Dreamwalker (32 page)

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Authors: Andrea Heltsley

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dreamwalker
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Close up shop indefinitely for now. It is the only thing I can do. Besides, I don’t even know if I have the luxury of coming back in that capacity. It is for the best I guess,” she answered unconvincingly.

I could tell her heart is breaking. All the blood sweat and tears she put into this place could be all for nothing now. It showed on her face as tears began to form in the corners of her eyes and she swiped at them with her index fingers.

Let me make you a sign for the door while you check the remainder of the customers out,” Sam offered.

Thanks,” Autumn sniffled.

They ventured back into the store and I remained on the couch, now alone with Boone. I knew he could sense my confliction and he sat down next to me. Just his proximity made me comfortable and reassured. Unsure what to say, I just leaned in and let him wrap his arms around me.


I could feel the beat of his racing heart and it sent tingles through my core. I looked up and saw his blue eyes staring intently at me as if I was the most valuable treasure in the world. Before I could think, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his and fell into a soft tentative kiss.

Boone was the first to pull away. He looked deep into my green eyes and hesitated for just a moment, as if wrestling internally.

Are you sure Noel? I know you are conflicted and I don’t want to be the default prize. I care so much about you and I can’t in good conscience consent to this unless you are choosing me.”

I just sat there stunned for a moment as the words sank in. I rolled them over in my head for a few seconds before saying the first thing to come to my lips. “Yes.”

Yes, I am the default prize or yes you are choosing me?” Boone asked.

I took a deep breath and gave him the answer to my decision that I had already made. “Yes, I choose you Boone. I made that decision a while ago, I just wanted to tell everyone here where we could actually be together.”

Before I knew it, Boone wrapped his arms tighter around me and pulled me in for a passionate and sensual kiss. His lips were so soft and tender, I wanted to melt into his kiss and let the world around us wash away.

I was disappointed when he broke off the kiss with a playful nip. I wished I could kiss him forever. I was definitely falling in love with this man that was real and here and so sexy.

Chapter 24: Resolve

The swinging door opened and Autumn and Sam strolled through the back room of the Green Vixen.


Sam stopped dead in her tracks and smiled. “Are we interrupting something?” she crooned.

I bit my bottom lip and felt my cheeks heat. “Not anymore,” I said under my breath.

No, we were just waiting for you and Autumn to finish up. Are we ready to go?” I asked, trying to mask my disappointment at the disruption. I had finally made an actual decision and my reward was Boone.

We are ready. We have two bags of supplies and the store is closed. I took the spare key to close up and a set to the car. I also emptied the register. I figured cash would be valuable as we go forward,” Autumn said.

Good thinking,” Boone answered while standing up and pulling me to my feet.

Alright, let’s get going then,” Sam interjected.

Let’s grab our bags we left and get out of here,” Autumn said reluctantly.

Boone hitched our bags on both of his shoulders and we left the store. We all strolled out of the store and into the frosty November evening.


Once inside the car, I chose the backseat with Boone. I settled my head in the crook of his neck and drew in his warmth and smell of leather. I had almost managed to drift off in exhaustion when we came to a full stop. It jarred me back to reality and I rubbed at my eyes. Letting out a stifling yawn, I turn to Sam.

Are we here already? Good gravy I am so hungry.”

Yes, I finally get to see where my little sister lives,” Sam exclaimed.

We need to find you both some clothes and probably some travel supplies, depending on what we decide. I realized that they aren’t going to be looking for us for a while and I crave the feel of my own bed tonight,” Autumn piped up.

I reluctantly stepped out of the car, letting a shiver slide down my spine from the cold air. Despite Boone’s jacket, it was still getting colder by the hour. I gave Boone a small crooked smile as he entwined his hand in mine. We followed Sam and Autumn out of the cold night and into the dimly lit apartments.

I had no idea where my keys were after the crazy few days we just had. Luckily I kept a spare just above the rim of the door and reached for it on my tip toes.


I swiftly unlocked the door with a snick and opened it wide. I let out an indignant harrumph and continued inside. I handed Boone back his jacket and he laid it on the couch. He looked around as if he could see me reflected back at him. Sam did the same thing.

I need to use the restroom and you ladies look like you could use a minute alone,” he said offering me a wink.

I let my chest pitter patter as I watched him walk away. The minute Boone was out of our sights; Sam and Autumn started in on me.

So I am guessing you chose Boone,” Sam asked tugging at her brown hair.

I can’t believe it! Are his kisses as hot as he is?” Autumn prodded. It was typical Autumn and the familiarity was a comfort.

A blush began to creep into my cheeks and I had the deer in the headlights look. Sam just laughed. “Okay, okay you have it all figured out. I chose Boone. Jared is gone and we don’t know if he is coming back, let alone what condition he will be in. It is a smart choice that I had already made anyways and I don’t regret it,” I said with certainty.


Before we got much further in our conversation, I was saved. Boone had finished in the bathroom and was headed our way. I made room for him on the couch and scooted in closer. I craved him and couldn’t seem to pull myself away. That spark of electricity tingled on my skin as it crackled between us and I couldn’t help but smile.

I am starving, I don’t know about all of you, but I am thinking of ordering Chinese a.s.a.p.,” I said.

I agree, I could go for some Chinese as well,” Sam added.

Chinese it is. I will order a bunch of stuff and we can all share. I will be right back,” Autumn replied.

An hour later, we were all sitting around my kitchen table eating Chinese. Autumn and Sam turned out to be quite entertaining. It was a short reprieve from our serious situation.

