Dragon Knight's Medallion (23 page)

Read Dragon Knight's Medallion Online

Authors: Mary Morgan

Tags: #romance, fantasy, time travel

BOOK: Dragon Knight's Medallion
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A bird chirped in the distance, an otter darted across the water’s edge, and Aileen’s stomach clenched. How was she going to explain to Stephen that his pendant and hers were joined, when she couldn’t comprehend its meaning?

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Beware the breath of the Dragon, for her song of air will infuse you with magic.”

Searing pain lashed through Stephen’s heart. He was crouched against the back of a pine tree with his hands clasped on either side of his head, rocking back and forth.

The dragon’s words were like knives, and he understood. It hit him with such force it blinded him. How could he stand in her presence when he had renounced his own heritage? He was asking for magic, when
was what he was rejecting. Foolish and heartsick, Stephen realized the stone was no longer his. He might as well have Aileen toss it into the loch.

“Sweet Brigid! I’m here, Stephen,” she blurted out trying to catch her breath. “Here, take your medallion,” placing her hand on his shoulder.

Eyes that mirrored a stormy day looked into hers. “I cannae.”

“Why? Did you not have a vision?” she asked, slumping down next to him.

“Nae. It is no longer mine.” He rubbed a hand over his jaw, leaning his head against the rough bark. “I have been proud believing
would help me. I had no right to ask.”

Aileen smiled. “I
she still loves you, Stephen, or she wouldn’t have done this.” Taking his hand, she turned it over, placing the medallion in his palm.

Stephen flinched, waiting for the pain, yet, there was none. He snapped his gaze up to Aileen, then back to his medallion. It was then that he saw the Stone of Ages was different.

“Bloody hell! What did she do?” he asked incredulously.

Aileen held her pendant up. “It would seem she has combined
of the stones. I have pieces of yours...” She let out a breath before adding, “...and you have pieces of moonstone in yours.”

Stephen frowned. “Why?”

“Oh, how I hoped you wouldn’t ask that question so soon.” She lowered her eyes, adding, “Something about us fulfilling a destiny.”

Silence greeted her and she glanced back up. The beginning of a smile tipped the corners of his mouth.

“Och, Aileen, I have kenned that for some time.” He reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Here, let me put your pendant on.”

Swallowing, she nodded. Twisting around, Aileen swept her braid off her back. As his fingers touched her neck, she gave an involuntary shiver.

“I thank ye for what ye did today.” His breath hot against her ear.

“It was nothing.” Her voice barely a whisper.

“Aye, it is.”

Tipping her head around to meet his, he captured her lips in a drawn-out kiss. Her lips were warm and gentle, as she surrendered to him. Breaking slowly away, Stephen drew her back to cradle against his chest. His arms wrapped around her waist.

Time stood still. What had happened earlier on the loch, mere echoes in the distance.

“It is my fault she died.” His words spoken low. Instantly, he could feel her stiffen, and Stephen feared she would not want to hear any more.

“How?” she asked, softly.

Drawing her in closer, Stephen leaned his head against the tree, letting the memories spill free from their prison within his mind.

“Several days before her death...” He drew in a sharp breath, then slowly released it, struggling with the words. “I had a vision—one where the MacFhearguis was slain.”

Aileen frowned. “But he wasn’t.”


He kept silent for a moment, trying to release the tension in his body.

him to die,” he rasped out. “To cut him out of her life. I should have understood the visions are only a warning of what can happen. But I refused to believe in any other conclusion. I held the knowledge back from her and the others.”

“If you had shared this knowledge, perhaps your sister would still be alive today.” Her voice barely a whisper.

He pulled his arms tighter around her. There was no need for words. His sister was gone—
. He could only move forward, instead of running away.

His medallion bit into his arm, and she reached out to take it out of his hand. “Here, let me.” Turning around, she placed it over his head letting it rest against his chest. Her fingers touched the black hair peeking out of his tunic.

“I love ye, fae Aileen.” His voice hoarse.

Tears washed her eyes, and her lips quivered.

