Drekinn 3 - Reaching Rissa (18 page)

BOOK: Drekinn 3 - Reaching Rissa
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“Why me?” Rissa screamed into the pillow in Cherri’s rooms.

“Cause you have to be difficult. I mean, who else would have a million year old cat/dragon and a murdering eagle
for mates
, while they were a wolf? It is just weird
” Calli drawled.

“I know what are our kids gonna be like. I mean, a bird that barks and has a tail. What the hell am I gonna do, the poor things will get laughed out of school. It is like watching a film of the future
I can see the other kids surrounding mine and picking on them. Then because our children’s fathers would have taught them self
defense and stuff, they go all commando on the other normal children and maim at least one. Think of the phone calls and papers that will have to be filed

Rissa cried into her pillow while Calli and Cherri stared at her incredulously.

“Are you fucking kidding me, that's what you are worried about?” Cherri laughed. “I thought it was a trust issue.”

Rissa looked up surprised and said, “What? Why would you think that?”

“Let’s see, possibly because you were standing on a landing of the castle yelling, ‘You’ll never take me alive,’ with just the thought of mating with Simon
” Calli drawled.

“Oh, well yeah, duh, that was before. I mean, we learned the truth, so now it

s about something else. Damn, I thought you were my best friends, how could you not know I would be stressing about this? I mean, when they shift, do I have to have a litter box and papers lining the apartment?” Rissa yelled.

“Get a grip, girl. We are all magical, our mates were chosen for a reason, get over it, and fuck them for goodness sake. Put them out of their misery
I mean
poor guys have been walking with a woody for like a week. Yesterday, Phillip excused himself and practically ran from the room when you bent over to pick up a pen that dropped
” Cherri said.

Rissa responded with a surprised look on her face and sat there for a minute. “Damn it, you're right, they are nice guys who were doing their job to protect us. Shit, I hate it when you're right. The only good part is I can stop spraying the stuff on me. Hunter's spray is a little sticky after a while. I think the bees were beginning to become interested
” Rissa said.

“So what are you gonna do?” Cherri said
pulling out a
file and looked at her nails closely before she began to repair them.

Rissa shrugged and leaned back, she was wearing her normal, high top, multicolored tennis shoes, and baggy pants and t-shirt. Her hair was holding its multicolored spikes and so she was happy with the spell the witch gave her. All in all
she thought she looked pretty damn good. “Just go with the flow.”

Calli rolled her eyes and looked at Rissa. “Honey, I love you, but you look like a grownup stoner.”

“Hey!” Rissa said sitting up straight.

“Sister, we need a makeover. Call Kiki
” Cherri said and then Kiki appeared at the door

“Hell, I am already here, if I wasn’t ease dropping, I figured you would never tell me anything,
” Kiki said and snapped his fingers.

Calli laughed and motioned Kiki, Sabrina, and Trina into the room. Over the last few months the three of them had become extremely close, you rar
ely saw one without the other two
. They reminded her of Cherri, Rissa and her, only a little stranger, because of course they were normal, fuck what everyone thought.

“Hey, we need a complete makeover for our girl
” Cherri announced
then stood
and picked up her communicator. “I will let the guys know they are having a nice dinner tonight and should dress accordingly, and also arrange for the food. Yes, Ris, it will be something other than a burger and fries.”

Rissa frowned and crossed her arms. “Why the hell do I have to change the way I look? I mean, they are my mates, shouldn’t they accept me for who I am?”

Calli rolled her eyes and walked over to her. She was dressed in her normal attire of a black tank top, black cargo pants, and a gun strapped to her hip. She could pull that look off better than anyone Rissa knew. After her mating, Calli’s muscles had become more defined and she was a complete badass.

Cherri, on the other hand, was more relaxed and able to focus on the medicine she needed to. She and her mates had been studying the serum that Simon escaped with. Her petite frame was more full and she was a lot faster than she had been. Her skills and speed made her seem even more intelligent.

