Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition (86 page)

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As soon as the servant left, Yusef stood and went to join the musicians. They handed him an instrument and he began to play, paying more attention to the livening crowd than to his task.

Zoran saw Pia looking at him from the corner of his eye. She shifted slightly closer to him. He hid his smile behind a long drink.

Chapter 26

he feast was cleared
and after-dinner drinks were poured aplenty. The Draig were much freer with their affection than most humanoid cultures. They openly kissed and caressed their lovers as if it were no big occurrence.

After the commotion died down, Zoran glanced fully at his wife. She was staring at him. Her hazel eyes were wide in what he could only guess was an emotion akin to respect or adoration.

Pia bit her lip and leaned forward. Zoran tensed, feeling her hand hesitantly creep onto his thigh, her long fingers curling lightly around to the inside. Leaning her head down, she whispered to him, “Thank you for saving the boy. I couldn’t stand to see them treat him so poorly just because he’s different.”

Zoran wanted to chuckle, but held back. Heinrich had been treated exceptionally well, by the very fact that the burly men had given him attention. He had a feeling that, after his wife’s intervention, the boy wouldn’t be so well received by the bitter warriors, who were insulted by Princess Pia’s actions. Undoubtedly, he’d have to front the money for a tournament and have a real warrior picked amongst them. He wondered if he would get permission from his father to compete.

However, as he felt her willingly touching him and saw the very tender, almost vulnerable way she was looking at him, he didn’t care. Let her have her delusion. He would gladly suffer any number of her public misconceptions and faux pas in order to keep that soft look on her beautiful face.

The musicians kept playing. The quiet Yusef strummed with them on a
, and proved himself quite up to the task. Someone sang in the Qurilixian language. It was a beautiful ballad he’d heard often in his youth.

Zoran glanced down to where the couples were beginning to dance. He reached over, lightly touching her cheek. Instead of answering, he said, “Dance with me.”

Pia tensed. She shook her head in denial. “I can’t dance.”

“It’s all just movement,” he urged, taking the crown from his head and setting it on the table. He took hers off as well. His eyes dipped over her red dress and his tone lowered. “I’ve seen you move. You’ll do fine.”

Before she could again protest, his hand met hers on his leg. Standing, he pulled her up and led her around the table to the dance floor. The villagers turned to watch the royal couple with pleasure before turning back to their conversations.

Zoran bowed to his wife. Her head didn’t move, but her eyes looked nervously around to see if anyone stared. Still holding her hand, Zoran lifted it to the side, cupping her fingers around his, and drew forward to wrap his hand about her waist. Pia shivered beneath his warm fingers.

“Put your hand on my arm,” he whispered, his slight grin hiding what he was saying from the crowd.

Pia obeyed. She wrapped her fingers around his large biceps, and he pulled her slightly closer to his chest, so he could feel the press of her brushing up against him in whispering caresses. Her lips parted with a quick intake of air.

“Now just move lightly. Follow my lead, as if you were trying to sneak across the floor unheard.” Zoran’s eyes dipped to her mouth, tempted, but he restrained.

Pia nodded.

Zoran began to slowly move. She was a wonderful student and easily took his instructions. Pia stared into his eyes, as if oblivious to anything else. He felt her heart beat wildly against his chest.

Zoran grinned, dipping her back. He was pleased when she didn’t tense, trusting him to hold onto her. Pia relaxed completely into his arms. Zoran pulled their extended arms in close and slowed his steps by a small degree, though still keeping time to the music. Zoran’s arm ran up her back, urging her head to fall forward to his shoulder as he held her closer. To them, there was no one else in the room.

ing Llyr looked meaningfully
at his queen, nodding to Zoran and Pia with pleasure. The queen smiled to see them. For a moment, he was captured by his wife’s smile. He loved her more with each passing day, though he hardly saw how such a thing was logically possible. Princess Pia reminded him of his queen when they were younger—a bit wild and strong-willed, perhaps a tad reckless. He wouldn’t change a single thing about his queen, so he found himself reluctant to order Pia to alter her ways.

“They’ll be the first to give us grandsons,” the king said knowingly so no one else could hear him. An unruly wife was just what the prince needed. Zoran was too serious. He ran his life like he ran his military. He needed a little conflict at home to loosen him up and add smile lines to his tense, sober face.

