Downtown Girl (Lipstick Red #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Downtown Girl (Lipstick Red #1)
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Chapter 17


‘Morven huh?’ he winked, ‘I could get used to that.’  He walked towards her chalet, holding her in his arms.

‘Morven Anderson.  What about you?  Who’re you now?’

‘George Carter at your service ma’am, and I
mean at your service.’

‘And how do you know where I live George Carter?’ She punched him playfully in the chest.

‘I was the one you told the meals were finished this afternoon.  I needed a shave, and I’d not had a shower for days, so I’d no intention of letting you see me like that.  I wanted to make an impression for my favorite girl.’

‘Well, you certainly did that.  They’ll be talking about tonight for years.  So, you followed me home from work then?’

‘I did!  I thought you’d rumbled me when you waved over on the way to work, but you were more interested in your rubber boots getting mucky.’

‘How long have you known I was here?  Couldn’t you get word to me?’

‘Christ Taylor, I only found out when I heard your voice telling me to sod off at lunch time.  I’ve been here for three days.  If I’d known you were here, I’d have had your clothes ripped off your back long ago.’

‘It’s Morven, remember, and what are you waiting for?’ She wriggled for him to put her down at the door of her chalet.  ‘Boots off at the door!’ she warned. 

She’d expected it to be quick, demanding sex, but he stopped her. 

‘I’ve been thinking this over in my mind for weeks.  I thought I’d never see you again.  I don’t plan rushing it.  What have you got to drink?’

‘How about a Glenmorangie?’ she said, slipping the bottle from her cupboard and tossing some ice in two glasses before pouring.  ‘On the rocks, like a real man,’ she teased, sipping hers slowly.

Taking a seat on her treasured wine throw, he pushed the table away and pulled her down to sit on the floor between his knees, with her back against the sofa.  He lifted her hair and slid it across one shoulder, while he trailed a finger down her pale skin. 

He rubbed his hands together and pressed them firmly on her shoulders.  Her muscles were so tight he could feel the knots under his fingertips.

He felt her relax as his hands kneaded her shoulders, with his thumbs pressing into the knots, rubbing in circles around the taut muscles. 

‘Ahhhh.’ She moaned, reminding him of the noise she made when she climaxed.  He felt himself harden uncomfortably and wanted to take her right now, right here, but she deserved more from him.  She deserved love as much as raw sex, and he was going to give it to her.

‘Taylor,’ he said quietly into her ear. ‘Thank you.’

‘It’s Morven now, we can’t forget.’ She squeezed the hand on her shoulder.  Her voice quivered as she’d answered him, making his heart ache.  She sounded almost scared, as if she feared him.

‘What’s worrying you, Morven?’

He felt her muscles tense under his hands as she answered.  ‘That you’ll leave again.’

‘Not if I can help it,’ he bent his head down to kiss her exposed neck, before slipping his hands down the front of her neck, massaging the muscles in front of her shoulders.  She tasted like he remembered, as her breath hitched while he trailed fingers slowly down and between her breasts.  She leaned back, flattening her back against his legs, her head tilted back on his thighs, giving him the perfect access to her rosebud mouth.  He flattened his hands on her chest, sliding them down and cupping her breasts in his hands while his lips tickled her closed eyes. 

‘Ahhhhh,’ she sighed again, breathlessly, as her back arched into him at the sensation of his warm hands caressing her nipples.  He leaned her forward to slip the t-shirt over her head, giving him a perfect view when she settled back.  The nape of her neck was vulnerable to his touch, and led down to two perfect mounds with tightened and aroused nipples. 

He stroked a finger down her cheek as he pinched her chin with a thumb and forefinger, appreciating her pretty flushed face.  She turned to face him, rising to her knees, lifting his hand and leading him to the bed.  She slipped off her jeans as he removed his clothes methodically, never removing his eyes from her.

