Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition (63 page)

BOOK: Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition
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Chapter 20

lena took
off across the floor, her bare feet pattering as she tried to reach the patio door. She almost made it too, before a strong arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her into the air.

“Oh,” she screamed, struggling as Yusef drew her back into his chest and held tight. She tried to elbow him in the stomach. “Let me go, you stupid dragon!”

Yusef just laughed, as he hauled her kicking and screaming into the bedroom.

“I thought your kind didn’t rape.” In outrage, she flailed wildly to punch him, missing each time at her disadvantaged angle.

He threw her on the bed with a growl. She bounced on the mattress and stared up at him. His strength excited her even as it terrified. Blood rushed through her veins, only to be sped by his dark, piercing eyes as they shot into hers.

“Careful, wife, your words carry you too far.”

“What will you do?” She was too weak to move as she searched his face. Passion warred with survival instinct. She took a deep breath, excited by the sense of adventure she felt. Her life certainly hadn’t been boring since he strode into it.

“I’m going to make you face your passion,” he proclaimed as his gaze bore into her. “I’m tired of the lies and the games. There isn’t a translator invented that could decipher your true meaning in half the words you say. This should be simple to understand. We are married. You are destined to be my wife, and I your husband. I know you desire me as I desire you. I hear your heart beat quicken. I hear your breath catch. I see your eyes linger. And I feel the pull of our bodies as they strain to join.”

“No, I—”She vehemently shook her head in denial.

“Stop. I only need to know one thing from you right now. Do you take off your clothes or do I take them off for you?”

“I don—”

“I said stop,” Yusef ordered, louder. Her mouth snapped shut in surprise. “The only things you are allowed to say to me are that you are sorry for what you did and that you want me. Those are the two truths I would hear you admit. Do you understand?”

Her lips tightened and she glared.

“Do you understand?” He came to the edge of the bed.

Olena growled in response. There was so much promise in him, as if he knew she would easily succumb to his whims. And why wouldn’t he think that? In the past it had only taken a kiss and she was tearing off his clothes.

Well, not this time!

“I’m assuming that’s a yes.” He gave her a very domineering grin. She considered hitting him.

Even in her irritation, her chest heaved in excitement, anticipating the challenge he so boldly issued. Curse him for being right. She did want him. Against everything she’d ever known, she wanted him.

Yusef crawled forward on the bed, his eyes holding hers. Her lips parted, sucking in ragged, panting breaths. He crawled over her, holding himself above her on all fours.

Olena’s lips pressed tightly and she tried to knee his groin. His leg twisted to hold her down.

“I will kick back,” he warned. Olena let her leg drop.

Slowly, he reached forward. A sharpened talon grew from his finger as he reached for her. Olena’s mouth opened wide as she watched his hand. The dangerous claw touched at the base of her throat, lightly circling around the hollow he found there. Her eyes closed. She held perfectly still.

She liked the danger he presented when his eyes flashed and his body shifted. Her heart leapt in her chest, beating erratically as he drew his finger down. Snagging the cotton shirt, he pulled up, ripping the material in a long, slow tear. When he was finished, the shirt fell open to reveal her bare breasts.

Olena opened her eyes. He was licking his lips as he watched her chest rise and fall in rapid succession. She reached for her shirt.

“No,” he whispered as he took her wrists and pinned them together above her head. With his free hand, he made quick work of her shirt, tearing strips from it to tie her hands above her head to the bed. When he finished, he eyed his handiwork in satisfaction. “There.”

“I hate you.”

“Last chance, firebird.” He ignored her low words, as he brought his mouth down to her ear. “Tell me you want me.”

Her jaw lifted in defiance. Her lips pressed tightly shut.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” he chuckled, reaching to nip at her ear.

Olena closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on despising him. It didn’t work. As soon as his lips touched her throat, she quivered.

He kissed his way down her neck, his touch light and airy against her flesh. He let his breath do most of the caressing. His mouth began a haphazard trek along her collarbone, over her shoulder to nip at her inner arm. She shivered in pleasure at the little surprise. Next, he moved down her sensitive side, taking his time. He journeyed across her flat stomach, touching her in ways she’d never imagined. Her body tensed and jerked beneath him.

It was agonizing torture and he had barely even begun to explore her. Olena gasped, arching her back as he made his way from her navel to the valley between her breasts.

Breathing hotly against an erect nipple, he asked, “Do you want me?”

She shook her head, denying him. She didn’t want him to ever stop.

Yusef drew back from her breast, leaving it untouched and wanting. His kisses continued, steaming against her flesh. He leaned back, reaching her hips. His hands were warm as he drew them along her waistband. Meeting in the middle, he untied the laces.

