Dragon's Fire [PUP Squad Alpha 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Dragon's Fire [PUP Squad Alpha 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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In the past week the three of them had explored the dynamics of their physical relationship together. But it had been her role as submissive that had given them all the most satisfaction. Just like that first night together, submitting to her men felt more right than anything else she’d experienced in her life. It wasn’t a passive role. She’d spent many hours learning how to please them both, but it was the freedom of following their orders, of knowing exactly what they expected that had been the most surprising. Despite the BDSM romances she’d read, Ava had never really expected to find the sort of contentment she found here between her two men.

“Lean over the back of the armchair,” Nathan ordered.

She shivered in anticipation. Two nights ago they’d taken turns spanking her to orgasm in that very same position. She’d been completely exhausted by the time they’d finished, and she’d very literally fallen asleep in their arms. It had been the first time both men had stayed the whole night in her bed.

Nathan caressed her ass cheeks, his hands warm and soothing, harbingers of the heat to come. But it was the touch of cold lube against her back hole that had her trying to stand up. Brody controlled her easily, pressing his large hand against her spine until she stopped fighting them and relaxed once more.

“We’re going to take you together,” Nathan said as he pressed a slippery finger into her ass. She clenched around the invasion, the unusual pressure slightly uncomfortable. She groaned, clamping her muscles harder when he tried to add a second finger. “Relax,” Nathan ordered sharply.

The word “no” escaped her before she could pull it back. Nathan left his finger where it was, but leaned over and asked, “Are you using your safe word, Ava?”

Was she? A part of her wanted to run terrified in the opposite direction, but she’d trusted her men so far, and they hadn’t let her down. It wasn’t fair to doubt their ability to take her together without hurting her.

“No, Sir,” she said in a clear voice, trying to convey all of her trust in those two small words.

“Good girl,” Nathan said as he began moving the finger in her ass once more. She forced herself to relax, almost smiling when Brody caressed her neck and spine in long sweeping motions. When Nathan pushed a second finger into her ass, stretching her tight muscles almost to the point of real pain, she squeaked in panic but managed to stay still. “Breathe, baby.” Nathan waited for her to drag in a deep breath and exhale several times before he poured more lube on the crease of her ass, and worked it gently into her back passage. Nerve endings she’d never even noticed flared to life, heat pulsing outward as her pussy and clit throbbed in time with her heartbeat.

Nathan removed his fingers, quickly replacing them with something round and smooth. It was too small to be his cock, but way larger than the fingers he’d just removed. He slid the thing around, caressing what felt like a soft plastic cock over her anus a few times before working it past her tight ring of muscles and pushing it into her body. For a moment all she felt was discomfort, not quite pain, but certainly not pleasure either.

But as she relaxed, as she held still, her body adjusted to the plastic’s invasion and heat sparked through her system. Even without moving, the full feeling, the naughty, forbidden aspect of what they were doing, and what they were going to do, worked through her brain. She moaned, almost in relief, when Brody lay down on his back and Nathan lifted her onto his hard cock.

Nathan held her close, easing her slowly onto Brody’s erection. With the thing in her ass, everything felt tighter. She gasped, her body too slow to adjust, but both of her men proved she’d been right to trust them. Brody eased away. Nathan lifted her up. They both caressed her softly, lovingly, waiting for her to signal when she was ready.

She nodded, biting her lip to stop the groan, the overfull feeling suddenly taking on a completely different feel. She nodded again, squirming in their hold to claim more of Brody’s thick cock. He grinned, helping Nathan lower her slowly until he was finally, fully seated in her pussy.

They reversed the action, moving slowly, lifting her away, and then lowering her once more. She nodded, a litany of yeses escaping her as they gradually built the pace. Nathan moved back, his hands caressing her ass, no longer holding her up, letting Brody fuck her slowly. As he built a rhythm, the amazing sensations curling through her wound tighter, dragging her closer to ecstasy.