She slipped under a smooth sheet, tossing the quilt to the floor.  Lowering the light, she beckoned to him with a finger as she bit her lip, making him harder, as he felt himself twitch in anticipation.   He slid in beside her, running a hand down the outline of her body.  She was on her side, her head leaning on a propped up arm.

Sliding the covers below her breasts, he traced the route of her breasts, to her hips, then down to her deliciously tantalizing hips.  She settled on her back as he gently ran his hand down her belly, moving closer to the darkness between her thighs.  He leaned forward to take a nipple in his mouth, already hardened, as she squirmed when he closed his lips around it and gently sucked, while his hand ran down the inside of her thighs, teasing her with fluttering light touches.

He pushed himself further down the bed, his knees between her legs, while he took his erection in his own hands, teasing her with the sight of his need for her.   He dropped a hand to between her thighs.  She was wet and hot, fully ready for him, but he wouldn’t be selfish.

He slipped a finger into her folds, then pulled it out, while his other hand spread open her labia to heighten the sensation of his light touches.  He drew his fingers across her clitoris, causing her to buck her hips against his hand, trying to prolong the contact of his fingers with her sex.  With a knowing smile at her reaction, he slid a finger back across her clitoris, leaving a second between each slide, the touch making her breath quicken.  She began to tense, making him smile, as he realized she was close to losing control.  He loved that he could manipulate her body into quivering at his touch.

He sat back on his heels, opening her to look at her swollen clit.  Heat rose in her eyes as she realized what he was doing.  The slight shock of embarrassment at being so intimately gazed at, touched his heart.  When he squeezed her clitoris while he gazed into her eyes, she drew in a sharp intake of breath as sensations flooded through her body, making her thighs quake.

He slipped on a condom, and then leaned forward, using one hand to open her up, and the other to guide himself in slowly, watching every movement.

She moaned in pleasure, which caused his body to spasm in reaction.  He slid a hand under one leg, lifting it up to rest on his shoulder, while he began to pound more quickly.  Her muscles were squeezing him, heightening the sensations flooding through his body.  She sighed, as her head lifted to kiss him.  He felt her body shake and spasm under his.  He thrust forward one more time, the heat ripping through his thighs as he felt his own release, with the pulsing sensations of his orgasm making her squeeze harder around him. 

Chapter 18


Morven Anderson was terrified.  Was he only here for a short time?  To make sure she was ok?  He could afford it.  She wasn’t sure if her heart could take him leaving again so soon. 

He’d done it again.  He’d given her a blistering orgasm and she’d fallen at his feet.  The sex was power, of course it was, but she wanted more than sex, more than he could give her.

‘What have you got to eat?’ he asked.  ‘I’ve only had milk and tinned soup for days!’  He jumped out of bed giving her a full view of what she’d just had.  His thighs, the strong back and shoulders which had carried her, and the arms which held her close, making her feel so safe.

She felt heat pool between her legs.  Surely she wasn’t ready for more sex already!  He leaned over to pull her up.  He was bound to notice that she was becoming turned on again.  Her nipples had hardened to bullets as he pulled the sheet off the bed, and wrapped it round her chest, stopping to brush the back of his knuckles off her nipples.  He’d noticed!

He slipped a hand between her legs, teasing her clitoris.  She gasped as the intimate touch, then he wrapped a towel round his hips, hiding his growing erection as he walked to her cupboard, searching for food.

‘Let me.’ Morven pushed him aside, pulling out eggs and milk for an omelet that she made in a couple of minutes.  He’d stood behind her, kissing her shoulders, nibbling her neck and tracing the outline of her hips while she’d tossed the eggs in the pan.  At one point, she thought she’d drop the pan as her legs quivered and her arms shook.  It was almost a relief to put the omelet on the table.

‘All done so soon?’ She turned and licked her lips while he finished his last forkful. 

‘No chance,’ he said, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her onto the counter.  He pulled open the sheet, exposing her breasts to his gaze, while he ran his fingers down her belly, fluttering them lightly down to between her thighs.

