Dragon's Blood (6 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Book One of the Cruentus Dragons Series

BOOK: Dragon's Blood
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“I want to go see Athena tomorrow before we leave,” Scarlett told Janos as they snuggled together on the couch in the room Levi had given them to use. The ‘room’ turned out to be a suite much bigger than Janos’ hotel accommodations. Once everyone had left them alone, Janos had sat on the couch in the sitting room and pulled Scarlett to sit beside him.

She trailed her fingers over his thigh, her body humming with the same need that had driven her to act without reason earlier. They were both being civil and talking rather than falling on each other in bed. It was torturing her. She wanted Janos over her again, caressing her and roughly claiming her body.

It was in complete opposition to her beliefs about women and their rights. Janos caught her hand. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Athena is the only family I have left.”

“You’ll see her again. Once you’re changed—”

“But not before her wedding, the most important day of her life. It will be in public. At the church.”

“No. I told you our enemies have no regard for the presence of others. They’d strike you down without a thought, even if there are thousands around you to see it happen. I won’t put you in danger that way.”

Scarlett sat up and turned to look at him, her body protesting the distance with a painful twinge through her womb. “It seems to me that’s my decision.”

Janos faced her. “It ceased to be your decision when you came under my care. The fact you’re my mate, the
of the Cruentus Clan’s elder, cements that.”

She had a thought—or a hundred—about that crap, but she didn’t share them. It was one thing to submit to him in bed, but it was quite another to hand over all her rights. He had another thing coming if he thought she’d stand by and let him take over her life. It was bad enough she’d been forced to hide and sacrifice so much of her career.

What’s does that mean?” she asked, her voice sharp. She got up and stalked to the white marble fireplace across from them, her belly twingeing painfully again. Her back to him, she pressed a hand over the pain. No. She would not be ruled by her pussy. She was a thinking, reasoning human, and in this day and age, living by instinct was foolhardy.


“Tell me!” She gripped the mantel beside a figurine of a woman and a dragon. Not wanting a reminder of her situation, she shifted her gaze to the inside of the fireplace. A coat of arms was carved into the back wall, another dragon featured in the design. She closed her eyes. Would she find dragons suddenly etched there, too? They seemed to be taking over her life, and she didn’t like it at all.

“It means mate, lover, consort…wife,” Janos answered her as she struggled with her emotions.

“I’m not those,” she said. “Don’t call me that.”

Silence filled the air between them, Janos’ measure to contain and suffocate her obstinacy, but instead, it stoked her anger. She bit back a moan as the agitation sent blood into the tissues of her pussy, further arousing her as they swelled with her constant and unwanted need. She bit her lip to draw her attention away. It didn’t work, and frustrated tears burned her eyes. She blinked them back, refusing to cry.

“You’re overwrought,” he commented. “We should go to bed.”

“I’m not a child, so don’t treat me like a kid who’s up past bedtime. I’m an adult, and I can make my own decisions.”

Her words brought him to his feet and across the room to her. “Stop this. I know this is a difficult transition for you, but you
be my
in all ways. Even now you are mine.” He lifted her arm and matched his to it, showing how the two designs became one. “It is ordained.”


Dropping her arm, he pulled her against his chest. Immediately, her nipples peaked at the contact. A zing of arousal shot from the knotted tips to her creamy folds. Her womb tugged, and the wet evidence of her arousal filled her pussy, pushing her need higher with every movement.

Still, when Janos tried to kiss her, Scarlett shied away. The fire thrumming through her veins meant nothing. She could so easily surrender to him again and appease the desire torturing both of them, but wouldn’t that be akin to agreeing he was right? She was his to order about? This wasn’t the middle ages. She had rights. Growling, Janos released her and swung away. He swore under his breath. She didn’t understand the language, but she had no trouble deducing the words were curses. The tone and cadence made that perfectly clear.

He locked the suite’s door and pocketed the key. “I’m going to bed. Join me when you’re ready to act like an adult, and hopefully tomorrow, we can start on a better foot,” he grated. “Don’t worry, I won’t force you to have sex with me. I might be a Dragon, but I’m not an animal.”

