Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) (16 page)

Read Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) Online

Authors: Brenda Trim,Tami Julka

Tags: #Romance, #science fiction romance, #Warrors, #Series

BOOK: Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)
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Zander fisted handfuls of his hair, wishing there was an easier path for them. “I will regret this if I doona tell her now. I pray she will eventually accept me.”


Wrestling with the dress, Elsie finally managed to reach the zipper. She swayed in her tiny bathroom, still buzzed from her drinks at the club. Thoughts rattled around in her head. Questions about Zander and the emotions he evoked in her. The dance they had shared kept playing through her mind wreaking havoc on her libido. She didn’t want to want him, but her yearning for him was overpowering.
Get a grip!

He and Orlando were waiting in her living room. She had insisted Orlando leave Confetti with them as her buffer. She didn’t trust herself alone with the irresistible Zander. Plus, she was on edge. From Mackendra, to Zander, to Lena, the entire day had brought an endless stream of questions and confusion. Man, she needed another drink.

She could hear the hushed conversation between Zander and Orlando. Zander’s sexy baritone sent shivers down her spine. That man played her body like a fine tuned instrument. Pissed off at how her body continued to betray her, she threw on her granny-panties and her favorite, flannel pajamas. She hoped her appearance wouldn’t reveal how she was truly feeling at the moment, which was aroused and ready for a night of unending passion.

Finally, she exited the bathroom, hiding there all night wasn’t an option. Zander was clearly not leaving anytime soon, and Orlando had all but moved in with her after her attack. She noticed they were huddled close to each other and took a seat in the chair. “O, can you get me a Monster, please?”

“How about some water? A Monster will keep you up all night.”

She jumped from her seat. “Okay then, I’ll get my own. Would you like anything, Zander?”
Me, naked, and spread on my bed.
She cursed herself and stormed into the kitchen.

Zander followed her into the kitchen. His gaze was intense and disturbing. “I’d like a great many things,
a ghra

His closeness and innuendo were unnerving. Not to mention, how delicious he smelled. An eternity passed as she lost herself in his beautiful, blue eyes. She memorized the way the lighter-blue color starburst out from his pupils. The deep, sapphire-blue morphed to…glowing, bright-blue. Huh? “What’s wrong with your eyes?” she blurted.

Dread crossed his gorgeous face, but was gone before she blinked. “I will explain that, but please, come sit down, Elsie. I have something to share with you.”

Total buzzkill. Quickly sobering, she skirted around the hulking man and plopped down onto the couch. Her heart was beating like a scared rabbit from her panic and fear. What did he have to tell her? That Lena was his girlfriend? That he knew she hunted vampires? That he thought she was crazy for believing other creatures existed?

He sat next to her and picked up her hand. He played with her fingers and palm. “This will sound unbelievable to you, but I beg you to please hear me oot.” She watched his face scrunch up as he struggled with his words for several minutes.

“You are correct. Vampires are real. In fact, other beings, such as shifters, sorcerers, imps, cambions, and so many more, exist as well.” He looked up and met her flabbergasted gaze. “We are members of the Tehrex Realm.”

Of course vampires were real. She had killed several of them over the past year. Her rapid breaths huffed through her ears as his words sunk in. But, he had said
, meaning
was some kind of creature. She wouldn’t ask, didn’t want to know. If he was a vampire that would make him her enemy. She quickly thought about her knife that was safely tucked under her pillow. Her fingers itched to wrap around the comforting grip.

The words flew out of her mouth anyway. “What do you mean by,
are members of the Tehrex realm? What are you? Do you kill people, too?” Shaking with fright, she looked to Orlando, seeking protection. He looked worried and uneasy. What did he have to do with this? He wasn’t surprised by Zander’s words. Was he a vampire too?

Zander swallowed thickly. “I am a vampire, and nay, I doona kill people. Vampires are not the same as the creatures you have been hunting.” He held her gaze with brightly glowing eyes. His eyes really did glow. She closed her eyes. He was her enemy. Mack would be disappointed that she had no desire to kill this man, well vampire.

