Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher (21 page)

BOOK: Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher
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Shivering, she peered nervously from left to right and scanned the edge of the precipice for any sign of the spiders. Fighting a wave of debilitating exhaustion, she leaned unsteadily against the rock wall.
I hope nothing else will go wrong in this godforsaken place. Lumos was right—using such power is exhausting. Goddess, I will not be able to fight again for a while.
Her teeth chattered uncontrollably. Through the howling wind, she caught a noise from inside the cavern. She spun around with a hand raised in defence. Lumos walked out of the gloom towards her, his dusty, dark hair whipping around his face in the wind. She stumbled towards him and fell into his arms.

“Little one, you are safe… It’s over.” Lumos held her close to his chest and stroked her back. “Come inside out of the storm. Don’t worry, everything is under control. Pyro will see to the horses.” He held her away and his gaze raked over her in concern. “Gods, you look awful. What happened to you out here?”

Thalia had hardly recognised Lumos. Red dust and debris covered him from head to toe. The blue shimmer usually surrounding him had diminished significantly and his eyes, goddess, had lost their luminosity.

“Me?” She cupped his face. “I watched you fight. I’ve never witnessed so much magyck. You’re exhausted. Tell me, what must I do to help you?”

“This is a magyck realm, sweetness. The storm alone will replenish our powers in a few minutes.” Lumos squeezed Thalia’s plump buttocks. “Now tell me what happened here. I thought a dragon had landed—the entire mountain shook.”

“The s-spiders, gods, they were coming up the ravine.” Thalia buried her face in Lumos’ neck. “I used dark fire, but this time it was different—stronger. Lumos, look over there. I destroyed half the plateau.”

“I’m so proud of you. Don’t worry, I asked the Nightdragon to boost your magyck to keep you safe. The power of the dragon is sometimes overwhelming, but you’ll soon adjust.” Lumos lifted her chin. “Sometimes, it’s good to have a dragon. Can you understand that now, butterfly?”

Thalia stared into his deepening emerald gaze. Goddess, he wore his heart in those deep pools. She smiled and caressed his face.

“The Nightdragon is you, Lumos, a part of a whole, and yes, I do understand.” She sighed. “The spell, aye, it was different this time. I think we need to talk. I want to know how to control dragon power but not now. My head is filled with the horror of those disgusting spiders.”

The clatter of horses’ hooves and Pyro’s voice echoed through the cavern. Thalia turned in Lumos’ arms to greet Pyro’s cheery smile.

“That was close. The storm is raging outside.” Pyro narrowed his eyes at Lumos. “Look at the pair of you. Don’t you know the fresh and clean spell? Come here and I’ll clean you up.”

“We’re fine, thanks, and yes, I am familiar with that spell, but my first priority was Thalia’s safety.” Lumos stood away from her and inclined his head. He regarded her closely. “There, is that better, little one?”

Thalia giggled. Lumos’ magyck had spilled over her, cleaning her from head to foot. “Aye, thank you, but I doubt I will ever repair the damage to you, Lumos.You are orange from head to foot.”

The air around Lumos shimmered and he stood in perfect order, grinning down at her like a monkey. Thalia flared her nostrils to inhale Lumos’ warm, masculine scent. The delicious aroma wrapped around her in a sensual hug. At once, her womb clenched, dampness seeped into her folds. Her mind filled with the luscious memory of his heat buried deep in her ass, the slide of his huge bulk over her shattered nerve endings. His mouth twitched into a smile, as he rested his attention on her breasts. Thalia did not have to look down at her shirt to know her tingling nipples were straining against the fabric.

“You do that so well.”

Lumos gave a throaty growl.

She met his sultry gaze. “I mean the fresh and clean spell.” She coughed. “I’m so thirsty. Do we have any water left?”

“Yes, Pyro replenished the water. I’ll have to teach you that spell, too.” Lumos led her into the cave. “We may be here for some time. Pyro knows this realm well. He said these sandstorms can last for hours.” He pulled her close. “We’ll eat and wait out the storm. This cavern goes way back inside the mountain and there is a rock pool just around that bend.” He pointed down a dark passageway. “It would be a perfect place for us to spend the night if necessary.” He nuzzled her cheek. “You smell so delicious that I can almost taste your arousal.”

Thalia slipped her arms around his waist. “Mmm…that would be nice, but Pyro would hear us. I’m not sure.”

