Downtown Girl (Lipstick Red #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Downtown Girl (Lipstick Red #1)
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‘Did you start this business with blood money?’ She cringed as she read the question.  She'd be better prepared for the next interview she carried out.  His eyes darkened, showing a hint of vulnerability.

He leaned further forward, making full eye contact and holding her gaze.  ‘I’m surprised Miss Griffiths.  I’ve had the tax man, the police and every man and dog try to find any illegal funding involved in my company.  I started it with a grant four years ago and every penny is fully accounted for, I can assure you of that.’

She ploughed on.  The sooner this was over with the better.  She was making a prize chump out of herself.

‘Are you aware that some members of your old gang have been killed in suspicious circumstances?  Do you know anything about it?’

‘I’ve heard the rumors,’ he answered guarded, giving nothing more away.

‘Does Alan Inglebrook have any reason to go after you?’

‘Nothing that I can think of.’  His head lifted as he considered her raw questions, his lips grimacing yet thoughtful.

‘Do you think you’ll be a target?’

asking Miss Griffiths, or is this a question from your law firm?’

‘Both,’ she answered quietly, her eyes matching his in sincerity.

‘Miss Griffiths, the gang disbanded when five of us went to jail for drug offences.  I can’t think of anyone who’d be upset about that now.’

‘Could someone think you’re planning to regroup and restart the old gang?’

He laughed.  ‘I seriously doubt that.  If you’re referring to the Alan Inglebrook case, I’d be surprised if he masterminded any annihilation of a gang that disbanded before his time.   In my opinion, I’d say he was being set up.’ 

How could he possibly know Alan was being set up unless he was involved?

She decided to leave that question until later.

‘Are you in fear of your life Mr Burton?  Do you think someone might come after you?’  If the floor had opened up, she’d have jumped through it, to be swallowed up for life.  He was a very wealthy man, so of course there would be jealous people who’d resent his good fortune.

‘A man in my position will always live with a certain amount of fear Miss Griffiths.  It’s not something we can think about day to day, however, I have an excellent security staff who keep their ears to the ground.  At the moment, I’m not overly worried.’ 

If she didn’t know better, she’d have thought he was smirking and trying hard to hide it.  ‘Our old gang may have disbanded Miss Griffiths, but some members may well have remained in the gang scene.  I’m not in a position to share that information as I just don’t know.’

‘Are you prepared to testify on behalf of Alan Inglebrook?’

‘Testify to what Miss Griffiths?’

She flashed her eyes, asking another question that didn’t exist on her sheet.  ‘Why do you think he’s innocent?’

‘You’re astute, I’ll give you that,’ he said, pensively.  ‘I don’t believe Alan Inglebrook is guilty, as the Alan I know of is a responsible young man with a sensible head on his shoulders.  He’s not a thief, he’s not into drugs, and he’s not leading a gang of thugs.  He runs a program for youths, bringing them into real life with achievable goals.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is sadly misguided, or has an axe to grind.’

Feeling the heat, Taylor removed her jacket, remembering too late that she was not wearing a bra.  She’d have to brazen it out.

‘You have links with Alan Inglebrook?’

‘Not directly, but as a company, we’ve funded several successful youth rehabilitation schemes that he’s quietly championed.’

‘Would someone want to shut him down?’

‘I can’t answer that.  It would be a guess.  Isn’t that your job to find out Miss Griffiths?’  David leaned over, his fingers brushing over hers as he moved his hand to switch off the recorder.  

‘That’s enough on the record for one day!  What are you doing tonight?’ His eyes blazed into hers, making her feel uncomfortable, but Kevin had said to move it forward if David wanted to continue talking.

‘I’m staying at the….’

‘I know where you’re staying Taylor.  You dropped your receipt, remember?  I’ll pick you up at seven, but please try not to be late...  Do you have a swimming costume?’

‘Umm, no, it’s not something I thought I’d need.’ Her body reacted to how he angled himself towards her.  She felt the tips of her breasts harden as she tried to concentrate on anything other than his lip and her girlish reaction to how close he sat to her.  He was a good looking guy and she’d not been with a man for such a long time.

‘I’ll ensure you have swimwear if you agree to forty eight hours in my company.   What do you say Miss Griffiths?’

She answered instantly, but whispered quietly.  ‘Yes, but are the forty eight hours off the record?’

‘Off the record.’ He spoke low, his eyes glancing at her protruding nipples for a split second.  Instead of feeling intimidated and outraged, she felt a surge of desire for the man with a reputation that had scared her before she met him in the flesh.  

