Dream Date (35 page)

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Authors: Ivan Kendrick

BOOK: Dream Date
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Kellan pulled up at the hotel. Amanda looked up at it, wondering what Nathan was playing at.

Why would Nathan ask to meet me at a hotel room? If he’s after what I think he is, he should prepare himself to be disappointed.

“Thanks, Kellan. I’ll take it from here. You can find parking while I go up.”

“Will you be okay, Amanda?”

“Sure,” she said, smiling at him. She then stepped out of the car.

Amanda walked to the receptionist.

“Hi,” she said, flashing a bright smile. “Someone is waiting for me in room 512.”

The woman, looking dazzled, checked the records. Without asking Amanda her name, she nodded and gave her a key card.

“Thank you.”

“Have a great night,” the receptionist said, her voice full of implications. Amanda’s eyebrows furrowed.

After a short elevator ride, Amanda emerged into the fifth floor. It didn’t take her long to find the room she was looking for. Amanda was about to knock, but she decided not to. She inserted the key and walked in.

The room was dark.

Wrong room? Or hasn’t Nathan arrived yet?

That’s when Amanda noticed the rose petals. She stared at them in suspicion.

This is too soon. Nathan wouldn’t try to seduce me so desperately. He’s no Hilbert.

When Amanda had received a note from Nathan, asking her to meet him at the hotel, she’d been skeptical. Kellan sensed the note might be a trap…except that it had been written by hand. Amanda had only seen Nathan’s handwriting once, but she was sure the note was bona fide. The page on which the note was written was even like the one where he’d written his phone number after rescuing her. So she decided to meet him.

Amanda followed the trail of petals, not thinking of calling for Nathan. She stopped at a door.

Amanda was about to open the door when she heard voices inside. There was also music…the kind of melodies meant to make love to.


“Shhh. Now’s not the time for words, my love.”

Even over the music, Amanda recognized the first voice as Nathan’s. He was in there with Kayla.

What the hell are they doing in there?

Amanda continued listening, unable to make herself interrupt whatever was going on. There was a sort of tapping sound on the floor, as if someone was walking (or dancing) on high heels. Then someone, presumably Kayla, clicked their tongue.

As she stood there, Amanda noticed that the door was ajar. She stood there, debating.

Should I take a quick peek?

Amanda peered carefully through the slit. Just as she looked into the room, she saw something red fly through the air and disappear from her line of sight. Then she focused on the direction it had come from. Amanda almost gasped when she took in the scene in front of her.

Kayla was naked except for expensive red panties and matching Sergio Rossi high heels. Nathan was sitting in a chair…being treated to a striptease.

“Breathless yet?” Kayla asked, leaning over Nathan as if tantalizing him with her assets.

Nathan didn’t say anything. The music continued. Amanda couldn’t stop watching, even though she already wanted to run from there. She turned her back on the door and put her hand on her mouth.

“I’m only getting started,” Amanda heard. It was Kayla again. After hearing something getting swept across the floor, there was no more tapping.

Taking another peek, Amanda saw Kayla grinding her back against Nathan.

That’s it. I can watch no more.

Amanda took off, being careful to be silent until she was back on the hallway outside the room. Then she ran to the elevator, trying to keep the tears from running down her face. She wasn’t going to cry over something that hadn’t been hers to begin with.

Kellan saw Amanda as she stormed out of the hotel entrance. He rose up and followed after her.

“Hey,” Kellan called, hurrying to keep up with her. “Amanda, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she snapped without slowing down. “Take me back to the apartment. Now!”

“Yes. But you’re going the wrong way.”

Amanda stopped so suddenly that Kellan almost ran into her. She turned to face him and put her hands on her hips. Taking the cue, Kellan led her to his car.


Nathan didn’t know how to refuse to give Kayla what she wanted. He felt that it should probably be his last night with her. However, Nathan’s loyalty to Amanda was making him unsure of what to do.