Nathan started moving the thing in her ass, thrusting in counterpoint to Brody’s ever-increasing speed, the new sensation drowning her in need. She wanted. She needed. She damn near screeched as he withdrew the soft plastic and replaced it with his cock.

Brody held still, his breathing harsh, one hand tangled in her hair, the other pressed between her shoulder blades, holding her down, trapping her for their attentions, keeping her safe. Nathan pushed in slowly, caressing her spine, retreating slightly before working his way further in. She was vibrating all over, every muscle screaming for release, her heart, mind, and soul shattering as her world narrowed to these two men, only these two men.

“Please,” she said on a whimper, her words no longer censored, her need for them overwhelming.

And then they started moving, slowly at first, finding their rhythm, speeding up, thrusting harder, pushing her need higher. They held her there, in an agony of need, caressing her gently, teasing her mercilessly, loving her unceasingly, and finally…
letting her explode into orgasm.

She cried out as her release went on and on. Every nerve ending sparking, twisting, screeching as her orgasm crested and threw her into complete oblivion.

Chapter Five


Ava grabbed the biggest coffee mug she could find and headed for the delicious-smelling caffeine hit, but just like the past three days, her stomach rebelled. She stepped back, trying to control the nausea that threatened to empty her already empty stomach.

“Still feeling off?” Brody asked with obvious concern.

“Probably just a stomach bug.” She knew she was possibly lying, but she wasn’t quite ready to voice her suspicion out loud—not even to herself.

Yet Nathan had no such restraint. “Maybe you’re pregnant. My sister went off coffee every baby.” He actually seemed more excited than freaked out, but Ava couldn’t quite convince herself that now was good timing. Love took time to grow, time to develop into something permanent, something stable, something more solid than the “getting to know you” part of a relationship. Despite how close she felt to both these men, and even as appealing as it was to have a family with these guys sometime in the far off future, she found herself looking for reasons on why she couldn’t possibly be pregnant.

“We’ve been using condoms,” she said reasonably. Well Brody hadn’t been, but since he wasn’t compatible in a reproductive sense, that didn’t really count.

“Condoms fail,” Brody said with a grin as broad as the one Nathan was wearing. Hell. Apparently she was the only one who could see the problems they would face by becoming pregnant this early in their relationship.

“That’s right,” Nathan said excitedly. “It says so right on the box. And there was that first time. We didn’t use a condom then.”

Ava rolled her eyes. She clearly remembered that night, and even though Nathan had been inside her, he hadn’t actually
inside her. Of course, it took only one sperm to make a baby and there were usually of few of them in the pre-cum—more than a few of them if she remembered high school sex ed. She almost laughed out loud when she recalled that particular warning in the same pitch and tone of the teacher who’d taught the class. He’d droned on and on in a hypnotic, monotone voice that surely meant his students slept through most of his class. But still even she’d been awake for that warning.

Could she be that…lucky?

A small bubble of excitement curled through her, the thought not fully formed, the worry set aside for another day. What if she were pregnant? Nathan and Brody seemed more than happy for them to start a family now.

Brody pulled her into his embrace, kissed her soundly and then said one word—drugstore. He walked into the backyard, opened a jump vortex, and stepped through.

Nathan took her in his arms, squeezing her tight, almost bouncing with excitement. It was very premature to be this enthusiastic, but that “knowing” skill that she seemed to have developed kicked in again, and she suddenly knew without a doubt that she was pregnant.

She was about to share what she “knew” when the truth of her baby’s parentage slammed her, and she wobbled at the knees. She heard Nathan’s voice as if he were talking through a long tunnel, and then everything went dark.


* * * *


“Welcome back,” a soft female voice said in the darkened room. “You have every man on the block completely freaked out.”

“What happened?”

“You fainted. Want to tell me why?”

Ava finally managed to focus her eyes on the woman sitting on the bed beside her. Memories of the thoughts that had formed in her mind a moment before she passed out clambered through her mind once more. A baby. She was having a baby.

