Read Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition Online
Authors: Michelle M. Pillow
“Yes.” Olek closed his eyes for the answer was obvious. He knew she had every intention of torturing him. His hips lifted higher, searching.
She ran her pussy along him, letting his tip part her slightly. Again he pushed up and was denied.
“You want me to ride you, don’t you?”
“Oh, yes, Nadja,” he panted, sweat beading his brow. “Do it. Ride me.”
“How do you want me to ride you?” Nadja persisted, clearly enjoying her power over him.
“Hard.” His breath drew in ragged pants. “Ride me hard.”
“Is this what you want?” She slid her legs down so she impaled herself a little more on him.
Olek tensed as his stomach jerked of its own accord.
“Deeper,” he begged. If he wanted, he could have thrown her hands from his wrists, but he didn’t dare to move. Her torturous movements were too sweet to resist. “Take me deeper.”
“Like this?” Nadja asked, stretching around him.
“Deeper, woman,” he pleaded and commanded at the same time. He panted, drawing in several ragged breaths. Already his hips flexed as he took what shallow thrusts he could.
“Like this?” Her words were not as confident as before.
Olek thrust his hips hard, bouncing her knees on the mattress. The movement forced her down on him. A loud gasp came from her parted lips as he fitted deeper.
Olek grinned, quite pleased with his own cunning maneuver. “Yes, just like that.”
She lost a bit of her composure. Her fingers gripped his wrists tighter. He let her control their pace and depth. A bond strained to form between them, strengthening. She made him feel whole and he knew he did the same for her. Their lives were completely joined. Seeing how excited it made her when he voiced his needs and passions, he said, “Now finish it, Nadja. Take me all in. Just a little lower, solarflower.” The budding peaks of her breasts called to his lips. “That’s it, just spread your legs and let me in.”
Nadja did as he commanded. Her thighs opened, dropping her completely onto his erection. They were rewarded with instant pleasure. Nadja didn’t move at first, as if still getting used to the hard feel of him
“Is it always this size?” she asked.
“Only for you.”
“I feel like I’m on fire.” Nadja lifted up.
“Yes,” he agreed. “And your body is moist for me, isn’t it?”
“You’re made to glide over me.”
Nadja dropped her legs to impale herself once more.
“Mmm,” Olek moaned in approval. Oh, but her slow thrusts were the most exquisite torture.
By small degrees, she quickened her pace until her body slammed down upon his at a maddening pace. Strands of her long hair worked loose to fall in small waves over her shoulders. She lifted her hands from Olek’s wrists to support her weight as she leaned back over him. Olek rubbed her breasts, tweaked her nipples and then slid his hands down to take control of her thrusts. He showed her how deep he could bring himself into her, how fast and hard.
.” Her head fell back and she tensed as she met her release.
The feel of her quivering body caused his cock to erupt, jetting his seed into her. His yell joined hers as they met with a brilliant climax.
Nadja stayed frozen above him, as if too overwhelmed by feeling to move. As her breath slowly became normal, she collapsed forward onto Olek’s chest. She buried her face into his neck. It took a moment, but Olek realized she was hiding from him.
“Mmm,” he said against her temple. “You can do that whenever you wish.”
“So you liked it?”
“No.” Turning over, he swung his leg onto her thighs and pinned her beneath him. His soft kiss molded against her lips. “I don’t think the word ‘like’ could possibly begin to explain it.”
fter discovering
the depths of pleasure her body was capable of at Olek’s hands, Nadja wasn’t so quick to turn him away. His bed was a virtual playground she found herself longing never to leave. Sanity returned with the morning, as the curtains opened over the dome to let in light. She was mindful of her aching limbs, limbs Olek had gladly twisted and turned into multiple positions as he showed her extraordinary ways in which they could come together.
During the day, work kept her husband from her, taking him to the royal offices or to check on his brother. Truthfully, she didn’t know what he did. He would never tell her. She knew he didn’t want to worry her, but not knowing worried her even more.
She passed the time with the other princesses, excluding Olena, who spent every moment caring for Yusef. Nadja managed to sneak into the medical wing to check on the injured prince. Her injection seemed to be helping because the doctors were baffled by his quickened recovery.
She took her meals in the common hall along with the rest of the family. A high alert had been placed on the kitchen staff after Morrigan’s poisoning, so it was a little tenser than usual when they gathered together. The men didn’t join them too often, taking their meals wherever they practiced and strategized.