“Do my words offend ye?”

My Stephen
,” she choked out. Placing her hands on either side of his face, she kissed him as tender and light as the summer breeze. “I believed I would never hear you say those words. I love you, too.”

He growled low, taking her swiftly and passionately into his arms. Taking her mouth with savage intensity, he thrust his tongue deep within.

Aileen returned his kiss with reckless abandon, and he took it all. Her body arched toward him, and he craved her touch on his bare skin.

His fingers untied her laces, and he pulled the gown off her shoulders causing her to shudder. He smiled sensing it was his touch and not the cool air brushing against her skin. “Must taste ye,” his voice sounded thick with desire.

Aileen quickly slipped her arms out of her gown. She no sooner had them out, when he cupped her breasts, his mouth suckling deeply. A low moan erupted from within her.

Noticing her gazing at him, he asked, “Do ye like to watch?”


Stephen slid one hand down her waist to her thigh, seeking the soft flesh under her gown. “What does my Aileen want?” he asked as his fingers rubbed gently between her sweet folds.

Her eyes mirrored his with raw passion. “Touch me, Stephen, or take me,” she growled out.

His smile washed over her, wicked with need. “So ye want me to touch ye...
?” Stroking his thumb over her sensitive bud, his eyes flashed. “Or...
?” he taunted and drove two fingers inside her.

Her breath came in heavy pants. “Stop...tormenting me.”

Stephen chuckled low, removing his hand. An outcry of protest no sooner escaped her lips, then his descended over hers silencing the cry.

Quickly lowering them to the ground, Stephen shoved aside his plaid, his cock thick with need. He rasped into her ear, “Ride me, Aileen.”

Aileen hitched up her gown, bunching the fabric behind her, letting him guide the tip to her entrance. With leisurely and taunting movements, she inched down until he was fully seated inside her, straddling her legs on either side of his.

...” A guttural growl followed.

“Is this how you want me to
you?” She rode him slowly up and down.

Stephen grabbed her hips, a wild look seared across his features. “I will take ye now!” he roared.

He could not hold back, for his need to come in her was fierce. He wanted to claim and mark her. Her beauty undid him. With unbridled strength, Stephen forced her hips to move faster.

“Come with me,
,” he gritted out. Her nipples teased him as they danced before him.

Yelling her name, Stephen broke free. Waves of ecstasy crashed over and through him. His soul burst forth, hearing Aileen’s cry of release. They were as one, soaring over the hills and water. Each melded into the other, and the world tilted.

He caressed Aileen’s back, fingers gently loosening her braid. She lay against his chest, while he remained inside her. His cock still thrummed with desire and partially hard, he knew he could take her again. However, he had other plans that included water.

For the first time in his life, Stephen would sell his soul, and fight any man or fae to keep the woman he loved by his side.

There was only one who could defeat him.

Somehow...someway, he had to persuade her to stay here with him, forever.

“Mmmm, you feel good,” she murmured against his chest, rocking gently against him. His cock swelled even more.

His hand found her soft breast, and he teased the nipple to hardness. “I ken a better place to make ye feel even better.”

“Ohhh, but I’m liking this,” she sighed, finding a more steady rhythm.

“If I do not stop, we will never make it to the water, and my plans involve much more play time.” He swiftly lifted her off his member, releasing a cry of protest from her.

Rolling out from under her, he stood, stripping off his tunic and boots. “Would ye like to play in the water?” He held out his hand to her, enticing her not only with his body, but his warm smile.

Aileen gave a throaty laugh, reaching for his hand. “Will you do magical things to me in the water?” she asked with a teasing smile.

“Magic?” he drawled, placing tender kisses along her neck and shoulder.

“Yes, for magic is everywhere, Stephen. It’s even in a kiss.” He smothered her last words with his lips.


Aileen’s skin resembled shriveled prunes. Stephen had literally kept her in the water for several hours. Not that she was complaining, oh no. Just remembering all he did to her body caused her to shiver anew.

The man was insatiable.