“You and your cohorts in SOVA doona have the correct information, lass. The Tehrex Realm, and the stratum of beings that exist within it, were created by the Goddess Morrigan. Many centuries ago, a demon attacked our leaders and started a war. I became the Vampire King when my father was killed. Many humans have been killed by the demons and their skirm. The vile creatures who harmed you, and killed Dalton are skirm,
vampires. Skirm are your enemy, not me or mine.” He took a deep breath. She watched him closely. He didn’t look anything like the vampires, skirm if he were to be believed, she’d been fighting. His eyes were a beautiful blue with no charcoal ring. He didn’t seem crazed and she hadn’t seen fangs in his mouth. All vampires she had ever encountered had fangs.

As if hearing her thoughts he continued speaking. “Skirm are mindless creatures controlled by the demon that turned them. They doona have retractable fangs like vampires. Skirm drain their victims when they feed. Vampires need blood to survive, but doona kill. I eat, sleep, breathe and have a beating heart, exactly like you.” She would have been more bothered by the fact that he had clearly answered her thoughts, but her sister had that ability.

Her head swam with too much information as he continued talking. “For the most part, supernaturals are good creatures. Of course, as with humans, there are always exceptions. Skirm, however, lose all humanity when they are transformed. One of the first changes I made after the war was to form the Dark Warriors. Orlando, Santiago, and all of the others you have met are a part of this group. They protect humans, as well as creatures of the realm.”

Her hands shook as she set her drink on the floor. “I don’t even know what to say. Are you going to kill me now that you’ve told me this?”

She hated how desire burned through her when he gently took her hands and clasped them between his large palms. How could her body still want this man, thing, whatever the hell he was? It made her sick to her stomach.

A ghra
, you are in no danger. I would never harm you. You mean more to me than you can imagine.”

“How can that be? Nothing I thought I knew about you is true. You aren’t even a man. What are you Orlando? You’ve been awfully quiet. Are you a vampire too?” She played through all her interactions with these two men. How did she miss this?

Orlando’s voice brought her head up. “It’s easier if I show you what I am. But, promise me you won’t freak out and run off screaming like a girl,” Orlando pleaded.

Elsie glared at Orlando. She opened her mouth to deliver her scathing reply, only to have her jaw drop open when he slid his fingers into the waistband of his pants then pushed them, along with his boxer briefs, to the floor in one sinuous move. His shirt followed suit. She knew that Orlando was fit, though she had no idea how well-defined and muscular his body was. He was a good looking man, but did nothing to arouse the craving in her that Zander did.

She liked the druidic-tribal tattoo on his left forearm. Her gaze continued down and she noted that he was well-endowed. Not to mention, erect. She stared at the floor, ignoring the menacing sounds coming from Zander. She may have wanted to see Zander naked, but Orlando was like a brother.

“Elsie, look at me,” Orlando commanded.

“What do…” her response died when Orlando’s body wavered. It was difficult to see what was happening through the bright light that emanated from him. The light was so bright it was difficult to see, but he appeared to be changing shape. His face shrunk, along with his limbs and body. Skin rippled along his back and fur sprouted. Actual fur covered his entire body. Before she blinked, he was on all four legs and had become the white cat she first met at the cemetery.

She was cemented to the sofa, utterly speechless. She had allowed that cat into her house countless times. She was stunned. She had suspected there were other creatures roaming the night besides the evil vampires. Well, evil skirm, if Zander was to be believed. Orlando’s body wavered again. Blinking against the bright light, she saw his form began to expand and grow. The fur remained white while he transformed into the largest snow-leopard she had ever seen.

He had to be at least five feet high on all fours, and over seven feet from head to tail. She noticed that no matter what shape he took, his eyes remained that familiar, bright, emerald-green. She realized his patch of black fur was in the same location as the tattoo on his arm.