Not sparing her so much as a final glare, he went through the double doors to the bedroom, shutting them with far more grace than she would have. No doubt, he wished he was with Levi and Jonah and the bevy of women Levi had promised. She’d kill him if he even thought about it.

There lay the infuriating crux of the matter. She wanted him. Platonically, sexually. It pleased her to think of standing by his side—by his side,
behind him. Not under his thumb.

Confused, frustrated, still angry, she sank down on the hearth and rested her arms on her knees. The design on her arm seemed to glow like a beacon in her peripheral vision.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
she thought.
I’m his mate whether I like it or not.
But he needed to know she wouldn’t docilely roll with whatever he decreed, even if his dominant behavior turned her on a little. Okay, a lot.

Damn it.

Sliding off the marble hearth, she curled into a ball on the plush carpet and stared up at the coat of arms at the back of the fireplace. One arm curled over her breasts while the other reached down between her thighs, covering her vulnerable spots as she tried to convince herself she’d be fine in a little while. If she stayed strong, her body would stop this insistence to couple and she could get back to being herself.

* * * *

Scarlett woke in bed with Janos leaning over her.

“You were moaning,” he told her.

“I need you,” she said, reaching for him.

“Saints, Scarlett. I need you so much,” he gasped. He surged into her arms, claiming her mouth and slipping between her thighs. She bent her knees, opening her legs further for him and groaning when his cock pressed to her drenched folds. Obviously, he’d taken off her clothes when he’d brought her to bed. A niggling of her earlier anger whispered that she should be pissed, but she shoved it away. She wanted him right now. It was what
wanted. It was a side benefit that he wanted the same. They’d discuss logistics later when her body wasn’t screaming for him.

He grabbed her hips then paused, staring down at her. His lips parted slightly as he sucked in breaths. For the first time, she glimpsed vulnerability in him. It clutched at her heart and filled her with guilt over what she’d done and what she planned to do. His fingers tightened. “Please tell me you’re awake and you know what you’re doing.”

Oh God.

She squirmed from his grasp, coming to her knees in front of him. Her hands framed his face, her thumbs tracing his bottom lip. “I’m awake, and I know what we’re going to do. I want to. I meant it… I need you.”

Leaning into him, she covered his mouth with hers and kissed him as tenderly as she could with lust screaming through her. They ate at each other’s mouths, tasting, drinking in the unity of their destinies. She caught his lower lip between her teeth. Slowly, she released him as fire blazed in his eyes. Her mouth trailed over his jaw to his ear.

“And I want you to take me really hard.” She smiled at the resulting growl low in his throat. Her trail continued to his shoulder where she nipped at the tendon connecting to his neck. His flesh was so hot beneath her tongue, and she wanted him even hotter. Her body undulated into his as she tasted him.

“You like pulling the tiger’s tail, don’t you, baby?” he said. Reaching between them, she grasped his cock and slid her palm along his thick length. “Mmm…I thought I was pulling the dragon’s tail. Am I in the wrong bed?”

She ended up on her back with that.

“You want the dragon?” he grated.

“I want you.”

“Turn over. And on your knees.” He helped her turn then yanked up her hips and shoved her shoulders back down. Illicit shivers raked over Scarlett as she gripped the edge of the mattress. She groaned as Janos planted the head of his cock against her slippery folds.

“You’re so wet, baby,” he said. “You like the fighting?”

“Been like this all day” she panted. “Every minute with you makes me more and more aroused until it’s almost painful.”

“It’s our bodies demanding we mate and I change you,” he told her. “It won’t stop until then. It’s nature’s way of ensuring the race continues.” He reached beneath her and rubbed her flat belly. “I can make you feel better.”

His hand moved lower, slipping along her pussy and pushing inside to flick over her clit. She gasped, her fingers and toes curling. “You’re making it worse. Just…just fuck me, Janos!”

“Mmm…I like when you talk like that.”

He dragged his lips along her spine, settling them against her lower back. His hands shifted to frame the tattoo there—a set of stylized black wings that spanned the width of that area. “You have wings, too,” he murmured. “Let’s see if we can make them move.”