Rissa was the one who was left behind, medium height, medium build, but a huge brain. She hoped when she mated that she would fill out. She had mad skills for fighting, but she needed them to be better if she was going to go into the Prentiss Agency. If something went wrong, she had to be able to defend herself. She could think fast on her feet, but she hoped to have a sharper sense of her surroundings.

Before that could happen she had to mate, she was ready. For weeks
she had waited to see what kind of men they were and each day she fell a little more in love with them. Simon was serious, and he needed someone to lighten him up. Rissa was just the woman to do that. Over the last few weeks
her antics had made him laugh and also scowl, but it was all good.

Phillip was more lighthearted and went with the flow. Although
she could tell the men were getting closer and they backed each other up a lot. It kinda pissed her off, but she knew this was what it was going to be like. Sighing
she looked up at Kiki who was staring at her.

“What?” Rissa said, shifting in her seat
feeling like a bug under the microscope.

, where
to begin, your hair looks like it was cut with a knife, and your clothes are atrocious. I mean
really girl, how can you even think about seduction until you have the right attire?” Kiki laughed.

“Because I have a sexy walk,” Rissa laughed
and swayed her hips as she moved across the floor. Calli and Cherri burst out laughing when Rissa swung around and had her lips pursed and cheeks sucked in like she was trying to look like a model. “Dahling, I need to be rid of this awful attire as soon as possible, and I need a mud bath and facial. Snap. Snap.”

The group laughed and then Cherri pulled out a bottle of wine and waved it in the air. “Girls afternoon, and Rissa is not allowed to get wasted, but we can.”

“Woo hoo
” Calli yelled and grabbed the glasses.




, c
ome on big guy, let's have a nice spin around the dance floor
” Calli growled to her mate as he lifted her in a fireman's carry over his shoulder. “Shit, the world just turned upside down, this is, like, freaky.”

“Thanks for getting everyone drunk, Ris,” Kade drawled and smiled. “You do look amazing by the way.”

Rissa smiled and looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a very short, blue, shimmering, jersey dress with black leggings and three-inch heels. Her hair was now artfully done with hairspray and gel so it stood up, looking like she was a rock star. The tips were vibrant colors since Kiki had the witch come back in and spell it again. Her makeup was dark and sultry, basically
she looked like an expensive hooker, at least

s what the drunken Cherri said.

“Have a good night,” Nik teased and kissed her on the cheek before turning to
and shaking his head in shame.
“Woman, you are the worst drunk.”

“Huh, what?” Cherri said looking around.

Rissa laughed
took a deep breath
and walked to her rooms. Tonight was the night and she was more than ready this time.






Simon and Phillip looked at their mate with a stunned expression. Holy shit, she looked fucking amazing, and she was all theirs. Phillip put his hand on Simon's shoulder and pushed them both forward.

“Sweetheart, you look beautiful
” Phillip said.

“Well don’t get used to it, unless I let Kiki in here every morning to dress me, this is a one time show, boys.
Besides Kiki is no longer talking to us, he thinks we are hiding his mate from him
” Rissa laughed nervously.

“Why?” Simon asked. “Why now?”

“Because I
a fool for allowing my crazy to get between me and my mates. Besides I am so horny
I was beginning to think I was gonna die if I didn’t come to you.” She admitted and looked them over.

They had taken her at her word and gotten dressed for dinner. Both in black pants, black shirts, looking so yummy she wished she could eat them up. Dinner was already in the kitchen and Rissa walked slowly to the room to get the food ready. She asked for finger foods and that is what they gave them. Four plates of finger foods sat ready for them to eat. Along with a bottle of Champagne, it looked like seduction was in the air.

Rissa picked up two trays and began to walk out into the living room, she thought she had the whole seductive sway going on in her walk but when her shoe hit the carpet
she swung when she should have swayed
and ended up tripping. Thank goodness for her men’s fast hands because Phillip grabbed the trays and Simon grabbed her.