When Nadja mentioned how Pia was training her to fight, Morrigan had been only too happy to join in the lessons. So, when they weren’t roaming about the village with the queen or attending meals, they could be found engaged in self-defense training in Pia’s home. It made the days go by quicker and Nadja would wait breathlessly for the evening when Olek would come home.
Olek didn’t press her about her father again, and Nadja was glad for it. Let him think Hank was her only reason for running away. He didn’t need to know the details of who her father was. Hank had been the spurring effect that finally made her leave, but he was only one small reason in a sea of many.
Three days passed in this way. Nadja, who had overheard the queen talking to her husband in their Qurilixian tongue, had taught herself enough to make out the words danger, spy and family.
Knowing Olek wasn’t going to tell her anything, Nadja decided it was time to do a little investigation of her own. She felt only mildly guilty as she sneaked into her husband’s office to pry, armed with her translator.
Scanning a few pages left on his desk, she made out that they were import and export agreements with other planets. She sat on his chair and poked around, pulling out drawers, digging through paper files. There were old communications, but nothing of real interest. There was an electronic word translator, which looked as if it hadn’t been used for some time.
Sighing, she leaned back in his chair and rolled her neck from side to side, to stretch the tired muscles. She was about to give up, when she saw an edge of a notebook peeking out from a hidden space beneath the desktop. Smiling, thinking she’d hit the jackpot, she pulled it out.
She set it atop his messy pile and studied the book. It looked old, the leather binding a little frayed at the edges. She remembered him carrying it around with his other documents. Hesitating only slightly, she opened the first page.
Nadja gasped. Her husband was an artist. She would have never suspected. There were pictures of young boys playing in the colossal trees of the surrounding forest, drawings of soldiers at practice, vicious imaginary beasts that looked like man-dragons, the mountain fortress, the village, and villagers doing everyday things.
Then, as she continued to flip, she suddenly froze. From a pencil-smudged page, her face stared back at her. Shadows danced across her drawn features, until she realized it was the veil she had worn at the Breeding Festival. It was how he saw her the first night they’d met.
Her hand shaking, she turned to see what else he’d drawn. After the first portrait of her, she realized she was all that he had drawn since. She found a couple of incomplete sketches of her at the festival—sitting at the table, wrapped in fur inside the tent. She chuckled. He had drawn her in her laboratory, looking out in irritation, her hair frizzed unattractively around her head. There were drawings of her in the library reaching for a book, at the dining room table pouring over her notebooks, asleep on their bed.
Olek was really very skilled. She had seen a lot of professional artists in her travels and her husband’s talent could hold up to many of them.
Turning another page, she found herself in the gown she’d worn to her coronation. There was a small, unfinished drawing of her with a crown. Her lips were parted and she would have sworn the dreamy look on her face was a figment of his imagination. Touching her mouth, she was positive her lips never pursed like that in invitation.
She shook her head, moving on. Nadja’s hand jolted back from the next page. Now that was something she had never done. Her cheeks instantly flamed. Olek had her posed atop his desk, her legs spread indecently with her hand crawling up her inner thigh. She wore a most revealing piece of see-through material that didn’t hide a bit of naked flesh.
Swallowing over her constricted throat, she continued to turn the pages, mesmerized. He had her restrained in the water fountain, water pouring over her naked form. He drew her in the bath, steam making her hair cling to her face and nipples, as she leaned over what looked like the back of his head.
In the next she was kneeling, in thigh-high boots and nothing else, as she peeked over her shoulder at him in invitation. He even had her small black tattoo down to perfection. Nadja blushed, but she couldn’t look away. There was an array of differently erotic poses and naughty outfits. In some she touched herself. In some she touched parts of him. In one particularly interesting portrayal, she was looking up at him from his lower stomach and her tongue was licking the tip of a very large erection. It would appear the things Olek had done to her in bed were tame compared to what his imagination did to her.
“What are you doing?”
Nadja jumped up from the seat, automatically slamming the book shut as her cheeks flamed. Olek had caught her and he didn’t sound pleased. His eyes darted to the book, narrowing before turning back to her.
“I was,” Nadja began weakly. “I was looking to see if you had the jewelry I gave you in here and I…I found your book.”
It was technically true. She had given the jewelry a passing thought.
Olek didn’t say a word.
“I didn’t mean to pry.” Even as his pictures embarrassed her, they aroused her too. Licking her lips, she glanced down over his body. She took a hesitant step around the desk. “I didn’t know you were an artist. Is that how you see me?”
Olek’s jaw tightened. Nadja realized he waited to see her reaction, to discover if she would be angered by his fantasies.