“Oh my God! Orlando, is that you? Do you understand me?” She gaped as she stared at the most beautiful animal she had ever seen. The snow-leopard strode carefully to her side, obviously not wanting to scare her and nudged her leg with his nose. Her hand hesitantly reached out and her fingers stroked his fur briefly. It was as soft as silk. She yanked it back wondering what was going on around her.

That growl sounded from Zander again, and then he issued a guttural, “Shift”.

The snow-leopard backed away from her, shifting to human form. She watched as Orlando calmly pulled his pants on and then sat on the couch, her mind whirling.

“I’m a feline shifter and can take the form of any cat. And, yes, I can understand you, but I can’t respond. Are you okay, El? You’re white as a sheet. Please say something,” Orlando pleaded.

“I’m abso
lutely not okay. I don’t even know where to begin. I knew there were other creatures out there, but I had no idea people could change into animals. And to see it with my own eyes,” she shook her head, confused. “Are you like a werewolf who kills people? You say vampires aren’t evil that what I have been fighting is skirm. How do I know you are telling me the truth? I know what I’ve seen. What I’ve lived through.”

“El, I’ve been living with you for weeks now. You know me. I am no more evil than you. I only kill the bad guys,” Orlando reassured.

“Lass, we are no’ the creatures you believe. We are still the same males you have come to know. I hate to see that fear in your eyes. None of us would ever hurt you,” Zander replied. He reached out to stroke her cheek and she flinched away from him.

“I can’t believe this. It’s difficult to simply trust what you are saying. For over a year now I have been killing what I thought were vampires and now I’m supposed to believe they weren’t the same as you.” She struggled to accept the reality they presented. She felt betrayed by all of them. They had been lying to her and keeping an enormous secret this whole time. Could she ever trust them again?

She had begun to feel like she was a part of a family again, but now she didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. “I need you both to leave and don’t send any of your guys to my apartment. I need to be alone right now.” They both sat, staring at her and when they didn’t move she yelled, “Leave, now!”


Sharp claws shredded Zander’s heart into pieces in his chest. He never truly believed his mate would reject him, but that is exactly what she had done. His biggest fear had come true. He had a new appreciation for the pain she referred to as her black hole, for he had developed one of his own. He was jealous of the red, chenille blanket she had wrapped around herself as she curled up in the chair. It should be his arms comforting her. His chest she curled into. Her eyes screamed she hated him and wanted nothing to do with him, ever again.

He turned to leave when her tears started, but found it impossible to go out the door. “I know ‘tis a lot to take in. You’re hurt and angry that we didna tell you this sooner, but understand that our mission is to keep humans and the Tehrex Realm safe. Your mission with SOVA posed an unknown threat that I was obligated to evaluate before arming you with information that could harm countless innocent beings. We all love and care for you. That was never a lie. I will be here if you need me.” He shut the door, leaving his heart in the hands of his Fated Mate.


Enough crying, Elsie chastised. Call your sister. Cailyn would know what to do. She always knew what to do. Grabbing the cell phone Zander had given her, one more reminder that the creatures of her nightmares had infiltrated her life, she called her sister.

Cailyn answered on the second ring. “Is everything okay? What’s going on?”

She felt guilty about calling past midnight when she heard her sister’s groggy voice. “I’m not hurt, at least, not physically. I need to talk to you. I’m sorry for calling so late, but this can’t wait.”

She heard the rustling of sheets and imagined Cailyn sitting up in bed. “You know you can call anytime, day or night. Now tell me, what’s wrong. Your thoughts are all jumbled. I can’t make sense of anything.”

“What I’m about to tell you is going to sound crazy, but trust me, it’s real.” With a shaky voice, she told her sister what she had learned from Zander and Orlando about the creatures of the Tehrex Realm and the skirm who had killed Dalton. She purposely left out how she had been hunting skirm with SOVA for over a year.

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