“Whoa there
” Simon whispered.

“Shit, sorry. I just can’t be this chick. I am not the girl who dresses up in the nice glamour shit and waltz around. I like to wear my sock monkey slippers and sweats around the house. My idea of dressing up is a new pair of jeans and maybe a sparkly shirt
” Rissa said miserably.

“Sweetheart,” Phillip said. “Listen to us. We don’t care what you wear
. W
e want to be with you, not your clothes.”

“Well, maybe if you could wear the shoes for like an hour while I fuck you, but other than that, I'm good. By the way, tonight you are totally gonna pay for the whole hunter scent thing.” Simon laughed.

Rissa hit them both in the stomach and then laughed. “Hey, I had to do something, if I didn’t, the whole place would be able to smell how much I wanted you,”
he purred and looked at them with a hungry expression
. W
here had this wanton chick come from? “Food first, explaining in the morning,” Rissa said and went to grab the rest of the food.

After the first screw up, the night moved along smoothly until the food was gone. Then she began to get nervous. What the hell was she going to do? Her nerves were driving her crazy. She finally stood
looked at her men
and grinned. “I'm so not good at this
so let's just skip the whole, are we gonna or are we not. Cause we are so gonna.”

Phillip and Simon jumped up and were on her like white on rice. She smiled when they both kissed her deeply, each taking the time to explore her mouth and let
her know they were going to take care of her. She could feel her passion rising with each sweep of their tongues as they kissed her. Her head was spinning. She was finally going to mate with her men
t seemed unreal. Rissa knew what she felt in her heart, but she would not share that yet, she couldn’t. But tonight, she would try
show them.

It didn’t seem
as if
could unbutton her blouse fast enough. The hitched sound of her breathing urged him to get to her
breathed a heavy sigh of satisfaction when he finally felt a mound of warm, womanly flesh weigh heavy in his left hand
as he palmed her breast
Phillip eased the shirt off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground.

The soft purr that escaped from
’s lips compelled him to lean down and take
one of
her sweet, pebbled beads in his mouth.
Phillip pulled at her clothes slowly while she allowed Simon to run his hands over her bare skin, touching every inch that Phillip uncovered.

then removed his shirt and knelt between her open legs. He wanted to feel her warm
against his skin. He lightly sucked each nipple in turn
brushed her tiny fingers through his hair. Her moans had him looking up to view her beautifully
flushed face. His erection grew painfully hard as he watched her bite her lower lip, her eyes closed as if she were straining to hold back her sounds.
Phillip pulled her back against him so she was leaning on him.

could feel the heat of her mound pressed against his chest while he rested
between her thighs. The material of her pan
ties grew damp against his skin
, and he instinctively pressed his body closer to hers as the desire to make her scream
into a need.
’s body immediately reacted, and she bucked her hips against his hard pecs as if seeking further stimulation.

, come
around here and help me. Let’s show our mate
what it’s like to be finger-fucked by two men at once.”
looked down to meet his
gaze, her eyes widened in shock
she didn’t protest when
Phillip moved them to the couch and then
in massaging her inner thighs.

Her breasts
looked so damn delectable as they heaved with each breath she took, her need obviously growing as their hands i
nched closer to her waiting pussy
stared at their m
oving hands as they met at the mound
between her

“Oh, baby, I can smell your sweet desire. You are
wet for us.”
’s impatience had him taking over as he pulled her lavender lace panties down past her knees and off her feet.

spread her knees farther apart and looked down at
’s shaven pussy, licking his lips as he stared at his breakfast. “It’s glistening with your juices, baby.”
continued to stare transfixed on her naked
breasts, he leaned over, captured one in his mouth
and drew on the nipple hard, making Rissa gasp in pleasure

“Fuck, I can see her contracting with n
eed already.

twirled a single index finger around her
entrance. He smiled as
bucked her hips. He knew she hoped his finger would somehow sl
ide straight into her pussy

Phillip reached down,
pushed his finger in slowly
and then pulled it back out. She watched as he lifted his head
painted her nipple with her essence
and then licked it slowly.
My gods that was hot
, she thought
as she watched her men pleasure her.