“Don’t deny me the chance to love you.” Lumos brushed the hair from Thalia’s face. “You are changing, sweet butterfly. Your skin is like mine and soon your ears will become pointed but you require more of my seed to complete the change.” Lumos smiled down at her. “Pyro told me to make sure you were content. I’m ignorant about such things and, having no father to consult on the matter, I asked Pyro. He understands your needs…our needs.” He stroked Thalia’s hair. “I can’t wait to see your wings—will they be the colour of autumn leaves?” He groaned. “Then I’ll taste your lips and sink my cock deep inside your hot, little pussy. Gods, Thalia, I can’t wait.” He bent his head to suck on the mark on Thalia’s neck. “You want me, too, don’t you, sweetness?”

Thalia melted against him, wanted him. Gods, she was addicted to him, his scent, and the glorious taste of his seed. With a moan, Lumos rubbed his hard shaft against her. She cupped him. Under her palm, his massive dick strained against the skin of his pants. In a gentle caress, she scratched her nails up his swollen shaft.

“You know I do. I’m just embarrassed. I know I’ll scream when I climax.” She glanced up at Lumos. “Does that happen to all females…the screaming?”

“Many make a noise during sex. I believe this is natural but this desire you have for me is the beginning of the mating heat. Gods, your screams drive me crazy—in a good way. I love your little sobs of joy, too, and knowing that you scream in ecstasy for me.”

Juices poured from Thalia’s throbbing core. Her clit tingled with lust. “Last night and earlier today when we…um… When we…” Her face grew hot. “It was different, more exciting. I found myself inside your mind. It was as if I experienced your joy the moment you spilled in my mouth. Is that possible?”

“Yes, this happened to me, too, and nothing so intense has ever happened to me before, either. I experienced a blending of sensation as if we were of the same body—it was incredible.” Lumos chuckled. “Now I know why mated couples never part. Sex would never be the same with another. In fact, as far as I know, after mating there is no desire for any other than a mate.”

“Excuse me, but we should eat before… Well, before you two retire for the night.” Pyro strolled towards them and dropped the bags. “By my estimation it’s late afternoon. This storm isn’t going to let up any time soon, so we had better get some rest.” He took a small roll of fabric from the saddlebags and dropped it onto the ground. Immediately, the bundle grew into a pile of bedrolls. “I’ll light a fire here and get some food organised. Perhaps you should camp by the rock pool.” He tossed two bedrolls at Lumos. “We’ll get a few hours’ sleep while we can. If the Shadow Walkers are going to attack, they will in Trill, so we’ll need our rest.” He bent down and made a circle from the rocks strewn around the cave floor. “We also need to discuss a plan of action for crossing Trill.” He waved a hand and a dancing fire appeared, the orange flames licking out from a small fireball.

Thalia moved away from Lumos and bent to stroke Brew. The cat had wet marks all over his coat from attempting to remove the dust.

“Look at your fur! You look like a ginger tom cat.” She brushed the red powder from the cat’s ears and face, then cast the fresh and clean spell over him. Straightening up, she met Pyro’s gaze. “I’ll help with dinner.” Thalia reached into the saddlebags. “The spell you have to make things so small is amazing.” She glanced up at Lumos. “Why didn’t you teach me this spell? It would have saved us dragging all the supplies up the mountain.”

“Unfortunately, you didn’t have command of your powers at the time and, even now, using the miniaturising spell on a living creature is very dangerous and one small error will cause death.” Lumos shrugged. “You have a lot to learn about magyck, butterfly, and some spells cannot be rushed.” He turned and sauntered deeper into the cave.

Placing a small group of items on the ground, Thalia watched Pyro closely. The Fae hardly twitched a muscle and the pots, pans and supplies grew back to normal size. She lifted her chin.

“Tell me about the realm of Trill. What dangers await us there?”

“The realm, as I remember it—but that was many centuries ago—is much the same as most of the green realms.” Pyro poured dried meat and a selection of vegetables, herbs, and spices into a pot of water. “Green realms are those most like the Nomag realms, with green grass, blue sky, one sun and moon.” He handed Thalia a kettle and a bag of fragrant tea. “Trill is the home of the Boars. Those men are barbaric, and their highest currency for trade is females.”

“Fortunately for us, they are slow and a little dim-witted.” Lumos dropped onto the sandy floor beside Thalia. He pulled plates and cups from the saddlebags. “Although the Boars are not our worry, we’ll have to be on our guard for attacks from the Shadow Walkers.”