Olena watched him. He slowly pulled down her pants, pausing as he kissed one hipbone and then the other. Qurilixian fashion did not provide underwear and so he met with little resistance. Kissing and licking a hot, wet path, he crawled his way down her legs and drew the pants off her ankles.

“Tell me you want me.” His chest heaved and he threw the pants aside. His eyes devoured her.

She stubbornly refused, shaking her head violently against the pillow. She couldn’t speak. Her breath rasped out in heavy pants. Her throat worked as she tried to swallow.

This time when he touched her, he pressed more firmly to her skin. He ran his hand up her inner legs to her stiffening thighs. A slight moan came from her throat and she bit her lips to keep from crying out as his caress ran up her body. He moved around the curves of her breasts, ignoring the straining nipples.

Yusef worked his legs in between hers. His erection strained to be free of his clothing. Sweat glistened on her body as she tried to deny them both. Her knees bent to weakly rub along his waist.

His mouth near her breast, he said, “Tell me.”

“No. I don’t want you.” The sound of her voice was weak, the tone belying the words.

Yusef took her nipple in his mouth, biting the tender nub and then licking it. Her back arched. Spasms of pleasure jolted through her body at his every touch. Her muscles tensed. He moved his hand to her thighs, stroking boldly up to her center heat.

“Tell me,” Yusef growled, insistent.

“No.” Olena’s hips bucked into his hand and he let her rub against his palm. She was ready for him—wet and hot. He kissed her other breast, giving it the same bittersweet torment. This time she did cry out.

His eyes flashing, he rose up on his hands. It would be so easy for him to take her like this. Their breaths mingled. Their eyes locked in battle. His erection begged for freedom, brushing ever so lightly against her pussy through his clothing.

“Why won’t you admit you want me?” he asked in frustration. “I can see that you do.”

Her body worked restlessly beneath him. Her arms pulled, the muscles bunching as they wrenched against the ties.

“Because I’ll never want you.” Why wouldn’t he just end their torment and take her already?

“Gods’ bones, but you are a stubborn woman!” Yusef pulled away from her, his expression tormented. His arms tensed and she wondered if he wanted to strike her. She knew he wouldn’t. “I won’t force your body if your mind still refuses me.”

Yusef turned, angrily digging through his dresser drawers. He pulled out a formal black tunic jacket and matching breeches. Next, he grabbed a silver belt. Keeping his back to her, he threw off his shirt and put an undertunic on in its place. He changed his pants. Olena watched his glorious body as it was unveiled and then veiled once more. Slipping a jacket over his shoulders, he tied the cloth belt around his waist.

“Where are you going?” she asked, breathless from having watched the little performance of him dressing.

“I was going to take you to a celebration tonight at the palace. But seeing as you have no desire to be my wife, I’ll have to leave you right where you are.”

“What?” This time the ties were too short and she wouldn’t be able to chew her way loose. When she looked at him, she saw that he knew it too. She wasn’t going anywhere. “You can’t leave me like this, knight.”

“Then admit that you want to be with me.” He grabbed her pants, threaded them over her feet and jerked them back over her hips. Grabbing the covers, he threw them over her naked chest. He sat next to her and tenderly touched her cheek. “Come with me tonight as my wife.”

“I can’t. Why can’t you understand that? I can’t want anyone like that.”

“Then why did you marry me?” The question was hard and loud, as he tore his hand away from her skin. He stood, glaring down at her in frustration.

There was a deafening silence as she refused to speak for a very long moment. She forced herself to recognize her position tied to a bed on an alien planet with no one but herself to rely upon. If she was smart, she’d give in and lie. She’d tell him yes and smile and take her sorry pirate ass to a party at the royal palace where she could skim nobles for treasure. Something kept her from saying the words.

Olena’s eyes narrowed as she looked at him. Her lips twisted cruelly. “Because I had to. Because I needed to disappear for a while. I need to find a ship and my crew. Don’t worry, as soon as they come for me, I’ll be out of your life forever. I never intended on staying here with you, Yusef. You’re just some superstitious fool I’m biding my time with on this godforsaken planet until I can hitch a ride out of here.”

It was the truth. The fact she said it surprised her. What surprised her more was the fact that she was sorry for the reality of it.

He looked as if she’d ripped out his heart and stomped on it. There was so much agony in his dark gaze that she instantly wanted to take the confession back. Slowly, he nodded at her—a stiff, regal nod. Without saying a word, he left her tied to the bed.

Olena held deathly still, listening for a sound. She got one. It was the front door closing as he left her.

“That should just about do it, Olena.” She closed her eyes. A bitter laugh escaped her lips. “He won’t want you after this.”

