Draeger Legacy 8 (7 page)

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Authors: Jaden Sinclair

BOOK: Draeger Legacy 8
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Natasha jumped and moved fast as she pulled on a large sweater.

When she grabbed for a pair of pants, Drake took hold of her hand stopping her.

“You’ve got enough clothes on for the moment,” he pulled her out of the closet and back to the bed where he gave her a push down next to the food. “Nelly wasn’t sure what to fix you for breakfast. You might want to let her know what you like.”

“Never has anyone asked me what I want to eat,” she said, her eyes locked on the food. “And it sure wasn’t anything like this.”

“If you don’t like it, I’ll have her fix you something else.”

She shook her head, picked up her fork and knife and started in on the meat. It amazed Drake that he was getting pleasure just by watching her eat the food. The enjoyment he saw on her face warmed his belly.

“This is good,” she stated with a mouthful of eggs.

“I’ll make sure Nelly knows you enjoy her cooking.” He moved behind her, taking up a lounging position around her backside. He 39

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touched her hair, letting the links run through his fingers.

“Think she’ll teach me?”

“How to cook?” She nodded. “Don’t see why not.”

She finished the food and stood up so fast he didn’t have time to grab for her. Drake tensed, waiting for her to bolt out the door. But she didn’t.

Natasha stood in the middle of the room turned and crossed her arms over her chest again. “So what now?”

Drake slowly sat up. He didn’t stand, just sat on the edge of the bed.

“You know what.”

“I don’t know you Drake Draeger. I know nothing about you. So why would you think I’d willingly mate with you?”

He took a deep breath, willing himself to keep calm. “I would like for you to be willing, but keep in mind one thing, Natasha. Your cycle could make this unwilling for you.”

There was that fire in her eyes again, but somehow she managed to hold it back. “So what if I have my cycle here. It doesn’t mean I have to sleep with you.”

“And my heat?” He met her in the eye. “You think I’m going to stand by and go through that alone now that I have you?”

Her face heated up. “You’re not doing that—” She pointed to the bed. “—to me again.”

Now he had to smile. “You enjoyed that last night. In fact, I counted at least two very nice orgasms. And yes honey, I plan on doing that again very soon.”

“This is all it’s about?” she huffed. “You kidnapped me so you can get your rocks off?”

“Honey if I wanted to get my rocks off, I wouldn’t have had to kidnap you. Finding a willing woman has never been a problem for me.”

He stood up slid his hands into his pockets. “I took you for mate. You want to wait until your cycle fine,” he shrugged. “I just thought you might want a more gentle touch for the first time, but I’ll play any way you want me to play. Just let me know.”

“This isn’t a game!”

“Can be.”

“Argh!” She turned and his heart gave a leap. Drake thought she was going to bolt and took a step in her direction, but she didn’t go out the door. Instead, she turned back around to him. “Did you think I was going to run again?”

“That’s my first thought.”


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

“Trust me, if I run you won’t be that close to me,” she sneered.

Drake narrowed his eyes on her and closed the distance between them. He backed her right up against the wall, pressing his body into hers, hands over her head. “And trust me honey. If you run again, I’ll tie you up and feast on that sweet pussy for a solid hour. Do you think you can handle my tongue, my fingers fucking you, drawing out orgasm after orgasm?”

“Don’t,” she breathed out.

He touched her cheek. So soft her flesh, so delicate feeling. “Can’t wait to feel those orgasms wrap around my dick, milking my own release from deep in my soul. I hunger for you Natasha,” he lowered his voice.

“Hunger for you unlike anything I’ve ever hungered for in my life. Don’t let that hunger boil out of control. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then let me go.”

Drake shook his head lowered it and pressed his forehead to hers with a sigh. “I can’t do that. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go, Natasha. I just can’t.”

She surprised him by pushing him away. “Then I can’t go along with this kidnapping.” He took a step back. Her chin went up, “I’m not coming to you as a willing mate, Drake Draeger. I’m not acknowledging a claim. You kidnapped me, therefore, I’m unwilling to everything that is you.”

