(Dragonkin) Dragon Rider (50 page)

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Authors: C.E. Swain

Tags: #Fantasy, #Epic, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: (Dragonkin) Dragon Rider
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Alazen (A-la-zen) (Elvin Warrior)

Alenvale (Alen-vale) (Home of Kiler, Javen, and Feran) Alezium (Alez-ium) (Strongest and Rarest Metal in the Lands of Magic)

Aliseain (Aleze-e-in) (Wife or the Western Regent) Anrivar (An-ri-var) (Home of Caladon and Banadar) Argnon (Arg-non) (Seat of the Western Regent) Arnoran (Ar-nor-an) (The Evil Mage King)

Avren (Av-ren) (Second in Command of Brigand Camp)

Bailen (Bail-en) (Owner of the Gray Goose in Alenvale) Banadar (Ban-a-dar) (Prince of Anrivar)

Belorin (Bel-or-in) (Regent of the Eastern Realm) Borlund (Bor-lund) (Regent of the Northern Realm) Brannor (Bran-nor) (Capt. of the Western Realm) Brandt (Brandt) (Capt. Of the White guard)

Brinden (Brin-den) (Seat of the Royal Steward) Brylen (Bry-len) (Son of the King of Davinly) Caladon (Cal-a-don) (Prince of Anrivar)

Chanry (Chan-ry) (Adapted son of Menimeth) Chidren (Chi-dren) (Commander Of the Brigand Army) Chrisanna (Chris-anna) (Oldest Daughter of Falendor) Corlindum (Cor-lin-dum) (Capital of the Regents)

Dalem (Da-lem) (Captain Of the Kings Guard) Danorathin (Danor-athin) (Dragon of Menimeth)

Dansig (Dan-sig) (Capital of the White kingdoms) Darik (Dar-ik) (Supreme master Dragon Mage) Darious (Dare-e-us) (Ancient High Priest of Glansford)

Da'Thinagul (Da-Thin-a-gul) (The Dragons Tooth) Da'Thinfekal (Da-Thin-fek-al) (The Dragons Claw) Da'Thintahar (Da-Thin-ta-har) (The Dragons Heart) Davinly (Dav-in-ly) (Home of Brylen)

Delena (De-lena) (Daughter of the Northern Regent)

Dem'Kulvog (Dem-kul-vog) (Pass into Kraudgov) Dem'loran (Dem-loran) (Pass Through the Shimmering Mountains)

Donderan (Don-der-an) (A Dwarf Lord of the Purple Mountains)

Donner (Don-ner) (War-Horse of Menimeth) Dorben (Dor-ben) (Scout of the Lost Cavalry) Dralessa (Dra-les-sa) (Daughter of the Eastern Regent) Dranella (Dra-nel-la) (Daughter of the Southern Regent)

Drathinvar (Dra-thin-var) (The Dragon's Retreat, City of peace) Eoavin (E-o-vin) (Elvin Scout)

Fagerin (Fage-rin) (Spy for Beloran)

Falendor (Fal-en-dor) (Regent of the Western Realm) Farlin (Far-lin) (The Owner of The Red Falcon) Feran (Fer-an) (Commander of the 2

Finor (Fin-or) (Capt. Of Avren's personal guard)

Fracher (Fra-cher) (Commander of 2

Frothing (Froth-ing) (Southern most Town in the Southern Realm)

Garavin (Gara-vin) (Commander in the Dragon Guard)

Gareon (Gar-e-on) (Captain of Anrivar) Gaston (Gas-ton) (Commander of Chidren's Cavalry)

Dragon Guard)


Gek'Drajen (Gek-Dra-jen) (Master at the Temple of Darkness)

Geovin (Ge-o-vin) (Co Owner of The Dragons Nest) Glansford (Glans-ford) (Dragon Rider Capital) Glendale (Glen-dale) (Home of Menimeth) Grayling (Gray-ling) (largest River in the Western Realm)

Griblund (Grib-lund) (Land of the Lost Cavalry) Grif (Grif) (Thief and Murder)

Grimmen (Grim-men) (Seat of the Eastern Regent) Haverton (Haver-ton) (Northern most Town in the Northern Realm)

Hobie (Ho-be) (Youngest Son of the Northern Regent)

Imlador (Im-la-dor) (Widest River in the Dragon Empire)

Javen (Ja-ven) (Commander of the 1 Guard)

Katherim (Ka-ther-im) (Great Lake Between the Empire and the East)

Kebren (Keb-ren) (Oldest Son of the Northern Regent)

Kraudgov (Kraud-gov) (City of the Dwarves under the Purple Mountains) Kyler (Ki-ler) (Commander of the 3

Landris (Lan-dris) (Son of the Southern Regent) Larenal (Lar-e-nal) (Elvin Scout)

Latrelarn (La-tre-larn) (Western realm of the Elvin Kingdoms)

Litlorn (Lit-lorn) (Son of Loran, King of Latrelarn) Lorchant (Lor-chant) (Home of Darik)

Magdrin (Mag-drin) (Seat of the Southern Regent) Mareston (Mar-es-ton) (Commander of the Brigands in the South)

Marna (Mar-na) (Woman from Frothing)


Dragon Guard)

Menimeth (Me-nim-eth) (King and Dragon Lord) Mirena (Mir-ena) (Co Owner of The Dragons Nest) Mithendral (Mith-en-dral) (The Great Mother Dragon & The Lands of Magic)

Netera (Ne-ter-a) (Princess of Anrivar) Osgrad (Os-grad) (Port City on Lake Kathirem, in the South)

Quinly (Quin-ly) (Captain of the Southern Realm) Ranjgin (Ranj-gin) (Dark Elf and Student of Gek'Drajen) Rantinel (Ran-ti-nel) (Elvin Scout)

Rayden (Ray-den) (Commander of the Lost Cavalry) Rivervale (River-vale) (Town Beside the Grayling River) Rylee (Ry-lee) (Thief and Murder and Spy for Avren)

Saesic (Sae-sic) (Son of the Western Regent) Sangrivol (San-griv-ol) (Captain of the Eastern Realm) Semeon (Sem-e-on) (Royal Steward and Stenographer) Tanier (Tan-ier) (Owner of the Small Shop in Corlindum)

Tarkrin (Tark-rin) (Scout for Gaston)

Thadric (Thad-ric) (Regent of the Southern Realm) Tharien (Thar-e-en) (School of Magic in Lorchant) Traver (Tra-ver) (Owner of the Wayward Traveler in Venteno}

Tukhal (Tuk-hal) (Commander of the Garrison at Corlindum)

Ungon (Un-gon) (Mage of Arnoran)

Valiny (Val-in-e) (Son of the Eastern Regent) Venteno (Ven-te-no) (Seat of the Northern Regent)

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