Where she should have felt joy, she only felt excruciating pain. It was a loss much deeper than she’d expected. For the first time in her life since being sold into slavery, she began to cry. It was a wretched, awful sound that poured out of her heart. “I hope you’re happy with your little pirate, Jack. I hope you’re dancing in your grave.”

usef stormed
out of his house as if chased by evil spirits. A hollow pain dug itself a home in his heart, eating away at him. He hoped it killed him. Without Olena, the organ was useless to him. Anything would be better than the centuries he now faced alone.

Keeping a mask over his dark features, he didn’t give anything away. He delivered curt nods and stiff smiles to passing villagers. Seeing Agro, the giant man fell into step next to him. Agro instantly sensed his sour mood, despite the blank expression on the prince’s face. “The Var?”

Yusef nodded. “Olek says they are to be here tonight. He wanted them to witness our happy unions.”

“And the firebird?”

“Burning in hell for all I care,” Yusef said bitterly, storming ahead to the castle gate.

Chapter 21

he common hall
of the Draig mountain palace had steep, arched ceilings with a center dome for light. The red stone floor was swept clean. Banners of the family crest decorated the walls, one for each color of the family lines—purple for the king and queen, black for Yusef, green for Olek, red for Zoran, and blue-gray for Ualan. Each banner had the silver symbol of the dragon boldly woven into it.

These were all the things Yusef had spent years looking at, and even more years looking, but not really seeing, what happened in familiar settings. Now he looked with new eyes, allowing himself the brief fantasy of what it would have looked like to his bride. Would she be impressed by his dragon heritage proudly displayed in each fine detail? Or would she think it amusing and primitive? Or would she think it pretentious and distastefully royal?

Lines of tables reached across the floor for dining, filled with villagers and attended to by servants armed with endless pitchers of various drinks. The murmuring voices could be heard all around him, as the excited Draig people endeavored to get a good look at the princesses sitting at the head table.

Yusef sat alone, much to the onlookers’ obvious contemplation. The queen’s maids had been eager to spread the rumor of Yusef’s sick bride, as they were told “in confidence” by the distressed queen. He had to bow to the cunning of his mother’s subtle touch. She understood the nature of people in a way his gruff father did not.

Next to him, his brother, Prince Zoran, sat rigid and proud. He favored the offworld Lintianese style of clothing, whose influence was seen in his red tunic. Zoran’s face was grim, a normal expression for him, as he was a serious, hard-working person. As the Capitan of the Guards, he was in charge of training the soldiers and leading them in battle. Next to him was his wife, who Yusef had learned was named Pia. She was a quiet woman, who merely nodded at him upon introduction. Her stoic expression matched that of Zoran’s, a strange complement.

In the center were his parents, both regal as they spoke to each other. Beside the king was Nadja, Olek’s wife. She was reserved and, by the looks of her perfectly positioned hair, she was high maintenance. His younger brother Olek was the Draig ambassador. He had an easy way about him, a quick smile and ready laugh. Any peace they had with the Var was of his doing.

Next to Olek was the oldest brother, Ualan. Ualan was the future king. He had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders but he wore it with ease. His wife, Morrigan, had proclaimed herself a slave to purge her honor. It was suspected she also did it to keep her husband’s sexual advances away from her. Though, when she looked at Ualan, Yusef saw that she didn’t entirely dislike his brother.

Seeing Morrigan glare absently at him as she spoke to Ualan, he returned her dark frown. Gods help the people when that sour woman comes to power. Luckily their mother didn’t seem too eager to give up her crown.

Then, glancing to his side at the empty seat, he sighed. From what his father said, all princes were cursed with angry women and unhappy marriages. Yusef knew none were as cursed as he. At least his brothers could bring their brides with them tonight, proclaiming them as their wives for all to witness. He had to leave his frustrating wench tied up at home. It was the only way he could assure she wouldn’t run away from him and get herself into more trouble.

The four princes, the king, and the queen all wore silver crowns of simplistic design atop their heads as a symbol of their sovereignty. The three attending Princesses had just received their crowns. He had been given Olena’s for her. It sat on the table in her absence. He would have it delivered to his wing in the palace.

Yusef turned his attention ahead, ignoring the plate of food set before him. He had picked at it absently, but found he had no appetite. Focusing on the real reason he was there in an effort to occupy his time, and to keep his thoughts from the fiery Olena, he studied a distant table in the back.

A group of silent, blond Var sat solemnly, ignored by most of the hall. Only one servant approached them, hesitatingly filling their goblets. The visiting noblemen held still as the timid man worked.

The largest at their table, King Attor, who ruled the Var kingdom to the south, allowed his gaze to linger on the three princesses as he studied them. Yusef picked up his drink, taking a sip of the wine. The Var king snarled in anger, though the man reigned in his emotion well. Yusef did not like the man’s treacherous presence in his family’s home.