At the moment, he was hunched over a fire cooking their meal of salmon with wild garlic. Her stomach grumbled loudly.

“Hungry again,
?” Stephen asked, giving her a wink.

By the Gods, he was scrumptious when he smiled. “I need real food,” she scoffed, trying to keep the smile off

“Gosh, that smells so good.” She crouched down next to him, breathing in the aroma of their meal. Watching the sun slip silently over the ridge of the mountains, she yearned to stay here forever.

“Open your mouth, Aileen,” Stephen urged, shaking her out of her thoughts.

The first taste assaulted her senses, sweet and delicate. She licked her lips catching each morsel. “It is delicious,” she moaned.

Stephen licked his fingers, before pulling more fish off of the twig. Placing it gently into her mouth, he let out a hiss when her tongue teased across his fingers.

“It is good, aye?”

“Mmmmm, yes. I never realized how good fish could taste.”

Stephen laughed. “Well, considering our fare lately, this is a feast.”

Her heart split seeing the mirth on his face. Why did life have to be so complicated? And when did she fall so helplessly in love with him?

She took a swig of ale, letting her sight take her across the loch.

“What happens now, Stephen?” Her question barely a whisper on the breeze.

He exhaled deeply, fearing this conversation.
Would she stay with him, here in his time? Could she give up all she knew in her time

Taking her chin, he placed a feather light kiss on her lips. “I do not have the answer.” Swallowing the dread in his throat, he asked, “Do ye want me to take ye back to the abbey? I will honor my vow, if that is what ye truly want.”

Aileen was hesitant, twisting his tartan within her fingers. “No, but I am torn in my feelings.”

Drawing her closer to him, he looked directly into her eyes. “Then I shall help ye with those

They both sat in silence, watching as the first stars dotted the evening sky. Their thoughts were a reflection of the other, embarking on a new destination.

Chapter Thirty

“If the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and all is right with the land, that’s when the storm comes with a vengeance.”

The first rays of dawn barely had a chance to spread out across the sky when Stephen came to wake Aileen. A feeling of unease had swept through him during the night. He almost longed for a vision to show him something.

“Time to go,” he whispered in her ear.

She stretched like a cat, spreading her arms and legs out in invitation. Rubbing a hand through his rough beard, he quickly removed himself from the sensual haze. Not a moment too soon, for her breast peeked out of his tunic she was wearing, her rosy pert nipple teasing him.

Grabbing his
sgian dubh
and soap, he walked down to the water’s edge to shave. The splash of cold water on his skin sent the last vestiges of lust away as he continued with his shave.

“Did you know I like the roughness of your beard on my skin?” Aileen asked quietly.

“Ye do?” Wiping the last of soap and hair off his blade, Stephen faced her. “Do not worry,
, it will grow back by nightfall.”

Aileen wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to kiss her, trailing kisses along his clean-shaven chin. “I love the sensation when you rub your rough face against my breasts.”

He cupped her bottom and squeezed.

“You taste of the sea, soap, and male. A heady combination.”

Stephen groaned in her ear.

“Want you.” Her voice rasped, husky with need.

Crushing her in his embrace, he was on the verge of lifting her and taking her against the nearest tree, when he heard footsteps.

Two men approached from the trees.

“Hold verra still, Aileen,” he said low into her ear. “We have guests.”

He cursed himself for not being more alert. All he had was his
sgian dubh
, and that was on the ground. Thank the Gods he was at least near the water, though he would rather have his sword.

One of the men moved forward, his face a mask of rage. The other man stood back. Something about him rippled along Stephen’s senses. Had they met before?

“Remove your hands from her,
!” growled the man, as he unsheathed his sword. A sharp hiss of steel, sliced through the air.

In one swift move, Aileen twisted out of Stephen’s embrace. “
?” she squeaked.

Stephen looked at Aileen as if she had sprouted horns. He pointed a finger at Aidan Kerrigan. “He is your

“Aye,” interjected her dad. He kept his sword level with Stephen, showing no mercy.

Aileen ran to her father, tears misting her eyes. “How...
are you here?”

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