Drake narrowed his eyes on her and bit the inside of his mouth. A tick started in his cheek and the beast inside him howled to come out and take. “Then Natasha Millard, let our games begin. But I promise you one thing,” he held his finger up. “I’ll have all of you before the full moon.”

He left the bedroom before more could be said—before he did something that he might later regret.


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

Chapter Four

Philip Millard stood in his office staring out at the night sky hating what he saw. Four days until the full moon, and forty-eight hours before the females of their race went through a needing cycle. Which meant his daughter was going to be having her cycle soon with the male that took her.

She was ruined. The bastard that did this was going to pay with his life.

“Nothing.” Ellie walked into the office with the simple word. Allen took a deep breath, turning around to face her. “No one has any idea where she’s at.”

“This rests on your shoulders,” he told her. “I blame you for this fuck up.” Elli didn’t flinch. “Someone has to know something!” he yelled.

“If they know, they’re not going to talk. The laws state a kidnapping of a female is allowed, and with you on the Cabinet still that law has to be upheld.”

Philip lost his cool and charged Elli. He grabbed her by the throat, shoving her up against the wall with a snarl. “Don’t quote the laws to me you bitch. I wrote the fuckers, I know them better than you do!” A hard yank and Elli went flying across the room, landing hard on the floor.


The door opened, and in walked a male of great worth. He was also a hunter, one that always found what he was seeking. Philip looked at the male. He stood at six foot at least. Short, spiky black hair, cold, gray eyes. He had the body of a large football player wearing pads. He was that thick in the body. He also was a cold-blooded killer if need be.

“You find her,” Phillip said. “You find her, kill the bastard that took her, and then you can keep her. She’s useless to me now.”

Boris said nothing. He nodded, turned, and walked right out.

“You do this and the clan will turn on you,” Elli stated, her voice a bit scratchy after the way he grabbed her.

Philip looked Elli right in the eye. “Who’ll know?”

* * * *

Drake sat outside, on the freshly poured patio watching the crew work on the pool that should’ve been done a week ago. Half of the guys were painting the pool and the other half were on the other end fixing 42

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cracks and sealing spots. In his hand, he clutched a bottle of beer.

Between his legs, one raging stiff motherfucking dick!

Four days—four miserable, painful goddamned days until her cycle.

Until she might need him, depending on how she handled it. Some females he heard had to be restrained when they went to a safe house.

They tried to get free in order to mate. Some he heard just slept through it as if it wasn’t anything big.

Well however Natasha’s cycle was, he had four days to wait. Now what should he do in that time? Well, Drake thought he could always keep doing as he did last night, but then that wouldn’t work. Not since he informed her that if she ran, and when he caught her, he would do that anyway. So that one was out of the question right now. He had Nelly on his ass implying that he was going to rape Natasha any second and Tony walking around keeping his eye on him.

Fuck! Was this his house or theirs?

Drake finished his beer placed the bottle next to the others on the iron table and reached for another at the cooler next to this bare feet.

“Hitting them kind of heavy, aren’t you?”

He turned, ready to fight but eased up when he saw whom it was.

James Laswell from the party.

“How’d you know where I lived?” Drake asked the man, watching him closely as he took a beer and sat down on the other chair.

“Asked around.” James twisted the cap and took a drink. “I will say you’re somewhat hard to find. But this place is great.”

Drake frowned. It was another one of those things he noticed himself doing. Frowning and scowling a lot.

“Thought you might be interested to know there’s this strange rumor going around,” James said. “A hunter has been put on to locate Natasha Millard.” James sighed, sat back in the chair, and put his feet up on the table. He looked right at Drake. “Rumor she was kidnapped.”


James nodded. “Also heard that Philip Millard is, shall we say, going mental.”

“That’s interesting.”

James and Drake seemed to have a small stare off before James busted out laughing. Drake held his breath waiting.

“Man I can’t believe you did it. I mean, you really did take her?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Drake twisted off the cap of another beer, downed half of it, and looked back at the pool.

