Dragon Claiming (Year of the Dragon)

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Authors: Shara Azod,Marteeka Karland

BOOK: Dragon Claiming (Year of the Dragon)
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Dragon Claiming



Dragon Claiming




Marteeka Karland

& Shara Azod



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.


Copyright © 2012 Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod

Cover Artist: Shara Azod

Editor: Stephanie Parent



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Dragon Claiming
Chapter One


                Uryen growled deep in his throat as he flew over the mountains surrounding the desolate desert that was his territory. In dragon form his cock didn’t throb quite as hard, and the drive to sweep down into the village and take what was his did not ride him as hard. Even this far away he could hear the music of her laughter ringing in his ears. He could smell the sweet desert flower perfume on her skin. The maiden Sippora was a sweet little thing, gentle and pure of heart. In Uryen’s heart there was only darkness and desires far too intense for one such as her. Despite the happiness his brother Tegyr had found with his Brynn, Uryen did not fully believe the prophecy was really coming to pass.

                Or rather, he was too afraid to believe. Here in his own mountains, away from the prying eyes of his brethren, he could admit that what he really felt was fear. It was a hard thing for a dragon to admit, that he was afraid. Especially when there was no way to conquer this kind of fear. It was not the feeling of trepidation before a battle, or the quivering of the belly when facing seemingly insurmountable odds. Those things he could face without batting an eye. Looking into the icy eyes of certain death had never made Uryen feel anything more than mild curiosity at best. This phenomenon was new, something he had never experienced before. For the first time in his too long existence he was facing something he had no clue how to handle, how to deal with, how to dominate completely.

                A woman. His life mate.

                Not just any mate either. If he had been given one such as Brynn, Tegyr’s mate, he wouldn’t feel the icy tentacles of uncertainty that wrapped around his heart now. The bitch, Fate, had given him a mate far outside his comfort zone, someone he would likely crush with the needs that had begun to keep him awake in his lair. She was every bit as good and fragile as he was dark and rough. Small and slight, she would surely break if he didn't handle her with exquisite care. The images of Sippora chained to his bed with diamond ropes glistening against her dark skin tormented him. The need to see his maiden tethered open for him had his cock pulsating whenever he dared allow himself human form. It wasn't a fantasy a maiden like her would participate in willingly.

                The madness had begun to seep into his consciousness not long after Tegyr had claimed his own mate. Only a fortnight had passed before the call had settled upon Uryen with an intensity that was sure to drive him insane. The drive to claim what was his rode him hard night and day. Only in dragon form did the need to bury himself deep inside her abate somewhat. The thing he forgot was that his dragon form was territorial, possessive; when he let go of anything human, the baser side of him was too hard to stave off.

                It was unfortunate that his mate was the darling of her tribe. Considering she was a rare beauty, it wasn’t really surprising. Even this far away he could hear people around her, laughing with her, gently teasing. Usually Sippora was surrounded by other maidens, who clung together for safety reasons. In her tribe, men stole their brides, capturing them unawares and taking them off to their own abode. Tradition dictated the male in question must have a home and the means to support his stolen woman. Only after the mating was established was another male let in, this time a male of the female’s choosing. No less than three constituted a true mating, no more than five.

The dearth of women on this planet made every woman a commodity. Sippora was more coveted than most. Her uniquely dark, silken skin ensured that. Not only was she so soft spoken and gentle, but she could melt the hardest heart, bring a smile to the gruffest face, and she was beautiful beyond measure. In a village full of fair-skinned people, she stood out like a rare black diamond against a smooth, white sheet. Her hair, always intricately braided, hung past her hips when loosened. Uryen longed to have all that hair loose and fanned over his skin as he taught her to ride him to bliss.

                Today, the maidens usually by his mate’s side were all surrounded by a hunting party of young males fresh from a successful hunt. Full of pride at their success, the young men courted in earnest, trying to tempt any of the maidens to go off alone. Food had become scarce in the Ury tribe, and any successful hunt was cause for celebration. Young hunter-warriors who brought back food for the tribe were to be honored and praised. These young men seemed to have far too keen an interest in Sippora. For this reason Uryen had chosen to fly far away from the temptation of ripping the human males limb from limb. 

