that Lindsey and I have known each other so long the idea of us getting together is so bizarre it’s funny.” Ashton shakes his head, like he can’t imagine it. “We grew up together. She’s like my little sister. We look out for each other.”


Sofie tries to contain her relief at the news, keeping her face as blank as she can. “Is that what you were doing with those college kids? Looking out for Lindsey and her bar?” Sofie locks eyes with Ashton, wondering how it’s possible for anyone’s eyes to be quite so blue.


“They’d just had a little too much to drink, and they needed to cool off.” Ashton doesn’t offer any further explanation but looks down at her with interest. “So what are you doing here, running girl? I thought you guys were here on business.” The light of amusement dances in his eyes, and Sofie asks herself if she’s imagining it or if he really is flirting with her.


“Just needed to blow off some steam. Some of us have had a confusing few days.” She plays with her glass, watching how the ice slowly dissolves in the clear vodka. “Why are you talking to me? What you said that night, that you would have left me in the woods if you’d known I worked for Shale...” She trails off, taking a deep breath, wondering why she had decided to call him out on it. However, she already knows why—it’s because he hurt her.


Ashton doesn’t hesitate to reply. “I’m sorry about what I said.” His voice is low and soft and, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, he lays his big hand over hers on the bar. The warmth from his body radiates through hers, and Sofie feels her entire body humming from the contact. “I have a bit of a temper. Sometimes it gets away from me. I’m usually pretty good at controlling it, but around you that control doesn’t seem to work so well.”


Their heads are close—close enough for Sofie to breathe him in, that scent of fresh grass and something else, something wild. “And why do you think that is?” Sofie looks up at Ashton, her voice barely louder than a whisper.


He reaches down and strokes the pad of his thumb along her lips. His touch is soft, like he’s scared of hurting her. Sofie barely breathes, as she feels her entire body respond to his touch. It’s the most erotic thing that anyone has ever done to her, and she can tell from Ashton’s glazed expression that he’s feeling as buzzed as she is.


“I guess you make it difficult for me to concentrate on anything else.” Ashton tucks his thumb underneath her chin, raising it up so that their eyes meet.


“I know the feeling.” Sofie breathes out, hoping that he never stops touching her. She can feel an ache developing between her thighs, and Ashton smiles sexily, making her wonder if he can read how her body’s responding to him. She feels desperate to kiss him, to feel his lips on hers. As his head leans down, only inches away from hers, she closes her eyes, more than ready.


But the kiss never comes. “Ash.” The voice behind Ashton comes from Gustavo and whatever Ashton sees in his expression makes him stand up straighter and drop the hand that was on Sofie’s cheek. She feels the absence instantly, but the dizzying desire remains.


“We’ll have to continue this another time, running girl.” Without any more of an explanation, Ashton turns around and heads out of the door, with Gus and some other men in tow.


“Is it me or did it just get hot in here?” Finn appears at Sofie’s elbow, fanning himself dramatically.


“It definitely wasn’t you. It was like a heatwave in here.” Lindsey smiles at the two of them.


“So what was all that about?” Finn doesn’t even bother to conceal his interest, as he looks longingly after Ashton.


“Your guess is as good as mine.” Sofie manages to keep herself from sighing, hungry for Ashton’s hand on her again.


“Well, Darwin’s bailed—something about a research paper he wanted to review. It’s like the guy is allergic to having fun.” Finn shakes his head in confusion that such a person could exist.


However, Sofie is barely listening as her curiosity muscles are flexing again. Ashton’s sudden departure has sparked her questioning mind. The look of determination on his face as he turned away from her and the grimness of the others as they followed him out has left her with only one option.


“I’ll be right back.” She moves to follow Ashton out of the bar, but her arm is suddenly held in a vice-like grip. She looks at her wrist and finds that it’s Lindsey that’s holding onto her. For a petite woman, she has a hell of a grip.


“It’s better you stay inside, honey. This isn’t something you want to get involved in.” There’s a warning in her voice, but her eyes are kind.


“Like I said, ‘Wicker Man,’” Finn points out, looking like he’s spooked.


Sofie ignores him. “What’s going on? Why does it feel like this town is just one secret after another?” She levels a serious look at Lindsey, who remains silent. “If you don’t plan on giving me any kind of an explanation, then let go of me. Last time I checked, this was a bar, not a holding cell.”


Lindsey’s expression softens in defeat, as she slowly releases Sofie’s wrist. “Be careful.”


“What? Wait! Where are you going?” Finn looks between Sofie and Lindsey, clearly completely confused over what’s playing out in front of him. However, neither woman pays any attention to him.


“I can handle myself.” Sofie shrugs off Lindsey’s advice, setting her sights on the door.


“I didn’t mean that. Be careful that you don’t see something that you wish you hadn’t.” Lindsey looks at her meaningfully and then turns to Finn. “Let me buy you a drink Mumford & Sons.” Sofie feels gratitude flood through her, as Lindsey takes care of the curious Finn.


“Sure thing, Miley Cyrus,” Finn shoots back without a pause. Sofie hears them bantering as she walks out, relieved that Finn seems content to play with someone else and won’t be following her out of the bar.