Kayla moaned her pleasure as Nathan leaned above her on the bed. He was avoiding kissing her on the mouth, but she didn’t seem to mind. Nathan was just making out with her, holding back a lot. It didn’t take him long to realize that he just couldn’t be with Kayla as if they were still dating. It wouldn’t be fair to her, or to Amanda.

After his thoughts started to overwhelm him, Nathan lay on his back on the bed next to Kayla. She had her arms over her head as if rejoicing, even though Nathan hadn’t come close to making love to her. He looked at her. Kayla’s chest was bare, and her eyes were closed. She was very beautiful, but unfortunately Nathan couldn’t love her anymore. Not the way she wanted or deserved.

Kayla opened her eyes and turned her head to look over at Nathan. She looked blissful. She then moved to place her arm around Nathan, resting her head on his chest. He trembled, hesitating to place an arm around her back. Nathan did it anyway, resting his hand on her skin.

“I knew you still love me,” Kayla muttered, closing her eyes again. Nathan said nothing.


Nathan woke up early the next morning. He squinted, checking the clock on the wall.

Jeez. I’ve got to get to school. I should have returned to my dorm last night instead of sleeping with Kayla.

Nathan looked over to the side of the bed. Kayla was still asleep, covered with the bed sheet. She was facing towards him.

Kayla was spooning.

Nathan hoped Kayla still wasn’t harboring hopes that they would be together again. He got out of bed with as much carefulness as he could. When he was standing, he looked at Kayla. She hadn’t even stirred.

After getting dressed, Nathan walked over to the living room. He sat on the sofa and then pulled a pen and a small notepad out of his pocket.

To think it was Kayla who got me on the habit of never getting caught without this stuff on me.

Thinking about a fitting message to leave, Nathan started to write on the first blank page he found in his notepad. After finishing, Nathan tore the page out and left it on the coffee table.

Goodbye, Kayla
, Nathan thought, looking towards the bedroom where she still slept. He sighed, sure that he was making the right decision. Nathan then left the room, without even making Kayla breakfast. The message he wanted to send was very clear.




Amanda had enormous trouble sleeping the previous night. Kellan had to suggest to Grayson that he should give her a sleeping aid. Kellan didn’t want Amanda’s school performance to be affected by a night without sleep.

When Amanda emerged from her bedroom, Kellan took one look at her and his face blanched.

“Yes, I know I look dreadful,” Amanda said simply, going straight to the kitchen for breakfast. Although the sleep aid had worked, Amanda had woken up with dark shadows under her eyes and awfully tangled hair. Kellan was surprised he didn’t see a pigeon perched there.

“I took the liberty to make you some coffee,” he told Amanda, following her. “I felt you would need it.”

“Damn right. You’re a savior.”

“If there’s anything you need, just ask me.”

Amanda looked at Kellan. The look on her face was forlorn, devoid of energy, and heartbroken.


Kellan and Amanda had breakfast in silence. She was eating her food halfheartedly. In the time she finished with a couple of bites, Kellan had finished half his plate.

“I’m sorry for what you saw yesterday,” he said.

“Don’t be,” Amanda told him, not looking up. “You didn’t do anything. I was just a fool to think Nathan really cared about me. He just wanted me because he thought I’m prettier than Kayla.”

“He doesn’t strike me as a jerk.”

“You know better than most that looks can be deceiving.”

“It must have been a misunderstanding—”

“I saw them! They were there. Kayla was doing a freakin’ striptease for Nathan. He didn’t look like he would rather have been someplace else.”

Kellan was silent for a moment, thinking things through.

“I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised Kayla wasn’t letting go of Nathan without a fight. They haven’t been together for long, but they seem like they have known each other for years.”

“This shouldn’t even have been my fight. I set myself up for disappointment. I knew our relationship would go nowhere, and still I went blindly into it.”

“Don’t punish yourself so hard, Amanda,” said Kellan, reaching across the table and taking her hand. She didn’t pull it away. “Be less harsh.”

Amanda closed her eyes, trying hard to keep from crying. She then stood up, her plate of food left unfinished.