                His plan wasn’t working. He could smell the interest of a few particularly aggressive males. Now that Fate had revealed Sippora was his, the most potent magic that had been lost eons ago stirred in the land of Ury once more, granting him powers beyond those he’d already possessed. He could sense everything about his mate and her surroundings. Especially the intent of two young men who had hatched a plan to separate Sippora from the other females and take her off to the home they had recently built...for her. As much as Uryen tried to ignore it, tried to rationalize she would be much better off with human males less aggressive than he, the urge to swoop down on the tribe and roast the young men was fast becoming overwhelming.

                No matter how far he flew, Uryen could still hear her laughter as the young men teased. He could read their thoughts as they slyly surrounded her and tried to prod her away from the group. Although there were a few elders scattered about, watching over the gathering of young adults, the possibility of the men taking what was his, touching what was his made his gaze go red. How dare they?  That it was unknown Sippora was born for him and him alone didn’t matter. She was too good for them—surely they had to know that.

                With two powerful bats of his wings, Uryen changed course despite the fact that every fiber of his cognitive self battled against it. The itch beneath the scaly skin would not go away. Even in this form the need had overcome him at last. He needed to claim her, had to claim her or he would lose what little sanity remained. Though he had no human cock in this form, lust radiated off of him in red hot waves, as searing as the fire he breathed. The lush freshness of his woman beckoned, calling to him before another was stupid enough to try to take it. Uryen flew straight for the village of the tribe he was sworn to protect, although no human had laid eyes on him in hundreds of years.

                He could no longer fight it. The time had come to claim what was his.



Dragon Claiming
Chapter Two


Although Sippora laughed freely at the antics of Magna and Dirk, her heart was troubled. She knew they were attempting to move her away from the safety of the large group of unmated maidens and hunter-warriors so that they may try to claim her. It wasn’t going to work. Each time they managed to nudge her away from the others, she simply side-stepped and returned to the center of the group. But it wasn’t their attempts that bothered her. She was used to them both either together or individually trying to catch her unawares.

                There was something else in the air today. Something dark but not really sinister. Something coming for her. Since reaching her maturity, Sippora had known none of the men in her tribe were the ones for her. She knew that someday something would come for her, and it seemed with each passing day that time was coming closer. She’d tried not to draw the notice of any of the eligible hunter-warriors in the village, but with so few women, it was an impossible task. Today more than any other, she felt she was a danger to Magna and Dirk, but they just wouldn’t go away.

                “Sippora, surely you know of our interest,” Dirk finally sighed in exasperation as she once again avoided being cut off from the group. “We would make fine mates for you.”

How did she explain to them? She didn't even understand herself. She wasn't meant for them. She knew it and embraced it. Giving herself to them to appease their egos wasn't even an option.

She sighed. “I can't, Dirk. I'm not ready.” It was the truth, of sorts. She wasn't ready and wouldn't be until she found the man she was meant for. “Perhaps you should look to another. I'm not going to lead you on or offer false hope. Choose a woman who can properly appreciate two handsome, strong warriors such as yourselves.” Sippora tried to ease the sting of her rejection by flattering them. It seemed to work, because Dirk offered her a lopsided smile. The two didn't back off though. They continued to maneuver themselves to a position better suited to cut her off from the others.

“You are well past the age when you should mate, Sippora.” Magna had cut off further retreat from the back. They had her.

In a flash of temper, Sippora picked up a small stone and threw it at Dirk. “I will fight you.” She glanced at Magna. “Both of you. It won't be a pleasant experience for any of us and, I swear to you, you'll never have a moment’s peace.”

Both men looked slightly confused, as if she were suddenly speaking in a tongue they had never heard before. In a way Sippora could understand that. She was hardly ever in a temper, but this—well. this was a threat. She didn’t really understand why, but the need to protect her maidenhood for something more pressed upon her very soul.

“Are you all right?” Dirk looked concerned.

“I—” she shook her head, unable to shake the pressing urge to run, to get away from the two men as fast as she could.

“You aren’t acting like yourself,” Magna agreed.

Both men stepped back, giving her room to breathe. It was something, but not enough. For reasons she could not begin to explain, Sippora knew the men were in real danger, especially if they kept touching her. What was wrong with her? She should be welcoming the attentions of two such fine hunter-warriors—both were fair of skin, more beautiful than masculine. They were excellent providers, the most sought after of all the unmated men in the village. Yet the thought of lying with either of them was repulsive to her.

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