She gasped as his cock surged forward, lodging deep inside her. His balls slapped against her clit.

“More,” she begged. Her forehead pressed to the mattress as she shuddered at how well he filled her. Her womb contracted, trying to pull him deeper, and she canted her hips toward him. He remained still, his fingers tight on her waist to hold her in place. Did he know the cataclysm wailing through her? Was this punishment for the fight? Did he plan to make her suffer?

“Janos, damn it!” she swore.

He chuckled. “It’s so good the way your body clasps me. You feel so damn perfect. Your sweet cream flowing over my cock.” Slowly, he started an easy pistoning. “The way I can slide in you, so tight but so welcoming. Made for my cock, my

His. Mate. Future. No matter how she protested, their futures were entwined more tightly than their bodies were now.

“Yes,” she whispered into the bed. Being held immobile by him while he had his way notched up her arousal to a roiling boil. With each drive, he rocked her body and her tight breasts swayed against the sheets. Sizzling reaction shot to her flooded pussy with each scrape.

Faster and faster he moved, shoving deep inside. Janos was claiming her. Branding

her as his. She’d have it no other way, but she’d always fight to be his equal, not just his mated sex slave—though right now, with his cock making purposeful digs into her g-spot, she’d be whatever he wanted her to be.

Tomorrow was soon enough for a fight.

Her back arched as she tried to relieve some of the tension balling up in her groin. Her breasts pressed to the mattress, and small tremors started in her channel, growing stronger and wider with the promise of release. She hovered on the edge of fulfillment, her body pausing, reaching, almost finding the euphoric oblivion held just beyond her grasp…

Janos stiffened behind her, his hips shoving hard into her. His fingers bit into her as he groaned, and she soared over the edge. She was barely aware of his hot cum filling her as she screamed his name or that as her orgasm dragged her into mindless pleasure, Janos leaned over her and dug his teeth into her shoulder. She sank into the bed. His welcome weight blanketed her and as she tumbled back into sleep, she hoped for night after night of the same pleasure.

Chapter Five

Janos still slept deeply as Scarlett moved about the room, dressed and ready for escape. Temporary escape. She was not leaving without seeing Athena. Regardless of what Janos said, this could be the last time Scarlett saw her, and as dangerous as it might be, she was going.

While she left the shower running in the other room, somewhat masking her actions, she edged the key out of Janos’ pants pocket. She paused, looking at him. Her body instantly reacted, and she steeled herself against climbing back in bed with him. He seemed dead to the world now, but she was sure she could easily wake him. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. No. She had to see Athena. There would be time for Janos later. She grabbed his black hoodie from the top of his bag and slipped it on. His fresh, masculine scent enveloped her. She inhaled, drawing it into her like an elixir of strength. Truthfully, she was more concerned about escaping Levi’s compound than she was of being outside. She’d successfully hidden for seven years. She could manage a few hours. The danger would be in returning here. Janos wouldn’t take this well, and she didn’t suppose she’d be back before he woke.

Mindful not to jostle anything, she picked up her purse then crept to the door of the suite and let herself out. Carefully, she shut the door, turning the knob so the latch wouldn’t click loudly into place. She let out the breath she’d held. Part one accomplished. No one was about as she hurried down the hallway, braiding her hair as she went. From the vampire lore she knew and the Dragon information Jonah had given her, she suspected this was when all good Dragons slumbered—just as she should be since Janos had kept her up most of the night and she’d only slept for short bits at a time. It would work to her advantage.

From the shadows of the passage, she surveyed the cavernous entry hall. It, too, was deserted. The lack of people unsettled her even as it thrilled her. She almost expected a

security contingent—or worse, Janos—to come thundering at her. Gritting her teeth against that fear, she scurried to the front door. She hoped that the magic Janos had mentioned was sufficient for the Dragons and they hadn’t invested in a complicated lock or alarm system. She paused for a moment and removed the small note she’d written from her pocket. After setting it on the table, she pulled up her hood and tried the door. It opened easily, without myriad alarms wailing her escape, and with a grateful sigh, Scarlett stepped outside. Part two accomplished. Now to find a way to Athena.

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