The queen’s smile lifted at that. “They will be fine dragons. Look how beautiful our children are in love.”

oran swung
his wife in a wide circle. Catching Yusef’s look from the corner of his eye, he followed his brother’s stare. He turned Pia around to look at the head table. King Attor was there with his Var warriors addressing his father. He danced closer, trying to hear what was said. Pia snuggled into his arms, sighing contentedly, completely unaware.

“Many blessings on your unions,” King Attor was saying. “May your reign be long.”

“As may yours, King Attor,” his father said. King Llyr stood to show a respect Zoran knew his father didn’t feel.

Zoran turned his wife again. Pia looked up in surprise at the sudden shift of movement. Zoran winked at her and dipped her across his arm. When she came back up she was smiling at him. However, her smile fell when she saw the serious look on his face. The cat-shifter warriors walked out the side door.

Yusef ended his part of the song early and passed his instrument back to its owner, who took up immediately where the prince had left off. No one noticed the change as the dancing continued. Yusef followed the warriors out of the common hall.

“You can go if you want,” Pia said softly, watching Zoran’s face.

Zoran gave her his full attention. A wide grin came to his lips as he swept her into a spin and brought her crashing lightly back into his arms. Leaning over without missing a step, he kissed her throat beneath her ear, causing her to shiver. “What I want to do is to dance with my beautiful wife.”

Pia stiffened slightly in his arms at the compliment. Zoran drew back only to see her gaze had once more guarded itself against him. The song ended. Pia took a step out of his embrace.

“Maybe we should sit down,” she said quietly.

Zoran was unwilling to let her leave the dance floor, but there was nothing he could do about it. He guided his hand to her lower back and led her to her chair.

As Pia sat, the queen smiled at her. She nodded stiffly and turned her eyes down to her plate. She rested her hands in her lap.

Zoran saw his mother’s expression falter slightly. Queen Mede so desperately wanted to connect with all her new daughters. Zoran was ill-equipped to facilitate feminine relationships so he stayed out of the matter.

The king nodded at him in approval. Zoran automatically placed his crown back on his head, leaning to do the same for Pia. He wrapped his arm around her waist to draw her to him.

“Pia,” he began in question, wondering what was wrong.

Pia glanced up at him, but she didn’t have time to answer.

Zoran glanced down as Agro came to the head table, stepping up and quietly speaking to the king. Zoran stood, coming around to hear what he said. Pia watched them, but she was unable to understand what was said.

“Your son is alive, but Yusef has been attacked,” Agro said. “I brought him to the medical ward. The doctor sees to him.”

The queen’s breath caught lightly but she held her expression calm. “Attacked? How?”

“Stabbed,” Agro said. “He was not shifted.”

“Stabbed in human form,” the queen whispered. That was much worse. His dragon skin would have protected him better than soft human flesh.

“King Attor?” Zoran asked. Worry for his brother filled him, but he took his cue from his parents and did not show his emotions. There was no reason to alarm the palace without more information. Alarm would lead to chaos, which would make his job in discovering what happened all the harder.

“I don’t think so,” Agro said. “At least not directly. Yusef would not have turned his back on the king, and it happened as he escorted King Attor out of the keep and off Draig land.”

Yusef had been stabbed in the back in human form? Zoran resisted the urge to shift and run after the cat-shifter king. Politics be damned. He was going to rip King Attor’s throat out.

“I want to see my son,” Queen Mede said to her husband. “Take me to my son.”

The men nodded and Zoran came back to his wife.

“What’s happened?” Pia asked.

It took everything in Zoran to smile at her. “Keep your expression calm, wife, but there has been trouble with the Var. Yusef’s been hurt. I have to go. I’ll have one of the men take you back to the house.”

“I want to go with you.” Pia gravitated closer to him. “I can help.”

Zoran raised a hand to touch her cheek. To those who watched they looked like a loving couple.

“No.” His hard eyes bore into her with concern.


“Lean into me, Pia,” Zoran commanded. His eyes dipped naturally to her lips. His hand fell to her arm. “We can’t let anyone see that we’re worried.”

Pia obeyed and he was glad for it. Her face came close to his. She felt his breath stirring over her lips as he spoke. Her eyes naturally closed, as if waiting for his kiss, and not really caring that they were being watched.