‘Until tonight then Taylor.’ He smirked, his eyes unreadable as he stood, offering his hand to help her up.  Neither said goodbye, but she felt his eyes watching as she walked away.  As she turned the corner at the end of the corridor, she couldn’t resist a glance back, mimicking the actions of yesterday.  He leaned against the door frame, his arms and legs folded as he watched her walk away, again.


Back in the comfort of her hotel, Taylor nervously called Kevin.

‘He wants me to spend forty eight hours with him.  Off the record.’

‘Grab it with both hands.’  Kevin’s voice was tinged with excitement at what he might find out.  ‘We might never get this chance again.  Activate your phone tracker so we know where you are at all times.’  He paused before speaking again.

‘Taylor,’ he said quietly.


‘Watch your back!’

What the hell does watch your back mean?
She mulled over the conversation with Kevin, while nursing a strong coffee.  She’d need the caffeine fix to keep her wits about her tonight. 

With very few clothes in her case, and nothing good enough for eating out with a wealthy man, she visited a local store to pick up some jeans, a swimsuit and a few tops.  She’d worry about the money later.  At the last minute, she picked up a close fitting blue cocktail dress, and a pair of strappy sandals to finish her capsule wardrobe.  She knew it wouldn’t be enough, but it was the best that she could afford.  She tried to tell herself that it didn’t matter what she looked like, but she couldn’t deny how much she wanted to impress him.   




Chapter 4


At seven on the dot, his black limousine pulled up at her hotel, blocking the front entrance.  She’d been ready and waiting for an hour, pacing the floor nervously at what was to come.  She remembered to activate her tracker and sent Kevin the instructions to access it.  A girl can never be too careful.

David buzzed the intercom, which made her jump involuntarily.  She let him in, grateful for help to carry her bag downstairs, but feeling both intimidated and excited at the same time. 

‘Where are we going?’ she asked anxiously.

‘For an experience I hope you’ll never forget,’ he grinned as they drove the short distance to the airport.  A helicopter stood on standby, with the pilot opening the door as they approached. 

‘After you,’ he said graciously.  She wondered if she should turn and run.  He could be taking her anywhere.

‘Trust me,’ he said as he put his hand out to help her climb in, then showing her how to operate the five point safety harness. 

‘You’ll remember your forty eight hours with me Taylor.  We’re going to the South of France if you’d like to report in, although I’d rather you didn’t.  I’d like to have you all to myself for a while.’

She didn’t get a chance to reply before her ear defenders burst into life.  She could hear everything the pilot was doing, and it was fascinating.

‘Foxtrot Uniform requesting permission to take off,’ the pilot asked.  It was a small helicopter, but with a range of a thousand miles, it would make the journey from Leeds in a few hours easily.   

‘Permission granted.’ She’d no idea exactly where she was going, or if she should trust David Burton, but if this was to be her last day on earth, she’d enjoy the ride.

‘I feel like the Queen,’ she shouted loudly, for David to hear.  He’d laughed as he pointed out the white cliffs of Dover and the ferries crossing the channel.  In France, the weather improved dramatically, with clear blue skies replacing the grey drab of the English coast.  She settled back to enjoy the journey, with the vibrations of the helicopter lulling her into a shameful sleep as the sun set over the horizon. 

Landing in Cannes a few hours later, she felt the stifling heat stick sweaty limp hair to her neck.  It was late and dark, yet the humidity was uncomfortable.  She knew why he’d wanted her to bring swimwear, but she wasn’t so sure it would be a good idea to be nearly naked in close proximity to him. 

He pulled a bag with two bikinis, shorts, and a few chiffon wraps from under his seat.  It was a bit presumptuous, but considering she was inappropriately packed, they’d come in useful.  She was glad she’d thought to bring her toiletries, as she’d need to shave before she could bare her legs on any beach. 

Beside the landing strip, a wooden jetty led to a little speedboat.  David stepped into the boat with one leg, bracing himself while the pilot threw over their bags.  She felt like royalty, as the pilot held one hand while she reached out to David with the other.  Two new experiences in one day.   

‘Step down carefully Taylor.  I’d not want to have to fish you out of the water in the dark, no matter how warm the Mediterranean is at this time of year.’  Gingerly feeling her way, she took a seat next to him, fastening her seatbelt before he piloted the speedboat out to a waiting yacht in the bay, the salty water misting her face as the boat bumped along.  She felt her bottom get sore as she lifted and landed hard on the padded seat, with each bumpy rise and fall of the little boat.  His smirk told her he knew why she was shifting in her seat.  