Rissa watched hungrily as Simon
placed a single finger in his mouth and then let it join
’s as it wedged between her engorged pussy lips
as his hand wandered back down while he licked her nipples

“Lift your
up higher.”
didn’t hesitate to follow
’s insistent command.
Then she opened herself to them while they watched.
Their eyes widened farther, encouraging
to spread her pussy apart with her fingers to release her erect clit from its protective hood.

“Yeah, baby, you like playing with your pussy, don’t you?”
’s voice was seductive, but his smile remained gentle. “Did you
yourself last night?”

answered betwee
n heavy breaths. “I just showered and made sure I washed
my clit
slowly, moving the wash cloth
over and ov
er it
until I came.”

Both men growled at her description, and
gasped loudly at the sudden intrusion of two fingers from
two different hands in her
’s cries of arousal and the wet sound of her juices filled the
as the two men wiggled their fingers all along her
walls, hitting every sweet spot inside of her. Her body heat rose, and her breaths became shorter and more erratic.

“Let's move this to the bedroom
I have a sudden craving for fruit.” Simon grinned at Phillip who nodded and grabbed the tray full of strawberries and whipped cream that had been prepared for dessert.

Rissa sighed when Simon picked her up effortlessly and began to move toward their master suite where the men had been sleeping. She grinned as they entered the room. They made subtle changes in the room
showing that they were comfortable in the space and claimed it as their own. She couldn’t wait to move her stuff in here too
so they would all be together.

Phillip set the tray on the side of the bed and pulled a table closer so they could reach it. Simon laid her in the middle of the bed and she smiled up at them, she was naked and they only wore a little bit of clothing, but as they stood there
she could feel the heat in their gaze.

“Strip,” Rissa demanded and waited patiently.

“Anything for you, princess
” Phillip teased.

Simon snorted and said, “Well, within reason.”

“Damn that reason shit.” Rissa laughed and then watched as they took off the remainder of their clothes, she couldn’t decide which way to look with one on either side of the bed, she felt like her neck was getting whiplash swinging it back and forth so quickly. When they finally stood gloriously naked before her, she took a deep breath. Fucking A, she hit the jackpot. Both of her men were muscular and shit, huge. She grinned and looked back up into first Simon’s eyes and then Phillip's
. She could see the desire there and she felt her own heat begin to rise. Hells to the yeah, she was totally
laid and claimed by two of the hottest men she had ever seen.

“I am so glad they brought strawberries, whipped cream
and champagne for us to feed to each other

d and ra
n her hand over their chests
showing her appreciation for their romantic gesture. They
on the bed with her in the middle, feeding each other and whispering sentiments.

up a glass filled with champagne. He pour
a small trickle of the liquid on her nipple, lean
over, and clean
it up. She arch
into his mouth
loving the feel of his tongue lapping at her sensitive tips. While
fed her strawberries and whipped cream
, using extra whipped cream to spread around her lips and then proceeded to lave her mouth with attention as he removed it

Phillip ran more
strawberries along
the crease in her lips, and made
sure they were covered
with sweet cream. Then he
put on
end of the strawberry in his mouth, lean
and let her bite one
half while he took the other. He lap
up the cream from her lips and kiss
her deeply, sharing the sweet nectar from the fruit.

more of the champagne down her body until it pooled in her belly button and drip
lower to her sweet mound.
baby, you are like a sweet fuckin' treat just for us.”
He follow
the trail of liquid with his tongue, making sure he c
leaned every drop from her body,
sucking and licking each area he touched.
The sensations were driving her crazy, and she was thinking that if they didn’t hurry up and fuck her
she was gonna rip their

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