Outside, the air is cool after the rain, and the sky is clear. Sofie takes a look around, hoping that Ashton and the others aren’t already long gone. She catches sight of one of the guys that she recognizes from the bar, a tall redhead taking a look around him before he walks into the woods. Without wasting a second, Sofie hurries after him, trying to creep as quietly as she can without losing him. She has no idea what it is that she’s expecting to achieve by following them, but it’s obvious to her that something is going on.


The wind has started up again, and as Sofie eases her way along the roughly trodden path, she sees the guy’s head go up. It almost looks like he’s sniffing the air. He stops dead in his tracks and does a 360 degree turn. It seems to Sofie that he looks right at her, she’s waiting for him to call her out of her hiding place, but instead he continues heading forward. She breathes out a sigh of relief, not knowing what she had expected him to do if he had realized that she was there.


The guy has started to speed up, and Sofie struggles to catch up with him. She feels a little like she’s wading through mud, and she’s glad she’s wearing the desert boots. They may not be the best fashion statement, but they were worth their weight in gold right now. After a few minutes, Sofie sees a clearing. The guy she has been following walks over to the man she recognizes as Gus. They exchange a few words and Gus nods, dismissing the younger man.


However, Sofie isn’t looking at him anymore. Her eyes are drawn to Ashton, who’s standing in the center of the semi-circle of people. Sofie counts ten, six men and four women. They all have the same look about them of grim intent. Directly in front of Ashton is a man, sitting on the floor. Sofie can’t see his face from where she’s hiding, but she can make out his words.


“Please, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. Please don’t hurt me.” His voice is pitiful, shaking with fear, and the sound makes Sofie’s stomach turn. She wonders if this is some kind of cult ritual, the kind of thing you read about but never actually expect to see in real life.


“You knew what would happen if you came back here. We warned you.” Ashton’s voice is low, but there’s no mistaking the power behind it.


“I know, I know. I made a mistake. I don’t know why I did it.” Even from where Sofie is, she can see how severely the prostrate man is shaking. His words come out garbled, as if his teeth were chattering together.


.” Ashton says the word as if it were a foreign concept. “Was hanging out by the school another mistake?”


The man raises his head for the first time. “It’s not your goddamn business. You’re not the law here. I have rights.” He spits the words out, but Ashton is clearly unmoved.


“No, you don’t, not anymore. When you hurt that little girl you lost all your rights. You made us a promise. You broke that promise. Now you know what needs to be done.” Ashton and the others take a small step back from the man, never taking their eyes off of him. “Anything you want to say?”


“Yeah. Bite me,” the man sputters.


“Not the best choice of words.” Ashton almost sounds amused.


Then, something happens that makes Sofie question her own sanity. A black shape appears in midst of the clearing. It’s big and seems like some kind of an animal, but bigger than anything she’s ever seen. It’s hard to make out exactly what it is in the dark. The shape makes a noise that sounds like a snarl or some kind of animal growl. Then, in the space of a few seconds, it pounces onto the man on the ground, clawing and ripping him apart. Sofie tries to avert her eyes, but she’s hypnotized by what’s playing out in front of her. There’s so much blood, more blood than she’s ever seen before. Before she can stop herself, she cries out in horror as she comes to grip with the fact that what’s happening in front of her isn’t a dream or something that she’s going to wake up from.


As soon as she’s let out her cry, she knows that her cover is blown. Ashton’s head whips round at speed, facing her. He sniffs the air, as if he can smell her. It makes no sense but it’s exactly what she’d seen the guy that she followed do. She takes a few steps backwards, trying to keep quiet but tripping over a branch in the process. She hears rather than sees people advancing towards her and, without turning around to check, she gets her legs underneath her and runs in the opposite direction.


She runs as fast as she can. Her chest feels like it’s about to explode, and her legs burn as she sprints, moving faster than she ever has before. She can hear something crashing through the woods behind her, the sound is getting louder. Whatever it is, it’s getting closer. She’d thought that she was running in the direction of the bar, the same way she’d entered the woods; but, she should have reached the treeline by now. Instead, she just seems to be going deeper and deeper into the woods.


Her brain is still trying to process what it was that she had seen.
Is it possible that the black shape was an animal?
The sound of a howl makes her whip around, scanning the trees. The noise is one that she’s heard before, but it chills her to the bone—just as it did the first time. She takes a few deep breaths, trying to will her body to move forward again.
Why do I have to be so goddamn stubborn? Any normal person would just have let things lie and waited in the bar rather than following some guy she barely knows out into the woods in the middle of the night.


She’s lost her bearings, but at this point it doesn’t matter. It’s less about finding her way back to the town and more about getting away from whatever it is that’s crashing through the woods behind her. She pushes on, ignoring how her muscles are burning and her lungs feel like they’re on fire. But no matter how fast she is, whatever is behind her is faster. She can feel the breath on the back of her neck, and she lets out a scream as she’s spun around.


However, it’s not an animal that faces her. It’s Ashton. He’s breathing hard like he’s been chasing her, and his eyes look almost like they’re glowing. They’re not just blue, they’re luminous. It takes her a moment to realize that he’s shirtless too, but she’s too shocked to be distracted by that now.

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