‘Ohhhhh,’ she said, her hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pulling tightly, while his tongue found the place between her legs that sent searing sensations and electric shocks through her body. 

He shuffled her bum forward to the edge as he knelt on the floor, while his tongue dived in and out, circling round her clitoris and making her body explode in a mixture of excruciatingly pleasant waves of pleasure.  She felt her body shudder as she moved her hips to match the rhythm of his tongue.  She couldn’t last, she couldn’t wait.  The wave of pleasure drained her body of energy, sapping her strength as the blissful waves rolled through her body, burning in pleasure.  He flipped her onto her stomach, caressing her bottom while his fingers delved into her still soaking sex.  He slid on a condom, and then quickly eased into her, pounding quickly while his fingers worked round to pinch her clit.  She felt his muscles hold her in place, as her bottom slapped off his thighs with each thrusting lunge.

A hand circled round her waist and pulled her closer, as her breath changed to raspy pants in rhythm to each thrust of his hips.  She felt filled, stretched, and oh hell no, the sensations began to build again, bordering on the cusp of pain, but making way for pleasure. 

His fingers drew across her swollen clit as she tried to close her legs around his hand, trying to keep it there, sending white hot sensations through to parts of her brain that she didn’t know existed until she met him.  It was too late.  She felt the rolling waves begin to take control as she tensed her body, rolling with the radiating heat rushing down her legs and spreading across her belly, causing him to groan and pound faster into the muscles clamping around his throbbing dick.

She sobbed as her orgasm ebbed, while she felt him shudder as he held her against him, his climax taking his breath away, as his legs wobbled behind her.

‘Damn it,’ he whispered as he kissed her back, moving gently and stopping himself from collapsing.  He pulled out and visited the bathroom for a minute, returning quickly to lift her back to the bed. 

He pulled the sheet over them, covering her backside while she lay on her stomach, her face towards him on the mattress, exhausted. 

‘Are you okay babe?’ He stroked her hair, brushing his thumb over her cheek as she smiled lazily at him.

‘I think so.’

‘Look at me.’ He flicked her nose gently.  She was waiting for this moment.  When he’d let her down by saying he was only passing through.  That his real life waited at the other side of the world.  The thanks for getting me out of jail free card, but you’ve just had your payment now.

‘Move in with me.’  He stopped caressing her face as he spoke.  Her eyes opened as she pushed herself up on her elbows. 

‘What did you say?’

‘Move in with me, please.  Taylor, Morven, whatever we have to call ourselves from now on.  I don’t plan leaving here without you, so you’re stuck with me.’


‘Yes, you’ll move in with me?’  She could only nod while he kissed her so hard, that she wondered if her lips would be bruised in the morning. 

He remembered the envelope.  Daniel had said he’d know when it was time to open it.  This must be what he’d meant.  He knew the rules had been broken to keep them together. 

Finding his jacket, he slipped the envelope into his hands, handing it over to her. 

‘What’s this?’ 

‘I don’t know, but I sure as hell know that we weren’t meant to be placed together.  Take a look.’ 

She opened the envelope with bright eyes.  Nothing could make her unhappy in this moment. 

There were only four characters on the piece of paper.

A Ok K

‘Let’s drink to Kevin,’ she said, grabbing the sheet around her and jumping over the bed to fetch the glasses and the bottle of Scotch. 

‘Slainte Mhath Kevin,’ they said together, clinking glasses, then swallowing a big gulp of fiery hot whisky.  








About The Author

Zara Asher is a romance writer and lover of chocolate, who spends many hours churning thousands of words onto her laptop in her spare time.

She lives in Scotland, close to the seaside.  She frequently dreams of ice-cream and toffee sauce.

Reading romance has been a lifelong passion, and one she’s always wanted to indulge.  The creation of new lines of romances brought forward ideas and characters she wanted to release from her brain and bring into the world for others to share.


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