When everyone was done eating and Autumn was cleaning up, I asked the dreaded question.

So, what is going to be our next move?” I asked.

That is the million dollar question,” Sam replied with a slow yawn.

I vote for us all getting a good night’s sleep and picking this back up in the morning over coffee,” Autumn interjected.

I second that,” Boone added.

Okay, then all of us should talk about sleeping arrangements. There are only two beds and four people. The logical solution would be for Autumn and I to sleep upstairs and you two sleep down here,” Sam said.

Just the thought of Boone in my bed for real made me giddy. The last time with him in bed I had thought it was a dream and I loved every minute of it. A twinge of excitement coursed through me and I struggled to tamp it down.

That sounds good, I am exhausted after everything that happened and I want out of these hellish clothes,” I replied.

Valid point, I guess we will leave you to it,” Autumn stated with a wicked grin. I hoped Boone didn’t catch that, although I know he had to have felt her implication, just as I was sure he felt my desire.

Autumn stood and pulled Sam up with her. I walked them to the door and told them to come down in the morning. We said our goodbyes and soon the door was shutting behind them.

I was all alone with Boone and soon my cheeks colored. I knew he could feel the passion coursing through me and I felt a little embarrassed by how much I wanted him. When I locked the door and turned, he was there. Drawing me to him, his lips melded with mine and I felt an intense primal need to be with him.


Sensing my sexually charged body against his set me off and I was silently begging for more. He was kissing me more fervently and pressed me against the back of the door. A soft moan escaped my lips as he slid his hands from my hips to my stomach.

His hands were warm to the touch and my nipples grew taut as he moved further up my tank top. I broke away just long enough to slip the sequined top over my head. My eyes focused on his as he undid my bra and it fell to the floor next to my top.


Boone hurried to pull his own shirt off, displaying well defined abs. In a matter of seconds, he was against me again and our kisses tore at me somewhere inside. A passionate need pulled me in and I was quick to tug at his jeans and then guided him to the leather couch.

That was as far as we made it. Desire burned through me and I slipped off the remainder of my clothes. For a few seconds, Boone peered at me with an intensity that made me blush before he brought his lips back to mine. I let out a moan of pleasure as we joined for the first time.


He was gentle and strong at the same time. His eyes stayed focused on me as he moved and I struggled not to scream in pleasure. I wanted him, needed him. Soon, my breathing went ragged and I was spent. Just when I was about to slow down, he increased his speed and pushed me over the top once again as he finished.

This time I did cry out in pleasure and he soon pressed his lips back on mine. I slowed to a whimper and he playfully nipped at me before pulling me on top of him to lay in silence. We didn’t need words as we laid there in ecstasy feeling so connected and at peace.


I had no idea what I was in for and I now knew what true love was. When two souls connected in a way ours did, it made Jared feel like a distant memory from another time. I closed my eyes and hoped that this would last for eternity.

Content, I faded into sleep. I stepped out of my apartment and into a dream. When I came to from slight disorientation, I noticed that I was in a hallway. There was a curved wooden door at the end of the hall and I slowly made my way towards it.


Just before I reached the door, I looked down to see what I happened to be wearing and gasped. The soft magenta satin cloak clung to me and settled on my curves. I was wearing nothing but the cloak.

I pulled the material tighter in front and unfurled my right hand. There was a key inside it. It was an ornate gold skeleton key. I hesitantly checked the door knob and realized it was locked. I slid the key into the inaccessible door and twisted. I turned the door knob and stepped inside.


A small gasp of shock escaped as I took in the room before me. The room was made up of posh whites. The white marble floors met with the white molded walls and up to an ornate high ceiling. A fire was burning in the fireplace across from me, crackling. A chandelier made of crystals hung high on the ceiling and sparkled across the white room.

The few tables in the room displayed white roses in gold cups, bringing an elegant starkness to the room. Soft satin pillows were sitting in front of the fireplace and I imagine how cozy they would be. I plump my magenta stained lips and began to search for company.


Leaning against the far wall, I saw Boone in his usual rugged style. He pushed off the wall and quirked a smile at me. An uncontrolled giddiness came over me at the sight of him. I knew this was his dream and I was inside it.

Boone made his way forward, never taking his eyes off of me. I bit my lip as I waited for him to reach me. When he reached me, his hands slid down the soft satin material before resting on the curves of my hips making me gasp. He pulled me closer and looked deeply into my sparkling green eyes.


My heart picked up its pace as he leaned in and passionately pressed his lips against mine. He was soft and gentle at first, and then his kisses became more intense and needy.

At last, he reluctantly pulled away and I felt a twinge of disappointment. It didn’t last though, because he slowly untied my cloak and the soft satin pooled to the floor in a magenta heap. He pulled me back, and admired my naked, curvy figure.


I sucked a deep breath in as he slid his hands from my shoulders to my collar bone and down the curves of my body. My eyes fluttered closed at the sensation and I struggled against my own desires. I reached forward, unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor. I ran my own hands down his chest and reached for the button on his jeans. I unzipped them in haste.

My breath caught in my throat as I realize he too was now standing naked in front of me. He looked like a Greek God and I swallowed hard. In an instant, my lips were on his. Our bodies were fused together and his skin sizzled on mine. Need coursed through me and I gave a soft pout when he pulled away once again.


I didn’t have long to be frustrated though, because he pulled me gently down to the soft satin feathered floor pillows. My brown hair spread out on the white pillow and I looked up into his eyes as he pulled himself down. My breath hitched as he caressed my body and we became one in a feverish rhythm. It was everything from before and more.

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