“Let’s get ready to go to school now. I woke up late enough.”

A little over half an hour later, Kellan walked to the student center after leaving Amanda in class. As he read a book, he heard his phone ring. He answered it.

“This is Hughes.”

Good morning, Mr. Hughes. I’m Marissa Velásquez.”

Kellan recognized the name right away.

I didn’t catch you at a busy time, didn’t I?”

“No, Ms. Velásquez. What is it you want to talk to me about? Did Amanda give you my phone?”

No. It was Jonathan.”

Oh, the fitness trainer.

“I see. How may I help you?”

I want to talk about Amanda.”

Kellan waited for Marissa to proceed.

Jonathan told me that she’s been unhappy lately. That she’s pushing Nathan away because she may pose a threat to him. What does that mean?”

Kellan took a breath.

“I don’t know about her being a threat to him. I think it’s the other way around.”

Nathan’s hurting Amanda? No, he wouldn’t.”

“Trust me. She had a rough night yesterday. Nathan requested her to meet him. What does Amanda find when she accepts? That he’s still with his girlfriend. I didn’t think he was jerk enough to rub it in her face, but that’s what he did. Now Amanda’s heartbroken.”

Marissa exhaled.

No way. Nathan wouldn’t do that to Amanda. He’s in love with her.”

“What a great way to show it.”

There must be a mistake. That doesn’t sound like Nathan at all. I know him.”

Kellan didn’t reply. He was angry.

“I suggest you talk to him, then, and ask what the hell he’s playing at.”

Marissa shook her head.

I want to talk about what Jonathan told me, please. How could Amanda be dangerous to Nathan? Tell me. I’ve thought about it, and concluded that you and her other guard are there for a reason. You don’t protect Amanda just in case.”

Kellan avoided gasping. Marissa seemed to be very intuitive.

“What do you want to know?”

You tell me.”

Kellan stood up and walked out of the student center. He didn’t want to talk about it in public.

“If I tell you this,” Kellan began, “is only because I’m worried about Amanda, and so you can let Nathan know to consider her feelings before playing with her heart.”

I’m listening.”

“You are right. Amanda needs protection around the clock because there is someone who threatens her. We believe there’s only one person, but there could be more.”


“One of them is her talent agent. The other remains unknown. Grayson is starting to investigate.”

So he’s the danger, then.”

“Yes. This man wants Amanda for himself.”

Marissa pondered over the news.

“I don’t see how this guy could be such a big threat.”

“Amanda doesn’t trust him much. She doesn’t want to risk him kidnapping Nathan or something.”

“God forbid! Do you think he might?”

“I think he could go that far.”

“Oh, dear.”

Kellan looked around to make sure he was still alone.

“By the way, what makes you think there’s someone else besides this guy that wants to harm Amanda?”

“Someone sent a couple of thugs after her. When we went to question him, he seemed to be telling the truth. So Grayson is now trying to find out who sent them.”

“I hope it doesn’t become too dangerous.”

“Me, too.”

Kellan sighed, wishing Amanda were safe.

“Okay, Mr. Hughes. I’ll let you go.”

“All right. Take care, Ms. Velásquez.”

 “I will.”

“Have a good day,” Kellan replied, and hung up.


Kayla woke up, finding herself still at the bed in the hotel room. Dazed, she yawned and wondered what time it was. Then she realized Nathan wasn’t lying next to her.

Where is he?

Standing up from bed, Kayla put on her clothes as she walked by them on the floor. She sniffed the air, hoping that Nathan was just making her breakfast. Last night had been like a dream. Kayla felt like there was still a possibility she and Nathan could remain together.

Kayla walked through the living room area, seeing that everything was as it had been last night. She looked at the clock on the wall. She had half an hour to get to class.

When Kayla looked over at the small kitchen in the side of the room, she saw Nathan wasn’t there. She frowned, wondering where he’d gone to. Kayla then went to check the bathroom. It was empty.

He can’t possibly have left me here by myself as if I were nothing but a one-night stand.

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