A cold chill slivered down Thalia’s spine. “Tell me about these Shadow Walkers.”

“They are not one race or being.” Pyro stirred the bubbling pot that hovered by magyck over the fire. “They are a collection of lost souls, those stuck in the void between earth and purgatory. They are under the control of dark magyck, the Magus and others of his kind.” He glanced at Lumos from beneath hooded eyes. “We have no alternative other than to take the main roads and use the population for cover. The best way to remain hidden is to act as travellers going from town to town.”

“Aye, and avoid using Fae magyck to attract the Magus’ attention. It is most likely the Shadow Walkers will attack us in the city at night. If we travel by day we may avoid them altogether.” Lumos rubbed his chin. “Then again, they are unpredictable creatures. Gods only know what orders the rotting beasts have from the Magus.”

“How can the dead rise up and cause harm?” Thalia heated the water by magyck and scooped tea into the kettle. “Are they the same as vampires?”

“No, these beings are flesh and blood, and can be killed, although, unlike other beings, Shadow Walkers turn to dust at the instant of death.” Lumos arranged the plates in a line. “But they have strange weapons. They can move at incredible speeds and carry thin swords… No…not swords… Metal whips that cut a body to the bone.”

“They also have the ability to blend into the scenery much in the same way as a lizard changes its skin colour to blend in with the surroundings.” Pyro scooped the stew onto the plates. “This is why they have the name ‘Shadow Walkers’—they move unseen in the shadows.”

“And, unfortunately, our dragons have no way of detecting their presence. We have to fight them in Fae form. Swords are our best weapons against them. Only decapitation will turn them to dust.” Lumos pulled a face. “They wear a shield of sorts woven from dark magyck. As Pyro mentioned, they are difficult to see in the dark, almost invisible. We must always be on our guard, as the Shadow Walkers may attack at any time.”

Thalia swallowed hard. Her hands trembled. She gripped the handle of the kettle until her knuckles turned white. Drawing a deep breath, she poured the tea, keeping her head lowered. She schooled her expression. How could she allow the Dragonfae males to know of her fear? She must be strong.

A cold shiver ran down Thalia’s spine. “So how can you fight what you can’t see?”

“How do you know if a storm is coming?” Lumos reached for a cup of tea.

With a shrug, Thalia lifted her head to meet his green gaze. “The wind brings the scent of rain.”

“And the Shadow Walkers bring the stench of death.” Lumos grimaced.


Chapter Fifteen






The Magus cast the spell over the scrying bowl and waited for the image to appear on the water’s surface. After all his effort, the damn Dragonfae had survived the poisonous spiders. He pressed his palms on the table, on each side of the bowl, and listened intently. The Dragonfae had no idea he could scry them at will through Thalia’s eyes. His fragile blood connection with Thalia had easily crossed the barrier she had constructed. However, now it would seem that Lumos had suspicions about Thalia’s dark magyck and the girl’s true heritage. Yet, had the Dragonfae divulged his knowledge to the witch? The Fae had protected her and planned to take her to Drakka as his mate. This move was either foolish or extremely wise.

The Magus rubbed his chin. Did Lumos really believe he could transform the witch into Fae and use his dragon to control her dark magyck? He chuckled. The Dragonfae would be dead well before he found out the truth of the matter. The witch had only one-quarter Elf blood—the Dragonfae was a fool. The dark side had the advantage. Once in danger, the witch would unconsciously call on her stronger side—the dark magyck—for protection. The Magus smiled broadly. Yes, this child of the Underworld had already used her inherited power not once, but twice.

Lucifer, how well Thalia had harnessed the dragon magyck and used it to kill. That alone went against the Dragonfae creed. The fools thought negotiation the better way to fight a battle rather than to spill blood. How easily he had befriended the Dragonfae. The damn self-righteous idiots could not understand his deceit and had no antidote for his potion. He laughed aloud. To think they actually believed he wanted to denounce Lucifer and embrace the goddess Cymbeline. The Dragonfae had welcomed him warmly and had offered him protection. He could not believe how easily he had gained control of so many of their young dragons.

The Magus smiled into the gloom. Yes, the witch may have succeeded in keeping him from influencing her thoughts but not from his scrying bowl. He smiled at the domestic scene before him. If the idiots believed they could outwit him by travelling through the cities in daylight, they were sorely mistaken. The Shadow Walkers already waited in Trill for the Dragonfae. The sandstorm he had conjured had given him plenty of time to set his army in strategic positions.

BOOK: Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher
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