“Bullshit!” James went on. “I saw the way you looked at her at that 43

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party. I remember the fight you got into with her father. Hell that alone spread through the party like wild fire, man. Everyone’s talking about how you stood up to the fucker. And hey,” he held up his hand and lowered his head, “I’m not here to judge or turn you in. Not my place especially if she’s your mate.

Drake studied James Laswell. He was a different breed of man, not just shifter. There was something about his funny, lazy personality that had Drake at ease around him, and that never happened with people.

Drake was normally a loner. The only friends he had either worked for him or his father. True friends, he didn’t have.

“He doesn’t want to change things, but also doesn’t want to let his daughter be part of the world.” Drake shook his head, the bottle touching his lips. “Can’t have it both ways.”

“No, he can’t,” James sighed. “So have you mated her yet?”

“Kind of a personal question.”

James shrugged, staring at the pool work also. “Just asking.”

A few minutes went by with nothing said. Drake saw the workers finishing the painting. Heard them say they would start filling it in a couple days after everything dried. He was ready to get into it. Ready to swim laps, enjoy the cool water during the hot summer he was sure they were going to have.

“I can see why you picked this place,” James said. “It’s very relaxing.”

Drake snorted. “You got a mate?”

James shook his head, “Not so lucky yet.” He turned to Drake. “You don’t have many friends, do you?”

“People don’t like me.” Drake rested his head back on the chair, turned, and put his feet up on the table. “They think I’m scary. The big bogie man or some shit.”

“Is she scared of you?”

Drake thought about it for a second. “I think she was at first, but she sure as hell isn’t now.”

“So what’re you going to do?”

Drake closed his eyes, rubbing them in complete frustration. Even talking to James, drinking, and trying to relax he couldn’t. The urge to go upstairs, to see her, smell, and touch her was very powerful. Hell, he didn’t know if he was going to be able to wait the four days for her cycle before he had her.

“I don’t know,” he groaned. “I really don’t know.”

“Sounds like you’re in a pickle, my friend.” Drake glared at him and 44

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James smiled back. “Want some advice?”

“From you?” James nodded. “I don’t even know you that well.”

“Drake, I think we’re more alike than what you see. If Millard wants things to remain the way are, then he has to follow those rules, including for his own daughter. He refused you took matters into your own hands.

I’d do the dame same thing. But you also have to watch your back.

There’s a reason why he was able to break his own rules so easily now.

He’s one sneaky, conniving bastard who’s used to getting his way all the time. So watch your back.”

“That’s the advice?”

James smiled big. “Naw, man. Go old school on her. Mind seduction works wonders.”

Drake couldn’t help himself and laughed, “I don’t think it’s going to be that simple. Not by a long shot.”

* * * *

Natasha paced the bedroom, her anger, and frustration getting the better of her. The moment Drake left she dressed. Jeans to go with the sweater she now wore. Every clothing item she wore was baggy, covering every inch of her body. After last night, she couldn’t seem to face him, not after what he did to her.

Still the thought of him kissing, licking, touching her between her legs had the rush of blood flowing in her veins and the heat spreading across her face. She admitted to herself that it had felt good, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him that. No sir! If she did that then he’d want and expect to do it again and that just couldn’t happen.

“What am I going to do?” she groaned, hugging herself, stopping her pacing in front of the window.

She caught sight of Drake below. Tight cut off shorts, no shoes, no shirt, and his hair flowing freely in the wind. He’s so dark, so dangerous.

The kind of male she always stayed away from, not because her father told her so, because she never felt safe around males like him. They took without care to others. Took what they wanted, never worrying about the consequences of their actions. Drake was like that in so many ways. She felt when he looked at her that there were hidden demons inside him.

Demons that threatened to come out in a moment’s notice.

His muscles bunched when he moved. Powerful, thick muscles that had her finger tips itching to touch. They didn’t look real, and yet she knew they were.

Seeing another man with him, Natasha got a moment of hope. Her first thought was that someone else here might be able to help her leave.

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