“I’m pregnant,” she said with a small smile.

“That we know,” Kali said with a soft laugh in her voice. “What they want to know is why you swooned like a frightened maiden.”

“Did not,” she said, the words almost a perfect mimicry of the kids she used to teach.

Kali just folded her arms and waited for Ava to get over her childish behavior and tell her the real reason. But then that annoying skill kicked in again and she realized something else. “You already know.” Kali nodded. “How is it even possible?”

“Now that’s one thing I don’t seem to know the answer to. It’s like the information is incomplete.” She made a frustrated sound. “I know your baby is Brody’s. Just like I know that I can have Alex’s children. Fire demons, dragon-shifters…none of them are compatible with human reproduction. It shouldn’t be possible, but somehow I
it is.”

“Me, too,” Ava said as her hand seemed to move of its own accord and rest protectively over the life growing inside her. A smile curved her lips as she remembered that first night with Brody and Nathan. Brody had seemed so sad that they wouldn’t be able to have a child together. She couldn’t wait to see his face when she explained what had happened.

“Well, come on,” Kali said as she stood up and offered Ava her hand. “Brody bought a pregnancy test. Let’s make this official.”


* * * *


Brody paced the length of the small room. When Ava had collapsed, he and Nathan had damn near panicked. It didn’t matter that they were both highly trained, resourceful, experienced soldiers, when it came to the woman they both loved, fear for her had nearly crippled them both. How could they fight an unseen enemy? He’d almost opened a vortex to the nearest emergency room, but not knowing the effects of jump travel on a human fetus had stopped him cold. Nathan had her in his arms, ready to put her in the car and drive to the nearest hospital when Kali had walked in the front door.

She’d taken over immediately, ordering them about. He’d bristled at first, annoyed at Kali’s timing, but then Ava’s eyes had fluttered open for just a moment, and he’d finally been able to breathe again. Sense had kicked in, and he’d realized that Kali, with her unexplained “knowing” skill, would know what was going on. The fact that she seemed unconcerned for Ava’s health went a long way to calming his own overactive imagination.

So now he paced the floor waiting for Ava to wake up. Alex and Ronan waited with them, but fortunately neither man felt the need to fill the silence with empty platitudes. It was just as well. Brody wasn’t sure he wanted to explain to his boss why he’d beaten his fire demon squadmate and the owner of Deeks Security into bloody pulps. It was way better that they stayed silent.

Finally the door to the bedroom opened, and Kali came out wearing a big smile. “She’s awake and wants to talk to you both.”

Brody was grateful for the words, but he’d had every intention of barging into the room whether Ava wanted to talk to him or not. A quick glance at Nathan showed the same determination. He heard Kali’s soft laugh as he firmly closed the door behind them.

“Ava?” Nathan said in a voice filled with emotion. He knelt on the floor beside the bed, his hand lifting to tuck the soft curtain of her hair behind her ear. “Are you okay, baby?”

“More than okay,” she said with a reassuring smile. She held her hand out to Brody, and he quickly joined her on the bed. She shuffled over to make room for Nathan. Brody very carefully placed his hand over her belly. Ava smiled and nodded, but a tear slipped from her eyes before she could hide it.

“Ava?” Brody asked, feeling his heart squeeze tightly. Was she unhappy to be having their baby?

“That’s a happy tear,” she said with a watery smile, “but there is something I need to tell you both.”

“What is it, Ava?” Nathan asked with a worried smile. “You know you can tell us anything.”

She nodded. “I…um…you know the way Kali and I sort of know stuff but don’t know how we know stuff? Well, we both know something about the baby that you need to know.”

Chapter Six


Now that the time had come to say the words out loud, Ava found her throat closing over. Nathan was obviously excited to be having a baby together, and with humans not being compatible with dragon-shifters he would expect the baby to be his. Would he turn away from them when he learned the baby was Brody’s?

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