He knew this night was a necessity. It was a show of power to their people, to prove the princes were happily married and thus would produce many royal heirs to secure their lineage. It also showed they had no fear of the Var, daring to invite them into their keep on such a joyful occasion. If Yusef had his way, they’d build a wall around the whole of the planet, separating sides, so he’d never have to look at another cat-shifter again. He was sure the Var felt the same way about the dragons. If they couldn’t live in a harmony, then living in isolation from each other was the next best thing.

A shout of laughter sounded, drawing Yusef from his thoughts. He glanced down and saw the young boy, Heinrich, limping over the floor. He had been born with a bad foot that turned in when he put weight on it. The deformity would keep him from ever being able to perform all the tasks of the most elite soldiers, so naturally it was what the boy wanted more than anything in the world. Heinrich should have known better, as he bravely approached a table of drunken Draig soldiers. Yusef shook his head, knowing what was going to happen before the boy even spoke.

The men chuckled, bidding the boy to do some trick to prove himself. The eager boy hopped on his bad leg, falling over, much to the amusement of the men who only laughed louder. The boy climbed to his feet to do it again. Suddenly, he felt Pia brushing past his back. Yusef blinked in surprise to see her rush to the boy’s aid.

Zoran didn’t move as he silently watched his wife.

Heinrich blinked in shock to see a princess before him and instantly bowed. His position was precarious and he stumbled before righting himself.

“Leave him be,” Pia demanded of the stunned warriors. Yusef sat back, crossing his arms over his chest to watch in curiosity.

“What do you want with Heinrich, my lady?” a burly soldier with a beard asked. “Does he offend you? I will have him removed.”

Pia shook. “
does not.”

Leaning toward Zoran, Yusef said, “I don’t think your wife understands that Heinrich is being put through his paces to prove his worth as a soldier. Perhaps you should stop her and explain before she makes a scene.”

A grin curled the side of Zoran’s mouth, though the man hid it well. “Perhaps you’re right, brother.”

“My lady,” the confused warrior defended, not understanding what he’d done wrong. “The boy knows we mean no harm. Don’t you, lad?”

Heinrich nodded his head. He understood perfectly well. He too was confused as he looked at the princess.

“See,” the man said.

“Yeah,” added another drunker warrior with a pockmarked face. “He thinks to become a warrior, don’t you, boy?”

The men laughed good-naturedly. Zoran stood, stepping leisurely around the table to fetch his wife.

“Well, I am a princess,” Pia announced, “and he will be my personal warrior.”

The hall was stunned. Heinrich’s mouth almost fell to the floor at her declaration. Yusef took a drink, trying not to laugh. Now here was a woman he wanted nowhere near Olena. With Olena’s creative mind and Pia’s temperament, the entire kingdom would be in trouble. Thinking of his wife tied to the bed, his laughter died in his chest and the grin left his dark features.

“If my lady wishes for a warrior,” the bearded man said. “Let us battle for the position. Do not insult us by naming a boy.”

“Let us have a tournament,” a warrior yelled.

A shout of agreement came from the men eager to do battle for such a coveted position.

“Do you dare to question a princess?” Zoran stated so loud his voice boomed over the hall. The onlookers instantly fell silent in respect.

“He is my warrior too!”

Yusef flinched. It was Olek’s wife, Nadja.

“And mine as well!” Morrigan said.

Yusef sighed. He was suddenly very thankful Olena wasn’t there. He wasn’t sure he wanted her around any of these crazy females. She was already crazy enough without company or encouragement.

Zoran glanced at his father and shrugged. “There you have it. You cannot deny the wishes of three princesses. Heinrich is now under royal protection and will be treated according to his new station.”

The warriors growled and looked darkly at the boy whose chest was puffing up with his new authority over them. Yusef shook his head. Zoran was going to be in for a lot of trouble after this incident. Seeing the men’s faces, he hid a smile. There might even be a small rebellion later that night.

Zoran lifted his hand and motioned the musicians to start playing. Pia told Heinrich to come to the table. She looked at Yusef expectantly and then to the empty seat beside him. Yusef glanced at Zoran, shrugged, and moved over so the boy could sit beside Zoran. Pia waved a servant to bring the boy a plate.

The boy beamed up at Yusef, who in turn nodded wearily back at him. Now that the commotion was over, he stood to join the musicians so he could get closer to the Var. The blond warriors were getting restless.

Smiling cheerfully, Yusef motioned for a
. The man willingly handed it over, having played with the prince often. Not losing his look, Yusef pretended to pay more attention to the livening crowd, than to his watchful task.

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