Holy shit
this is really how the other half live

His PA appeared at the rail of the small yacht, pulling in the rope.  ‘Welcome back,’ he grinned to David, as he swapped places with them on the speedboat, roaring the engine into life, and leaving them alone on the yacht. 

‘How about some wine?’ David asked, instantly relaxing with no risk of prying eyes to intervene. 

‘Is this yours?’ she asked, amazed and in awe of his choice for their forty eight hours.

‘For the next two days it is,’ his smile disarmed her before he explained.  ‘It’s on loan from a very good friend of mine.  He often rents it out to celebrities, and for the next two days, that’s what we are.  I’m a wealthy man Taylor, so why shouldn’t I enjoy some rest and relaxation?’

She went below deck, to one of the two onboard bedrooms.  She had her own bed, shower room and stocked bar.  Choosing a white wine, she sipped some, letting it go fully to her head before changing into shorts and rejoining David outside.  She didn’t feel ready to show him her nightwear. 

He’d already changed into shorts and a t-shirt.  The first things she noticed were his strong legs, his ripped chest and powerful arms.  The wine was making her head feel woozy already.  Damn, but he had a body most men would die for. 
Stop looking,
she silently chided herself.

‘I see you’ve started already.  Can I tempt you to another glass of bubbly?’ His eyes fixed on her newly shaved bare legs.  Instead of feeling shy, she felt bold.  A unfamiliar rush of moisture soaked her panties as she walked over to refill her glass.

‘I feel it too,’ he said, his voice thickening as he caught her flash of desire.  ‘But nothing will happen unless you want it to.’

‘I want it to,’ she said quietly, the alcohol rushing to her brain.  The warmth in the air mixed with the alcohol, acting as a powerful aphrodisiac.  She wanted to give her body what it wanted, yet it was against how she’d ever been with a man.    

Placing his champagne glass on the flush white deck, he took two steps towards her, and landed a gentle kiss on her lips.  She’d expected him to be rough and selfish, but he’d explored her mouth slowly, dashing his tongue in and out, finding hers and entwining it with his.  The sensual moment rushed to her sex, flooding her panties as she gasped with the force of his kiss.

She felt him harden as his erection pushed between her legs.  He rubbed himself against her, his breathing quickening as their kiss deepened, lips locked and eyes ablaze.  He slid down to his knees, looping his fingers through the tabs of her shorts and pulling down her zipper with his teeth.  She bucked against him, desperate for some relief for the throbbing ache between her legs.

‘Don’t,’ she said, pushing his head away.  He immediately sprang back, trying to control his breathing when she walked back to meet his kiss.

‘I’ve never, you know, done that!’

‘You’ve never had oral sex?’ he asked, clarifying what she’d meant.

‘No, it’s never come up.’ She bit his lower lip, nipping softly as his hand ran down her stomach.   Leading her to a padded sunbed, he slipped her shorts over her hips, pulling them off in one swift movement. 

‘You’re in for a treat tonight then,’ he grinned, sliding aside her white panties, letting a finger rub against her clitoris before slipping a finger inside her wet folds, feeling how ready she was for him.

He tugged her panties down and took them off, spreading her legs and sitting in front of her exposed body.   He gently blew air on her clitoris before spreading the folds of her sex with his fingers, exposing the small powerhouse of pleasure.  She arched her back as he lightly drew his tongue over it, making her quiver with delight as it stiffened to his touch.  He groaned as she shook with new sensations overtaking her body.  Unable to wait, she reached out to touch his growing bulge, causing him to spasm with pleasure.  She pushed her arms up, leaning forward as she flicked her tongue over his swollen member, licking the pre-cum that escaped from the top. 

He guided her fingers to slide up and down his length. 

‘That’s good,’ he said, his breathing quickening with each touch.  She liked having this power over him.  She could choose to let him come or not to let him come.  She could make him wait for her.

He laid her back down, turning his body to place his cock between her lips with his hips above her face, while he could spread her folds to lick her clitoris, each giving the other pleasure with their mouths.

His tongue alternated between lapping at her throbbing bud, and delving deep inside her, making her shake with emotion and spasms of excitement each time he withdrew to slake his tongue over her clit.  She clenched his buttocks with her fingers as she licked and sucked at the end of his cock, teasing him at the same time as he pleasured her.  She felt a compulsion to bite down, resisting biting his swollen flesh, but grazing his cock gently with her teeth, while he shook in response.  He began to thrust urgently into her mouth as she bucked against his tongue.  Her body tensed, as an orgasm began to build.  It made his cock grow with anticipation as she sucked, drawing him further in.