“I need you to promise me you will go back to the house and wait for me,” Zoran said. “I don’t want to worry about something happening to you until I know how bad the threat is.”

“Nothing will happen.” She slid her hand onto his thigh to rest. He possessively touched her waist.

“Pia,” Zoran insisted. His lips whispered closer and she shivered. “Promise me.”

Her eyes opened and she looked into his. Slowly, she nodded. Zoran relaxed.

The king and queen had stood and were walking behind them. Zoran felt his mother’s hand on his arm, urging him up. He glanced at her then back to his wife. Pia nervously glanced away.

“Heinrich can take me back,” she said. Zoran moved to stand and her hand tightened on his leg. “Try to hurry.”

Zoran’s eyes softened and he nodded. He took up his mother’s arm, pausing only long enough to give Heinrich the gruff order. Heinrich’s young face turned very serious and he nodded solemnly.

ia wanted
nothing more than to run after Zoran and demand he let her stay with him. If Yusef was hurt, what was to stop someone from attacking another prince? It took every ounce of her strength to stay behind.

As soon as Zoran was out of the hall, Heinrich stood and turned to Princess Pia.

“My lady.” The boy bowed. “I’m to escort you back to your home.”

Pia nodded seriously at him. Standing, she let him escort her from the hall, ignoring the irritated stares from some of the drunken warriors.

Chapter 27

s soon as
they were clear of the hall, Zoran and his parents ran for the medical ward. Agro hadn’t been able to tell them much more. The man seemed fairly confident that it wasn’t the king and his ambassadors who had dealt the blows, but the Var were not dismissed as suspects in the tragedy.

Hearing Yusef howl in pain, Zoran’s stomach knotted in outrage. None of them had thought the Var king would dare to be so bold. It had been hard not to run out of the common hall when Agro told them of it.

At the doctor’s order, Agro helped pin Yusef to the bed so the doctor could see to the thrashing man’s wounds.

Ualan and Olek joined them and automatically stepped in to relieve Agro of his position. Agro backed away from the bed, his face strained. Yusef had fought hard, but he’d lost a lot of blood, and was weakening quickly.

“They stabbed him in the back. He didn’t have time to shift,” Agro said to Ualan and Olek.

The king nodded to the loyal man and commanded, “Agro, gather the trackers and see if they can’t pick up a scent.”

“I’ll lead them myself,” Agro declared. Shifting into his fearsome Draig form, he took off down the hall with lightning speed.

“My wife,” Yusef groaned from the bed, nearly incoherent.

Zoran waved one of the guards over. The man had blood on his tunic and it was clear he’d helped carry Yusef to the medical ward. “Get to the Outpost and gather my brother’s wife. Be discreet and tell no one what happened here tonight. Don’t shift unless there’s trouble and do not tell her what is happening. Leave her to us. We will deal with her.”

The guard nodded in complete understanding.

Hearing Olek, Zoran turned his attention to his brothers. Olek was also bidding someone to go after Yusef’s wife.

“I’ve taken care of it,” Zoran broke in. He waved the guard away to do his bidding. Moving forward to watch the doctors, he frowned. “They are getting her right now.”

ia followed
the silent Heinrich down the red passageway. If anything happened, she was sure she would end up protecting the young boy instead of vice versa. Feeling her side, she lifted her arm and tried to stretch the sore muscle. She just hoped it didn’t come to that.

“Here you are, my lady,” Heinrich dutifully announced. He turned to stand guard outside the door.

Pia ordered the door to open. Then, looking at the young boy ready to fight to the death for her, she studied him seriously.

“Maybe you should come inside and wait with me,” she suggested.

“A soldier does not run from danger, my lady.” Heinrich lifted his jaw proudly. “I will stand my post.”

Pia nodded, though secretly she thought it adorable that he was taking his new position so seriously. “Would you come inside, for me?”

Heinrich looked at her, his stubborn expression set.

Before he could deny her, she added, “Please, Heinrich. Prince Zoran is gone and I’m sure to be scared in this big space by myself. You would be doing me a great service if you would come inside and keep me company.”

Heinrich debated.

Pia lowered her tone and wrung her hands lightly. “This door will surely hold anyone off who tries to get in. And, if they do get past, well then, I have you inside to protect me. So, please, come in. I would feel so much better with a man in the house.”