“Is that how you
to see me?” Nadja asked, her tone growing husky. She touched the edge of her shirt and began to lift it up. His eyes lit with interest but he didn’t move.
Nadja slowly undressed. Standing naked before him, she turned her back to him and leaned over to mimic the pose, exposing her back side to him. She flipped her hair over her shoulder to study him.
Olek still hadn’t moved and he hadn’t looked away. His eyes roamed over her exposed flesh.
“Or do you want me on your desk?” She turned around to sit on his desk top. Scattering papers to the floor, she lifted her legs and let them fall open. Her fingers skimmed her thigh, trailing in little circles.
He stared at her and it looked as if he’d stopped breathing.
“Or like this?” Nadja licked her finger and touched her nipple, budding it for him.
Aware that she had a captivated audience, she slowly brought her legs back down to the floor. Sliding off the hard wood, she took a step toward him. With a shove, she pushed him against the door frame. Olek’s expression was stiff with control and he inhaled a deep breath.
She ran her hands over his tunic to his waistband, deftly freeing him of his pants. Licking her lips, she slowly bent down on her knees before him and looked up at him from the ground. Lifting his tunic up and over his interested arousal, she whispered, “Or was it like this?”
Nadja flicked her tongue to taste his hard length. He jerked and gave a small moan. His hands came forward to touch her face.
She leaned back, not letting him touch her. “You must show me what you want before I’ll give it to you.”
lek tensed
, not believing his ears. He’d never imagined she would find his sketches, let alone pose as he’d drawn her.
“Where do you want my kisses?” Nadja looked meaningfully at his arousal before turning her eyes to his.
He reached for her again, this time pulling her head forward. Nadja licked the end of his cock. Her lips parted and Olek took advantage. To her obvious surprise, he thrust himself between her lips and groaned in approval. He slipped his wet shaft out, only to run the tip over her lips as she kissed him. Jerking her forward, he plunged between her soft lips.
“Suck,” he urged her.
She did as he asked. He leaned against the door frame, holding her head as he worked his erection back and forth into her wet, hot mouth. Her teeth grazed his shaft and he nearly choked her trying to feel more. Closing his eyes, he lifted his face toward the ceiling in ecstasy.
Olek cried out and pulled her off before losing himself between her lips. He forced her to a standing position. “Lean over the desk.”
Nadja gasped at the rough command, but didn’t deny him. She turned and offered her backside. Olek pushed her down so she pressed flat against the wood. He grabbed her hips and targeted her moist heat with his cock.
Olek didn’t need to check if she was ready to receive him. He smelled the intoxicating perfume of her desire. His ass tensed as he forcefully thrust his hips. He entered her hard and fast, not stopping as the mindless pleasure took over.
Nadja thrashed beneath him. He built her climax, waiting for her to explode before joining her in release. Her body tensed, gripping him so tight he had no choice but to answer the call. He came hard, emptying into her.
As his heart began to slow and his eyes cleared, he pulled back from her. His face had partially shifted and he quickly hid the dragon from his face. Nadja weakly pushed up. That’s when he saw her translator on the corner of his desk.
Wearing only his tunic shirt, he reached over to pick up the translator. “What is this?”
Nadja turned to look at him and then paled. She reached for her shirt and quickly put it on backwards and inside out. “It’s not what you think.”
“I think you were trying to spy on me.”
“All right, so it is what you think,” Nadja admitted, pulling on her pants. “But it’s not for the reason you think.”
“Quit telling me what I think,” he yelled. “What were you doing in here? If you wanted something all you had to do was ask.”
“Oh, really,” she shot back, matching his tone. “I have asked you a thousand times in a thousand ways. What do you do all day, Olek? What’s going on with the Var? Why does the queen think there are spies in the palace? Why do you have to be so damned secretive all the time?”
“No!” she screamed, turning his tirade back on him. Then, blinking rapidly, she crossed out of the office to put distance between them, took a very deep breath, and affected the deadly calm that had frightened him in its coolness when they first met. “I don’t know what it is you’re hiding from me. But, mark my words Olek, I will find out.”
Nadja stormed away from him and he heard her lock the bedroom door.
Olek glanced down at his desk. Picking up his papers from the floor, he sighed. He shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. He knew Nadja wasn’t a spy for the Var. She didn’t even know the Var. He’d just seen the translator and couldn’t help the suspicion. Day and night, they searched their walls for whoever sold their palace blueprints, but with no luck.
He tugged on his pants. It looked like he’d be spending the night on his couch. A shiver worked its way over his body. Damned if his wife wasn’t an enjoyable vixen, even if she did frustrate the hell out of him.