‘I’m going to come,’ she moaned, then sucked his cock more, massaging his balls as his own orgasm came close. 

‘Christ, if you don’t want me to come in your mouth, you’re going to have to stop now,’ he rasped. 

She teased more with her tongue, using a hand to help give him some extra pleasure.  Her body began to crash into oblivion, with muscles tensing around his fingers inside her as she experienced her first oral orgasm, while his body tensed and jerked, spurting hot semen into her mouth.  She sucked harder, milking his orgasm, as her own body rolled with the waves of exquisite relief. 

‘Jesus,’ he said, breathlessly.  ‘That was incredible.’ He turned to lie beside her, face to face, pulling a sheet over their naked bodies. 

‘If that’s your first oral orgasm, I’d love to see your other ones!’  He pulled her in, spooning her body with his own, tucking loose hair behind her ears.  She felt a wave of tiredness wash over her body as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


‘Sleep well?’ a fuzzy voice in her ear asked in the morning.  They’d slept late.  Much too late.  It was ten in the morning, yet she could easily have slept longer.

‘Astonishingly well, and it’s all thanks to you!’  She knew she should feel guilty about sex so soon, but it felt right.   

She pushed thoughts of Kevin and work to one side, while she rolled over onto her elbow, raised herself up and kissed his forehead. 

‘So, now that we’ve used up fourteen of our forty eight hours, what else are you planning to do for me?’ She grinned, stretching as she slipped her hand under the blanket to tweak his nipple.  In twenty four hours she’d gone from scared to completely smitten.  He wasn’t a suspect and he wasn’t a person of interest, so she was free to do whatever she wished. 

She wasn’t so sure that having sex with an interviewee would go down well with Kevin’s bosses, the loud and very wealthy Gillian Traynor and Jack Collins, but she pushed it from her mind.       

She worried that David would think she was an easy lay, but it was too late for that now.  She’d never taken risks or chances like this, but if last night was anything to go by, it was worth every single moment. 

She heard him laugh properly for the first time as his hand cupped the fingers tweaking his nipple.  She liked the sound of it, deep and sexy.  He looked less severe, and more playful, while she felt his rod harden at her hip.  She’d not had him inside her yet, but she was looking forward to it.  She felt brazen, and wanton, and oh so free.

‘Breakfast first, then who knows!’ He kissed her on the cheek as he pulled away, sliding into the shower while she fished in the bottom of her bag for some Advil.  She had the headache from hell, but there was no way she’d let it spoil this weekend.  She needed to get more information from him, but pillow talk comes easily with time.  Feeling sick at how she just compared herself to a prostitute bedding a man for her career, she pushed it to one side.  To hell with the career!  This weekend was hers for the taking, while the sun shone madly through the porthole, making her feel excited about the rest of the day. 



‘Let’s go,’ he said, pulling at her hand when they’d both showered and dressed.  She’d slipped on one of the bikinis he’d given her and pulled on a pair of shorts on top.  His eyes had popped when he’d come out of the shower room to see her padding around in bare feet.  His appreciation made her insides glow with happiness.  She still had some reservations about his past, but how bad could it be now that he was so well respected in his own circles.  Kevin trusted him, so she would too.

He must have been up on deck when she was sleeping.  He’d laid out two deckchairs, right in line with the sun.  A bucket of ice was slowly melting, filled with a bottle of wine, nicely chilling.   

There was nothing but water on the horizon, and the clear blue sea below, set off by a gorgeous sapphire sky.  

‘Take a pew!’ David pointed to the slouchy lounger with a padded cover, ideal for sunbathing.  She picked up sun cream, fingering the factor fifty. 

‘No point in burning,’ she smiled lazily towards him.  They’d not finished what they’d started last night, and she’d no intention of finishing the day without having all of this gorgeous man to herself. 

Keeping her eyes fixed on him, she unbuttoned her shorts and let them slide to her bare feet, before kicking them to the side.  She heard his sharp intake of breath as his eyes blazed red hot.  She felt adventurous.  This was a side of her that she’d never explored before.  She brazenly walked towards him, her nude colored bikini melting with the color of her flesh.  Holding the bottle of factor fifty out to him, she waited to see what he’d do.

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