Heinrich nodded, unable to fight the female logic. She could practically read his reasoning on his face as the boy decided. He knew well men were supposed to protect women and this woman was a princess. His duty was twice as important. He walked in ahead of her.

“Maybe you could have a look around and make sure it’s safe,” she whispered.

She smiled when Heinrich nodded. “Stay here, my lady.”

She waited patiently by the door as Heinrich made a great show of inspecting the entire house, disappearing into the different rooms. Pia eyed the oak door, knowing no one was getting through it. Seeing the hole she’d dug in the wall, she frowned. She really should fix that.

“All’s clear, my lady,” Heinrich announced.

Pia let loose a long sigh of relief for his benefit. “Thank you, so much.”

She walked to the kitchen. Taking the awkward crown off her head, she set it on the counter. “You wouldn’t happen to like sugared biscuits, would you?”

She poked her head out of the kitchen. Heinrich’s smile of excitement was all the answer she needed.

“Why don’t you have a seat at the table and I’ll get some?” Moving her skirt aside, Pia hopped onto the countertop and grabbed Zoran’s hidden bag. Climbing back down with much less grace, she procured a plate and dumped some out for the boy.

When she came out of the kitchen, he was sitting eagerly at the low table. Pia gave him the plate and smiled at him. “I am told these are royal cookies made by the queen. Only the most special are allowed to eat them.”

Heinrich hesitated only briefly before eating in enthusiastic silence. When he finally spoke, he asked, “Why did you pick me to be your warrior?”

“Don’t you want to be my warrior?”

“Well, yes, of course, my lady,” Heinrich said. “But usually the position is fought for in a tournament. The others will be a little upset because of it. They are better suited and deserve the chance.”

Pia shrugged. “I’ve found someone is always upset no matter what you do in life. So what if their feelings are hurt. They’ll get over it.”

Heinrich nodded. “I haven’t trained yet. I think I should before taking this position.”

Pia eyed him thoughtfully, amazed at the boy’s logic.

“If you don’t want me to leave your service, I understand,” he said. “But I think the soldiers were getting ready to let me try out for them. They were giving me a test of strength tonight to prove I was worthy.”

“Is that what they were doing?” Pia saw the earnest look on the boy’s face and instantly understood that the men hadn’t been picking on him. They were performing some barbaric rite of passage to see if the boy was ready to join them.

“You speak very wisely, Heinrich,” Pia said. “Well, stand up then. Let me see what you can do. If you impress me, I’ll speak to Prince Zoran about you. I’ll request that you begin training immediately. But, mind you, you must work hard. If you are to honor my family’s name, I expect the best out of you. And, when your training is complete, you will take your place as our personal guard.”

“Yes, my lady,” Heinrich said. He was instantly on his feet, standing at attention.

“Stay here,” Pia said. “I wish to see you with a sword.”

“Yes, my lady,” he obeyed, standing at full attention.

Pia went to the exercise room, hiding her smile. Retrieving a small sword, she came back and eyed Heinrich. “Do you know how to use this?”


“Before I give it to you,” she said with authority, “I’ll teach you the very first lesson about being a fighter. It doesn’t matter how big or small you are. If you are confident in your ability and can strike fear into your opponent that’s half the battle.”

Heinrich nodded.

“Now, let me see your scariest face,” Pia said, a smirk starting to curl her lips.

Heinrich growled. The boy’s features shifted. His young skin turned dark beneath his clothes, hardening with a natural armor. His eyes yellowed. A line grew out of his forehead to push forward to create a hard plate of impermeable tissue over his nose and brow. Sharp talons grew from his fingers and short fangs poked out of his mouth.

Pia gasped, not expecting a literal change. Automatically holding up the sword, she stumbled away from the snarling boy. He growled louder, the sound too fierce for such a young child. A scream worked its way from her startled throat. All traces of the boy were gone, disappeared into the visage of a monster.

Heinrich, clearly thinking it was a test, roared louder, coming at her. He gave her his most menacing look.

“Back, Heinrich!” Pia yelled. She gripped the sword not wanting to hurt the child, but she couldn’t physically fight off his fangs and claws if he tried to attack. If he lunged for her, she wouldn’t have a choice. She would have to defend herself.

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